GflEDiiTADAY MARCH . 19, TnE DAILY NEwS Mil .TU " - 1 "- 1. 40,000 Canadians Mix and Brew the Soup to Make the Guns Go Boom. Explosives Are Being Manufactured in 23 Giant Plants Across Canada The Cafe V & I Reopened Cafe:, Waterfront, ?. I I"" how open, under same I management. W.VAV.V.V.V.VAW.W.VW Special buses carry worker to an explet.. u, Qucoec. to u.t Urfnta wherever they Hve. within a range of xuiat This, the Urge expkwivM plant in Cnd. covers an area of jm acre. It use m moch water as a city or 50,009 people. One-third of workers are women. . , , T, jiff TV. j cotton picking These workers are dumping n'.tro -cellulose Into a washing and purifying vat Canadian jvc.s enjoy a very huh rating Output Is expected soon to reach 73,000.000 pounds per month. l cii by tiic factories in tin country u li tj's pMtccf. t:i a bi coastal ilctcnce Run roars a challenge out over the waters of the pueiiu . The massive shells fired by such guns afe entirely mado from materials produced in Canadian plants. The INFERENCE IS PLANNED ,rfParallons Heine Made for y "tli Gatherlnjr In Prince Hupert, i P'ans for ih f.i,. U " lunniuiuiut coil" F'fnCC Of Prlnn. n.. 1 ...... l. If r. i wie uin tommuice n.h in thc chalr Deiogutes V" present from tho Junior Chamber of Commerce and Wilted Church Young Teople'a Society. It was announced that a conference planning meeting Is to be held March 9 at which represen-totlves of youth groups, trade unions, cultural societies and similar organizations will draw up the official plans for the youth conference which, it Is suggested, will be held on the week-end of March 2022, Tho conference Is planning to draw up n program tor Joint action towards winning the war against fascism ana for maktnp. Prince nupcrt secure against. Axi: raids, The conference will also set np a youth council In Prince Rupert and elect a delegate or delegates to the Provincial Youth .Conference In Vancouver this Easter. Thi local conference Is expected to discuss the situation under the following headings: "Youth and the World at War," Youth and the Church," "Youth and Education," "Youth and War Industry," "Youth and the Armed Forces," "Youth and the A.R.P." Control and organization of the conference will rest directly wtlh the organizations taking part, as represented at the planning meet-ing March 0. Packing i ;tc racaroni the workers r ail it in a chemicals and exp;c.-iV' ...Xik .. Manitoba to be sent east for cutting, burdUnt! a;id w IIh Jj. . '' : '" iv' A giant an.mrrua s'.age .pherc Plants set up for military purposes in wartime have an output equal to Canada's entire peacetime chemical production. tons of explosives now beinp turned ouf is county arc sounmng a tuunder on practically nil the "war fronts or the Tlus year alone t ic production of explosives will equal the entire Canadian outpur during tho whole Great War. Whifflets From The Waterfront -J Regulations for the insurance tome disabled or suffer dealh due , to enemy action have been.' in ef fect since almost me siart,ot tnis war. The regulations cover, n addition to fishermen, members of the naval forces and tfic merch ant marine. The rates of pension are scheduled In accordanco with It he fishermen's corresponding ranks in tho naval forces licut- enants, sub-lieutenants and aplihPowell River and Ocean Falls and seamen. Willi Fish livers have been commanding good prices of late. Vessels selling fish livers are In a prefer -ed position as far as other varieties of fish are concerned. A Prince Rupert buyer In Vancouver made several sales recently at $5.70 for soupfln shark and bought codfish at 8c for good measure. I With a good-sized list of pais-; scngers and heavy freight cargo. will sail at 11 o'clock tonkht for fetchlkan whence she Is due back here at 5 o'clock tomorrow afternoon southbound. The Prince Rupert Is inaugurating the company's spring sailing schedule' which will bring the Prince George here Friday morning from Vancouver, leaving that afternoon for Ketchikan and Stewart and re turning here Saturday night southbound. LONTX)N, March. 4: O! The London transport system has em CNJl. steamer Prinoe Rupert, ployed i2i0oo women since war Capt Nell McLean, Arrived In port 1 started o eligible male workers at noon today from. Vancouver,. can join tbe services. All laiiadiuii Union Amalgamated Huildlng Workers of Canada ITInce KuKTl. If.C. Unit No. 1 .M K ETINGS Cvery fourth Sunday, 2:10 p.m.. of Each Month. WhTIJOPOI.K HALL !'hine Red 469 P.O. Box 377 9 For Full Line of ARTIFICIAL FLOWERS See Our Winuow ANNOUNCEMENT We are glad to announce that we are now adding a SHOE REPAIRING DEPARTMENT at out shop, with .Mr. Charlie W. Yatt in full charge. As Chatlle has many years' ex nerience in the trade he knows how to rebuild your shoe right. Let him do It for yon. WE ALSO CARRY DRESS SHOES AND WORKING BOOTS. LING - TAILOR" Sixth Street Phone 619 Suits Pressed by Steam While You Wait. in if y ate ur iimuun X VARIETY STORE X J.H. BULGER ! Optometrist (OPPOSITE POST OFFICE) DRESSMAKER Mrs. NakatanI . Ladies' and Children's Alterations Phone Blk. 523, 528 Fulton St, Satisfaction Guaranteed Cleaning and Pressing TKTBTIVIB.IKS B-rKrB'rS'XKTB'im Trappers: Bring your furs to me. Prices on all furs have gone up 20. Mink down 10. Those same buyers from Cow Bay will pay 30" more if I am there and you will get a square deaf. When shipping furs we wire money on receipt of goods. GOLDRLOOM "The Old Reliable" 'I THE SEAL OF G L ID QUALITY I Sockcye Salmon S q ' Fancy Red 9 IILI 1 lllji in Tomato Sauce 5 A Sandwich Spreads ' A Sniced Salmon : L Smoked Salmon Bloater ! Steamers leave Prince Rupert for Vancouver: Catala every Tuesday 1:30 p.m. Due Vancouver Thursday p.m. Cardena every Friday 10:30 pin. Due Vancouver Monday ajn. Queen Charlotte Island Leaving Feb. 10 and 24. Full Information, Tickets and Reservations FRANK J. SKINNER, Prince Rupert Acent Third Ave. - Phone SC8