PAG 2 FOOT THE DallY KEws J DAILY NEWS WANT ADS BRING J i RESULTS. FHONZ . loci before yow bvy.' B Mr tirj Err CrtlS is rttrj tafctet . . . . J. H. BULGER Optometrist 7 I (OPPOSITE POST OFFICE) STANLEY W.COLTON Dr., Pb-C. CHIROPRACTORj Wallace Block Phone M J. Bouzek, TAILOR LADIES and GENTS Ben Materials, Workmasship Second Are., two daors from Brsadeastior Station For Glassware Specials X See Oar Windoas o ( the VARIETY STORE X SPECIALS IN HOUSEHOLD FURNISHINGS 8 Camp Cots sizes 2-6, 3-3. 75 Mattresses, from S12 and up 8 Reconditioned Kitchen Ranges. 6 Remington Typewriters. 6 Large .Mirrors. 7 Chesterfield Beds in the latest styles and patterns. B. C. Furniture Co. PHONE BLACK 324 TWO CbTTAGES FOIt SALE. Large Public Hall For Rent. CENTRAL HOTEL Offer In Special . . . MEN'S SUITS;' Our Ettta Pair of Pants Free continues until further notice. M. T. LEE - Tailor P.O. Box 95 Phone Gr. Hi ANNOUNCEMENT 'We are glad to announce that we are now adding a SHOE REPAIRING DEPARTMENT at our shop, with Mr. Charlie W. Yatt in full charge. As Charlie has many years experience in the trade he knows how to rebuild your shoe right. Let him do It for you. WE ALSO CARRY BRESS SHOES AND WORKING BOOTS. n, LING - TAILOR Sixth Street Phone 619 Suits Pressed by Steam While You Walt, DRESSMAKER Mrs. Nakatanl Ladles' and Children's Alterations Phone BIk. 529, 582 Fulton St. Satisfaction Guaranteed Cleaninc and Pressing United Church Tea Is Success Dehrhtful Affair Heid at Home f Mrv W. L. Armstrong. On Thursday afternoon First ! United Church Ladles' Aid held aj YaieflUsi? tea at the hoeie of Mrs. ! W L Anastron?. First Awn. many ladies callin? during the; afternoon to lend their patrocae o ihe affair. The guests were received fcy Mrs. W. L. Armstrong ssisted by Mrs. Andrew Thomp-on president of the Ladies' Aid. Mrs. G Citeooe. Mrs. E. Clapp and Mrs. J. Clamina; xtre in -har? e of the tea room which, was rery attractive with a table cen tre A red carnations and red candles. Serrtteurs were Mrs. O. L. Hail. j&rs Hensman. Mrs. R. G. Mae-iiiT aad Mrs. T. Fraser. Powers We Mrs. R. G. Large, Mrs. After a reealar bostheas nwet-j-.g last night, orer -xhiefa the president. Clarence Insalander. sii in toe cnair. an enjoyasie , dance was held in the Metropc. Haii by Lodce Valhalla. Mrs J S. Black's Orchestra provided the musk and O. A. Morse acted as master of ceremonies for a good-sized crowd. 1 At midnight delicious refresh- j T.--n'.r wer served under cirecuor. of a committee consisting of Mrs, Jack Ivarson, Mrs. Sven Ekog and Mrs. Johnson, the affair concluding at 2 2-m. Oscar Larsen presided at the door HOTEL ARRIVALS Lutheran 14. Prince Rupert i Szt. F. Reich, dty; J. Goodlad :and M. Green, Vancouver; J. Kar jpan. dty. tfhheuHcetnehtJ AH advertisements in this column will be charged for a full month at 25c a word. Valentine Tea. Feb. Catholic Shrove Tuesday Tea, Mrs. J. ZarellL Feb. 17. Moose Ladies Dance, Feb. 13, Oddfellows' HalL Presbyterian Tea. Mitchell. Feb. 19. Mrs. George Oddfellows' Fortnightly Scotch Dance, Feb. 21. Admission 50c. Re freshments. S.OJf. Masquerade, February 20. Vardens Play, Feb. 27. 102nd Auxiliary Dance, Armour les, Feb. 27. . Welsh Tea, Mrs. Armstrong 5th East Feb. 28. ' Anglican Jumble Sale, March 12 LOB A. Spring Sale, April 8. Cathedral Easter Sale, April 9. St. Peter's Spring Sale, April 23 1 " i- LOCAL NEWS NOTES . I I Harold Ivarsor. sailed Thursday lught on the Prince Rupert lor a tnp to Vancouver. Miss Florence Johnston sailed Thursday night on the Prince Rupert for Vancomer. Mrs. Jack Joy sailed Thursday night on the Prince Rapert far a trip to Vancouver. See Gordon & Anderson tor Feb. raary fnrnitare specials. down balance over 12 months. Miss ; Myrtle Gerow sailed. Thursday night on the Prince Rapert for a trip to Vancouver. Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Boddie aaOed but night on the Princess Leetse ??.-. i Clark, Mrs. E. P. Jennertfor a vacation trip to Vancouver. Mrs. J. KnirrsJtT. The cams eookinz tabic was in r-arg c Miss Sharp and Miss Dorr-cy Stes. Dance Held By Lodge Valhalla Enjwjabl Affair in Metropole Hall After Bcrular Business Mfttinr. Caps. Robert Barttect. area paymaster, sailed Thursday night on the Prince Rapert for Vaneoaver. Mr. and Mrs. Pat Maaact and child sailed Thursday night on the Prince Rapert for a trip to Vancouver. Miss Blanche Curtin returned to the c::y on the Princess Louise yesterday s-'tfrr.oon Irom a brief trip to Vr.r . Mrs. James Denholme of TleH was a visitor in the city this week, coming in on the Camosun from the Islands and returning home oti the same vessel. Coming in with her was her son, James, who sailed Thursday night on the Prince Rupert for Vancouver. Maaeett. George Hartle, formerly United States customs officer here and now located at Petersburg, Alaska, was a passenger aboard the North land today going through' to Seattle on sick leave. Mrs. Hartle and children are already in Seattle. Cash for old gold. Bulger's. Alfred Adams returned to Ihe dty this week after speaoms a lev days at his home Tillage oi Jack Ray returned to the dty an the Princess Loarse yesxeruay afpwon from a trip to Vaaeou-Mbs Joan Watt arrirrd In the Ut$y. on the Prinee Loatoe jts- ercay aiternoon iroa vaaeouicr for a nstt wtth her xauier, Gorman A. Watt. Miss Frances Thomson, trho has been on a holiday visit to Vancouver, returned to the city from the south on the Princess Louise yesterday afternoon. Miss Roth Richards R. X. arrived in the dty on the Princess Log tee yesterday afternoon from Vancouver, being here to assume duty as office nurse for Dr. R. G. Large.. jMrs. Arthur Phillips, the former m&i Loretta Cutter, who was married here a week: ao. sailed Thursday night on the Prince Rupert for Vancouver. Mrs. George B. Casey sailed last night on the Princess Louise for Vancouver enroute to Trail where she will visit with her two sons. D arrow and George. She will also at at Rossland with her mother The regular monthly meeting of ' the board of directors of the ( Prince Rupert General Hospital, i for ordinarily scheduled for last night, was, postponed until some time after fTuesday of next week. 'Memners oi ine ijouennacers and" Iron Shipbuilders' Union of Canada, Local No. 4 will meet in the Metropole Hall on Sun. 15 of Feb., 1M1, at 7 pjn. Principal business, reports of delegates. The fire department had a call at 11:30 yesterday morning to the Pioneer Laundry where the top blew off a drum of cleaning fluid in the dry cleaning department Thef e was merely a flash and no damage was done. Better Quality SEAMLESS AXMINSTER RUGS Sizes 4'6 "x7'6" Sale price, each Sizes 6'9"x9" Sale price, each Sizes g'xlO1' Sale price, each -Sizes 9 x12 Sale price, each BUY AND SAVE AT Elio's Furniture Store THIRD AVENUE S21.00 &I0.00 S7-"() PHONE GREEN 919 HEAT WAVES ROLL FROM FOOTHILLS COAL For complete year-round satisfaction hurn the one and only FOOTHILLS COAL BULKLEY VALLEY LUMP AND SLACK COMOX PEA AND NUT LUMBER AND BUILDIN.G SUPPLIES OF ALL KINDS Philpott Evitt & Co. Ltd. PHONE 651 PHONE 652 AUTOMOBILE OWNERS! Now, More Than Ever Before, You Should Save! Lubrication To Stop WectY Our new High Pressure ALEMITE Lubrication Equipment really drives grease into those stubborn fittings and hard-to-get-at places where the o 1 d style equipment utterly fails. While your car is "up on the hoist our experienced mechanics will check your running gear and undercarriage and advise you of anything that might require special attention.' Such service may pvave you serious accidents and that is our desire. Rupert Motors Phone 566 Distributors of Chrysler Products FOR EMERGENCY NIGHT CALLS PHONE RED 811 Letter Box DISPOSAL OF SAND Editor. Daily News: I noticed that, after the first campaign in connection 'vrith the Victory Loan drive, the sandbaji a-ere damped in the vacant lot where the 'dugout stood. It am certainly not be possible to do the same thing on the pan office lawn alter this second cam paign and I would suggest that this sand and more be dumped at various points in the city so that the residents can avail themselTes of that bucket of sand we are in structed to hare in readiness in the event of enemy action. -It Could Happen Here." Funeral Notice The funeral of the late Murdoch MeLeod will take place Sunday, February 15, at 2 pn. from the chapel of the B. C. Undertakers. Mrs. R. Dupree and son and daughter, from Juneau, were pas sengers on last evening's train for LMUe Rock, Arkansas. Mr. and Mrs. James Trsano, from Juneau, left on last evening's train for Duluth. Mr. and Mrs. Glen Harker, from Ketchikan, were passengers on last night's train enroute to Tower, Minnesota. CiMifllO FOR SALE SAL Oak Dining Room ' Suite, good conditioa Chester-, field, cheap for cash. Apply 720, Seventh Avenue West. (39) I FOR SALE Range. $20.00: bed complete 515.00; other articles. Phone Black 106. 39) FOR SALE "30 Chev sports coupe. mileage 25,000: good rubber and engine In perfect condition. Phone Red 821. (40) FOR SALE Nice house, well luj nished, earning $245 per mdrith; Can be handled for small amount of cash. Enquire 100 Fourth Ave. West. (38! FOR SALE-31 ft. troller. 14 h.n. engine. Complete with Curdles, also battery radio. Apply 10C3 Ambrose Ave. (33) MODERN CLARE JEWEL COAL and wood range, slightly used. Apply 808 Alfred Street '38) HOUSE FOR $900 terms. Ave. East SALE $800 cash; Apply 223 Fourth MO) FOR SALE Black Iron Steam Pipes in all sizes, Just like new. Large lot of windows at low nrlces. 2-ineh snll n!rv anrt ! fittings. B. C. FURNITURE COn Phone Black 324. WANTED WANTED A housekeeper at 610 Sixth Avenue West, Suite .4. (38) wati Heip waniea, man or woman, Central Hotel. (33) WANTED Girl for general house work, experienced, no cooking, 6 hours dally except Sunday. $30 per month. Phone Red 403. (39) yvaix ' itjj i;apaDie young woman, experienced -pref-err if --fw boarding house. "Must be' neat ana last worker. Apply Box 204, Daily News. WANTED Capable housekeeper for small family. Sleep :n. Good wages. Phone Red 879. PERSONAL NOW IS THE TIME TO GET A I GOVERNMENT JOB as Clerk, Postman, Customs Clerk, Steno., etc. Six Dominion-wide exams held since the war began. Free Booklet M. C. C. Schools, Ltd., Winnipeg, Oldest In Canada. No Agents. YOU CAN RUN A HOME KINDER- garten with our help. Canadian Kindergarten Institute, care M. u. c. Schools, Winnipeg. Man. fiuxmsmj.mzmzwzmiuzKM'jmzma Ladies! Big Discount Off For Cash. You are all Inrlted to come In and look our COATS over before stock - taking. Some going at half price and even less. Your credit Is good, GOLDBLOOM The Old Reliable" FEBRUARY CLEARANCE SAI Kronen lines in Ladies' Straps, fy ana inmps. io ciear $1.95 "Onyx short and broken lines. ReJ $o.;u unu s'j.w values $4.95 Family shoe store Li "The Home of Good Shoes" J. W. Rogerson Wishes to Announce That 111 Store, the MIDWAY GROCER! at the Lower Corner of Sixth Ave, and : . v r i r r n is aum vuiupiL'ieu unu upen ior nusia Oar prices are rirht, onr service unequalled. Visit mi iJ settle your Grocery problem. PHONE BLUE Ml Canadian National Railw Steamers Leave Prince Rupert Wednesdays at 3:00 p.m. for Ketchikan and Stent! Thursdays at 11:15 p.m. for Ocean Falls, PoitHI Vancouver. Winter Excursion Fare, Vancouver and CJQC AA Tickets on sale Not. 15th, 1941, tUVfaW 1942. Final return limit MircS '. Tlu Tat? . J. Trains leave Prince Rupert for thel Monday, Wednesday and Friday at i.U Alr-CondiUoned Sleeping and Dining Cu For full InTormaUon, reserraUons, etc. call or ol " R. S. GREIG, CITY PASSENGER AGLNT, 523 Third Arenue Phone 2(0 rl Agents for Trans-Canada Air Llnu Moth Inswan THIS TIME, don't feed the moths! Destajl with one of these preparations: MOTH CRYSTALS (Paradichlorbenzine) ; 1 lb. tin MOTH BALLS 1 lb RED CEDAR FLAKES Pkg. . . . Or Store Your Garments io MOTH BAG Dust proof, moth proof, damp proof, ai'i each 60c Grmes Ltd Zffi Pioneer Druqgists Ooen DaiW from ft a.m. U 1" P0, 7 '"1 Sundavs and iiniM. rrnm n . I n.m. and i When You Warn nllaWe. Comfortable, D'f 4 151 PHONE 1 24-Ilour Service at Regular B,M J If yoti lose anything, advertise f"r