PAOZ SIS r i f r 2 i I i t. 5 Expert OPTICAL SERVICE CIIAS. POniMEAO Optometrist in Charge Watch. Clock. Jewelry J Rrpairinr. Hnd fntffint Viit Our KiMiMtil Star--fr Hn China. Ilinwrtt, lilatte. Bafrarr and NwveUie MAX HEILBRONER JEM'M.FK niAMOXIl MERCHANT '--..-----' They Love Them Because they are smartly styfed, bcaae they near like iron and, more important, became they build feet strong and healthy, WRAGGE shes for boys and girls are among the most widely used on the market Smart paints recojnire the long run economy, too. The perfect choice for all school wear. MAIL ORDERS PROMPTLY FILLED Cut Rate Shoe Store W THIRD AVENUE WEST 'Across from Orme't Dm;) BE PATRIOTIC SHOW YOUR COLORS! USE PATRIOTIC STATIONERY . . . Specially pat op in handy portfolios centakiteg one noie eke taWet, twenty envelopes VeDum Wore Paper each sheet and each tavelope bearing a colorful Union Jack per portfolio 20c SPECIALLY PRINTED ENVELOPES For OveCKM Mail pkg Flag Envflepes pkg. 15c , 2 25c 15c 2 25c We carry a complete line of fine writing papers for business and social usage. vs.Xtd BUY ... RUPERT BRAND Sole Fillets NO WASTE at Your Local Butchers. KEADY TO COOK Canadian Fish & Cod Storag IMtlNCK RUPERT I5KITISII COLUMBIA 1 I I I N eature "Dumbo." which n&s been okrd forward to for some tixe. s showing at the Capitol Theatre his Friday and Saturday. It U x pec ted to be an event of out-unding interest which will, oubtiess. draw large crowds (or .very showing. "Dumbo " in tec:i-vkolor. is the story of a baby ele-hant who was bom with enormous flapping, ears. His apptir-j.nte makes him a figure of lun and the butt of all circus pranksters. His experiences and adventures aie remarkable as he strives i or fame in order to establish him seli as a personage in his world of the circus. Of course, he eventually succeeds in a way that makes him world famous and the most j renowned httie elephant of all .irr.e. Dumbo is only one of many othe. interesting animal cbaract- .rs oepicied in fantasy. There Aie a number of musical hits in jie picture. Companion picture with "Dara-i.b is ihe Gay Falcon," one of koe detective series starring George wtnaers and Wendy Barrie. Miss ur.ic has the role of a pretty .;c. -tary and Sanders that of a debonair detective whom sbe to investigate a aeries uf ozzimg robberies. Surprising and .e.Cufc .euits o. the in the affair lead to a tripling ciaia. Whiff lets From The Woterfront CP.P steamer Princess Louise, Cait. John Williams, arrived in port at 2:15 this afternoon from the south rnd will sail at 10 p.m. on her return to Vancouver and waypo.nts. All Canadian Union Amalgamated Building Workers of Canada I'rince Rupert. B.C., Unit No. 1 M K E TING S Every fourth Sunday, 1:J0 p.m., of Each Month. METRO POLE- HALL Phone Red 4C9 P.O. Box 377 THE DAILY NXVT3 FBIDAT, FEBP.rAST 55 TOUGH AUSSIES A.D ARTILLERY WHICH GAVE JAPS A SHOCK Thj recent piioto nuiv t, tie March of Tto.e .-..meraman. shcw3 massed field axtiery of an Austraan reglaiest, as prtpa ed to :.-.e id-and fortress cf Sgapore to meet the Japanese foe en the Maay Peninsula. Xews dispatches sta tc ihat ;hese tough fight.g men have scored local successes on a number of sectors on the Mala Peninsuia and at Singapore, although hopelessly outnumbered. "DUMBO" IS -Smitbers Hotel 'SMITHERS HERE NOW Man Taken CHAMBER otable Animated Cartoon in Technicolor Presented at Capitol Thb Week-End. SMiTHERS, Feb 13 James P. Dcmey. well fcaown proprietor of the Hudson Hotel, was taken sud-1 denljr ill on Tusday night and has ', ia it. He grabbed the wrong end if 4 ani it went off, the bullet tenetrr t-ng his hand and giving him a iaad wound. The young man was brought rack to Kitiatl by Peter Colllson where lais hand was dressed before being brought into the Prince Rupert General Hospital by Joe Inc, skipper- of the Quathiaski lrz.Mu No. 14 at 2 o'clock yesterday morn- STIVES TO DIG CLAMS J Mawett teaches Opened to In- dia.ns and Will Mean Substantial Industry on Islands. Nattvc: of Masse tt will start 'tigging clams again this spring un beaches around their village CPU. steamer Princes Korah, V hVe held by the Noot-Capt. WUliam Palmer, arrived in b p&i Co., the clams to be port at 5:30 yesterday afternoon canneci U8en Char;otte Ca.:- , from Skagway and other Alaska ne" s- L Simpson) at the srao.j; points and saUed later in the eve- ?.nd clam cannery at Old Mactt. ! , f. nlng for Vancouver. Mgotaations for the opening up of , ; ried out at Vancouver on behalf i ! of the Massett people recently by Indian Agent James Gillett. The clams will be dug co-operatively j txc natives and Mr. Simpson ,n direct the pro-jessing In his I tannery ihe industry will start j abmL April 1 and continue until' June. j The clam digging and canning ' industry means a substantial -j : "myloynicnt for .he.-' MasrcjgajIVQS, During the last -pievfouiJeason of, operation, ten thousand cases were put up and ! this meant $30,030 in employment i aiune lor trie na lives, once in the last ten years have the Massett been i dug, . A couple of years ago Mr. Simp son moved his crab and clam can- i om Naden Harbor to Old Massett. . . h i i Dando Aected President District Board of Tiade. aroKKi as usual snortrr out wm , ... Tint Ka -KU k w awn iv lUiaV Jl .uriers so Prince Georce to nar-! ( ucipate in the big bonspiei of the -3rie Oeorge Curling Club there iver this week end. Young Kitkatla Man Injured Charlie katla, Tolmie. aged 21. of Klt- of SMITHERS. Feb. 13: The Walt Disney's animated cartoon been obUed to soend several days Smithtn and nitt' chamber of ers, on Wednesday evening when twenty-five members sat down to a very fine dinner provided by Mrs. Downey. After having satisfied their ap- petites the members got down to thp rrutin hnurwcc nf th npniiirr and rehearsed the activities of the organization for the past year. In the election of officers that ensued, A. Dando, who had been vice-president during the past year, was elected as president, and rfCClUenUUIY SnOl Un.Vtn. as 4s.nruMan throujh the hand while hunMnK lot coming year, yr lOtkaUa yesterday. Taking calderwood. who has been fJi Moat and towing a small secretary-treasurer for several -oa ber,d Charlie and his com- year8 re-elected to that of-canion. Peter CoUison. went out fice. An execuUve committee of to took over their traps. Seeing a members was also elected, mink running akmg the beach, The Cnamber 0l commerce look nsrhe pulled the small boat up foruard to an active year in 1012. n order get his gun which was 1 CONCERT Canada's Second Yictory Loan Presents An' All-Military Variety Programme SUNDAY, FEB. 15 at 9:00 p.m. sharp Capitol Theatre General Admission Free Children Not Admitted t Lorcs in sile at.Orme'"- Drug ! Sto-e , Loses Participate in Raffle I fo. 850 Victory Loan Bond. 1 I! Burnaby Rosery ! Company R.R. No. 2, New Westminster Offer for Sale Through Their Agent, MRS. SMITH FLOWER SHOP Rrookshank Blk Third fire. Rose Hushes t Perennials Ornamentals, etc. Mrs. Smith has prices and samples. All orders Individually mossed and tagged. ORDER NOW! X X 4 1 E7 brttt4V S4 rK, TINCllHC MilOOllSl BEh sum's rUU.. LENGTH fEATURt "DUCT10N A Stftfv Of The Eifffl!-ln TeshnitalPr 6 J ON ,BS THE SAME PROGRAM ... you Meet .Michael Arlens Saper-Sleuth in -flit, 1 -iA with CEOftok. SA.-t DUMBO" WOrtLU N-V at 1 00. 3 .1 I 48 8; 2 ai:j Ij bAHlt.'t H .,w faljcn I THINK WIS 6VER If the Nazis or Japs ever occupicl Canada do you imagine you'd be fiven the honour and privilege of buying nay kind of Hondi" You would not ! Then go ail out to defeat the enemy with your BtenQy and Buv the new VICTORY BONDS Albert & Mc'affery Ltd. PHONES 116 OU 117 Better Quality SEAMLESS AXMINSTER RUGS Sizes 4'6"x7'6" Sale price, earh Sizes 6"9"x9" Sale once, eacn Sizes 9x104 Sale price, each Sizes 9'xl2 Sale price, each I1UV AND SAVE AT Eli RAILWAY USES R WOS7l VKCS)t.Ai-l lO S THIRD AVENUE Plus Tax PHONE It: 9 :W2 US runii ure iore PHONE GRELN SB I REMINDING YOU.... . . . that a Complete and I'ir t Class AUTOJ10BILL MAlXTtS-AN'CE AND REPAIR SERVICE b available to all al Nsttansl Motor Service. The shop is well pquipp-d to hr.ndlc all classes r : e :k personally conducti-d by "Colin" Miller, who ha. drvotcl lifetime of service to the mo'.orinx public. National Motor Service 1 Canadian Pacific 1 1 I.. I i raiiMUiiiuiuiiiai j F'acifid i iu vaiiiTuuvtr via (jcean fans ana wa.v r SS "PRINCESS ADELAIDE" every Friday 10 0-m j j To Vancouver Direct ,A u SS "PRINCESS NORAIl" Feb. 12tn. 23rd, March 5w l6th. To Ketchikan. Wrangeli. Juneau and Rka -wav Feb. 8th, 19th, March 1st 12tii, li2ao 36.00 S . naldfl tc Lscursiou Pare Vani'uuvrr V kel un Mali. m... in mil in Fro I'inal Return Limit March 15. l54" wmirtuuiis ai Vancouver with Punnrl ,iti FUC'.llP w-" li Fy.lLl5?im,aUm' Tickets and Reservations; i"rn) grj. i xv W. t L. COATES. rilAKI'M ,i,:.:vt mum' HI I'EHL D" SJil A . llililVSi MSMswsmaicisirsasaTr' If you lose anything, advertise for