PAGE FOUR (lasses, lUggagc and Novelties. MAX HEILBRONER Jeweler Diamond Merchant Summer Scoop! SLACK SUITS Designed for Work or Play Our Fashion Scouts looked over the best of the Eeastcrn Styles and selected the choicest of the lot. Thus you may choose from many styles that Rupert ordinarily would not sec. BUY . . . RUPERT BRAND Sole Fillets . , at YJittLoiilljiicftrd fc V NO WASTE READY TO COOK Canadian Fish & Cold Storage PRINCE RUPERT to. Lid. : I Ml - K Expert OPTICAL SERVICE (j)nrr? Chas. Dodimead Optometrist in Charge AVatih, Clock, Jewelry Repairing, Hand Engraving VISIT OUR 15ASE.MENT STOKE for Fine China, Uinnerware. .v.v, BRITISH COLUMBIA 1 1 Limited quantities of each style assure you of something differ- !j ent at pi ices you'll recognize as quite inexpensive JJj Mail Orders rromptly Filled 0cn Saturday Nijlit RUPERT PEOPLES 5T0RE 1 "In the Heart of Prime Rupert" THIRD AVE. Next In llpillirniirr'tPlioti ill iif on- after visiting here with their son- Harhpr and sailed yesterday morn In-law and daughter. Mr. and Mrs. m on thr Prince George for Vic Alex Strachan. toria. Canadian National Railways Changes in Train Services Effective June 8th, 1912 TRAINS FOR THE EAST WILL LEAVE PRINCE RUPERT: MONDAY, WEDNESDAY and FRIDAY. 6 p.m.. stopping at all local stations, arriving JASPER Wednesday, Friday and Sunday, 7 a.m. WEDNESDAY and FRIDAY, 10:30 a.m.. stopping at Terrace. Pacific, Hazelton, New Hazelton, Smlthers, Burns Lake, Van derhoof, Prince George, Giscome and McBride only. Arrive JASPER Thursday and Saturday 12:25 p.m. INCOMING TRAINS WILL ARRIVE PRINCE RUPERT: TUESDAY, FRIDAY and SUNDAY, 11 p.m. THURSDAY and SATURDAY, 6 p.m. For Full Information, Reservations, etc., call or write It. S. GREIG, CITY PASSENGER AGENT 528 Third Avenue Phone 260 Prince Rupert Agents for Trans-Canada Air Lines A. MacKenzie Furniture Ltd. A GOOD PLACE TO IIUY 12 DINING CHAIRS, white wood, upholstered with Red Leatherette Seat. ' O E? Each .4 .. tj)-1.0d 100 KITCHEN CHAIRS, Eastern Hardwood, .Whltewood. Each PHONE 775 $1.95 327 Tlllltl) AVENUE i Whifflets From The Waterfront J Relieving the Catala which Is off for one trip on a special voyage. Union steamer Venture, .Capt. ' Harry McLean, arrived In port at l'9'o'clock:th morals f rom the south afld mailed at-3p.m. for Port 1 vaiif.,.rB g GET YOUR i PICNIC GLASS WAKE 5 AND in i CROCKERY NEEDS AT THE u VARIETY STORE I III! if if !;; II ixat if -a ? BI'LKLF.Y VALLEV HUTTEK urtte Fresh Every Week 1 N bflievc In featuring It nd helping our up-river farmers Try It once and we feel sure you will want no other it's freshness and quality Is unsurpassed. We also feature un-rtver VEGETABLES whenever possible. MUSSALLEM'S Economy Store S -Where Dollars Have More f Cents- ? P.O. Box 575 Phones 18-19 PAINT TH& (THIS TIME tn Phone 311 Br TTTTinrr -' ' 1 Jg - 9T5TH gmy.itsf ifi'H 'Erigrish' Paint is still the full (Wdled standard ptodudt of Dre- .war' years. The protection of -your (home Is a wartime precaution that should not be neglected, One gallon of B-H 'English' covers about ,700 square feet. i GORDON'S HARDWARE I McBride Street1 NEWS Aa . THE DAILY STYLES ARE GAY.FRESH London Folk Show World How To Look Well With Clothes In Ration Ltsli ! I'ByHDEHlsa 'DALTROfT ' Canadian Tress SUff Writer I .hmttN W 8: WltfoV Inat JSimpson, Wales Island and the womens ciothes are made strictly Naas River whence she will re-iaccordl to government design It , , ' turn nere tomorrow aiternoon southbound. The call at Stewart is being omitted this voyage. I, Union steamer Camosun, Capt. I; I John Brown, having arrived at 1 11:30 Saturday morning from Van- same night on her return south over the same route Having been delayed all around .by heavy freights, C. N. R. steamer Prince Oeoree Cant Kritt-nrd can be said In all truth that Bri tlsh women arc being clad in scientifically planned dresses. That is Just what they are. but gay and fresh at the same time. The Importance of style has not he-pn fnrirnttpn. But even more Im- s couver via me Queen Charlotte . now that clothing la Islands, sailed at midnight the , stringcnUy rationed, Is lasUng ab Uity and the designers of the new "utlilty-beautlllty" garments ordered seams virtually rip-proof and fray-proof through Also aiso reinforced reiniorceu arc tuc the wc jjw parts of r i S Mabbs. did not return to port un-'dresses llkely their shape rm w j.ou ounuay muriunx irum rvei- nrst tne wistUne and shoulders. S chlkan and Stewart, sailing alp, are bulit-in to keep their 5 C0UPle of hours later In continua-1 jnape longcr and 5kjrte arP rmuh- tlon of her voyage to Vancouver cd a iv0.nch bound hem. via Ocean Falls. Npw Mon,t- in 5 ThP first ntflclal showing of new Up to the end of May some 10.-1 utujty frocks made an tmmediate j very enthusiastic In helping with o 5 400.000 pounds of halibut had been nlt 1th fashj0n writers. Thirty this aalvaae. Lara amounts of , 5 fished out of Area Nto. 2 for the mmiri, U,P disnlaved. 10 of them , scran metal have lo been col-1 current halibut season, the Inter- made from one design but carried j at rtou nntnu and are national Fisheries Commission an-; out ln different materials and, waiting means of tranaportation nounces. Area No. 3 had yielded ' treated ln various ways to show some cnnriA four frtiir million mllllnn tvinnHc pounds. I H..t . . I. nt in' mirimum at the end of the week following a trip to Vancouver. Having been , iransierxoa 10 one 01 the company's nlants on southern Vancouver Island. Mr. and Mrs. Richardson are leaving Pacofi for the south. that irom , tt,. me stvles a vear allowed by the gov- lasm and a lot of hard work, and the very handsome oo-oper-atlon of every on concerned, this amount has at last been reached and passed, with a grand total of $314.15 which has been sent to headquarters, Vancouver. A very successful whist drive and sale of the home cooking was ,hed, with rallies and auction. A danco at the Fanner's Institute, Lawn Hill, got up by the T"iell members of the urrtt hepl-ed very considerably to swell the fund. Outside contributors who so generously came to their assist M-wt dresses had short sleeves ecutlve director of the CommisMo.i and skirts flttlnz closely around from Ottawa; C J. Lochnan of the the hips, then falling ln a small Civil Service Commission. Ottawa flare or with two pleats ln the Charles Henley, national selective front and a plain back. service representative. Ottawa. nnd( Trimmings were .generally of a;J. H. McVety of Vancouver, regional 1 darker shade of the same color as superintendent for the Pacific re- the dress. Small, thin tucks were glon. They arrived from Vancouve: 1 also used. 160 Inches of tucks are on the Prince Oeorge Friday morn-' llowcd on a frock. But there can ing and returned south on thr-be only two pockets, only two same vessel Sund.iv momms , lat- nt more than seven Inchw vldo whpn fully extended, no wide-1 ly flared sHrtn. only three buttons and no zippers, the whole thing always in a style whlrh uses the minimum amount of material. Tes- dressen range from the "O"! of 5.45 to $13.75 and when the purchase tax Introduced some 12 month ago Is removed from these utility clothes next September prices will be still lower. , RED CROSS I GOES OVER Port Clements Tlell unit reaches objective ln campaign PORT CLEMENTS, June 8- The Port Clements Tlell Red Cross unit was dismayed when It learned that Its quota for the Red Craw drive was $200, This was regarded as beins a sum almost impossible to raise among a community of barely over one hundred people all told. However, by dint of a great deal of cnthus- AMALGAMATED BUILDING WORKERS OP CANADA Prince Rupert, H.C. METROPOLE HALL Meetings every fourth Sunday ln the month at 2 p.m. Unit No. 1 : Shipwrights, Joiners, Boat Builders and Caulkers. Unit No. 2: Painters, Paper-hangers and Decorators. Secretary; Phone Blue 113, P.O. Bos 1443 X The Hyde Transfer- W&nted 500 GUNNY SACKS At 5c Each HYDE TRANSFER Second Avenue Phone 580 9f mm W1 VES and we mean in imiDAL WHEATII Kins C' i":'-' JTV t and ft!rt mbltj a ' kmi. ruf In v a I u , and pftctl John Bulger Ltd. NEW ROYAL HOTEL J. ZARELLI. PROr. "A Home Away From Home'' Rates 75c up 50 Rooms Hot & Cold Water Prince Rupert, B.C. Phone 281 P.O. Box 190 IX 'THE Ht'niKMK C Ol ItT OP I1UITISI I MM.i MiiiA i- ritonTt; ; In llir tnatlj-r of llir "XdmlnMriillofi I I Act" mid In thr niatlrr of Mir K.tHtr ' of XM Halttln Killund, iImmm-i!, In. , TAKK NOTICB thni by orfler of 1IU Uonor. ,Wt K, ruh. mack on Wve lUh 1 tajr of April, A D. 1942. I wiu ptollrt-ed AdmtoUtrwtor of Uv Etat of NfU lukvln Edlund. dcpiwl. and uj par-Ut hvliB ruim mrtlttot h imM n- laws ut hroby rpukmd to ftiriiWh un, prepcrly vtrlflrt. to m on or br. fore the 25Ui day of Jun. A D. 1043, nd all pnrUm Uulobted to Um nftntn m n-quirw to jxij th unount pf thlr lndWtniiw to nw foribwtth. DATED t Prtncr nujvrt, DO. Ul 37th day of KUy, A D. ?43 NOriMAN A. WATT. , OHicW A4lntotrittor, rrifte nupert. B.C. Notice To Pipefitters There will be a meeting held In Longshoremen's UU, 2nd Ave., at 8 pjn. on Tuesday. June 0, to elect officers for local 180. U.A.P. it 8., A.F.L. All members of U.A. In Prince Rupert are liivltwl to attend. ,. C1EOROE S. WEATHEHLY. Secretary. ance, notably the road camp crew oooooooooooooooooooooooooa . , n r . ...1 - ...a.! X O the men of the Pacific Mills log- 5 glng Camp ln Juikatla. g The children of the Port Clem- 0 ents School are moat enthusiastic workers for the Junior Red Cross 9 and a short time ago held a tea g and exhibition of their work. Uy 5 It they raised $7 JO. They have g have knitted an atghan, and have g also knitted nearly 100 face cloths o for the local unit. Salvage I Port Clements-T tell Unit has sent two lots of salvage to Vancouver having received a credit nt over $14 for the first and $M for the last shipment. Another shipment Is almost ready to go ,V1 Including the children, are On a regularly scheduled voyage ernment about 5.000 variations can j VH1V.ICUO Vl wj AjasKa, r. k. sieamer rnn- te made. cess Louise, Capt. Thomas Cliff. The collection was destined hv arrived ln port at 9 o'clock thls'the Queers dressmaker, Norman morning from Vancouver and sail- j Hartnell, and were manufactured d at 10:30 a.m. In continuation Dy a leading British manufac-of her trip to Skagway and other turer. northern points whence she Is due Autumn frocks were of fine soft back here Saturday afternoon ( wooi Herringbone or checked southbound. Scotch tweed appeared the most I" dav morninff from a trin tn Stew ' art on fur buvinz business. Unemployment Visit Rupert' j In the course of an Inspection) - w b- j ito. 1,, tour of all offices of the Unem-' cltv on TSElW Panel of plain woollen. -t- .riot smalt Peier Pan nnrt -v.wim oarueuiar reierencc 10 mo collars predominated for the neck- ;operaUon of the machinery of th-a l-nrttni hemelves to a national selective service and Mr. and Mrs. D. C. Schubert 5wiil William narcin (ranneii .. . . mnrp tailored blouse. Thcv are the other general functions, officials vuw. t,wwai uiaua- Hasil Kicnarn win mrfirrfrvr at , ed on the Prince George Saturday ger of the Consolidated Whaling the B a PacVectloUnt most economical In use of mat- of Uj night for the south. They are re- Corporation, arrived In the city on at Pacofi returned to the Oueen 4ai- f R upert week-end turning to their home at Ashcroft :he Camosun Saturday fmm nw u-., .u Close Fit Skirts They were Dr. Alton Peebles. eX- , , ... ... vuaiiui"' laidiius on mi;, tpmosun Announcement NOW OPKN Sunrise Beauty Salon Violet .Mah Above Sunrlte Store Entrance Sixth Avenue I'Hom: m.m: dij Prince Rupert. U.C 0000000000000000000000000 Specials 2 Smith Typcwritm Spial 1 Llrctrlc Hoover. Just like new 6 Coleman Gas llurnrr up from 31 SprinKflllrd Matlrrsses from $18.50 to $11.80 S17.50 S2.50 $25.00 8 3-plrre Chetrrfltldt ii the latest ty leg and colors at Iow Prlce. B. C. Furniture Co. IMIONE BLACK 321 Third ,rnoe hteamtm leave Prince Kuperl for Vancouver: Catala every Tuesday 1:33 p.m. Due Vancouver Thursday p.m. Cardena every Friday 10:30 p.m. Due Vancouver Monday ajn. Full Information. Tlrkett and Reservation FRANK J, Prince Rupert Acrnt Third Ave. Phone 568 DAILY NEWS WANT At)d BRING REStT.T8 PHONE 8 r!ar.way i ta i liw Uallarr lllKk CAPITOL aoui miiT? TODAY & TUESDAY Complete Shows At 1:00, 3:08. 5 00, A Love and Lauih I rolic' Joan Bennell Franchot Tone IN "SHE KNEW ALL THE ANSWERS" At 1.33. 3:13. 5 13 ADDED "Secret of the Fjord" "Pacific Frontier" J. M. S. Loubser CHIROPRACTOR Fresh Local Haw and Pasteurized MILK VALENTIN DAIRY rnoNi: 637 iwiouncewcnf We are Klad to a that c are no s-SIIOi: KI.I'AIKINO at our shop, with Mr W. Yatt ln full Charlie has many y; perlcncc In the t knows how to i uirr Al t ex-Is be shoe right. Let him t it w you. Wc also carry DK& EIIOES AND WORKING BOOTS LING, the Tailor SUIh Slreet Vhont fll Suits Pressed b7 E'csm While You Wilt Canadian Pacific Transniiitinontnl Trnns-Atlnntic Trana-I'ncific TO VANCOUVER VIA OCEAN fALI AND WAY POU-T3 SS "PRINCESfl ADELAIDE" every Friday, 10 pm 'VO VANCOUVER DIRECT:' ' June 2nd, 13th, 24th; July .1.01) Uh, 8th, 15th. TO KETCHIKAN, WRANOELL, JUNEAU AND BKAOVVAY June 8th, 10th, 29th; July 3rd, 10th. 13th. Direct connections at Vancouver with Canadian Pad"1 Service' Tickets and Reservations from W. I COATES, Heneral Aient, Prince Rupert, II.C