PAOZ FOiJH LOCAL NEWS NOTES John Menenshtllo of Stewart, is A. -c " Meeting. 7:S0 pa. Tisiior in the city, having ar- marrow: whist drive. 9 p.m. 35c. rived from the north on the Ca-iAll welcome. tala last evenLig. Noti.-e Mcyerj Sisalo: Special advertising offer, one 8x10 eoieur-ed tone oQ portrait, regular $3.95 for 31.99. Far appointment phone The County Court case f I P Matssmoto vs. Carl and J Byadnes in which the claim cf plaintiff is for $200 as the bajts of money owing on a boat buying contract, has been adjourned sine die. Flight Lieutenant L. H. Eyre! arrived in the city on last night'.-1 tram from the interior in the f course of a recruiting tour for -h. j Royal Canadian Air Force Dar-1 ing the next couple of days he will j conduct a mobile recruitti.g ses- s'xwi here for the purpose of re-j eerrtng enlistments, night Lieu-1 tenant Eyres is Conservative mem-j-ber of the Bi.usb Columbia Leg-! ilatur for Chifflwack. FUNERAL NOTICE LX).B.A. Spring Sale, April 8. St. Peter's Spring Sale. April 23, 6 II. Drinkwater and J. LeeUe. For drunkenness. R- Rekl was , Vancouver shipping men. sailM by fteed $2a. with of seven 'the Catala last evening on their clays' impriaonmest, by Magistrate ; return south after a brief business ' W. D. Vance in ettf police coirt nitt here. yesterday. Mrs. A. Friesen and Miss Clara Friesen, who have been spending the past several weeks in the city, sailed by the Catala last evening on their return to Vancouver, tak- Mr. Ryan, Commercial Hotel, after 'hr? with 'hem the tu infant chll at 576. J. II. PUisbury, after spending a' few days here on business in connection with his duties as a member of the Workmen's Com per. a-tion Board, sailed by the Catala last evening on his retain to dren of Henry Friesen. , i ule Indians on the Beaver Reserve Members of the Canadian U-. )usl noTth of st. Joha w lhe gion are requested to attend the Peace mver BJock m 1913. funeral of their late Comrade Harry C. Males, from the B. C. Undertaking Parlors, Thursday. 2 pn. "Lest Ve Forget" finncuncemen AU advertisements in this column will ik coared tot a tun mourn di x a wore Angucan Jumble Sale, March 12. 8X3H. Dance March 13. St. Patrick's Tea. Catholic Hall. March 17. Presbyterian Tea. Mrs. March 19. Little Norway Munthe's. March 19. Tea, S.O.N. Dance March 27. ACHES Yog s f6' r re it -with UtdAft 3rif,tm GnneM4 CopwWi. Th fin irrtd'ttt rCtt pern ccj cold mirf fatl. Tfc itcand Olmi&tt nd rtfrtJ. T-t Hard fccfwSxtaSy rcisut Leading Aircraftsman Elmer vsaisp Clausen arrived in the city on last night's tram from High River. I Alta., and will spend a six-day leave here before nroceedlne to The Prince Rupert Chapter of the Graduate Nurses' Association jf British Columbia was in session Monday evening at the Nurses' Home of the Prince Rupert General Hospital. The new president. Miss Jeanette Foster R. N., was in the chair. Business was of a routine character. L3'8- Dr. Neal M. Carter, director of Jthe Prince Rupert Fisheries Ex- AIrs pertinents 1 Station, was the speaker today at the regular weekly luncheon of the Prince Rupert Gyro Cfctb. President G. L. Rorie I was In the chair and there was a i REDDY SAYS: Duy Victory Donds and War Savings Certificates to help win the war. Harold Ivarson re tamed to the city on the Prince Rupert this morning from a trip to Vancouver. Don Brown returned to the city on the Prince Rupert this morning from a business trip to Miss Florence Johnston returned to the city on the Prince Rupert this morn tog after spending the past few weeks in Vancouver. Miss Elizabeth Currie. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Currie. arrived in the city from Vancouver on the Prince Rupert this morn ing. Leonard Thorburn of the feder al excise department arrived in the city on the Prince Rupert this morning from Vancouver, being NOT ONE BUTTHREE here on official business. f FOR FASTER RELIEF OF OFA l-C0LDS ' Mr. and Mrs. Harold Hampton. 'who were married here recently. ; returned to the city on the Prince Rupert this morning from a honeymoon trip to Vancouver. turned to the city on the Prince Rupert this morning from couver. He was south for a course of instruction. Miss Louise Gates, general secretary of the national Young Women's Christian Association of Canada with headquarters in To- ". Pi oi ef GraumM Miy and i ronto. is a visitor in Prince Rupert ?S5 today to Inspect the local Hoste&t ic 1 5 aotef vty 35 CMti. MACE IT TM I ' , , . , urM& of itirnm unmjit (House in the course of a tour of i i western Canada. Mrs. Oates ar- j rived from Vancouver on the j Prince Rupert this morning ami Timely Recipes of ' crown with potato dressing Season with salt and pepper. Cook uncovered in a slow oven 1300 degrees F.i for one hour. Add a little water, cover pan and continue to cook for one and one-half hours or until tender. Potato Dressing 2 tablespoons dripping. 2 tablespoons chopped onion, 1 teaspoon salt, pepper. 1 teaspoon poultry seasoning. 4 cups bread crumbs, 1 egg, 2 cups mashed potatoes. Cook onions slowly in meat drippings until tender. Add seasonings. Combine with bread crumbs, then add tightly beaten egg and gashed ! potatoes. Mix lightly. Moisten with milk if required. Serve with cab- ' bage. which has been cooked not Reddy Kilowatt says: KEEP YOUR ELECTRICAL APPLIANCES 5HE DaKY rTEWS A I.! CAREFOR .UTENSILS Some Helpful Hints as to How Home-Makers May Preserve Them. Kitchen utensils are the home-maker's tools of trade and as the theme song in many stores dealing in them may soon become: Thatls all there is. there isnt any more" it becomes Important that housewives take exceptionally good care of their belongings. Then too. it is essential that, as soon as any metal utensil bet comes unserviceable, it be turned over to the salvage collector. It L' likely that many such derelicts are stfQ lurking in the back of kitchen cupboards when they ecmld be put to good use in sum it ions factories. Here' are some pointers in the use and care of cooking Sereeant C. B. McFariand of I Aiumuuun-inu. uw now sat- local recruiting headquarters re-'u'actoO' of materials Is now tr- replaceable. Clean with mild soap and finest abrasive. A stain inside that will not yield to scouring can usually be removed by boiling vinegar and water in the pan. Never use an alkaline solution, such as soda, as this corrodes the metal Polish the outside of pots and pans with metal polish. Enametware Treat with care as the surface is only too easily cracked or chipped. Never allow to boil dry. and cool before washing. Do not pour cold water Into a hot pan. Food that has stuck to ' I " the bottom must not be scraped rm-ip 11. oooaseu, tMXiSi., is -. nrnrpw1 eamt hv the ew.lnif . . . I ?he Author of a feature article LnlJn ".with anything sharper than a the Utet magazine section of the! wooden clothes pin. Soapy water Vancouver Province telling the j story of a near massacre by ho- Dotted tn tne pan anil loosen obstinate burns. I Heatproof Glass and Earthenware These utensils retain the heat for a very long time and ac tually go on cooking after they SHORT UIB CROWN I are removed from ;he range Take Buy two strips ot short ribs, j treat care that they do not come each about three inches wide ana . Into contact with cold water while me nunts lons-aboui 3 lb. Sew 1 they are vUII hot Ben a small j or skewer the ends together. Ptace j et patch on table or draining I Uplands Ontario where he haslon a. rack, in a roasting pan in an'hoard may cause a break the Royal Canadian Air Force. UDrieht Dosltion and fill centre I Wash with hot water and aika- ' TIRE EASILY? T.le Gin PU1 the "relitf or money latk kidney rworfr-to hdp remove the txctu acidi that nuylethecaiueci that buy, logy fl- iD I. -Monty back if cot ut itO;'. jtnore than seven minutes please ; itmi, tit; u rmi CT,utt.c oi uicmuers !Ui and raw cam)t Snrt a few guests. Rib, 2'i to 3 lb. serves .4 people Proper care and repair of your Electrical Appliances will help conserve materials needed for our war effort and, at the same time, assuro you of the continued enjoyment of these modern labor-saving appliances. New appliances are becoming increasingly difficult to obtain. - - Have your appliances and cords checked and any repairs made that are necessary. Lri st rn (la for "Jmo rW) m GOOD ORDER M HOTEL 'ARRIVALS i Prince Rupert j Arthur Larkin. Sft, King and (Mrs. R, D. Peri ton. cMy;'E Mast ard and J. Henderson Premier: O MacSporran and Mr. and Mrs. T Bektnger. Edmonfon; Roy Blan-natter. Port Eastagton: O. C. Mar tin. Calgary; J. Cook. Winnipeg; L. 11. Eyres. ChUNwack; M. II Howders. Vaneonw; Mrs. O. T Sundal. Terrace! Rev. Roy Mac Donald. Ilazekon; E. A. Martin, Skeena Cresssng; Harry McCou-ver. Claxton. Central K. Peter. Fraaer Lake: M. F Crighion and F. C. Strand. Jasper: A. Lock. Skeem Ofeastng: A. Lee, Prince George; A. Bendlck- sen. city. Sam 'Stepson, welt known Mas-sett cannery operator, left last evening on hit reUtrn to the Queen Charlotte Islands, accompanied by his accountant. M. MrCathun. who has been here for several weeks Une soap and dry very thoroughly lion Cooking Utensils These are excellent for long slow cooking and for frying pans and griddles. They shootd be seasoned before use. by cooking some nonnsalty fat m thep for two or three hours at a low temperature This makes them more resistant to mat For the same reason dry carefully after washing with very hot water and alkaline soap to remove the grease. Tin Utensils Never scour, or the thin tin coating .will be worn away quickly and Hie msial base exposed to rust It is better not to make any attempt to keep tinware bright. Remote burned food by soaking, or heatins fr a fw mlimtea in a weak iut;.a A fur drying, stand in a warn ;aee be safe that thfre i, . moisturv left on the surface before puttinw away CUSSIFItO Block. FOR SALK' I FOR SALE Furniture. 334 But.. Street East. '57 fXR SALB Pawcett Ranne uil burner. Suite t. Wi with FOR SALB-WUton rag. txl2. tnod condition. S1SJ0 Phone Orrn 399 55 FOR SALE Boat 'Dundsvt,'' length 33 ft . folly equloped halibut .'ear Snap for cash. 1141 Beach Plaoe Mi FOR SALE A few bwMliea of old newspaper, cheap. Apply Daity Nea. tf TOR SALE 1 Chesterfield chair Steelflex new; I General Electric radio; l dining room buffet: 1 clothes cabinet. Apply Annette Ladles' Wear. 50 Third Ave. W.. phone 847. nil TOR SALE Door with complete 'fittings; large stock of windows and large stock of Iron pipes, extra heavy steam pipe up jo 4-inch. Phone Blaek 324. B. C. Furniture, Third Ave. WANTED WANTED Housekeeper. Appiy 0 Sixth Avenue .West. Levlne "Mftrlmerit, Suite 4V ". r m WANTED Weight llfUng set. Will pay cash. Phone M7,. 2 IOUSEKEEPER (or small family room, board and good wagt lii pleasant home. Phone Red ST9. VOUNO Couple looking for a house or apartment, furnished or unfurnished. Willing to pay J2S- 130 monthly. Steady Dry Dock worker. Apply Box 216 Daily News. 55 1 HOARD AND ROOM ROOM AND BOARD for men shar ing, phone Blue &Q5. ROOM AND BOARD for two men willing to share a room. Apply Box 218, Dally News. tl BOARDERS AND ROOMER 8 washing included. $40X10 per month. Apply 703 Fulton Street Phone Blue 882. .53 peTSonaT NOW 18 THE TIME TO GET A GOVERNMENT JOB as Clerk. Postman, Customs Clerk, ateno etc. Six Domfnlon-wide exams held since the war began. Free Booklet M, C C School, Ltd Winnipeg oldest in Canada No Agents, , BUTTERED. 3 ibs. $i.jt HULK LEY VALLEY XJVJVJl ' No Deliveries Pleaie Ul VEGETABLE f It n T Soup Powder, Hed:und' Qp foe Of Concentrated: each 7 t Peanut Butter ?exSoaP Squirrri Brund QAn tot in tumblfr. each il PlumS Hand- A . Roya! "I 0 J 18 JiTlN Woodbury Soap Foods 24e L 8 Tomatoes Eea.nuls 25 14p tashews l ' r'' ArX I rtANTIltS. : o mHiMmmmif TWO If.l.IV UUS 1MII V AT 10 M A.M. A.Nil" Mussallem's Economy Stocl "Where Dollars Have More Cenli p o. nox sr. ruoNts u t- Canadian National Railway STEAMERS LE A V E PRINCE Rl PKKTF' Thursday, 11:15 p.m. callinj; at Ocean Fafo ii ..I. it: I I UMUII IUHT, I Saturday, 1J:15 p.m. calling at Ocean la!L . U'1,.ln.w,lnv lit Mini iuv. i. n iiviiinnaii--)! iiiih'-""," i Friday, 3 p.m. To Stewart Friday, I-M TRAINS LEAVE PRINCE Rl'PERT FOR $ EAST: Miniday, WctlncMlay and Friday at 6:00 p Atr-CondlUoned Steeping and Dir ' Par full Infnrraatlnn runmt ln T- ' It. 8. GltlJKl. CITY PASSKNC.rK A(.KT J f ! u ?i I mr i nnnr zbu - Agents for Trans-Canada Air f li'.i . f...,.,i. M t)rinVll TAV1 . . Ai ii DUQML Tj - - oervice 2I-Mnur Strtlce at Itriular KsIm Wanted -Raw Furs Hlf.lltSt MAURI1 pitirER r" .....vV Reprcscntinn-lirDSON'S BAY COJU' Ship lo J. E. OKMIIDIM. Cow Hay, Prince Ituprrt .,...,yuu()UBVVBvvv,.. . g For Quick, Safe and Comfortable TAXI SE , PHONE 235 o ..... 5 A1 AMI Mtilll iisfi ooooooaoooooooooooooooooonooaoooooooooooo A. MacKenzie Furniture IH 1 "A GOOD PLACE TO Bl'V 5 RUPERTIA Sprinjf.Filied MAnitKSfe Over 400 coll sprints with cotton paddln ' JM iruiuiiiea ooraer; each 8 ACE SpriiiK-Fillcd MATTRESSES- A i'00(! inatirr.-vi ' J PIIONi; T7,- 327 Til""