V V FRIDAY, FEB. ! PADS TWO THE DAILY NEW3 FASTEST U.S. PLANE NOW IX 3 1 ASS PRODUCTION "THEY'RE MARVELLOUS BECAUSE THE DAILY NEWS. THEY'RE PRINCE RUPERT. BRITISH COLUMBIA i 71 WAMi ilftil 9 Pubfebed Every Afternoon .Except Sunday by Pr.nee Rupert Daily News Limited, Third Avenue. k H. F. PVLX.ES, MANAGING-EDITOR . SUBSCRIPTION RATES Subscription Rate in Ctty Per Year. $5.00; Hal Year, $2.50; One Month, 50c; One Week. lJe Out-of-Town Subscribers by Mail. $3.0i a Year. Jlember of Apdit Bureau of Circulations Advertising and Circulation Telephone 98 .MUMBLE OF THE CANADIAN rut Tht Cmtla Prw it ewluMTeij eoUUed to use for puMKc!oa of all ne dpttcb ciwliW ic u n u Uk At-JCiiXS Pre to tfaU paper nd lo ti DAILY EDITION FRIDAY. FEBRUARY 13, 1942. What We Can Do . . . Our position in the Far East is increasingly serious. The enemy is still gaining. Where he will be stopped, as stopped he will be, is a matter of speculation. Combat may spread much farther afield before it ends. Parts of the world which complacently felt that physical warfare could never reach them are already under the aggressor's heel. Others may soon be. We should not rive un hope even if dancer should be imminent. What we must do is steel our courage and, not fearfully but realistically, face, the future and consider very carefully what may come our way. We don't have to run awav but we should be pre pared. I Here in Prince Runert there are two thines which ! nance ine sinews oi ine war ami neipmg tu injure uur own security. Another thing we can do is to assist in some way in bolstering our own local defences such as finding a place in the A.R.P, organization. Some of us, of course, may participate even more actively in the war effort. One or the other or both of the two things we mention here can be done practically by all of us and we suggest that they are sensible things, in view of the situation, for us to do. Agnes Joins Peace Movement . . . Perhaps no stranger phenomenon has appeared as a consequence of the movement for total war than the sight of Miss Agnes Macphail among its supporters. It is true that she still admits some mental reservations. She is reported as having said: "I don't want my name on the advertisement before I know who is paying for the advertisement." But she went on to say: "I think it has got to come to total war, much as I hate war. We are Japan's Air Force According to one authority Japan has todav approximately three thousand planes with 33,000 trained men.' There are supposed to be twenty coastal units attached to the navy. The force also includes a reserve of 850 second line machines, but this second line possibly numbers jone thousand of all types. These estimates may be all Wront? but their effeetlVPneSR rlpnpnrls nl nrrpfhat nn try w ..vjv.,..u U4vwv.bii.i j t the number of first-class marhinps nrravwl them. The trouble at Singapore is blamed largely on the uispaniy oi uniisn ana American as against Japanese pianes. Effect on Churchill ... How will the present situation in the Far East affect Churchill? Some think he, as the responsible party, will have to go but who is to take his place? There was quite a storm of criticism of his policies just about the time he arrived home from Washington and it seems quite likelv that these may be revived. Baxter tells something of the situation in an article in Maclean's, and then adds: "Churchill has given us inspired leadershin and has shown extranrdi nnw curntv in the face of ill-informed clamor and Sunday journalists o know all the secrets and all the answers. Every mar? m public Iile must be a critic of the administration in power but that is different from joining in the mad cacophony of sound that breaks out when all the- dogs in the neighborhood start barking because they hear others doing it." Wanted -Raw Furs HIGHEST MARKET PRICES PAID Reprcsenting-IIUDSON'S BAY COMPANY Ship to J. E. ORMHEIM, Cow Bay, Prince Rupert, B.C., Phone S15 Pictured is the fastest fighter plane in the w rid, Tie Rep-i'-w Tfcwr.dertx the P-47 wh"i:h has attained a civing speed of 680 miles per hour isct .sve. i... a speed of more 'lianO miles per hoar, which will soon be pia?ed u mass pi r.ffa Ihe e r.j.s a 2.000-horsepower engine a foor-bladed propeller and is 32 feet long. It tv- x2ngsprer.d or 41 feet. Fire power of the plane was not disclosed, but it is reported to be "heavily kM and bristling with both large and small calibre guns.'" . IS FRIDAY twelve-month when Friday the 13th bobbed bobbed up up three three times, times, like wise ember. Once - we are safely through U. L. 1942, however, it will. be- another eleven years before he makes a triple appearance again. That will be 1953. In 1943 he comes once only inAugust and in 1944 twice September and December. 1st of the period announced the Gregorian calendar would present this combination ten times every five years till the end of time or s the calendar. Talk of More Incidentally, modern calendar reformers promote a "proposed C.30 world calendar" that4 vouki give us Friday the 13ib Jery January. April. July and tkstober. Four .imes every year-rc anyi we can do and do , at once. i . . They t are two i. things which THIRTEENTH! HIK. S LulU 1 ffl sunerstiUon There are aoou;.a douoie dost- are very easy 10 ao ana noi unpieasani. j ,0 m-uck from th goddess of One thing we can do is to invest in Victory Bonds it's coming Again March u and ;.;oubIe for Friday me mh. Trie prodding our government with the wherewithal to fi-l -v"niber iz, nrst Triple ap- Iq 0, Babylon declared 13 7 At e il. : I wjiimc in 11 imii Judias Ieariot, who, rjext. day Home in Nora. Scotia. But don't worry, it has never iIrg James IL Deen proven mat anytnmg unior-tunate really happened to anybody simply because Friday was I ...11. kA 1 1.1. . A Served In Last War; Was Also With Railway The late Daniel Roche, who died an unlucky number. Mycologists m the Prtncc Ruperr General Has ! of old Scandinavia-, gave n me pjj Thursday morning, was born Yes. todav is Friday the 13th. i curse of sages beeause Balder. in Fort Keaeh. Montana. In 1875. And that's not an. The old bogey ! their son-god. had to die when 13 He xryt(i ,itri the Canadian En-turns up again four weeks from (were found In the circle ol Valhal- gjnetrs in the last Great War. For tomorrow March 13 and makes another appearance Chis year on November 13. Now there's one thing you can't pin on Hitler or the war. It's the la- many years he was an employee Some say the superstition came of Canadian National Railways with the Christian era there were Du for some time was unable to 13 at the Last Supper, including wort Recently he was handlcap- calendar. And you have to go back ' traditionally 11 years to 1931 to get another ; Jesus Christ for cruciiuion like- nil npi . . . in February. March and Nov- IfuS. 1 U 01110 SOD S A Thompson, Graham Avenue,, has eeived al LONDON. Feb. 13: -9 Lt--Cmdr. telegram announcing the death or j -redoy Tomkinson. six-foot five-her sister, Mrs. . Wilbur in , in:h cammand,r of one of Bri I1"11, v "1 :i Elmsdale. Nova Scotia, on Febru reunion. HAIRPINS T'dJ2.NGINES MANCHESTER,' LIQUEUR a;; Feb. 76 OZ. 13: O A ned bv lncreasine deterioration of a . rTlday. Detraysa vMriaht and had been In noor health for some time. Mr. Roche was a member of the Prince Rupert branch , of the Canadian Legkm and funeral ar- . ... & i x t I Sister ltUeadlSn toy th.,ihf rga- tion. The funeral will take ptaee on Saturday morning from the Mrs. YV. S. Wilber Pavses Away at Church of the Annunciation. D. S. O. FOR GIANT TEDDY tain's smallest submarines, the Mrs. Wilber was never in lniO 11 now, ana We must go tnrOUgn Wltn It to Victory, combination now than there was ; RuDert burvis fted Montana Urge( n'iT been , . awarded . ? , the D. S. ' I for one am ready to serve where I can do the most ef fee-1 centuries ago when some humor- fLe, averal R"J? lor ,!! , T, - ar r andJns k brav" tive work." As the movement for total war gains more adherents from those who held Miss Macphail's pre-war opinions, they will come to realize that they are not in uncongenial company. Our cause is still directed by a love of peace, but the method of pacifism has been proved ineffective. Peace can now be achieved only through war, and only through a will to victory that will cheerfully forego all the comforts of peace until the war has been won. years ago a. iamuy ery and resolutton." TWAS JOHN .MACADAM The Macadaman road gets its name from John Loudon Mac- peacetime hairpin factory now adam, a Scotchman, who m- makes airplane engine -parts fl vented 1L Distributors of Chrysler Products This advertisement is not published or displayed by the Liquor Control Board or by the Government of British Columbia. AUTOMOBILE OWNERS! Now, More Than Ever Before. You Should Save! Lubrication To Stop Wear Our new High Pressure ALEMITE Lubrication Equipment really drives grease into those stubborn fittings and hafilPrget-aUnlaces V h e r e the o 1 d style equipment utterly fails. While yoiqSrcar Sjvotl4he hoist our experienced mechanics will check your running gear cjfifhdercarriage and advise you of anything that might require special attention. Such service may save you serious accidents and that is our desire. Rupert Motors Phone 56(5 FOR EMERGENCY NIGHT CALLS PHONE RED 811 It makes SWEET CAPS milder, better tasting How? Like tbii: Each of 3S ela .Seatkma of rhcest Mrginia toliacros makw its fperial contribtition, to S t Caps' exclusive mililiMR, t&te, arpina. To ensure every Sweet Cap Hall liave its exact proportion of tv.-x contributions, the 3S are firt Uemled in final, group, Then these groups arp mergeil. That's how Group. Blending mak- Sweet Cafw always good! Sweet Capom Hio F' f"' ,'"a ''' '"A oboceo can bo triVed DISABILITY BADGES LONDON, Feb. 13. 0 More than 8,000 King's badges have been issued so far to members of the forces and Merchant Navy who have been invalided through war disability. UOYAL SALVAGE LONDON. Feb. 13. Tfc;E and Queen, have Joined BT waste paper salvage clrlu ? j have instructed that t. saved to help win the tr FEBRUARY CLEARANCE SALE Broken lines in Ladies' Straps, Ties and Pumps. To clear $1.95 "Onyx" short and broken lines. Reg, $8.50 and $0.00 values $4.95 Family shoe store ltD, "The Home of Good Shoes" Canadian National Railways Steamers Leave Prince Rupert n.vrlivc 9 7 ftA n m fn. IT.f.hllr.M rtnJ C f ill T t . Th,.,lir 1 1 11. it nm rn. t-ii. una. II lliver nfl .,u. IV well dlU . " v . .-- Vancouver. Winter Excursion Fare, Vancouver and Return A A Tickets on sale Nov. 15th, 1J41, to Feb. 15 JldUsUvl 1942. Final return limit March 15th. "u Plus Tax . Trains leave Prince Rupert for the East Monday, Wednesday and Friday at 6:00 p.m. Alr-Condltloned Sleeping and Dining Cars For full Information, reservaUons, etc., call or write It. S. GREIG. CITY PASSENGER AGENT, 528 Third Avenue Phone 2G0 ' Prince W1 Agents for Trans-Canada Air Lines i J. W. Rogcrson Wishes to Announce That the W Cli At Store, the MIDWAY GROCERY ; al the Lower Corner of Sixth Ave. and Anil is Now Complete J and Oncn for Business. Our prices are right, our service unequalled. Visit our W ..ww.j iiuuiciu. fli.t, UI.UE. "40J.