-rY December 11. im2 THE DAI7 NEWS TONIGHT! 8 p.m. 1 Booth Memorial School R L A B 0 R S P E A K S The Civic Labor Federation Proposes A ADKQUATK I'.UIILIC UTILITIES A'A DKCRNT COMMUNITY LIFE A A VICTORY COUNCIL A For Council GKO HILLS TOM ELLIOTT TOM MOKdAN TED SOIIENSEN HAKKY DACOETT J. S. BLACK HILL BRETT For School Board JACK DEANE - J. T. LANTIRIDfiE CHAIRMAN GEO. RUDDERHAM HEAR THEM TONIGHT! Tune in Tonight, 6:30, CFPR Hujf ser an WARTIME A mas reJco?uS Simplr elegant, and elegantly imple art the lingerie and hotri gowns e't brought out for the holidays. When jou note the custom-like workmanship and the rith detail joull agree they"re exceptional at the pilces. KAYOS' CKKPE NIGHTGOWN, lavishly embroidered. Aqua, tea while MATCHING PIUNCKSS SUP, bralere top, four gorm for perfect fit - Wanted Raw Furs S2.95 S1.95 KAYOS SATIS HOSTESS GOWN, short puffed sleeve, notched revert, full skirt, Ked. S3. 50 emerald, aqua Fra d Payne Wc suggest that Christmas Shoppers this year he patriotic and buy VICTORY RONDS OR WAR SAVING CERTIFICATES. . If you insist on buying Men's Wear, sec W. F. STONE "Clothes of Distinction" iiimir.sT MARKET riUCES PAW Heprescnting - HUDSON'S DAY COMPANY Ship ( J, i:. OKMIIMM, Cow Hay, ITlnce Hupert, B.C. 2 U A DDV TM ILHli 1 1 111 AIR FORCE Duties Arduous but Girls Contented On Air Stations By MARGARET ECKER Canadian Press Staff Writer ST. HUBERT. Que.. Dec. 14 O Life an an air station gets into the blood or anyway, that's what most airwomen think. Take Cpl. Fay Hunter of Edmon ton. This little corporal has lived sod worked at St. Hubert for near ly n vcdr now. She was in the NEW ROYAL HOTEL J. ZAKELU, PROP. "A Home Away From Home" Kates 75c up 60 Rooms Hot to Cold Water Trlnce Rupett, B.C. Tbone 281 V.O. Box 198 BY OTFICIAL ORDE Beginning Wednesday, December 16th blows you off the runway The landing field gets cold with snow and the roads clogged with mud. It coukJn't very well be a splt-and-pollsh station but it seems to be i happy station. "We all have a lot of fun here." said Assistant Section Officer Pat Watson of Toronto, one of the se nior offltan. "The girls enjoy their work. The don't seem to mind now Jong they're on the Job.. The transport drivers take any shifts they're -asked to. The telephone operators run the switchboard in shifts 24 hours a day." One good example of what fun air station life -can be was the little girl who wasn't there-. Cpl. -J " . UtUl 11 1 VW original conUnent of the Women's pat price of M one ton, . . .it a Ui. 4 shea on duty." N.B. Bhe division which moved into No. 13 , UD tor a fun." said Flying Of- 8erv4ee Flying Training School in , fWr n. e. Refell of New York. mld-wlnter. I -she'd like to go up every day training planes whirring up from the runway under her window every few minutes. St. Hubert is pretty much an average station. There Is a large group of airwomen here. They act as messwomen, timekeepers In I 1 "I wouldn't eo back to the city if she could, she's crazy about fly for anything." "she said. Fay is ing." added FO. J. Round of Saint secretary to one of the chief in- John. N.B. "She works hard. She structors and she takes dictation deaarvea any fun she gets." out in me control tower, wtui the control tower, clerks, telephone operators, equipment workers. parachute riggers, motor transport drivers, hospital and dental as- slstanUt. But life Isn't all duck soup here on the banks of the St. Lawrence. Sometimes a bllzzardy wind nearly WE CARKY Everything For THE WORKING MAN It will pay you to come in and look over our large stock of Woollen Goods. B.C. Clothiers PHONE BLACK 324 Third Avenue Does Man's Job According to the officers, Pat Is about the whole control tower. She takes messages from the planes on the wireless; she trans mits weather reports, sends night messages over the teletype, keeps records of the arrival and depar ture of every plane and can recognize practically every plane and airman, in the air or on the ground. She fires the Verey pistol to slanal planes if the runway is etear for a landing and looks after the rockets that are sent up to direct airport traffic. "And is she popular?" said FO. Refell. "I guess she has more dates than she can handle, but she doesn't bother with anyone while Pat doesnt sound like a girl who would want to trade her air force job for a civilian one very quickly. Airwoman Mildred Griffin of NeldDath. Sask.. Is another who wouldn't trade, even If there Isn't much excitement In her Job. Mil drcd is a cook, especially trained to work in the hospital kitchen. I -I like making things that will make people get better," she said. "And it's fun fixing up trays so j some airman will want to eat, even if he doesn't really feel like It. I wouldn't want to work anywhere else. Life on an air station Is swell. "flHVEUN'MF.NT 1.KJI OH ACT" (Section 28) NOTlfTE IS HEREBY GIVEN that on i 2ith rtnv of December 1942 next the undensbnwd intends to apply to h Unimr Control Board for concent to transfer of Beer Licence No. 5836 lsstied in mqct of premiers oeinR part of a bulldln known as Knox Hotel situate, on First Avenue upon Uie lands deacrfbed aa Lota 13 and 14, nf rtlnrk 3. Recticn 1. Mno S33. City of Prince Rupert. Prince Rupert Land Registration DlatxlOt in uve rrovince t nrutm3 rvlumhLi from Geonre L. Itorle, Tnwtre of the property of Knox Hotel company ujuiuu, Aumuntru luuw nf PrinM Rimert. Brltlan Cbl umbla. W Knox Hotel Ou. Ltd. of Pflnoe iim.r. nritish rjoliml)lii. the transferee. DATED a Prince Rupert, Brttlh Columbia, thla 28th day of November 1943. KNOX HOTEL CO. LTD. h KturtlTi lABelle. .dlrecitor. Date of first Insertion, November 28 1943, It Pays to Advertise In The News NEW HAZELTON Recent patients at the Hazeltor. iui nave Included Mrs. Kwold of Terrace, Mrs. Roy Doll of Klt- wanga, Mike Bortnlck of Terrace, P. Smith of Prince Rupert. W. C. little of Woodcock. Roy Bargar, formerly of Te'.kwa and moie recently of McBride, has closed his shop and enlisted in the Canadian Army. Mrs. Noonan of Telkwa Is visiting in Hazelten as the guest of her daughter, Mrs. Pipe Dr. Murphy has been making his semi-annual Inspection of public schools in this district. The Infant son of Mr. and Mrs. R. O. Watson of Sealy .has been a patient In the Hazelton . Hospital suffering from a severe attack of pneumonia. in the srpitr.ME jrorRT of ruitish i'im.i miii a i rmuiAit. In the Matter of tUr "AtlnilnUtratlon Art" nd In tlw Matlrr of tlir Estate of Ethel Lillian fiounl TAKE NOTICE that by ordor of Hla Honor Judge Plaher. local Judge d tne Supreme wxirt 01 unii&n ucnumom, i wa cm the 27th day or Novemwr A-u. 1942 appointed Administrator of the Estate of Ethel Lillian Oourd toroerly nf RaILa. Britidi Columbia. De ceased, who died on or about the 18th da; of AprU 1942. All persons imhwm to (he sua usxax are requirro u Vi the amount of their tndebtednasa to me fortiwtth and H persons having claims against we aaja lacate are requuru v file Utem lih me properly Termed on or before the 31st day of December AD. 1942 falling Vhloh distribution 111 be made having regard only to such claims of -tilch I slum nave been rxxmea. DATED a Prince Rupert, B.C. this 27th day of Kovember 1S42. NORMAN A. WATT Official Administrator Prince Rupert. B.C. IX THE sri'KKME rOI'RT OP ItKITISII rOLlVMIU A IX I-KUIIAIK In the SUtter of the Wdmlnlrtrauon Art anil In the Matter of tle IMate of Alexander Khrnerer HhUlden Ireua nueiaie TAKE NOTICE that by order pf HLi -when sold as fluid milk for human consumption MUST BE SOLD FOR 2c A QUART LESS than the legal retail price now prevailing. BE SURE YOU GET THE FULL BENEFIT OF THIS REDUCTION i & jl Fresh Local Raw and SI H SI SI si 2f SI SI SI SI SI SI V. rasieunzea iVULh. g VALENTIN DAIRY 1 B si si I I Honor W. E. Flatter, maae on soe fa K'- day of December. AD. 1943, I was ap- pointed Administrator oi una ui jy Alexander Eaenezer Wludden. deceased. K and ail part lei having claims against a the eald estate are hereby required to , urnisn same, propeny tmM. w o on or about tne 4th day of January. M AX). 1943. and all parties indebted to p PHONE G37 amount of their indebtedness to me Vj'lyi.JMffl'. DATED at Prince Rupert, B.C., thla 4th day of Deownber. AD. 1942. NORMAN A. WATT Official Administrator, Prince Rupert, B.C savoy HOTEL Carl ZarelH, Prop. Phone 37 P.O. Box 511 FRASER STREET PRINCE RCPEKT 1 J. M. S. Loubser D.C, TLA. CHIROPRACTOR Wallace Block Phone 64 Say It With Cards" BOXED ASSORTMENTS 2? 16 Colorful Greetings ttf 12 Charminir Cards: Old 6jf Scenes with a modern toucn 16 Cards, the Friendly Box 75c Tyme 75c 36 Cards in an unusual assortment 12 Cute Cards, the Kiddies' Box, each different 8 1 af I 50c I 12" Greetings, Q- A A jfc the Sparkle Box 21 Assorted Cards, "71 w attractive designs ' 3 12 Religious Cards, SI appropriate verses 2 2? SI 12 Mountain Scenes . . 60c 9 $1.35 $1.00 12 Steel Die Engraved Cards 60c $1.25., . 55c I INDIVIDUAL CARDS 2 for 5c, 5c, 3 for 10c, 10c, 2 for 15c, 15c and 25c wide and attractive range for selection. Gift Wrapping Paper, Enclosure Cards, Tags, Seals, etc-Popular Prices. Order Your 1913 Calendar Pads Now! Ideal and Jumbo Calendar Pads and Stands GOLD STAMPING ON GIFT LEATHER Dibb Printing Co, Third Street. A GOOD TLACE TO BUY Besner Block A. MacKenzie Furniture Ltd. A food selection of Chrtstma Gifts have arrived although not so numerous as former years such as Coffee Tables, End Tables, Tea Wagons, Tables used for smokers, Secretaire, Tablelette, Jardlnere Stands, Tea Tables, Dinette Tables with flip leaf. Phone 775 327 3rd Avenue If you lose anything, advertise for it b-4 it a. f !1 ibi .14 " lis It . I. 11