)AV OCTOBER 8. HE- BEE HalLY NEv73 I, Uartimr lUrrro$oJ Thuntamlt Phone 65t For I'rre llomr Drlltrry C Ar.T BREWERIES CTD. r. )rw wtiTMiMsrtn Victoria A: - M' r r ftHs --crt .cment is not published or displayed bv the Liquor r ijard or by the taovcrnment of British Columb a. Ibeer Canadian Dry Cleaners t ;,h io draw your attention to the fact that we PICK UP AND DELIVER uar Rearing apparel for drytleanlng and pressing AS BEFORE White been foitunale In adding more experienced operators from the Miuth to our staff AND ARE STILL MAINTAINING DAY SERVICE ON Al.l. mtYCI.KANiNfi Phone 118 or 8 Rfadlng and Toolmakers' Book and Builders Ouldes (4),,ech volume uud 8teamflttcrs OtUdes (4). each volume Handybook - n PraeAtwl Bngtnceriiuei..tf- ; nnd Mehanles atildci VLiaIWBe f Library 12). eMhvolume - . omans Quide i--sip-i!- " L.jgrams .. Qvilde Mt'al Workerg Guide 'ion Handbook Painter and Decorator al Drawing and Design Eloctriclty -al Drawing Course "s Guide $2.50 $5.00 $1.00 $2.00 $U5 $1.25 $2.00 $2.00 $5.00 . $US $2.00 . $1.33 . $20 .. $20 . $20 . $5 00 .. $U5 .. $230 1 (',IC'S left last PastenffPt leaving InniAmM - in Saskatoon, night for MasMtt include Mr. and : v,uis in Prince Mrs R Amos. A F Smith. Mrs. M. :,c marriage of Stanley. Henry and Oeorjre Mayer Venables and Mrs C P BuMingcr. TSfSfSUSIBM Another Shipment Has Arrived fnUDEL'S GUIDE BOOKS C ftmplctc Slock of Anders Practical Trade Rooks I Carried in Stock A Monday, Thanksgiving Day. stores will be closed all day. ! O. Stegavtg and A Stegavt left i last night for Vancouver. William Lone and Ingver Morse left last ntM for a holiday trip jto Vancouver. daughter, Fmmu, kit last night for a trip to Vancouver. A Will Psy Gash Ftor Furniture, Stoves, Tools, MurtcaJ Instruments Write or Phone Ello Furniture Store. Prince Rupert. (tfl A Prince Rupert Dry Dock Employee's Association. Employee's DANCE to be held In the Staff House Dining Hall, Saturday 9 to 12. Admission 50c. Ladies Free. All men must show their Red or Oreen Passes. 386 A nwttn of the pAnee Rupert I Gaoo&iiiiK. - ...AMAnf Kim A f , . - ..... .... ?! I' vuick, safe and Comfortable TAXI SEKViue. PHONE 235 DAY AND NIGHT S , 9oorwaoooooorMJorvrooooooooooooooooorHJooooooo6oo If you lose anything, advertise for it. J A SATUlUtUM nnn " TIT K," COLDS 'Winnipeg Couple RELIEVED FAST i Are United Here Put 3-porpoie V-tro-nol up each nottrll...l It shrinks nrouen membranes; (2) Soothes trriUtton; 3 Helps flush out nsaal passages, clearing clogging mucus. VICKS VA-TRO N6lr Mrs. Jack Woods 'Annette Stone; left on this morning's train for a business trip to Winnipeg, Toronto Mhw Vera Morse and Miss S. and Montreal. Smith were passengers leaving' 1 last night for a trip to Vancouver, i waiter Ilansen has arrived in Mrs. O. Petterson and Mrs. A. Jacobsen left lost night for a trip to Vancouver. A Smart Woollen and Crepe Dresses, stee 11. to 26, at Star's. opposite Commodore Cafe. 236) Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Yager and the city irpm Las Angeies wj pay a week's visit with his mother, MrsJ Charles Lundstrom, before enlisting In the United State Air Force. Robert Frlzzell returned to the city this morning from Oceaf. Falls, called home on account of the Illness of . his father, George Frlzzell, who was seized with a stroke on Sunday last and has changed little since. thncuhcetnehtJ All advertisements in this column will be charged for a full month at 25c a word. ZZTZZ 11 : :Ti JrXr Lutheran Bazaar. Oct. 24, Odd- "7. . " J L " : " fellows' HaH Mrs. J. t, rwer, r run nvniuc East i, to make arrangements for an Invitation dance to be held on November 6 by the association. The proceeds will be donated to the Overseas Bombed Nurses' Fund Lutheran Hour, Monday, 6:45, CFPR Presbyterian Supper October 16. Can. Legion Fall Bazaar, Oct. 21. me comnmiee in caarge conw, .. Tnvit.aHnn nance of Mrs Forbes. Mrs. J F Piper. feUowg. HalJ November 6 Miss Eleanor Graham. Mrs. Ford arc! Nursins Sifter Koe-'.cr Anglican Fall Bazaar, Nov. 5, Classified Ads. FOR SALE FOR' SALE Player Piano. Box 347 Daily News. tfl PERSONAL HOT STOVE POLISH Jack MdVulty. who has been visiting for some time in vancou-.... Pisowhere In the south, returned to the city this morning. a hi frLean and son, Bob, left last night for a trip to Powell nnri Vancouver. Bob arrived in the city on Sunday night's train from the East coast, lie s on k-vc WANTED Odd- St Peter's Fall Bazaar. Nov 12, Support gPj Many are paying the cos', of votary in blood, sweat, toil and tears " If you are nnt privileged to be a combatant, your job is to Work and LEND for Victory ANNETTE'S LADIES' WEAR We Lead . . . Others Follow WANTED Girl for general house work, good wages. Phone Blue 936 236) WANTED Board and Room by gentleman. Apply Box 364 Dally News. (237) ,.t Cleans, polishes, "cooking-hot" . WANTED to rent, turnlshed suite j steel stoves. Won't blacken. Stores . or room by army officer ahd n -Tt " I wife. Box 366 Dally News. 238) NATIONAL MESSENGER SERVICE Call it. we haul it. We never I close. Prompt service. Phone Red 392. riil ROOM AND BOARD ROOM and Board for man sharing. 718 Fraser Street. (193) LOST WANTED By Nov. 1 or before, two or 3 rooms, furnished or unfurnished by married couple, no children, quiet and clean. Apply Box 367 Dally News. (240) WANTED To rent, small apartment, furnished up to $60 month, or unfurnished. Box 3C8, Dally News. WANTED One large or small rooms for married couple. Box 1 LOST -Set of teeth. Reward. Find-1 355 Dally News. (237) Mr G Hlrd, ' n " rr olciise "return to . I m PUBUC Stenoerapher wants work. 1 stait nousc o. o. n.. " 1 1 1 J. ill. Ill 323. (236)1 WAvrrn To rpnt. 6 or 7 roomed house, furnished or partly fur-i nlshed. Apply Box 363 Dally News. (236) WANTED Studio Couch. Of eeli 929. -1 Miss Dorothea Moorcroft Becomes Bride of Gordon Raymond j Crawford I Th"e marriage took place on Wednesday at the Manse of First United Church, Rev. James Don-nell officiating, of Miss Dorothea Virginia Moorcroft, of Winnipeg, and Gordon Raymond Crawford, also of Winnipeg. Witnesses of the quiet ceremony were Mr. and Mrs. Robert James Murray Henderson of Prince Rupert. IS WANTED-New oV used lumber' or SAiall 1 buildrrfg ' to" rhbV-e. Apply Box 362 Daily News. (235) WANTED Housekeeper and a Janitor needed urgently. Apply Unemployment Commission A-M.G. (tf) WANTED Truck driver at once, Apply Unemployment Insurance from the Navy. Commission. No. AM 7. - Jtf) Miss B. Rogers is leaving tonight for Vancouver. D. A. Robinson and II. J. Mln- nkm are leaving tonight for Van couver. R. G.vboomer. Canadian National Steamships Inspector, left last night for Ocean Falls. ' imnKiniiinniiiuu: IB 'PAX ML ? S Here's a reminder Christinas si1 is only 2 months away. Send that overseas parcel or card g now 2 at the Help Norway Invitation Dance, k. Oddfellows' Hall October 30. 13 VARILTl Mmpfpv QrnoP bTUKb 2 Where yonr dimes are mue dollars NEW ROYAL HOTEL 3. ZARELLI. PROP. -A Home Away From Home" Rates 5e up SO Rooms Hot & Cold Water Prince Rupert, B.C. Thone 281 P.O. Box 196 WE CARRY Everything For THE WORKING MAN It will pay; you to, cj6me;ln' ... V . V- ana iook over ouraiirge swtn. of Woollen Goods. B.C. Clothiers PnONE BLACK 324 Third Avenue SERVICES TO Vancouver, Victoria and Way-polntsr Stewart and North, Queen ' Charlotte Islands. Full Information, Tickets and Reservation FRANK J. SKINNER Prince Rupert Agent Third Ave. Phone 568 AROMATIC CASTOR OIL AROMATIC CASCARA ... Keep in line with timely economy. Crown Brand Syrup in addition to its other Osei, i$ being so generally wed f o supplement sugar, that the demand has increased tremendously so that sometimes your grocer may not be oble to supply you. But you'll understand why. A oreot deal more " Crown Brand " is being produced this year but It cannot be expected to jneet a demand resulting from a war shortage of mil! tons of pounds of sugar. The supph of Crown Brand Syrup, dee other things, must be shared. Don't hoard buy normally. With the help of your "grocer, every effort is being made to keep you supplied with this delicious syrup. Wf-f Si Vt Twin:nii.ni" "" i i miin NOTICE PRINCE RUPERT FISHERMEN'S CO-OP DELIVERY SERVICE All residents cast of Hays Creek Bridge and on 11th Avenue will continue to receive deliveries as they are now. All other parts of town will receive deliveries on Monday, Wednesday and Friday. Orders must be in by 1 o'clock the day before delivery and by 12 o'clock on Thursdays. The above will go into effect by Wednesday, October 14th. HOUSEHOLD NEEDS TINCTURE OF IODINE OIL OF EUCALYPTUS FRIAR'S BALSAM .. CASTOR OIL ..... CAMPHORATED OIL HYDROGEN PEROXIDE ........ EPSOM SALTS, tins BORACIC ACID, tins SEIDLITZ POWDERS, tins ...... EE 1 oz. 15c 2 oz. 25c 1 oz. 20c 2 oz. 35c 1 oz. 25c 2 oz. 45c 4 oz. 25c 8 oz. 50c . 3 oz. 25c , 2 oz. 25c 8 oz. 90c . 1 oz. 15c 2 oz. 25c . 8 oz. 35c 16 oz. 50c . 4 oz. 10c 16 oz. 25c . 2 oz. 15c 4 oz. 25c 40c 38 BUY YOUR DRUGS FROM THE DRUG STORE Ormes Ltd. 'Tim Pioneer Drtu&tsts THE REXALL STORE PHONES 81 AND 83 . Open Dally from 8 a.m. till 10 pjn. Sundays and Holidays from 12-2 p.m. and 7 - 9 pjnt It's interestinc to know when reading the Daily News that the people of the whole district are doing the same. t WWI Tt f.J.,A..A:T.I.M-0...0,.. f.; ?4 J; '4 b 1 O