THE DAILY NEWS. THE DAILY NEWS THE \.EADING NEWSPAPER IN NORTHERN BRITISH COLUMBIA Published Daily ani) Weekly by THE PRINCE RUPERT PUBLISHING CO. LTD., PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. TRANSIENT DISPLAY ADVERTISING—50 cents per inch. on application. SUBSCRIPTION RATES—To Canada, United States and Mexico—Darty, 50c per month, or $4.00 per year, inadvance. WEEKLY, $2.00 per year. All Other Countries—-Daily, $8.00 per year; Weekly, $2.50 per year, strictly in advance. Contract rates ‘ HEAD OFFICE Daily News Building, Third Ave., Prince Rupert, B. C. BRANCH OFFICES AND AGENCIES New YorK—National Newspaper Bureau, 219 East 23rd St., New York City SBATTLE—Puget Sound News Co. wT en ENGLAND—The Clougher Syndicate, Grand Trunk Building, Trafalgar are. Telephone 98. SusscriBers will greatly oblige by promptly calling up Phone 98 in case of non-delivery or inattention on the part of the news carriers. Datty Eprtion. agen UNE 15 ONTARIO ON THE WEST. Star: left England I was told to loak over the in Old Ontario before seeking my fortune Editor of the When I opportunities in the wesi. Since arirving here I have read a great deal of real estate literature, and it leads me to believe that the west is the place to get rich quick, as you put it in your terse Canadian way. Am | warranted in as- suming that the only objection to the west is its winter NEW CHUM. Ontario; weather? People have been known to people have not got rich, but have remained happy. after all, is a frame of mind. get rich jn other Suecess, | | \ FROM THE EASTERN SIDE On a trip to end of steel the atmosphere sureh with the spirit of the pioneer and ex- arged is are plorer, even over the firm and solid roadbed that is guaranteed by governmental inspevtion and endorsed by a well patronized and scheduled train Along the line of the Grand Trunk Pa- cific are the skeletons of abandoned camps __ that served their temporary The frame work that ‘service have the tented roofs of the shanties|miles to Fort George is turning gray in the varied cli- matic changes. More primitive roofs of boughs and thatch have fallen in. The variety of forms in log construction suggest al- most a desire for wriginality for its own sake, and rarely there is even a trace of the magic impulse of -the expression of man’s joy his work. Couches of and heaps of empty cans remain, Discarded boots and clothing lie where they were thrown. Broken shovels and the varied remains of wornoul con- struction machinery seen at intervals. The of a horse that had pur- art- in poles are carcass served his More than this in praise of On- pose in the great forward march tario’s opportunities good taste prevents us saying, except that} lies in the firm ice, and the crows millions of} take alarm at the approaching in the last one hundred and fiftv vears millions and seit cted ain. On a roundec edge a people have been born here, have got married, raised chitdren| (t a esta tine ; aha) i jeiiereG stone é ancio- « ; . . > ent ; ar ’ : oo,” . . and died perfectly satisfied. Ontario is still the banner province} co p8 of wood work, its careful of Canada, and will hold the title for many years to come. finish showing in contrast with Winter weather in the prairie west cuts no figure. It may|/the universal erudeness, tells be fifty, yes sixty, degrees below zero, but the air is dry and that the work of construction . which draws material from the you do not feel the cold. Besides, you are so warmly clad in} : i . 5 : lwhole civilized world must also hope and coonskin overcoats that you are a walking thermos | take its toll of human life. After bottle. Westerners under fifty years speak of the climate as} jeaving Fitzhugh travel westward bracing, although people over that age, whose blood has runjis by construction train, with thin, qualify the meteorological conditions with another adjec-} the slow caution +a on an ' ; : }unfinished track and the uncer- tive. Any slight chill you may experience irom November to] UPfnishes Zz : : 5 : tainties and delays unavoidable April is gloriously out-halanced by the summer sunshine, in the shipping of large quan- which is so prodigal that they use it to play baseball from 6 to 8} tities of construction material o'clock every evening. and equally large numbers of t3 pee ‘ In British Columbia they have rain instead of snow in} workmen, The Vancouver climate, for instance, is supposed to be very much like Old London. There is, however, a great differ- ence. Just as they the which not make you feel cold, so they have rain in British Columbia which does not make you feel wet. The water in Vancouver is famous on two continents. The Australian ships take barrels of it home to show the people over there what ice cold, glacier fed moun- Citizens of Vancouver are justly proud of the water that comes through the taps. It no filtering or chlorinating. It is, boast, soft to with hard to drink. Indeed, many of the big real estate operators find it so hard to drink that they use champagne instead. Frost that is not cold, rain that is not wet, water that is hard to drink—what. more could an Englishman ask? The west a country unlimited possibilities. It defies the elements. Defies? Better than that! It tells them they are not—and they are not.—Toronto Star. winter. have frest on prairies does tain water is like. needs so they wash and is ol ee ~~. LYNCH BROS. Largest Stock General Merchandise Lowest Prices in Northern B. C. t— Sy +4 eae: a ..PARTNER WANTED... Established Insurance and Real Estate Office. Small Capital required. Reply P. O. Box 298 OUR PRICE? INCLU PT AL CHARGES, BOT4 DUTY AND POSTAGE. R CAP CURL. 7 Sart owes EET NTA ey Ve ae ame, an» 2 TRANSFORMATIONS “2.505,.P% t» ar- x Made of the dnest quality Hair. 1 ( ircumference of head nly needed an HA a conplete Hu © head A STYLISH TOUJPET ONLY $5.00 Entir: ; Transformation / $9.50 of $13.00 ~~ TWIST OF PURE LONG HAIR (a4 sketch) to complee this effective dressing. Price according to length and thickness reauired, (rom 00 All Orders detivered di eet to vour home, 8 curely packed @end tor LATEST CATALOGUE No 13%: CLOUGHER SYNDICATE, 449 Spadina Ave., TORONTO. Poe FOXBERRY LONDON Por Lig, Pale Grey & Aubers extre is charged A STYLISH POM} ADOUR. Entire Transformation $9.50 or $13.00 Toupet only, $2.26 or $3 60. Address al) ROAO, ioe a: ENGLAND. BROCALEY Coming and Going. There is a familiar joke about the three gangs on railway con- struction, the one gang going in, the one at work and the one com- ing out. Like all jokes, it has a measure of truth, and this is dis- cernible the train. A better mail service, with a good distribution of newspapers as well as letters, beyond end of steel would help to averta home- sickness and other forms of dis- content, but the railway builder is necessarily a bird of passage. The one cent per mile in and four cents per mile oul make a strong contrast, but even that does not counteract the tendeney toward rotation. In the Yellowhead Pass one hears the story of Jasper, the Scandinavian whose yellow hair excited the wonder of the Indians and gave the pass its name. He has given his name to the extensive park reservation, maintained and weil guarded by the Dominion government. on construction pioneer, 4 A short distance from where the Fraser again narrows to a river is the present end of steel, twenty-nine miles wn the British Columbia side of the divide. There are said to be 4,000 men on ahead, grading, timbering, tun- ineliing and preparing for the rails. All their supplies and im- plements must go in over the tote road. Great piles of baled hay are in waiting. Horses are sheliered in low roofed stables. Endless piles of ties emit the pleasant odors of spruce and pine. The store houses and other buildings of the contrac- tors make an irregular village of log walls and tents. Another in- dependent village has grown up a mite away, with Chigese laun- Gries, restaurants, barber shops, general and pool rooms. Here is one of the three hospitals maintained by the contractors, well equipped and with two resi- dent physicians. The workmen are assessed one dollar a month for hospital privileges, and that entitles them to attendance when sick or injured, In the hospitals, as out on the road, almost ali the nations of Europe are repre- sented, but Ksritish Columbia does stores THE PROGRESS OF THE WORK OF BUILDING THE G. T. P. TRANSCONTINENTAL FROM THE OTHER SIDE OF THE YEL- LOWHEAD PASS DESCRIBED BY S. T. WOOD. its 13,700 feet being sustained by majestic contour and = propor- tions. Near Tete Jaune Cache, jwhich will be the next end of the! purpose | supported | supplies. on the river for 320 where they jwill: leave the Fraser and build towurd the valley of the Skeena, which they follow to the Pacific at Prinee Rupert. The distance to Fert George by raii will be about 210 miles. The right of way of the Canadian Northern necessarily follows close to the line of the Grand Trunk Pacific through the Yellowhead Pass.— S. T. Wood, in Tor o Globe. jard today road view, the ti ite into a few miles alongs Mount Robson It is the highest and most impres- sive peak in the Canadian Rockies, comes steel, some fifiy miles farther on, the contractors are building two stern wheel steamer With these they intend to navigate and carry SIR RICHARD» MAY DO IT Premier McBride Will Be Re- quested to Turn Forst Sod of the P. & G. E. Rialway on Do- minion Day. North Vaneouvi June 14 There is a possibility this year that Dominion Dav will witness the celebration the most re- markable advance in the city’s history ever recorded. At the meeting of the ebration com- mittee, held a few evenings ago, Mayor MeNeish stated that an endeavor was being made to have the first sod of the Pacific «& Great Eastern Railway turned in North Vancouver on that day by Premier MeBride. While nothing had been arranged, owing to some of the principals not being interviewed, His Worship had re- ceived stilicient encouragement in the proposition to go further into it. Mr. Welch, of the firm of Foley, Welch & Stewart, will be in Vaneouver soon and one of the first to see him will be Mayor McNeish, with the request above stated. This evening the Mayor is going to Victoria and he will interview Premier MeBride on the same subject. 1. Thomas. Wharf. Launch Alice B., W. Phone Green 391. Govt. The Royal Hotel Cafe will be open until 1 p. m. after this date instead of 12 midnight, as here- tofore. tf AFTER THE LOOT Searchers Close on the Trail of Hidden Treasure. Medford, Ore., June 14.—After| a search of six years, J. M. How- has loeated near here the cabin said have been the heme of the men burying the vast looted from the Adams Express Company Bank when it failed in Franciseo in the early 50's. One Charles H. Owens of Michigan supposed to know the location of the treas- ure with reference to the cabin. He started Howard out on his six Now Howard is: try- ing to find him, and when he does he thinks the two will have difficulty in finding the treasure. to treasure San is years’ hunt. no The modern, high class place for billiards and pool. Seale’s, Third avenue. tf Take home a quart of ice cream when you go. See Keeigey. COAL NOTICES, Skeena Land District—District Charlotte Islands. Take notice that I, William Watson, of the City cf Prince Rupert, B. C., contrac- tor, intend to apply for a license to pros- | pect for coal and petroleum on and under! the following described lands on the west! of Queen }coast of Graham Island: | Commencing at a post planted 1 mile! east of the southeast corner of Coal Lease | No. 7168, thence south 80 chains, thence | west 80 chains, ce north 80 chains. thence east 80 ns to the place of| commencement. | gistry| IN THE MATTER OF the Land Re ; W. L. BARKER FOR SALE | > E lica- Act and IN THE MATTER of an &p tom for the issne of duplicate Cerenuss- ARCHITECT of Title in the name 0 WE . - i : \ Hiowing lands—namely, the ‘ : 1 hoists. southwest quarter (s.W. %) of Section Three different sizes of w Lot 3, Block 40, Section « Twenty-three (23), Township twee Phone 89 eash, bal. arranged #9 re Five (5), Coast district; i eideast "webs! tor “NE. %) of Section) Aiperts Block Second Ave, | Lot 20, Block 100, sect 4 Fourteen (14), Township Twelve (12), ; $475 cash, bal. G.' 1. p #1,060 east aware ti Ee ite ion aorren| * es sali halele Lot 38, Block 27, Section ry reer (NB. 4) Oe ew . Nicholson a8 19. $150 ray the northwest uarter RAG dedeer H. Gordon Munro w ILEY ryan a 6-12-18, I Section Bight (8), the southwes ; ] Ot 20, Block 28, Section ¢ (SW. 4). of Section Eighteen (18), MUNRO & LAI four room house: 81.150 With Township Eleven (11), and the northwest) 3 12-18, , bal. quarter (N.W. %) of Section Thirteen Architects, Lots 75-76, Block 3 { shi Twelve (12), 4 = ie * ots 75-76, ock 3, Section A Range Five (8). Coast District; the west Stork Building, Second Avenue. 1-2 cash,’ bal. 6-19' half (W. %4) of Section Twenty-six (26), sine ye Townsbip Tweive (12), Range Five §), wal secissas neptune - rhe? or tee Section 63) Coast District; the east half (E. re ad aa ’ > rec Section Twenty-three (23), northwest | STUART & S'‘t EWART quarter (N.W. %&) and east half (E. %4)) : : ities of Section Twenty-four (34), cast Beer Accountants . & Section Twenty-eigh 28), wh 9 Sse halt cE. 4 “ot Section Thirty-three} 309 2nd Ave. Phone No. 280 «FOR RENT... 33), west half (W. %) and northeast | Prince Rupert P. O. Bux 3514 quarter (N.E. %) of Section Thirty-four) , : ca Four room house on Fifth ay: (34), Township Twelve (12), Range Five) ayditors for Cily of Prince Rupert newly papered and painted 5), Coast District; the northwest quarter N.W. %) of Section Twenty-three (23), i eee | Three FOOT NOUSE With toile ; Township Twelve (12), Range Five (5); Offices in Law-Butler Bldg. Thro Coast District and the northeast quarter) .) peep CARSS, C. V. BENNETT, B.A. Ave N.E. %) of Section Thirteen (13),| ¢ British Columbia of B.C., Ontario, Sas-| building in rear of Law-py i southwest (S.W.) quarter of Settlve| and Manitoba Bare. katchewan and Al-| Third Ave. Wide, Twenty-four (24), Township Twelve) berta Bare. Range Five (5), Coast District, all Province of British Columbia. is hereby given that it is my to issue, one month after the hereof, a duplicate of these Certificates of Title to the above mentioned lands which Certificates of Title are issued in the name of Edwin G.) Russell and dated the 28th day of July, 1905, and the 3rd day of November, 190 ‘| respectively, and numbered 4 and 965. WILLIAM E. BURRITT, | District Registrar of Tifles Pub. May 4th, 1919. 12), in the NOTICE intention first publication WATER NOTICE. For a License to Take and Use Water. Notice is hereby given that Lakelse De- velopment Co., Ltd., of 3 Haddon Bidg., Vancouver, will apply for a license to take and use 400 cubic feet per second of water ouf of Williams Creek, which flows in a westerly direction through Southeast Lakelse Valley and empties into Lakelse Lake near North End. The water will be diverted at a point 3 miles above the bridge and will be used for irrigation and power purposes on the land described as Lakelse Valley between Skeena River and Lakelse Lake. This notice was posted on the ground on the 6th day of May, 1912. The appli- cation will be filed in the office of the Water Recorder at Prince Rupert. Objections may be filed with the said Water Recorder or with the Comptrolier f Water Rights, Parliament Buililing, Victoria, B. C. LAKELSE VALLEY DEVELOPMENT cO., LT By W. 18, 1¥i2. Rk. Flewin, Agent. Pub. May WATER NOTICE. Office— Albert Block, Second Avenue. jocal anasthetics administered for Por a License to Take and Use Water. N..OTICE is hereby given that James A. Brown, of Port Essington, B. C. will apply for a license to take and use Two Thou- sand 2,000 inches of water out of Browns Creek, which flows in a north- easterly direction through Lot 121, and empties ivto Hocsall River, near Grassy islan:. The water will be diverted at Browns Lake, and will be used for in- dustrial purposes on the land described a: Lot 121, Range 5, Coast District. This notice was posted on the ground on the 2nd day of May, 1912. The a plication will be filed in the office of the Water Recorder, at Princ Rupert, B. C, Objections may be fied with the saic Water Recorder or with the Comptroller of Water Rights, Parliament Buildings, Victoria, B. C | JAMES A. BROWN, Applicant. Pub. May 4th, 1912. WATER NOTICE. For a License to Take and Use Water. Notice is hereby given that the Prince Rupert Hydro-Electric Co., Ltd., of Mon- treal, Canada, will apply for a license to take and use 100 cubic feet per second of water out of McKnight Creek, which ows in a northeasterly direction through Wm. Agnew application to purchase, and empties tnto Hocsall River about 1 mile above mouth of Browns Creek. The water will be diverted at MecKnight’s Lake and will be used for power purposes on the land described as Wm. Agnew application to purchase. This notice was posted on the ground on the 25th day of May, 1912. The ap- plication will be filed in the oMce of the Water Recorder at Prince Rupert, B. C. Objections may be filed with the said Water Recorder or with the Comptroller of Water Rights, Parliament Buildings, Victoria, B. C. THE PRINCE RUPERT HYDRO-ELEC- TRIC CO., LTD., Applicant. By A. W. Agnew, ’ Agent Pub. June 8, 1912. CERTIFICATE OF IMPROVEMENT. Lost Rocker Mineral Ciatim, the Skeena Mining Division District. Where located: On the west side - — entrance to Goose Bay, Observatory niet, TAKE NOTICE that I, WW. T. Kergin, as agent for F. §. Dakers, Free Miners’ Ger- tifeate No. 33949B, intend 60 days from date hereof to apply to the Mining Re- corder for a certificate of improvement for the purpose of obtaining a Crown grant of the above claim. And further take notice that situate in of Cassiar fore the issue of such certificate of im- provements. Dated this ist of Mag 1912. - T. KERGIN. Pub. May 4, 1912. WATER NOTICE! FOR A LICENCE TO TAKE AND USE WATER NOTICE is hereby given that the Queen Charlotte Fishing Company; Limited, of 207 Carter-Cotton Bldg., Vancouver, B.C., will apply for a ai cence to take and use four cubic feet per second of water out of Edward reek, which flows in a south-westerly direction through unsurveyed Crown lands and empties into Two Mountain Bay near Tassoo Harbor, The wate will be diverted at Third Falls and wil be used for industrial purposes on the land described as shown in sketch at Water Recorder's office, Prince Rupert, and situated on the East Coast of Two Mountain Bay. This notice was posted on the ground on the 10th day of April, 1912. The application will be filed in the office of the Water Recorder at Prince Rupert, Objections may be filed with the said Water Recorder or with the Comptrol- ler of Water Rights, Parliament Build- ings, Victoria, hc. ueen Charlotte Fishing Company, not allow Asia a representation Dated this 22nd day of April, 1919. | Limited Applicant : “ailway co ary! “al : ILLIA ATSON. ‘ in railway construction. From pup june 3, 1090 ¥ . By Samuel A Moulton, Agent. ‘Pub. April 16, RE — nn va a FARM LANDS Skeena Valley Bulkley Valley NORTH COAST LAND PAID UP CAPIT7AL $1,500,000, 00 —IN THE— Fort George Di IN TRACTS OF 160°ACRES AND UPWARDS , Carefully selected Lands at Reasonable Prices and on easy terms. al) Nechaco Valley COMPANY, Limited strict FARM LANDS | } VANCOUVER, B.C, HAND LAUNDRY) “ ar action | under Section 37 must be eommenced be; | ‘APA Pattullo & Radford | Second Ave, Lots 32-53-34, Block 14, Section CARSS & BENNETT BARRISTERS, NOTARIES, ETc. Phone 60 LAW-BUTLER Co. 6198 Third Ave. WM. S. HALL, L.D.S., VD. D.S. DENTIST. Crown and Bridge Work a Specialty. All dental operations skilfully treated. Gas and the painless ex- Consultation free, Offices: traction of teeth i-18 Helgerson Block, Prince Rupert. Alex.M.Manson B.a., W.E. Williama,#.A., L.L.D WILLIAMS & MANSON Barristers, Solicitors, etc. x 285 Prince Rupert, B.¢ PRINCE RUPERT P20. BOX & JOHN E. DAVEY TEACHER OF SINGING PUPIL OF WM. FOXON, ESQ., A.R.A.M., 1ON,, BNG JOHN DYBHAVN Real Estate — Loans and Insurance Phone 384 319 8rd Avenue HAYNER BROS. UNDERTAKERS anp EMBALMERS Funeral Directors 8rd Ave. near 6th St. Phone No. 86 } | | PRC | | | E. L. FISHER Funeral Director and Embalmer CHARGES REASONABLE THIRD AVENUE PHONE 356. OPEN DAY AND NIGHT Prince Rupert Lodge, 1.0.0.F. Meets in the Helgerson Block Every Tuesday Evening All members of the order in the city are requested to visit the lodge. A. DOUGLAS, N. G. W. G. BARRIE, Sec. ‘Valhalla’ of S.H. & E.F. (SCANDINANIAN Society) Meets every 2nd and 4th Tuesday at 8 p.m, in the hall at 319 3rd Ave. SONS OF NORWAY Meets ist and 3rd Thyrsdayes at 7 p. m., at 319 3rd ave. All Nor- wegians are welcome. Hand cleaning and pressing. Best care of silk dresses. Capt. Joseph Janders LINDSAY'S “’Storace™ G, T. P. Transfer Agents Orders promptly filled. Prices reasonable, OFFICE—H., B. Rochester. Centre St. Phone 6s. SMITH & MALLETT THIRD AVE, Plumbing, Heating, Steamfitting and Sheet Metal Work Oface: 3rd Ave Phone 174 Workshop "nd Ave. bet. 7th and th Ste NOW.... That we have more front on 2nd avenue, we are able to display our large stock of beautiful oa Turalo — Georgetown Sawmill Co. Lid. Lumber; Mouldings A large stock of dry finish. ing lumber on hand Boat lumber a specialty. Delivery made at short notice. Our prices are as low as any, Call on us before ordering. OFFICE: EMPRESS THEATRE BLDQ. Cor. 6th St. and 2nd Ave. | MIGHT STATE i Have Some Good Buys Lot 45, Biock 1, S¢ nal house, Fourth Ave $2,1 ash. 6 and 12 months Lot 53, Bicck 20, Section 2, S Ave. $1,550 equity; terms Large number lots in all s List Your Lots Wit H. DOUGLAS ’ 313 Fulton St. P. O. Box 608 Prince Rupert Dairy FRESH MILK & CREAM DAILY Guaranteed Pure No Shipped Stuff Phone 287 —THE— Westholme Lumber (Co. —LIMITED Lumber and Mouldings All Kinds of Building Supplies First Avenue Phone 186 —o—o—-0-0—0 — o-# + +4? FRED. STORK’S; HARDWARE ¢ Peete I Just Arrived: Heavy Stock of ? e Wire Cable ' Fine Assortment of Ice Cream | Freezers, Fishing Tackle, Poultry Netting Screen Wire SECOND - AVENUE + —e-o-0-0 —- oo + + + @? —@— 6 Best on the Coast Rogers & Black —— For Kitsumkalum or Lakels¢ Fruit Lands write or call on th Terrace Land Co. ture and some of our upholstery, curtain drapery, etc. See our oe w mines, at the Big Furniture E, B.C e noleums, oves and a Grackens and Mickey edt ot . chen needs on the 2nd avenue. Entrance front. =a nants F. W. HART CORNER 6TH BY. AND &ND AVE. RTMENT HOUSE SITE 6, Fourth Ave,-adjoining F, H, Mobley's new residence, Sibinit eash offer, Phone 83 PRINCE RUPERT FEED (0. Big stock of all kinds of Garden Seeds, Timothy Clover and Grain Seeds. Mail Orders Promptly Attended t@ -: Agents International Stock —ALL KINDS OF FEED | Food: —= — Subscribe for the Daily News