P10I TWO fasVr sfiaves of a saving make Minora Blades Canada's fastest - growing economy blade. e Hudema ... Maybe the second front Rupert than we had thought. New Members Moose Women Impressive initiation Ceremony Is Carried Out at Meeting Wednesday NiRlit At a meeting of the Women of the Moose, Chapter 24, Wednesday evening in the Oddfellows' Hall T nTV!0 BLADES THE DAILY NEWS. PRINCE KUPERT, MUTISM COLU.M1IIA Published Every Afternoon Except Sunday by Prince Rupert Dally News Limited. Third Avenue. H. P. PULLEN, PRESIDENT G. A. HUNTER. MANAGING EDITOR ' a Year.. MEMBER ()F Till. CANAMAN PRESS The Ouudl&n Prese it exclusively entitled to iw for publication of til nm AMpttchc credited to It or to the Associated Press In this paner aiW also th kjcil news published therein. All right of republication of apeotal denpatehea there4n are also iwrved ADVERTISING RATES Local Readers, per line, per Insertion Classified Advertisements, per word, per iaertlon no 02 DAILY EDITION Friday, October 9, 1942 EDIT 0 R I A L Once more we sorrowfully express our regrets and sincerely sympathize with the bereaved following, the announcement of the death in action of another of our highly esteemed local boys in the person of Mike Hudema. We all knew Mike so well and so affectionately that it is difficult to adequately express our feelings now that we have to sadly record that he is, gone and will not return. He was one of the young men who had played a part is closer to Prince as new members were made welcome progressed smoothly under the expert leadership of the Serrfor Regent. The ever-increaalng membership ls a sign of the popularity of this organization. After business was discussed the members took part In a contest in which the winners were: first, Mrs. J. Harvey; consolation, Mrs. R. McCarthy. Refreshments werebarbecue style under the management of the Impressive Initiative ceremony the home making committee. Victory Bonds are not a tax, BUDGET not a gift, but a loan to Canada backed by all the resources of Canada. When you invest in Victory Bonds you are laying up for yourself the best of all The Exclusive Ladies' Ready-to-Wear ft. r-. .'irs. ii. a. rarker. y. Letter Box ORGANIZE AGAINST FIRE Editor, Daily News: J ; One bright afternoon this weeki we did a tour of the city schools' and conducted fire drills. One of ;tne elementary schools with well 1 3var 300 students' did a complete evaluation with all doors, and wln-dowB closed in, 1.07 minutes. That is fast any way you look at u and proves that well planned and coordinated effort provides maximum security. There was no running, no excitement. The same applies to rehearsal for school ?vacualon during air raid alarms. I can assure parents of Prlnee Rupert scholars they need have no worry while their children are in the care of our school principals and their staffs. Suppose we carry the thousht -a little further. . Many business houses have prepared themselves against fires in event of air raids. But not many people In their home haw given much thought tn it Tl-l. tnlUn. U 1.1. .t-- lb UICI Willi UK ,2S I children. I have seen some of the older scholars at work with hose streams from stirrup pumps. By all means talk it over with the older children. -They' won't fall rou. CITY FIRE CHIEF. MIDLANDS TAKE TOUR Are Now Disillusioned Unit Four Years in Canada After In describing how "D" Company U)f the First Midlands n.utsed through Bowmanvllle recently en-route to new scenes of action, the ' Bowmanvllle (Ontario) Statesman 11 lAmmilmf.f 1 . 4 . II - I ' it ... . ... I To the father, the mother, the brothers and the sis-j m 1939 there were Midlands ter we add our word to the general sympathy that is f el. (guarding the Trenton airport They may be assured that. a he wns PstPPmprl hv nc oil Then their officer commanding. in life, his name in death for the trreat pans will Hvp withl001: j; c- Gamf?y-MAL-was br"g honor in the recollections of all of us who knew him so well and regarded him so highly. Battle Of Aleutians . . . ' . ..... I , r- A I 1 1 I 1' . , I back from overseas. They paraded as a unit In Orono, cheerful, lusty. strong and expectant of leaving' to get at grips with the foe. They enlisted to fight. Now we are into the fourth year of the war. As a unit, we are told, the "Mad" Mid-, uii uueiiMve wnirn wi f vp tup . onanau rm- fin ,n --v bv.,.6 and other islets to the extreme west of the Aleutian chain. It is also interesting to note that nothing is being concealed about the move but, to the contrary, it is being broadcast for all and sundry,, including the Japs, to hear. The fact of the matter is that a strontr base in the Andreanofs is all to the good for our side. It. might seem reasonable to imply that we are greatly increasing our strength in that vulnerable area not only for defence but for offense in greater degree for the latter rather than the former, it would now appear. Indeed, offensive rather then defensive appears to be more and more our policy in the quarter more or less immediately to the west of us here in Prince Rupert. With the forces of either side gathering in strength, we may expect some real action in the northern Pacific before long. There are indications that it is already getting under way. t n (. tima TKa. ntqliM Irai Extra "drive" makes him stand out on the football field. Extra flavour makes HBC an outstanding Rye. IGoz. 25 oz. 40 or. S1.95 $3.05 $4.70 Hudson's ay t RYE Return All Empty Bottles to THE SALVAGE CORPS Salvage helps Canada's War Effort all they have not yet had training adequate to This advertisement is not published or displayed by the Liquor Control Board or by the Government of Brltlah Columbia THE DATEY NEWS FRIDAY, OCTOBER p. 142 -J lKOT ACTIVITIES OF Y.M.C.A. AND Y.W.C.A. By nOKOTIIY GARHUTT. Hostess , -a Sorry to iiear that Tony Hamtl-. ton is In the hospital with a vart- tty of troubles or so Audrey and i were told. First it was pneumonia, then dlpthwla. then ton- sflitis and, finally. aDDendlcltls But. for the benefit of friendlyen qulrers, It the riu and Tony and flu are coming along nicely thank you. Oh. sorry. Tony Is Sub-Lieutenant Hamilton of His Majesty's Canadian Navy and a swell guy. Audrey Is the little woman. .Another hospital casualty from the Y Is Joyce Jenkins, the pleasant little dark girl who Is on regular duty at the canteen. We all hope It's nothing serious. Gordon Maclntyre. coder at the SD.O., has Just returned from leave In the south. He told me that, while there, he saw a very Interesting .article in one of the Vancouver papers "by a reporter who had made a tour of the northwest coast and had returned to tell the world about the la:k of recreational facilities for th troops. It should be sjood reading and if anyone has a copy and can let me hare it I woulud be greatly c bilged. The more the public know about our difficulties in that line the better for us. The regular -weekly meetln? of the Service Wives Club was held yesterday m the family lounge at the Y. Mrs. Doolittle was in the chair. Red Crass work was handed out and members were reminded to return any finished work as soon as possible. Mrs. McCallum a new member, won the club raffW " - - "v "j touiuHUit juujig i.iuz.eii. ", wuc uui wj ut-stuuc sume mjaonaiea this week by Mrs Doo- -4V- muse wjiu, luui iie ueen spareu to return, I ui .e un wito mt nnie. Mrs. woods accepted the would rro doubt have taken an even more important nartfcglnnlng of the war Here ls what'pt of social convener. Tea was in affairs. - 1 The Statesman carried or; thejserved by Mrs. Huff and Mrs. Per- ry. The turn-out of members more than gratifying. Several of the aiemfoers volunteered for afternoon YWCA Hostess work at the hut. They will be much appreciated e'peclally If they swing a mean ping pong racquet meet the foe anywhere. Drafttime decimated their ranks. Train ees, to their resentment, were at VwTttVS ; V y ; PI.?! ann0UnHlands are Just about extinct Flrstitach l their ranks. Openly rr, ment tnat the United States c has established army and' they went to Ottawa, next to"stJthe cla,m 11,211 thev did not en-navy forces includinir substantial air nower in tho ArwW-iJohn, N.B., then to Niaeara. thenllht for a "Cook's Tour of Canada" annsfkv o-rniin nf tlm AlmfJonc. it.ut, :... iEdmnntnn Ait nnrt finniiw in ho-and at every opportunity ..j &. iutuuaus niui cl viirw tU UlSLlLULinLT l ' " j - , thev have volunteered for drafts that would take them Into some sort of "active" participation instead of so much guard duty which ctets a bit monotonous after two years' service. Christum) Is sometimes used Instead 61 the more familiar "B.C." ''Before Christ i. I "Some 62 went to Hone Kone. to become 100 per cent casualties or prfsoners. Others went to Brit-j aln. Some Joined the paratroops! for training In the US a now a I whole company. disillusioned, heads eastward to an unknown destination?' ANTE CHRISTUM The abbrevation "A. C." (Ante J " CHEMISTRY HELPS TO WIN THE WAR Now Saves Our Airmen's Lives WHAT hat happened to Nylon that wonderful . hosiery which earn and went t qtifcMjr? Jtylon yarn has gone active . . . ioto the fabric of nKtwhearing parachutes. Remember the outstanding quaMcie of NMon . . . soft as silk and much nftre durable? Well, thtHC qualities of lightness, durability and tensile strength make Nylon the ideal parachute fabric. Today, ur airmen have cause to praise the inventiveness of industrial chemistry, which devised this wonderful yarn. Nylon fs produced by chemical pax?etes from abundantly available domestic materials. A new C-I-L plant at Kingston, Outario, manufactures Nylon yarn the entire output is earmarked for active service.. C.N.R. Trains For the East Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays - - 0:00 p.m. Ig Wednesdays and it-Fridays ip:30 ojr-jg Krom the East 2 . Sundays, Tuesdays and Fridays 11 p.m. Thursdays and Saturdays 0 p.m. If you have not been akril to break home ties, to go to a far country, to fare the shock of battle and to rik your life, the leat that yon ran do is to I.EM) your money to equip those who do the fighting for us. SMITH & MALLETT Ltd. mi rnmxKmmrrratm trm rmx mm rmi m vm rm tmtm xm rm rmum rn THE PACIFIC CAFE Third Avenue and Sixth Street Wishes to Announce that !t will be v OPEN FOR BUSINESS after being closed for renovation, on THURSDAY, OCTOBER 1, at 4 p.m, with a first class Chinese Cook. Specialty Chinese Dishes The Management Invites the I'ubllc to try their Special 1 CHOP SUEY. iMLmm:Mm.mzmiMmimimzmtmm:iMim Eiiimn im m tm im ; 4 SjUd h lr Mr V ' my C'l-L ffJutt J c u CI a. cccii: CANADIAN INDUSTRIES LIMITED inuiiiiiisiiinFiimutinufn,!,,,, g mil n m B 5 m m sow is Tin: ti.mi: to BUY A FUR COAT Come and Inspect Oo. ' m s ackKew dcllverle ' Kit Discount PHI nDI Amir Vonrrrfiil S f.r eh VJULUDLUUm Ihe Otd Reliable 'atiiaiiiiiiiBraraiTt.raiitrHrtrsrrfl-7i 1' 1 1 Savage SHOES Vill Last You Longer Cause Sandy Savage Makes Them Stronger a IIUKLHUT, JACK & .MIL MICKY MOUSE, VALUE IJ2ADKK LOAFERETTK'S All Carried in Slock; Here WE HAVE "MOSCO" CORN Cl'ItE Family shoe store ltD. 44 The Home of Good Shoes"