PAGE SIX Clearance Sale of CHRISTMAS DECORATIONS for Fine China and Glassware VISIT OUR BASEMENT STOKE MAX HEILBRONER Jeweler Diamond Merchant s 2? Thinking of Christmas? 1 jo4 kv7 Ml t WW it k I 3 I I w SZr ft if li a? PE RUPERT s OPLES STORE SHORT CUT TO VICTORY! LADIES! here Is yotr chance to try the latest 3-INCH FEATHERBOB PERMANENT. All ends tapered with Frank Balrd's Hair Shaper. Individual styling to suit your features. Sunrise Beauty Salon VIOLET MAII Cor. 6th and Fulton Above Sunrise Store Phone Blue 913 for Appointments JOOOOtKHi060QOOOaDDtOnOOOCH300lOiKKDOOOCKOOoeOOOOOO100Cl For Quick, Safe and Comfortable TAXI SERVICE PHONE 235 OAY AND NKJHT Announcement '"irHVHWKKHKl Restrictions placed uion us by the Wartime Prices St Trade Board compel us to announce we shall be unable to put on our "Christmas Special" this year. This practice of sending a small box of smoked fish, typical of the dominant Industry of Prince Rupert, has become Increasingly popular 'and we are very sorry we shall have to disappoint our many customers this year. After the war. we hope we shall again be able to make this special Christmas offer available to our many friends. Canadian Fish & Cold Storagi Prince Rupert Co. Ltd. v. ISritUh Columbia C.N.R. Trains From Terrace Dally except Sunday For Terrace- 11:20 am Daily except Sunday 4:15 pjn. For the East Mondays. Wednesdays and Fridays ,. 7:00 pjn. Wednesdays and Fridays 10:30 ajn. It seems hardly possible that Christmas time has rolled around again. But already we're beginning to think of lists and worry about choices. Wise people will shop early while stocks are full and we hope you will do that. Perhaps tfjese'. suggestions will put ideas in your head and give" you some helpful hints. They are items that make lovely gifts and are always very acceptable. TOILFTRIES . . . Soaps. Colognes, Perfumes, Sachets, Powders, Cosmetics. GLOVES . . . Fabric, Kid, Doeskin, Brushed Wool, Bunny Fur Mittens. LINGERIE . . . Panties, Slips, Bed Jackets, Nighties, Pyjamas, Nighty and Robe Sets. HOSE . . . We've done the impossible in getting a large selection of her favorite hose for Xmas. PURSES . . . Umbrellas, Hankies, Bags, Scarves, Turbans, Pictures, etc. for a MERRY CHRISTMAS -FOR QUICK RESULTS TRY A NEWS WANT ADD. JLT' Eastern Star Raffle Drawing Winners or Prists in Raffle are Announced In a raffle which was drawn recently by BelUt Chapter, Order of the Butem Star, in aid of war work, the prise-winners were as follows: Dinner set, Mrs. T.. Boat tie, No. 710, Turkey, John E. Olson, Box M, city. No. 1W. Pen and Pencil set. Mis M. Nkk-erson. No. 300. Turkey. Herbert Wallace. No. 459. Sweater. Gertrude Benson, No. Ml. Bed Lamp. Marion Pierce, No. 293. New Instructor of Physical Training Miv Elriahelh Sprinter, Now at Slocan City, Receives Appointment to Local High School Staff Miss ffiwbetn if. Sort ".raduate of the Unlversitr I iia f4 For Christmas GIFTS To mention a few of the well-known better creations in Perfume and Toilet Articles. Sets to suit all. and Irwer. a of Tor- onto with Baehtiar of Arts decree MUa couple oCTeatf' experJeDee Lm teaching op hT prairies and now located at Slfcan QP.nhas been ap pointed to the staff (if Booth Mem-frial Hijth School here specialising 'n physical education. It was announced at the City Hall this morning. Mis Soringer will assume het duties here at the New Year, succeeding Miss Hazel Smith, resigned. Hockey Scores Saturday Boston. 3. Montreal 2. Toronto 5. Detroit 4. SUNDAY Chicago 5. Toronto 2. Canadler.s 7. Rangers 3. Boston 1. Detroit 1. iiiaisTiajiiin55J I GOLD SEAL? 5 -2? Fancy Red 3 ls33uani c 3 S ye S k5So Salmon Herring In Tomato Sauce are both on active service Jj is but will be back on your - 2 grocer's shelf soon as condl- dltions permit. ? tntmimutmiuiuiMi.ui9iutmim mi Revlon Cutex Ashes of Roses Evening in Paris Lentheric Tweed Yardleys Old English Lavender Adrienne Jasmine Gardenia Ormes Ltd. Ptonver OrnQCftetj CASH CHEMISTS THE REX ALL STORE PHONES 81 AND 2 Open Dally from 9 a.m. till 9 p.m. Sunday and Holidays from 12 - 2 p.m. and 7-9 p.m. REDSKINS WIN OUT Professional football Championship of United States Settled WASHINGTON. DC, Dec 14 O Washington Redskins won the pro-feastonal football championship, defeating Chicago Beers 14 to 6 The Dears beat Washington 73 Uj o thins last year. Bridge Winners Receive Prizes Presentations Made to Leaders and Runneis-up In Kecent (urrn Mary Chapter Tournament Mrs. GUUec and Mis. William An deison. winners of the recen'. bridge tournament of Queen Mart Chapter. Imperial Order. Daughters of the Empire, were presented on Friday with Royal Afeert cups and saucers of "Wild Rose" design aud the ruitne.s-up. Leading Aircraftsman Klein and Mrs. C. F. McCarthy, losing only one suae, received playing cards and cop and saucer respectively. Harold Sinclair Is President of Kitwanga Body KITWANOA. Dec. 14-The Kitwanga branch of the Native Brotherhood of British Ootumbia has elected officer for the coming year as follows: Honoraiy President, Matthias Bright. President. Harold Sinclair. Vice-President. W. B, Morgan. Treasurer. Henry Lett. Secretary. Eddie Benson. Recording Secretaiy. Harold S CALIFORNIA FOR m rose bowl oame LOS AOELES. Dee. 12 0 - j University of California at Los g Angeles beat an old Jinx Sat- jj " i urday and scored their first j gridiron victory in history 5 1 ovr University of Southern Jj j Calif ornla 14 to 7. earning siiT the opposition spot against Georgia in the Rose Ikrwl game on New Year's Day at Pasadena This was the only important United States foot- bail game on Saturday. i mm Sport Timber Athletes" "Alaska" Our Lat Frontier! Cartoon nuts woir Novelty 'Stray Lamb-! A A A AAi4tj. TODAY AM) TUESDAY Complete Shows at 1 00. 3 00. S 00. 7 00. 9 oo Feature at 1 42. 3 42. 5 42, T 42. 9 42 g)ggHlggggaBtTTfggg1 I ll lul I H. . 1 1 IB j 1 11 1 a nil GIVE THEM X.MAS 'ow " ml,. yt.. j "Mr, ord Mn. I I OR (ilft Itooklrt) ef Thealie litkrt Now -SetUrj Priced J1.00 ta r CAPITOL (IMIN(, MEONESHAY ONLY- MAMU t A I.LIN f, Canadian Pacific Transcnntinciitnl Trans-Atlantic Trans Pacific UKCULAU STKAMKK SKKVICE To Vancouver via Ocean Falls and Way Torts; also to Ketchikan, Y ranged, Juneau and Skagway I Direct Connections at Vancouver with Canadian Pacific Smite Information. Tickets and Reservations fr :a W. L. tOATI-S, (..rnrrsl Agent, Prince Itopcrt, BC II you nave puimUiini' to a claissifit l a-lv-rt- mnt in thi.i paper will soon let you know If there U i buyer in the city. HERE THEY ARE! All That's New, Gay, Bright, Clever, Amusing for Christmas "i'.'S'lV' Little tots will laugh, shout and clap tlilr pudgy hands with glee over these Jolly and amutlng toys that Sanla has left in truckloads at this popular Chrhtmas toy shop. Toys that move, sqwauck, talk and what not are all here in grand array. And, parents, you'll be mighty happy over the values! PLUSH PANDA HEARS Black and while with eyes that move. S2.45 and $4.95 PULL TOYS variety. at of a wide AX and uuv up DOLES of every sire and type. Many Beauties. 39c ,0 S8.25 TOY' DRUMS Big, bright and nohy. 99 VARIETY STORE m u )iftSf -h " 1 i 2 5