PAQE TV70 '.. air i im 12 oz. si'h f t Thij advert x :.' Control Board You s. .t pubL.shcJ cr displayed by the Liquor by the Government of British Columbia PERTH'S "Tango Pumps" in crushed Run metal JULIE ARTHUR Hi Styles lines in latest designs PLIO PEDIC Arch Supporting Shoes with Style Plus Family shoe store ltD. "The Home of Good Shoes" A re Guilty 0 PUBLIC WASTE? Waste in Wartime is no longer waste of money or money's value. Waste is now the avoidable use of labour and materials for purposes other than War. LUXURY PURCHASING is WASTE in Wartime It wastes money otherwise available for purchase of War Bonds. It wastes Labour Work. otherwise available for War It wastes material otherwise available for War Purposes. Remember: "He who goes on a buying spree Delays the day of Victory." The Consolidated Mining and Smelting Company of Canada, Limited TRAIL, B.C. Announcement DR. STANLEY W. COLTON, Chiropractor, announces the opening of an office at Suite 202-3-4, Medical Arts Building, 825 Granville St., Vancouver, B.C. j DR. JOtfNM. SrLCjUBSER fias now taken pver Dr. C6lt6n's practice located at the Wallace Block, Prince Rupert, which he has been continuing during Dr. Colton's enforced absence. When You Want a Reliable. Comfortable, Dependable TAXI Service PHONE 1 3 21-Hour Service at Regular Kates Letter Box YOUNG HOODLUMS Editor. Daily News: I Of late I have read letter in ,v ur paper extolling the virtue land otherwise of the local Chamber or Commerce. Now It 1 not my :utcntion to erttteise tfce Chamber but there is some authority in town I due for criticism dnee the advent I of all our war aetrvlttes and the I Cannery on the Ocean Dock. There has developed a small gang of boy hoodlums ranging in age from around twelve to sixteen or seventeen years. Now on Frday night after 12 pjn. during ow bteck-out the inhabitants of Second Are. from Ninth St. to the junction were disturbed in their sleep by loud shouting and talking on the street. I got up to find the cause of all the noise and I heard them down at my car so I ran dem and saw it was Indian boys who I chased away. They ran west half a block and then commenced their flattering again. I waited for a few minutes and then shouted to (hem that Ud phone the police patrol If they didn't get home. It had no J effect so I went indoors; shortly aiterwaras 1 neara urcm. agnm and looked out of the window and Just then a car was coming tvp the avenue so the bunch, five of them, took to their heels towards Frrrt Ave. The last one was a little fellow and he was saying "maybe it's the police wagon the man phoned for." Now that was at 1 a.m. Why should these young "hoodlums", be allowed to parade the streets at that hour when all our own children have to be Indoors I and in bed by ten p.m.: h there no such thing as a curfew for these boys? If they have no parental control it's high time iorre-one did something to keep them off the street after ten p.m. Tils is not the first time we have had our sleep disturbed by Ithis gang. My wife caught -me of these boys throwing a stone at a neighbor's window and she asked him if he was deliberately tryh8 "to break the window. Ills answer was: "What of it? It s a free country." On Saturday morning when I came dirt to so down town there was a sorry mess of flowers strewn on the lawn at the side of my ar- lage. They had taicen a lanto tree: I branch and laid low all the .'low ers on the bank, pulled peony blooms, tramped them underfoot, threshed down two large clumps oi , Russell Lupins, pulled up blue bells and crushed the bulbs. My thoughts ;ran to retaliation but I took a , saner view of the situation and re-I ported to the police. But I expect I they are too busy otherwise to Ir? 'troubled with such trivialities as , "hoodlums" disturbing the peace and rest and property of the rate-I payers of the city, i Thanks, Mr. Editor, and here's hoping this will get some results around town. WALTER LONOWILL. Named Assistant C.N.R. Architect MONTREAL. June 8. Appoint ment of G. F. Drummond to the position of assistant chief architect of the Canadian National Railways with office at Montreal Is announced by John Schofleld. chief architect of the National system. George Fairly Drummond was born in Glasgow, Scotland, on Sept. 10, 1891, and received his architectural training in the Old Country, being a graduate of the Royal Technical College and the Glas-god School of Art. A short while later he came to Canada and Joined the staff of one of the largest architectural firms in Montreal.1 After service overseas with the Canadian Field Artillery, he returned to his former position and soon became chief designer, being responsible for the design of many important buildings throughout Canada. In October, 1927, Mr. Drummond Joined the architectural department of the Canadian Natloal Railways and two years later was promoted to assistant architect whkh position he has held until his present appointment. Since Joining the railway he has been associated with the design and construction of all the Important railway hotels, stations, office buildings and the modernization of passenger car equipment nnd is well known to. the architectural and Building trades throughout the dominion. He Is a member of the Quebec Association of Architects and also the Royal Architectural Institute of Canada. THE DAILY NEW3 Bridge Tourney Is Continuing ReMH of Wrrk's Play In I. O. I. E. Competition and Drawing For Second I Mr. Kerrigan and Mrs. ONfis v Mr. and Mrs. R. S. Orttg. I Mr. and Mrs. George Kills vs Miss E. M. Earl and Mrs. C Cullln. Mrs. Sam liaagan and Mrs. J T. Kasper vs. Leading Alrcrafu-mm Klein and partner. Mr. and Mrs. C. O. Ham vs. Flight Sergeants Dorland and On veil. j Mrs. J. E. Jack and Mrs. James The bridge tewmament a Qwt) Strnfawn vs. Mis. C. E. Dodlmead uanjmers of the Empire, m eon- Mr. and Mrs. r. O. OKlham tlnuln? with .keen inter pre- Mr. and Mi. Frank Skinner. Tailing. Mrs. James Andrews and Mrs Results of last week's play were Weder vs. Mrs. J. A. McRae and as follows: Mrs E V. Whiting.. Mr. and Mrs. H. F. Olfeaaey wan . over Mrs. Ernest Grmnon and William CfuiefetrttKik, traveRtnn Mrs. E. D. Baker. passenger stent for the Canadian Mrs. Kerrigan and Mrs. Gtttts National Railways at Ret. won over Mrs. O. A. Mill, and Mrs leaves by tins evenings train on Taylor. Ms return to the Saskatchewan Mrs. J. Andrew and Mrs. Weder capita! after a brief v. sit to the beat Mrs. C. ONeill and Mrs. C. city Berner. Mrs. J. E. Jack and Mr. James Umpson beat Mrs. W. W. Wflrthal' snd Mrs. WJWam Reid. Mr. and Mrs. Oldham beat Mrs J. L. Lee and Mrs. W. L. Sandl-son. Mr. and Mrs. C. 0. Ham beat Mrs. J. a. Steen and Mrs. A. T Parkin. ThhlVeek'sriay This week's play wHl be as follows: Mr. and Mrs. H. F Oifts-'v Mrs. C. F. Ohind and Mrs F H Brooksbank. Sure Quick Relief from Asthma nil U. twu -'rlk any uaj 1 kin nun KELLOGG'S EF FIRST .AID NEEDS GAUZE BANDAGES, 1" x 10 yards 13c GAUZE BANDAGES, V x 10 yard :r,c ABSORBENT COTTON, loz. 15c ABSORBENT COTTON, 16 oes. 51.00 GAUZE, 1 yard '. 20c GAUZE, 5 yards 7 75c ABSORBENT LINT, package 2.V BANDAIDS, Plain or Mercurochrome 2"c ADHESIVE TAPE, " x 2 vards ... 15c ADHESIVE TAPE, 3" x 5 yards :f: ll)C TANNIC ACID JELLY, for Burns r0c TINCTURE OF IODINE, 2 oza r Also FIRST AID KITS FOR THE HOME 10c, 83c, $2.25 and $3.25 Ormes Ltd. Z7iif. Pioneer Drufjft3t.s TIIL RUXAM. STORK i'HONKS XI AND K Open Dally from 8 a.m. till 19 p.m. Sundays and Holiday from 12-2 p.m. and 7-9 p.m. III '"l CAMP FURNITURE 8 only Poldln Camp Cot. each S2.75 10 only Folding Camp Cots, heaty 10 oz. hhaki duck, eeh $7.00 Folding Camp Chairs from 75c. $1.50, $2.3 Steel Folding Camp CoU, complete with nuttrettes, nth $iM) Tents, Sleeping Robes, Paek Boards. Fack Backs, Dunnage Dags Simmons Bed Outfit, all sizes. Spring Filled Mattress in all sizes Large Stock of Floor Covering, Congoleumi, LhiolennM, Oarpcta Unpalnted Furniture, Cheats of Drawers, Dropalde Table. Meaf Safes, Ironing Boards, Etc. We have the Oood at Elio's Furniture Store Third Avenue, next to Daily News. I NOW IS THE TIME- it Green 91C Give us an order right away for the amount of coal you expect to need next season. This will enable us to meet your requirements now or as supplies arrive, , It is important that you should lay in your coal supply this summer as it is almost certain that the dealen will not be able to c6pe satisfactorily with the demand next winter. IT IS NOT HOARDING TO UUV YOUK.COAL EARLY (It Is also necejsary to place your order a day ahead of Delivery) Albert & McCaffery Ltd. I'HONKS 116 OK 117 1 1 1 SBM I 8 ls IS HBHlBS!SSvw E rl I'Wter'stiotfOMq fo teach my A XOTWi' I "I've read how Hitlrr start training Iih killers when they're tixMtar. So I reckon It V up to tne and every other Canadian nwttli- r to train our children to realir tltflt tkr. got to pay for their freedom!" "That why I kc to it that all my chiklrt u huy War Saving StamjH nvry utt, I t II them what freedom mean wltat the proton up are fighting for that it for them! V they've got to give up something ti anl the money $5.00 hack for every $1.60 a -1 now will come in mighty handy wlteii tlirv start out on their owuP Srf War WtW1 Stamp lrm hoaat, pall affkat, 4ntfiH, fftt w4 aifcar M .., 1 ooooooooooooooooocroooooooooooooooooooooooc For Quick, Safe and Comfortable TAXI SERVICE jj $ PHflNK ?3h IS a jk A A a ' ' 4 DAY AND NIC. I IT ooooooanoooAoooooooofHioooooooooooooooooooaooooooootw8 FATHER has his day . . . SUNDAY JUNK 21st FATHER'S DAY Send him n st'tdMc card-Coutts Canadian Cards, of course fc lo 25c Father's Day Suggestions . A Good Hook Address Hook Key Catte Photo Supplies Desk Accessories Chegs Set Playing Cards Pocket Hook Pen and Pencil K' Snapshot Album A Tnido Handl",,1; Poker Chips Burnt Leather Souvenirs Magazine Subscription Rental Library Subscription If you have something to sell, a classified adverts If you lose anything, advertise for it.