' v A consultation wmi' .ncemed, particularly the E; government. Ti i mmands.are to be estab-, southern Africa with tj! 1 raj Officer Commanding - r riefence force In charge - . w Southern Africa Com-; j. , ' I . rvent of any combined fur mutual security or( .,. of mutual effort. ; Rhodesia forces will be 1 the disposal of thV 0 ; rations In Madagascar' ;n under the control of 5 , - m African Command. Fuller Co-operation r F f Sturrock. Minister of : mid Harbors, declared In Jv.uth Africa that hU mu-unecUon with mote en-.r-isecuUon of the war tuiler co-opera lion with r !- government was very it of trim, quiet deter o impreased. Mr. i;e said, "if I were feel very uneasy." ' .iving decreased by onc-rrrnt throuahout the raring August. A suney ' .'.at Pretoria's living costs tth 22 percent in-vi r pre-war days; Klmber-wrst a nine percent Wjlth ( livestock' r South African tremendously due to and shlppln el secretary of the South Federation of Meat Trad-;,f vies meatlcas tables un- arc fixed. Che HIG ALLIED RAID LONDON The Nail-occupied roast of France and Ilelgium was tuVJerlrd early today by United States flying; fortress bombers and British Spitfire and Hurricane fighters to the largest assault in many weeks. They went over Calais and Cap Griz Nez. PIVF niF Victims of .Malady at Telegrapl Creek Mostly Elderly Creek but there arc plentllui supplies of drugs and the situation Is reported by; the officer to be well In hand. The need of a field nurse j W. however, cmpnasizco. Dy ion-j stable Todd. HOLIDAY IN SHIPYARDS Thanksgiving Day Next To He Observed nnnni r?i t t bermans.bo LONDON', Five deaths have occurred ,at .i i. vm inri,,n Germans, leading Johhnesburg shops ver shipyards will Join In the O 1 D' K ;rta.led Business hours in general observance of Thanksfiv- 31111011 I aCK a. ... -1 Ud Ski i Inn rVnV nn Kfonrtav next. Work will - r io conserse mn -" ' ution dlfficultlM ana cease at mianigni ouimay iu ..r-tmployca with more Un sume midnight Monday. Alrtnaft planU will remain manufacturing t. ;. vrork. South Africa and VS. at work. U a:un Price of " the United -- - Economic Mission to South A J I. as streased In Washington ' . - -sity for co-operation be- ;ie two countries In send-pltes to the Union while de-v " it as a strategic base. He i tlbutc to the great strides t - it South Africa's war effort I Prlmai MlnUtrr RmllLS. I I1NL1ST1NC. IN NAVY Elmer Eburnc, Foster Husoy, Douglas Payne, Albert Phllllpson, Jarvij McLeod and Hay Hougnn, t;l local boys; have left for Van-r3uver where they will enlist In the Navy. ry Takes Vancouver Arena Only Skating Place In Southern City No Longer Avanaoie E:: .. is also anxious to develop VANCOUVER, Oct. 9 The " ",5 relations with the Union ac- tcna Vancouver's only skating "3 to Dr. Julio Dlogo, Braz- piacei nag been taken over by tho vuiuui utliviui. wv.m.-. miliary uuuiui ' - a uirt-cu siuppnin uuc Qn 0j mc var, " mc two countries, oatlngcnt of 2Q0 officers and of the Youth Training Brl- ti'iw Is on a demonstration throughout the northern " of the Union. In a send-off t7p. prime Minister Smuts that half of the 4.000 enlisted "he Brigade two years ago have dratted Into the South Afrl-;i Army, minster the nearest skating place, Plnsp Down Gold Mines WASHINQTON, DC . Oct. 0 Board t p.vThc War Production today ordered the .shutdown of two hundred to three hurt- dred of the largest gold mines i v. iktunri KtAtes In order . Ill UlC . to release manpower for woric t In copper and other vuai u. - mineral production. mm For Year Is r IV I :i JAPANESE NAVY HIT WASHINGTON' A highly successful raid was carried out by an aircraft carrier task force fn the North Solomons on Sunday, it has Just been announced by the Department of the Navy. One heavy cruiser, one transport, one seaplane tender and two cargo ship were damaged and one cruiser and two destroyers were also hit. No United States planes were lost. This brings to thirty-seven the number of enemy ships sunk or damaced in the Solomons area. CHANCE STALINGRAD TACTICS MOSCOW The Ked Aimy has made a break into the Nazi lines north of Stalingrad and within the city the German wedge has been wiped out. Berlin admits a "change in the character" of the' Jlattlr of Slallnrrad with no niimmp in trvinr in storm the rest of d the step had been taken' the city which will be reduced by artillery fire. In Cuffing t Oct. ft: a The announcing that I... thev had shackled the hands SIX-HOUR BLACKOUT Precautionary Alarm Starts tori Irly In Morning Here and Called Off When Vessel Is Identified 'kept watch unUl dawn. Generally Monday i speaking, public co-operation was !good. The alarm was confined to VANCOUVER. Oct. 9 - Voncou-j The sirens scretjchcd in Prince Rupert for a precautionary blackout which commenced at 3:48 ajn. and ended at 10:06 a.m. A.R.P. wardens went to their patrols and the Prince Rupert area. i1 JAPS ARE ion it is announced by tne te but other varieties were Ralston Back From Scotland Canadian Minister of National Defence Visit! Forces There LQNDON. Oct. 9: lion. J. L. Ralston. Canadian minister of national defence, was back In London last night after a visit In Scotland In the course or a tour of Canadian forces. 11 : NAZIS filVE IT fv " OSLO. Oct. 9 CP) The Germans have finally given up meir at tempt to raise the sunicen cruiser , , . ,, t-,n nilcor vat ' v..v. KOCnigsorrB. wnt to the bottom near Bergen; by British oomoers in aiiiu, " BLASTED Have Left Attu and Agattu Because I They Cannot Stand Pressure Of Allied Bombing WASHINqTON. D.C., Oct. 9 O-Blasting the have been given by American sea and air power is believed to hive been the cause of the Japanese having apparently fled from (he two of the three westernmost lands of the Aleutian Islands which they occupied four montns ago. iiaving leit auu ana Agattu, they are still undergoing heavy bombardment on their remaining foothold at Kiska. j t The United States Department ' oi the Navy announced today that Army, bombers, continuing a steady pounding of the Japanese in the Aleutian Islands, drop- 1 Ded fifteen tons of bombs on an enemy base1 at Kiska last Tuesday, starting fires in the harbor and strafing the radio station. Probably reading that they had blundered irito what naval spokesmen termed a ' rat trap." enemy forces have .disappeared from the western-mo). Islands with losses thus far totajllng thirty-eight ships sunk or damaged and forty planes destrpyed. all being persons over seventy years : . 17" "77 . mc- '' J1'"""' of age Except one thirty-five years "6 waf P""- that there Kad been no signs of tuberculosis, ac- t-lireatened today to manacle jananese activity on either Island old affected by 4. tk. UmM thai nlimlvr nt . . . , . i i,- I tv. cording to advice received by Dr. ' '"r " - . oetectca ior riBl M u.m " R. J. Mac Donald, director of th no,t?norro,wr L, .h,.r 1 cncmys tonp rcmalnlng base. " authorities out their :,.,i m,kh- t,Miih ,.mi carry KUk had thu. drawn conccntrat- r " 4, .nnmnml iitprmlnallon to . i fmm PmrinHal Constable J. W. : . . . ea lire oi uiunu pui uvuw h: i ! tranort J" nre re to be re- f r wui. v. fttUn? favorably to treatment irom Whitehall now has a W(frIBhu matmctloiu of Dr. Mur- tersundtng of South . ; q Hatelton . jhwe Is no supply problems. The (. he, nvatja at Telegraph Canadians Assisted OTTAWA. Oct. 9: Five Cana-i dian warships co-operated with United States forces in the recent occupation, of the Andreanofsky group of islands in the Aleutians. It was announced yesterday, by Minister of. the Navy Angus Mac- rinnairt It was but another in- stance of how the forces of the United (Nations were co-operaung, i Mr. Macdonald said. KILLED IN VANCOUVER Injured By Street Car Last Night VANCOUVER. Oct 9 Mrs. Mary E. Johnson, aged 64, was fatally Injured when struck by a strict j Nn Ot iJO Large car Iast evening 911 Hastings Street O at Lllloet. She had Just come off an castbound car and was cross- r Mrrtrvrr rvt 0 Tho Brit- o. .ho ri Ish Columbia salmon pack for this struclc b'y a wcstbound. She diedj year 'amounts to UOO.OOO cases a3 Qf ner lnjuries while on the way compared with .1.670.000 cases . in tQ Vancouver general Hospital. " . . I . I TVn W ...... ivirtment ot Fisheries. There was .,,, 'lrattr rabntv tne tniny-ln Vancou- an increase in sutMjc auu ver since the first of the year. I heads down. Most U.S. Planes Yet On Attack t LONDON. Oct. 9 P The biggest United States bomber and fighter force ever to take the air in the European war theatre Joined the Royal Air Force and Army squadrons of Allied fighter planesHoday in a new alr blow against targets ! In northern France. Exact ob- Jectlves were not disclosed but the raid was, apparently aim- ed primarily at the Lille re- glon. big Industrial area of northern France. Local Temperature Tomorrow sT ides (Standard Time) High .... 1:10 ajn. 2U feet 13:20 pm. 22.1 feet Maximum - 53 Low .... 7:19 ajn. . 4.3 feet 19:42 3.0 feet 48 p.m. Minimum NORTHERN AND CENTRAL BRITISH COLUMBIA'S NEWSPAPER V.: y:it XXXI. No. 235 PRINCE RUPERT, B.C., FRIDAY, OCTOBER 9, 1942 PRICE' FIVE CENT8 ?&. Order Prescribed By Premier MERGlW AFRIUN DEFENCES To Command Announced En-toy to Britain Had Successful Trip C APE TOWN, Oct. 9 O South-pj.xlfiua and the Union of i: Afnca have united under a ri ;ilitary command In a , - . M-ordlnate the! defence r whole of Africa. Adjoint ut issued by Prime MlnU M Huaglns and J. C. Smuts A War Employment For All, Food and Shelter and Poverty Insurance Will Be Future Requisites NAZIS TAKE NEW ANGLE Thwarted at Stalingrad, Germans Are Now Stalling Wide-flanking Invasion Further South WMOSCOW, Oct. 5 (CP) The Germans, grinding slowly forward in the industrial district of Stalingrad but with victory still denied them 'from there, were reported today to have started anew on a wide flanking invasion further south, obviously calculated to cut thiough the Kalmyck territory to the Volga Delta on the Caspian Sea. A dispatch to the government newspaper Izcestia from Astrakhan contained the first Russian announcement that the Germanr had entered the Kalmyck area west of the lower Volga and south of Stalingrad. Thh indicates developing activity on the German right flank across the steppes between the Don and the lower Volga concurrent with the desperate see-saw battle for Stalingrad. JAPANESE STRONGER Former United States Ambassador Speaks in Connection With Victory Loan Campaign TORONTO. Oct. 9 Speaking here in support of the forthcoming Victory Loan campaign, Joseph Grew, former United States am bassador to Japan, declared that the Japanese nation was stronger than it ever was before. Lands it had now subjugated now Included i marie ten times lareer the area under NlDDOn's control.. There Mrs. Mary Johnson, 61, Fatally would be no easy road to victory I Mr. Grew said, but it would mean work, sacrifice and conservation. I La 4 TELLS OF NEW BOMB Fire Chief II. T. Lock Is Fire Pre vention Week Speaker to Rotary Club In a Fire Prevention Week ad dress at the regular weekly lun cheon of the Prince Rupert Rotary Club yesterday. Fire Chief II. T. Lock dealt particularly with a new type of Incendiary bomb used by the Japanese In Australia and the Philippines. This fire-setting missile Is of the "breadbasket" type and has a very diffusive effect, spreading more extensively than the German Incendiary. Tne speaK-er described some of the methods employed In combatting these bombs. George C. Mitchell, president of nembers with several guests. The club decided to co-operate actively in the sale of Victory Bonds In the forthcoming cam nnlen. ft committee consisting of r p. 11. Limey. J. J. Little ana w. u Fulton being named to take charee. In the drawing of a War Savings Certificate In aid of the Queen's Fund the winner was J, A. Troxell of Seattle. Mew Lessons of Co-operation in Industry and International Relations Must be Applied After War TORONTO, Oct. 9 (CP) New lessons of co-operation in industry and industrial relations being taught by the necessity of war will play-an important part in meeting postwar problems, Prime ' Minister' William Lyon' Mackenzie-King said in an'address at the annual convention of the American B'ederation of Labor. " As the "national minimum" for I Coastguard - CM T . onip Lost WASHINGTON, DC, Oct. 9. reinforcements for other forma tlons and hundreds of Empire air men as well as nursing sisters. Port Moresby Secure Again Menace to Important New Guinea Port is Believed Largely Removed MELBOURNE Oct 9: Danger to the important New Guinea Isl and port of Port Moresby is be lieved to aioved as 1 the postwar period, Mr. King gave these requirements as follows: 1. Useful employment for all willing to work. 2. Standards of housing and nutrition adequate to ensure the hellth of the whole population. 3. Serial Insurance against prl- fi The Department of the vatlons resulting from unemploy- j ' j - - uiciifc, atcuitriib, utaiii ui mac Joss In the Atlantic Ocean of breadwinner, 111 health and old the United States coastguard age. . cutter Muskeget presumably with her entire rxrsonnel. SUPPORT OF CANADIANS ! WAR BONDS i TVIff A k OAFR lmPrtanl Speech Made by Chair-lllV 1 JJ V ! LiLX man of National War Savings 1 Committee Another Large Expeditionary Force ' . HAMILTON. Ont.. Oct. 9 Or . ,W. Spinney, chairman of the Na-( -!C"7 ' tibiialr Savfogs Committee; AT A BRITISH PORT. Oct. 9: speaking here Wednesday night, 9 Thousands of Canadian sol- urged the most complete support diets from a score of formations possible by all classes of Canadians i rrrvee f!anarta have arrivH In 41 v- i rri :j Tri.rt.. ui me lUiuituiitiiiB xuuu viwuui Great Britain to Join an armored Loan. Mr. Spinney made Import- -i" if i eirsvs iAmminoi hu TT . . a. a a.i. F. Worthineton. Most of the ant references to postwar taxation, ar- M.,Ut iV.nl4,, nf hnnric gnrl ntVlr .lid. Ell- W U.it.J v, UUll"U M. www rivals were beretted troopers of an matters. ' armored division but there were LONG TRIP l IN ARCTIC Royal Canadian Mounted Tolice Boat Arrives in Maritimes From Vancouver HALIFAX. Oct. 9 Eight mem-, bers of the Royal Canadian Mount ed Police have arrived with the have been, largely re- boat St. Roch In the Maritimes r, roc, If nf' t V, Wrlvlr, n after O. lollff ITlO tllTOUZh the AlC- .v.u Hd l . kui, jutt,,,, - - back of the Japanese,. .northward tic Ocean along the north coast tnrough the Owen Stanley Moun- or canaaa. iney siarieo. out as tains by the Australian forces. Vancouver, HELP TO HOOST The National War Finance Committee, public relations, section, has provided the Dally News with a number of attractive Illustrations for use in connection with sponsored newspaper advertising for the Third Victory Loan campaign. The co-operation of all business people In supporting the Victory Loan campaign by using newspaper space for sponsored advertisements Is being enlisted. The Dally News is also In possession of suitable texts for such advertising In case business people desirous of ! taking part have no particular Ideas of their own. We are ready to assist in suggesting both Illustration arid, messages but would suggest quick action.' Al-' 'ready' werhave had several orders for space during the campaign.'' Telephone or call at the Dally News Office. ' m Si- i "1