PAGE FOUR BUY Expert OPTICAL SERVICE TT- Chas. Dodimcad H" I fiTv ,-rt 1 Optometrist In Charce V J J Watch, Clock, Jewelry N. Repairing, Hand Engraving VISIT OUR HASEMUNT STOKU for Fine China, Dinnerware, Olasses, Itagcagc and Novelties. MAX HEILBRONER Jeweler Diamond Merchant 364 Days For You Make The 365th Day (Sunday May 10th) FOR HER Mother's Day Suggestions We Will Pay the Po.stagc on All Out of Town Gifts Kayscr Hosiery Dainty Slips Fancy Nightgowns House Coats Bathrobes Handkerchiefs Purses (J loves Stylish Dresses Smart Coals Vv'ool Sweaters Umbrellas Mail Orders Promptly Filled Open Saturday Nisht RUPERT PEOPLES STORE "In the Heart of Prince Rupert" T1IIUI) AVIi Next to llcilhroner's Phone IJLUK 907 AudeFs HELPING HAND GUIDE BOOKS Essential and Important Information For Every Ambitious Tradesman Audcl's WELDER'S Guide SIX. Audel's SHIPFITTER'S Handy Book $1.33 Audel's CARPENTER'S and BUILDER'S Guides, 4 volumes .Each S200 Audel's MECHANIC'S and ENGINEER'S Guides. 8 volume 7 vol. at $2.00, Vol. 8 .: $I 00 Audel's GARDENER'S and Grower's Guides, 4 volumes, each $2.00 Audel's Plumber's and Steamfltter's Guide, 4 volumes, each $2.00 Audel's New AUTOMOBILE Guide S5.00 Audel's New ELECTRICIAN'S Handbooks, 12 volume, each S2 00 Audel's MARINE ENGINEER'S Guide $3.5,, Audel's MATHEMATICS and CALCULATIONS $2.50 Audel's MASON'S and BUILDER'S Guides, 4 vol., each S2.C0 Audel's REFRIGERATION Book $0 Prince Kupert ISranch Agency for T. Audel Co. RUPERT BRAND Sole Fillets ... at Your Local Iiulchers. Canadian Fish & Cold Storage PRINCE RUPERT Co. Ltd. RRITISII COLUMBIA i NEWS FROM EDMONTON Fanned by a high wind, fire of undetermined origin completely destroyed the Oreat West Feed ,and Sales Stables orft Nlnety- Plnhlh Ctroot lit CJ.nt,.. Tn,l- ty-two horses and one cow perished in the blaze which attracted more than 2500 spectators from re-sidental districts. One horse broke nway from its stall at the front of the stable and ran from the burning building, its mane and tall a vivid torch. It was quickly put out of its misery by city constables. Dama was estimated at $6000 of wMch $1500 was covered by insurance. Sales of tax-forfeited properties by the land department of the city of Edmonton since it was formed in 1921 have reinstated on the active tax roll $5,279,463 in assessemnts. City Commissioner John Hodgson has reported. The gross amount of forfeited proper-tics still listed on the city's books Is $5,376382. "Tax forfeitures, once a source of endless worry to the city administration, has now become the city's greatest asset a reservoir yielding large sums annually which arc available for St ". . .: : : " : ' : : . G O L D S E A L THE SEAL OF QUALITY Sockeyc Salmon Fancy Red Herring 111 Tomato Sauce Sandwich Spreads Spiced Salmon Smoked Salmon Bloater Lome Cornell ; M PAINTER AND J INTERIOR DECORATOR Phone Blue 142 THE DAILY NEWS FRIDAY May f i 8. current financing and Improvements," says Mr. Hodgson. Members of the armed forces in Edmonton thrilled three thousand fans at the Arena In one of the most entertaining inter-servlec sports shows ever presented in the Alberta capital. Six boxing bouts and two wrestling matches featured the all-star card. The battlers held nothing back as t'wti knockouts and a technical knock out were recorded Feature event was a boxing bout in which AC2 Walllster. 175 pounds, knocked out Sergeant CJoutier. 105 pounds, in the third stansa. Henry White put on a fine entertainment for sixty boys of his bantam ho4ky league. A theatre arty was followed by a hamburger feast During the past season here were four teams In the bantam hockey league and there was keen competition with a good af play. Another fine concert was presented by McCauley Concert group In the Masonic Temple under th! sponsorship of the Canadian Order of Forresters with J. J. Hodg-kinson as organiser and manager. The group through its concerts, has already raised $3000 for the Queen's Caandian Fund. Whifflets From The Waterfront With a larp.e lut of passengers and hoavy freight cargo. CNR. steamer Prince George, Capt. Edward Mabbs. arrived in port at 10 o'clock this morning from Vancouver and Ocean Falls and will sail at 3 p.m. for Ketchikan and Stewart whence she will return here tomorrow evening southbound. Union steamer Card en. Capt. John Boden la due In port at 11 o'clock tonight from the south and will sail at midnight on her return to Vancouver and C P R. steamer Princess Ad-' latde. Capt. John WiUtsns, is due in port at 30 this afternoon from the south and will sail at 10 pin.' on her return to Vancouver and1 waypolnts. " j LOST HANDS IS X-RAY ' Ernest Henry Harnack. X-Ray pioneer who continued his experiments until X-Ray cancer cost v b-v nandg dled ln gng. land, at 73. Coast-to-Coast Radio Broadcast VOICES OF VICTORY 7:007:30 P.M. (Pacific Daylight Saving Time) An interesting informal half-hour with the men and women who arc at work on this Vital part of Canada's war effort. This is an unrehearsed report of what is going on day and night in our munitions factories. See Radio Linings for Stations FOOTBALL 1 SCHEDULE May 12 Bdmonton Fusiliers vs. Navy. May 14-R.C.C. vs. Area Headquarters. May IS 84 Cojre vs. Area Headquarters. -May 31 Kdtnonton Fusiliers vs. R.C.C.S. ! May 3--Nvy vs. R.CCA May 38 Seal Cove vs. Htiinon- ton Fusiliers. June 2- Area Headquarters Vj Edmonton Fusiliers June 4- Navy vs. Seal Cove. June 9 R.C.C.8 vv Seal Cove. tor. whiskey tmf I J t Outstanding ability sends him first across the finish line... Outstanding flavour makes this Rye a winner in its field. .. 1G oi. $1.70 35 oi. $2.65 10 of. $1.05 Hudson's ay- RYE This advertisement it not published or dnulayed by the Ll-auor Control Board or bv the Government of British Columbia vTT' J MUNITIONS PRODUCTION I Sf, A 'Vr as told lfjc mc,t aucl uomm FLr(y " A who t,tr" tbem out' IwT' ytf -. iT' TONIGHT TONIGHT fy)i IT TODAY and SATURDAY Complete Shows at 1 00. 3 00. 5 00. 7 00. 0 00 4 Fresh Local Raw and Pasteurized .MILK VALENTIN DAIRY riio.Nu w tfct re w 4ft moui mn runnier than a put together till ou meet hu male ,.frcY juln. ! Jat 1 40 : 4a, PJW (All iflHBt'"J klUIbl IVWi Vli ADDI.'D ' "PKMWS OF TUB JL'Mill;" World News and Donald Duck (iltl.IIN LM'ilIT AIIILtD . . . FOR Tin; ri:d :rdss Mrrs r.o! do voui: hit STARTINO .MAY 11TI1 Ited lr . ( " at f i , ( , Sund,r M MViv rM two comas mi: mu: Urj-e hiMic Hall lf Kml. CKNTKAI. II0TKI. Mothers Day Suggestions Yardley lavender Water r.c arj Yardley Itnth Salt . Yardley Hath Salt TabIU Yardley Talcum 5c f lartlley Dusting Powder' ' Yardley lavender Soap, 3's $l Lucien Lelong Colognes Hohin HinhI SI.(M) OiieniuK NKht . . 1.50 Wriiiley's Hath Soap, 8's WilRMMT Odoi: Pine, Jasmine and Annie I; sir I 51.06 Tweed Toilet Water C4 Z(& with Atomizer pA.tlU Tweed Dusting Powder Ormes Ltd. Pioneer Druqcjists Till; REXAI.L Ml ORE PHONES AM' Oprn Dally from S a.m. till 10 p.m. Sundays and Holiday frnni 12 - Z p.m. anil ? P-m- I . iSstt. Canadian National Railway Steamers Leave Prince Kupert For Vancouver: Thursday. 11:15 p.m. cmIIIiik at Ocean Fh un-i i'",:l ,i,vff Saturday. 11:15 tun., calling at Ocron FtlU Prince Rupert to Ketchikan Wednesday, 11 p.m.. '1I(J V 3 1)111 To Stewart -Friday. 3 p.m Trains Leave Prime Kupert For the Kast: Monday, Wednesday and Friday at 0 pm. Alr-Condltioned Sleeping and Dining tar For full Information, reservations, etc.. rail r l,t4 it. s. Ri:i(i, citv PASsi:N(ii:R aoi;nt 33 Third Atenuc Plion2C0 kflft ' Prl"" AgenU fvrunsiCanada Air Lines Wanted - Raw Furs JS Kcprcscnling- HUDSON'S KAY C0.MIAiN KlilptoJ. K. ORMIIKIM, Cow Hay. Prince Itiinf rt. U-C- rl'0L If you lose anything, advertise for it. III