o PAOE TWO . Mlnora Blade soTstM yO ... to break all first-year EES"" records for economy blades. T 1 " i HOW SAVE 16! NEW ECONOMY PACK OF 1225 "GHANELLE" STYLE CREATIONS BY GAGNON & LACIIAPELLE Snappiest lines, styled by New York Style Show in biege, brown, blue and black. Step In Pumps,in crushed kid, gaberdine and suede. Finest line in its price field in Canada. Most stylos, priced $5.85 Family shoe store ltD. The Home of Good Shoes" EDITORIAL DAILY EDITION ED FRIDAY, MAY 8, 1942. Civic Centre Carnival . . . A meeting of representatives of organizations to inaugurate plans for a fall carnival to raise fund;? for the civic centre undertaking was called for last week. Three attended and the meeting was postponed for a week. Last night the postponed meeting was held and the original three and one more showed up. All were members of the Junior Chamber of Commerce, no other organizations being officially represented although invited. All of which means that, if more interest is not shown, there will be no civic centre carnival this year and the opportunity of raising another two or three thousand dollars for the civic centre will have been missed. " About all that can be done now is to call another meeting public preferably to being exclusively representative of any organizations and, if that does not draw any response, conclude that no one is interested and let it go at that. The carnival, if it is to be successful, will require a good deal of work and effort. It should not have to be pointed out that the civic centre project is in need of all the funds it can obtain-particularly this year when it is hoped to finally go, through with the building. All those who are reallv in-1 terested in seeing the accomplishment of the civic centre should turn out and help the carnival along with their efforts. The dollars can be counted upon to roll in when the carnival takes place. The important thing is to get it organized and carried out. Shower For Miss Jean Suffka Is Enjoyable Event On Wednesday evening, Mrs. O V. Hanley and Mrs. Leo Doiron ; were joint hostesses at a delightful shower In honor of Miss Jean Suffka, whose marriage to William Murdock of the Royal Canadian Naval Reserve will take place on Saturday. Games were played and greatly enjoyed, followed by serving of dainty refreshments. The feature of the evening was the presentation of the gifts, which were carried In a sailor's duffle bag by little Miss Margaret Doiron. appropriately dressed in foarticldlMnil Gl.Cica1ieUlrJ Ti Boulter, Mrs. W. Speers, Mrs. J. Wrathall, Mrs. R. Anderson, Mrs. L. Halcrow, Mrs. ML Lamb, Mrs, R. Parsons, Miss Faith Klnir. Miss Oracla Nicholas., Miss Geraldlne namey, miss Tneima Doiron, Miss Jean Doiron, Miss Marie Boulter . WOMEN IN DEFIANCE Britain has 150 women's home defence units. APRIL IS SHOWERY April showers featured the weather in Prince Rupert last month, the precipitation aggregating 931 inches as compared with 4.29 Inches in the same month last year and bringing precipitation here for the year to date up to 33.41 inches compared with 27.24 Inches In the first four months of 1941. The sunshine so far this year aggregates 280 hours compared with 371.3 hours In the corresponding period of last year. Thio April sunshine totalled 93.1 hours compared with 140.8 hours in April 1941. The weather summary for the month of April was as follows: Maximum, barometer reading. 3?.ioa April prt A iMlnlrrrum1 Barometer? 23.320 on April 23. Maximum temperature, 57 on April 5. Minimum temperatuer, 31 on :Aprll .13. Mean temperature, 44.34, Precipitation, 931 Inches, Sunshine, 93.1 hours. Maximum wind velocity, southeast, 38 miles per hour on April 23. J Clonps. fur dealer ,f Vancouver, was through the Francos Lake District this week buying furs. He was well satisfied with the quality and quantity of tht furs .bought here, Rev.. Mr. Atkinson of Burns Lake has given permission for the Francois Lake Branch of the Bed Gross to use tilt cn,uxrh for (belr working meeting in future and they ill be held in the Church in future every other Thursday. At the meeting on April 30 there was a large attendance. When the greater part of the time was spent In cleaning up the Church ready for other meeting. Material was passed out by the working com mlttee for members to make up for sale later on. Canadian Legion Ladies' Auxiliary Various Activities Kevirwed At Regular .Monthlr Meeting Last Night The regular monthly meeting of the Women's Auxiliary of the Canadian Legion, held last evening with Mrs. W. Roth well, president In the chair, drew a fair attend- jance of members. Routine business over, reports were received on the 1 spring sale which were highly sa-i tisfactory, a substantial sum being i realized for the Auxiliary's many activities. Cartons of clothing for British refugees were received from the sewing club to be shipped to the Provincial Command. A list of garments will be printed later. Arrangements were made for a bridge to be held in the Legion Hall 0n May 18. KBTIIIES AND DIBS Four days after Dr. John Fred-eivlc Mcftteice, Protestant bishoo oX Down. Connor and Dromore, announced his intention to resign through ill health, he died The liij'-t gem from Seagram's trraMuc chest of aged whiskies novveom? toyou in a new setting the original old -fashioned whisky bottle. 16 oz. 2.1 5 25 oz. 13.35 km t (utm i fan UMrf viiciw. M This advertisement Is not published or di.-iplayod by the Liquor Controi Boarfl or by the Government of Br;u h Columbia THE DAILY NEWS FNIImy FRANCOIS LAKE 'GOOD WORK ITENNIS IS i An r t RTrrrT BY LADIES UKbAWidvii Burns Lake .',Ybool Grounds To Be Improved As Result I BURNS LAKE, May 8 A real J spirit of service took possession of i rtiree ladles in Bums Lake and Uiey decided to canvass the lo:al lagJteftf for monay to create a better school yard for the children's recreational facilities. So 'these ladles Mrs. B. E. Valde. Mrs. .John Gowans and Mrs. John S i Clarke, set forth early and late ! and within a few days had reused ! the whole town to an Intense in-tetest in the project Soon over $10 was raised and a public gath ering was organised to do further canvassing. This all culminated In a well- attended bean supper In the hall. on Friday last when all the town turned out to enjoy large plates of beans, followed by djHtghnut and coffee. Then a Drogram was given by the school ehMdren, whleheon- slated LEGION W- A-HOLDS SALE Sut.'eiful Affair Took 1'lace Wednesday Afternoon The Women's Auxiliary of the! Canadian Legion achieved the us-1 ual success in the spring sale and i tea on Wednesday afternoon May 8 at the Legion rooms. Sweet narcissi centred the tea rubles and the pouring table was beautiful with tultpa on a lace cloth. Mrs. A Taylor and Mrs. J. Connery .ireded. Mrs William RothweU. president. cPived the manyguesU who call-d to lend their patronage. Mrs. A. Dickens. Sr., general convenor, was agisted by Mrs. Walter Long will Mrs J Bond. Miss Bea. Marshall Mrs L Wide. Mrs H Smith. Sr. Mrs. Nesbltt. Mrs 8 G. Ayers and Mrs. Leach had harge of the refreshments end 'he fancy work sale was In charge of Mrs. A. J. Croxford' and Mr Garl'ck. Mm. 6. V Oox and Mr A. McNiell looked after the fc.'me rooking table. Cashier was Mr. MoGretah. Riffles were conducted by Mrs. R Murray and Mrs. Hugh KHUn. he winners being: Ddi s House, in aid of Bundles for Bri ain. donated by Theo Cotlart. won by Bernlce Mkheloff. Sack of Flour, donated by Ranee and Hardy, won by Barbara Ten. Ham. donated by Swift Canadian Co . won by Bea Marshall. Leg of Lamb, donated by Bulk-ley Market, won by Mr. J. J. H. BULGER Optometrist I (Opposite Post Office) i ski 3 nxuxxims u ?jh im Ladies CLEARANCE SALE In Silver Foxes, Fur Neckpieces and Fur Coats. Come in and look our stock over. Big discounts. GOLDBLOOM "The Old Reliable" 1 Canadian J! 'J i u sn ; i a in t musmi Union Steamships Ltd. VICTORIA DAY WEEK-END CRUISE ' TO NAAS RIVER AM) STEWART S. S. "CATALA" leaves C.N.R. Dock Sunday May 21th, 10:00 p.m. Returns Tuesday .May 26th 7:00 a.m. EXCURSION FAKE $15.00 (i'lus Tax) (Including all meals and berth accommodation i Accommodation Comfortably Limited Full Information, Tickets and Reservations FRANK J. SKINNER, Prince Itupert Arent, Third Ave. Phone 5C8 National Club On As Usual to Carry The annual meeting of Canaan National Recreational Association Tennis Club was held In the ladies' waiting room of the GJtf.R. station last evening. Officers for the season wfc elected as follows: Pra&ldent. R. A. Flsk. Vice-President. Staft-Sgt. A. Robinson. Miss Evle Rlvett. Executive Mrs. T. Kemy, Mrs.! W. Miller and A. M. Borland. It was decided to hold an open-, lng American Tournament May 17, weather permitting. The club will carry on this year as usual. challenge HOWLING ! The Sav-Mor Mixed Bowling! team, which beat the Tollers.) champions of 1941-41 Mixed Bowl- ting League, has been challenged of a Rhythm. Band" andjby th ch,,,,, and wl play "Folk Dances" also an "acrobatic Dance." The chairman. Rev Adam Crisp, welcomed the gat Serine and ex. pressed the thank, ui me town for the good work of the ladies. During the evening an appropriate address was given on "Sportsmanship' by Rev Mr Atkinson. The successful undertaking earae to an end by the singing of God Save The King Secretary-Treasurer, this Sunday night. CORPS RED CROSS I'rlnre Itupert Section , , PART 1 ORDERS Bjr Mrs. B. M. MHfef, Command hit Dunsqkr mmm May IS, 14J L Regular Dqf Orderly officer for week ending 4-4S and..Liui ssaMh. Ht tflr duty - nd-yeut. WocxUMf. I. Ttvlttfnc a. 1990 hours Detachment win fafi la by platoons for roM U and Inspection. 1010 hows Fit AW Off lor feminist ratfaai b 194-41 1M0 MU Chuiali parade May n, wt. Al ranks sil psrade svt the drill ball on If -H at I960 hours. I Robertson R.8M. for Aijutant 5AV0 1 lrTti 1 'witL I'KAREK ST ri" t Uttn ' iiiii. .... Meeting , in tj.o c Unit No j : Boat b,j..!. i Unit No. : r ' haMf-fc SemUrj Phone t Anclr: the CONGOLEUM AND SAVE AT THE SAME TIME Nobody wants to rnako a "splash" in timcT like theso. Yot floor coverings will wear out and must bo replaced and can bo, at a very modest outlay whon you chooso Congoleum. Theso enduring rugs offer amazing quality and beauty yot thoir price is ono you can pay without a patriotic qualm. Congoleum Gold Seal Rugs need no fastening a brisk rub-ovor vith a damp mop keeps them spotless. With them you can boautify and brighten any room . . . and save money. Thoy aro tho timely choice of smart womon ovorywhoro. I h. Sl !,!. SUIIJI III. I.I.IIJ II--- I. I I II I lljlll.UI.il ,1 GORDON'S HARDWARE Can Supply You with Your CONGOLEUM Requirements CONG0LEUMS Fur your Home IIi""mls Elio's Furniture Store Third Avenue A. MacKENZIE FURNITURE LTD. CONGOLKUM RUGS, ML SIZKS-CONGOLKUM Y TIlK v ABP