v V Funeral Notice Vtenben of the C;-fmn Legion. BE a I., are requeued to attend the faneta! of the late comrade, Daniel Boetee, from Uk Church of Ut Aaaur lAitjon. Sat- arnar snormtat at 8 aa. Leal We Forget. Funeral Notice Hie ftwtnU of the late TJie9-dare Jala wH take place te-asorro. Sattwaaf, at 2 ana. from the B.C. Usmcrtakers Chapel NOTICE The City f Prtwe Rapert lit ottering tor sale iot IS, btoek 3, section 6. send yoar offer to it aataendgoed if tnterecud on at More toe IStfe instant. Ctty Clerk. Prince Ropers. 44t44444 i For rciassH-are Specials set uur iiiaavni J go to the i VARIETY STORE t 4444 4'r'r J. H. BULGER Optometrist (OPPOSITE POST OFFICE) m m m m. m. M. M. m - m. M a m. m. jl . m. W 777TT7V77'T7 If V "T IT " T STANLEY W. COLTON D.C, Ph.a CHIROPRACTOR Wallace Block azumoa Phone W SPECIALS IX HOUSEHOLD FURNISIIIXGS 8 Camp Cots sizes 2-C, o o 75 Mattresses, from S12 arul up 5 Reconditioned Kitchen Ranges. 6 Remington Typewriters. 6 Large Mirrors. 7 Chesterfield Beds in the latest styles and patterns. B. C. Finrture Co. PHONE BLACK 3:i TWO COTTAGES FOR SALE. Large Public Hall For Eent, CENTRAL HOTEL Offer In Special . . . ' MEN'S SUITS Our Extra Pair of Pants Free t-ontinces until further notice. M. T. LEE - Tailor P.O. Box 975 Phone Gr. 060 ANNOUNCEMENT We are glad to announce that we are now adding a SHOE REPAIRING DEPARTMENT at our shop, with Mr. Charlie W. Yatt In full charge. As Cbarlie has many years experience in the trade he knows bow to rebuild your shoe right. Let him do it for you. WE ALSO CARRY. DRESS SHOES AND WORKING BOOTS. LING - TAILOR Sixth Street Phone 19 Suits Pressed by Steam Wlille You Walt. DRESSMAKER Mra, Kakatanl Ladles' and Children's Alterations Thone Blk.529, 522 Fulton St. Satisfaction Guaranteed Cleanlnr and Pressing '. t;fl h ' x y BBnaaumu Presbyterian Tea. Mitchell. Feb. 19. EASTWARD, HO! XJ. Marine Corps paratroops stream oat from a transport Canada at War 25 Years Ago Feb 13. 1517: Dcnaark. Nor-wa: ac Sxeden presented note to Ger-nany refusing to recognize leg- .;y of submarine blockade. $5 For a Name S.nKr.g c the Wh.te Star liner' Afrlc ssi America.-, steaashi? Ly si2:i M. Lar repcrted i The Daily News offers a ! prize of five dollars to the person sending in the most suitable name for the area now being developed under the Wartime Housing Plan. Suggestions are to be sent to The Daily News within the coining week. All advertisements in this column will be charged for a full month at 25c a word. 4 Dance, Seal Cove Hall, Feb. 13. Valhalla Dance,. Metropole Halt, February 13. Dance, Seal Cove Hall, Feb. 12. Lutheran Valentine Tea. Feb. 14. Catholic Shrove Tuesday Tea, Mrs. J. Zarclll, Feb. 17. Mooe Ladies' Dance, Feb. 18, Oddfellows' HalL Mrs. George Oddfellows' Fortnightly Scotch Dance, Feb. 21. Admission 50c. Re freshments; ' - : . ; . ' S-OJf. Masquerade, February 20. Vardens' Play, Feb. 27. 102nd Auxiliary Dance, Armour les, Feb. 27. Welsh Tea, Mrs. Armstrong 5th East. Feb. 28. Anglican Jumble Sale, March 12, L.O.B.A. Spring Sale, April 8. Cathedral Easter Sale, April 9. St Peter's Spring Sale April 23 1 LOCALS Sons of Norway ! night. 8 o'clock Meeting A Lutheran Circle Valentine Tag. Uetropoie Hall, Feb. 14 item t l 6. All See Gordon tc Anderson for. February furniture specials. 10 dovn balance over 12 months. Mr and Mrs. Carl Sunderland i were passengers going abroach ifron- Ketchikan to Seattle on the Princess Koran yestetday. Max Keilbrocer was the winner o.' the war savings certificate yes terday afternoon at the weekly luncheon of the Prince Hubert Rotar. Club. The sum of $4.75 went to the Queen's Canadian Fund for air raid victims. Mrs G. Sargtnasn, wife of Staff 'sergeant Sarginson of the Royal Canadian Corps of stcnola, salts 1 tonight on the Princess Louise for I Vancouver. R. G. MeKenzie, well known: Queen Charlotte Ctty hotel proprietor, having arrived Wednesday after a trip to Vancouver, sailed on the Camosun yesterday on Ms return to the island. Ken Matheson of the Canadian National Railways Investigation department arrived in the city on Tuesday night's train on one of his periodical visits here on official business. He will return to the interior on tonight's train The Rotary Club yesterday approved the new constitution for the Civic Centre organization. This gives the Club two members to the directorate. There is a similar number for the Gyro Club, the Junior Chamber of Commerce. the Sons of Norway and the gen-4 eral Civic Centre, Association. De for membership are set at si tor adults and 25c for Juniors. Ladies In Charge Of Mens Banquet Mrs. Thomas Andrew Convener Of Affair At Cathedral Hall Wednesday Niebt The annual mens banquet of St. Andrew's Anglican Cathedral Wednesday night was under the convenershlp of Mrs. Thomas An drew and those In charge of tables were Mrs. J. B. Gibson. Mrs. J. G. Johns, Mrs. C. C Mills. Mrs. G. W. Crlpps, Mrs. C. V. Evltt and Miss Isabel Branncn, Assistants were Mrs. W. J. Greer, Mra. SiuarW Mrs. W. W. Smeeton. Mrs. 30 J P.I Tinker. Mrs. J. A. Hlnton, MrsV.' M. Watts, Mrs. A. R. Nlcho!, Mrs. A. L. Holtby, Mrs. A. E. Dieldal, Mrs. C. E. Dodlmead, Mrs. J. P. Cade, Mrs. H. O. Kennedy, Mrs. J. H. Bulger, Mrs. L. Lambly, Mrs. P. A. T. Ellis, Mrs. L. Fitzgerald Mrs. S. A. Kielback, Mrs. R. C Bamford, Mrs. Llndseth, Mrs. 3 Maughan, Mrs. Earl Norrls and Miss Dorothy Creech. Mrs. George Orosvenor was in charge of the' supply room. Ten towns in the United 8tates bear the name of Rome in their final leap before cam- pleting a vigorous six-weeks baaie coarse at a school somewhere u -Near Jersey. These specially trained troops are leather-necks who volunteered for their hazardous Job. The value of paratroops has already been proven in modern user fare especially in the Nari invasion of Crete. Timely Recipes VEGET.VELE CASSEKOLE 4 cup butter 1 cup onion, chopped, 2 cups celery', 2 cups' carrot.-. lVi cups string beans, l2 medium green pepper, chopped. 1 can tom-aa soup, l cup water, 1 teaspoon salt, U teaspoon pepper, 3 cops mashed potatoes. 4 to 5 frankfur ters, split. Cot celery, carrots, into strips about 1 inch long and 4 inch wide. 8pht string beans and cut into one inch lengths Melt butter in heavy saucepan and add onions, celery, carrots and string beans; cover pan tightly and allow to simmer slowly for 30 minutes. The vegetables should cook in their own steam, but not .brown. Add pepper, tomato soup, water and seasdtnngB. cover pan tightly and allow to simmer for 45 minutes in a very slow oven or on a part of the range where it will not boil. Pour vegetables into a basting dish cover with seasoned mashed pota toes and then arrange split frankfurters on top. Brush with melted butter and cook in hot oven 450 degrees F. for IS minutes or until frankfurters are cooked and brown. Serves S. DISTRESS CLLS Before SOS was adopted as a distress call at sea the . signals were "CQ" and "CQD." AGGRAVATING GAS When stomach gas seems to smother you. and you can hardly take a deep breath, try ADLERI- KA. FIVE carminatives to warm and soothe the stomach and expel gas, and THREE laxatives for gentle, quick bowel action. tr. At your Drug Store Government of the Province of British Columhia , Dept. of Public Works NOTICE TO, CONTRACTORS " I i asliT ' ST fealpdrT&Eivi marked "Tender for ImrtfoVSments to Warehouse on Lot 52, Court House Grounds, Prince Rupert, B.C." will be received by the undersigned up to the date of Tuesday, February 17, 1942. Tender must be accompanied by an accepted cheque made payable to the Minister of Public Works, for the sum of five hundred ($500.00) dollars. Specifications may be obtained from the District Engineer's Of fice,-Court House, Prince Rupert, B.C. The lowest or anv tender will 1 . j. j c;..n ' not necessarily oe aecepiea. '' " J. C. BRADY, District Engineer. Dept. of Public Works, Court House, Prince Rupert, B. C. February 2. 1942. J, Bouzek, TAILOR LADIES' and GENTS' Best Materials. Workmanship Second Ave., two doors from Broadcasting Station !to foster i RECRUITING! ' In vie of the increasingly seri-oas "ar situation and the need immediately for more men for the army, the local civilian recruiting committee, under chairmanship of Alex MacKenzie, was in session yesterday afternoon at recruiting headquarters to study what steps could be taken to foster further voluntary enlistment in which Prince Rapert. it was felt, has not been holding up its end. The feeling was expressed that it might be advantageous for some young men to osn up voluntarily before conscription became a government policy as might be the case after the forthcoming plebiscite. Hew local recruiting headooar ten were opened today in the Me Intosh building on Third Avenue in the office being osed temporarily as Victory Loan headquar ters. SE-r.OING LOCUSTS Swarms of locusts have been observed a- sea ! 000 miles from land OlSSIFIED FOR SALE FOR AALS M Chev sporU coupe mileage 3jOOO; good rubber .u engine in perfect condi'ior. Phone Red Ml. 40 FOR SALE Mice house, well fur- niabed. earning $145 per month ;rrr-Can be handled for smaH amount of cash. Enquire 100 Fourth Ave. West. 38 FOR SALE-31 ft. troller. 14 h p engine. Complete with Gurdies also battery radio. Apply 10C' Ambrose Ave. M FOR SALK Drag saw on float, 540; stump puller or boom winch on float, SMO; seine boat, 44 ft. long by ma ft. beam, $2000. Terms cash. Apply Pearl Har bour Fishermen's Breakwater o: A. Cloutier, General Delivery Prince Rupert (37) MODERN CLARE JEWEL COAL and wood range, slightly used. Apply 80S Alfred Street. (38) HOUSE FOR $00 terms. Ave. Bast. SALE $300 cash; Apply 223 Fourth MO) FOR SALE Sawmill, 40 h.p. diesel engine. John Group, Oona River. (37) FOR SALE Black Iron Steam Pipes in all sizes, just like new Large lot of windows at low prices. 2-inch soil pipes and fittings. B. C. FURNITURE CO Phone Black 324. WANTED WANTED A housekeeper at 5C10 Sixth Avenue West, Suite 4. 38i WANTED Help wanted, man or woman, Central Hotel. (38) WANTED Olrl for general house work, experienced, no cooking, 6 hours dally except Sunday $30 per month. Phone Red 4 OX 391 WANTED Capable young woman experienced preferred, ts boarding house. Must be neat and fast worker. Apply Box 204, Dally News. WANTED Capable housekeeper for small family. Sleep :n. Good wages. Phone Red 879. WANTED Housekeeping room or rooms. Immediately. Apply Box 397, Dally News. (37) LOST LOST $20 between Bank of Com merce and two blocks east. Finder please leave at Dally News. Reward of $5. Urgent Bnnaiftixiargajiiataxajirjij Ladies! Big Discount Off For Cash. You are all invited to come in and look our COATS met .before stock - taking. Some going at half price and even less. Your credit is good. G0LDIJL00M "The Old RelUbre- Biiri-rara-iiaiMiaiBji-Hinj HOTEL ARRIVALS Prince Rapert A. Cheateney. Queen Charlotte ilanas; Mn. a DaPree, -Janeau, -f - Alaska: Frank Jenaen, Paalaan lineal CivAn Committee Reeor-jLake; Olen Harber, Rose Hill. Vtr-Be Seriousness of Need New. gtoto; Mrs. and Mn. W. O. Lloyd. Quarters Opened u- oanaai. lerrace; j. ramms and Mn w w. tmnean and Rfxa Duncan. Usk; D. J. Muir, O. Clarke, J. O. MUlicnamp and Mrs. W. Geenhalgh. Vancouver; H. J. Oardnex, QoesneJ; J. W. Cannv- beli. Edmonton: S Riddle and E. Hayward. Toronto; H. H. Phillips, Telkwa; Wm. Hansen, Sautnen; D. W. Sauter, Port Be ward; Dan OTtourke, Calgary; Mrs. Robert Totnnnson, Ketchikan. Royal Frank BeJanger. Prince Oeorge; J. G. Milleit, Montreal; Oeorge Thomas, Ocean Falu; Jimmy Dor. city. Ad Teniae in the Dally News CC.F. TeM Ka... city u Pec- : . Bridge J Affair I.; A.J (Jr. A w bridge - nln? b eeeds i Red C. play Traqua . and T r, Pnz. firs: y. seconc " CROWN B1UIJIK until PcmcM SHROYE TUESDAY f . 6Vfi V I V f t U V MS I N I r ff I f ff sfff ff ffffl I III TIIIC fTII1 1 91 1 jl .ft i inn i i nr.. nun i i oofi inn mn n nisi with one of tKese preparations MOTH CRYSTALS (Paradichlorbenzine) ; 1 lb. tin MOTH IJALI5 1 lb RED CEDAR FLAKES Pkp. ... Or Store Your Garments in n nr .avm rni w tit i k. mi VII I I U fl If iv a w a a h i n u Dust proof, moth proof, damp each 60c Ormes Ufl Ujtfi Pioneer Druqgist 1UC KfcXALA, STORE I'llUA" - Opcri Daily frem 8 ajn. till 10 Sundars and llnlidaT from 12.2 D.m. and ' UNION STEAMSHIPS sni i.i , Rrnrrrn wivrpn fx lw"' ' WW.... j . I, T t.. J . , ( a . . . .1 . --"""..'' iuciuuing aii Meats ana uerw v TO VANCOUVER AND RETURN From PRINCE RUPERT .... ( vans Away ui imi uaui t.i :i a .1 I " t (Reduced Rates Fare and one half a.- f mm 1n(omArllf.Ta Willi ,t . . . Half' vnve jcars oi age ana unaer iwi- TirkrU on Sat (r.m v .. is .0J1 to FebroaH 1' flnnH in ntnn ,,r tn Mnrpfi lit'.m.M t . n ...v.- rrince uuiini j,( S.S. CARDENA Every Friday 10:30 p.m. uinuv every Tuesday P-"1', . . , wtrrl iicKeu ana Keseryaiiuu . PVU.. T..4 a a ,...vri), ThlrO . When You Want a Reliable, Comfortable, v TAXI Service PHONE 1 I I a '