Mm-iY FEBRUARY 13, 1642. THE DAILY NEWS 1 League I ITALY PRODUCES A "HOT AIR" PLANE, TOO T&day in Sports Play Last Eve Btt 15oy$, Iry Dock, C. N. It. A. And Prince Rupert uairy Winners p ,n:p Rupert Bridge League gSU'! ia5t Hig"l W v ivttuno. JD' Dock U970, Grotto, 5390. ignitioni Hotel 8820, Cow Boys B3 -vl n i. pi:M- !'iers iuiu, rrmce nuperi H140 R A 9970, Ramblers 6140. icaguq standing: ow uoys 513S0 42220 51360 r Do:;k 45330 33750 45330 45080 46600 45080 : r, A 44970 42770 44970 iRI 'I 43C60 45920 43660 1 : ,i UoleL 42730 1C980 42730 Ii Oairv 41060 39700 41000 tcr: aiiv auuuu jiuu Hockey Scores ran:nto. 6; Montreal, 4. Derail. 2: Chicago, 4. RETURN THE FAVOR ILONDON Feb. 13: O Aided arir cc? winter's raids by buses ora the provinces, London has turned the favor. More than 100 have been sent to various tn,:' to help carry war workers jand from munitions factories. TARTAR FROM CORN ?e: ;rcners nave aeveiopea an ficisni and cheap means of pro- tartartlc acid from corn, ft25 VJb 13 OZ. 15 OZ. 40 OZ. i$2.30 $3.50; HE BRITISH COLUMBIA , DISTIlURy CO. uc X NWtSTMMSTi. ft! . C : r tU liquor Cwiltol tbylU IIIK SI I'KKMl, HI'KT OK IlKITISII oiiMitu ix 1'itoiim: Miittrr of llir "Adinliilslratlnn Act" anil Matter of tlir IXalr of Harold rni-Mii cnilni, otlicrnlM knortu ut 'alii shuiihiii anil Harold suniiMon, :e NOTICE iliat by Order of Ills DC JUdi-B Plwr. Tl .lllrlin. of th C ur ,)f nrlttelx Oolumbla, I c- VC 29th. clnv nf Jnnimrv A.D. M lci AdmhtsU-ator otf the f Harnld Korr.ellus Hvwwlwn, - - Kn .vn as llnrald Bwaiuon, n. id swaijson. Darcaxed. former CI; ? of Prince Rupert, -Jio (j- ab;;ut Uie 28th dny of B41 All neraotu Indebted to aca er'ate are required to pay Uie ' uieir indebtedness to me "v. n Olid All Kavlrxr lalm 1 h said Estn.te are required to i-m -with mo prpperly verified on i-K 4h 15th Unv cf MarcJi 1942 M11 ".lk:h rifotrLhait.ln., mhii- Vu. mo. fMlRrri r.fllV ,4. ... .1,1m, .vf L. J auw. vHwii.1 v P'l ' dhdll ihAVn Vuu.t. nnl al Prince Rupert, B.C. thU s : v.t February 1942. ;' NORMAN A. WATT orflotol Admlntetrator Prince Rupert, B.C. I in; sri'iir.MK rorrtT ofiikitisii ! t'Ol.l'Miil V IV lltmttl l' i'" Mailer of the "Administration Ael" U tile Matter of H. lkit .f Fn SveiKlsen Odegaiird (OthrruKe -.. i 4oepii M. Odepianl) demised, 13 It1, E,NOTICE ,by order of Ills W E. KIhIipt. mfulA mi .h onth iol Jaiumrv A n 1019 t ... nej Administrator of the eatnte of FT Svendaen Odoiraurd -t.hru;i. ti aa Joseph B. Odegaajd) leceHed, ! partlos luvLnff rlnlma s.inmf f ijd csta.te are liereby required to pif-n same, properly verified, to me m OBfore t,h 2t.h tiav nf Ttohriion, ti Ml and JI parties Irtdobled to are requirea vo pay tne "h.. of thrtr ,hnriHtjvllxi In mn hn-;?.h. ; WED at Prince Rupert, B. C Uila 'j oi jaminry, A. D. 1942. WURMAN A. WATT Official AdmlnlsUutor, Prince Rupwrt. B.C. Jl'l- MTIIK.MK COI KT OF IlKITISII I. 'M'Mlll IX PltOUXTi; !' Matter of the "AilmliiMratlon B, , Ad" unit '' Matter of the Kntale of John Ivc '' ''"'"er Deeeiised W NOTICE that by Order of His " runner, niode oa the 28th or January, A. D. 1942, I was ap. t ;"wmw or .uie estate ol Jcin iTR.'.-fr tlerpiiMvl. .nrl nil tinritJeji "'aim- atraJnst. itlie said Estate 'T verlK-d, to me on or twfore d day of Maroh. A.D. 1942. fund pay the amount of Uieir 1WC (o m frkrthiLH.1i ut tniaire Rupert. B.C . UU 'X of January, A.D. 1942, MELVIN McKAY STEVENS Prince Rupert, B.C Executor. THREE-WAY ! BOWLS TIE triple Deadlock Now for Leadership of Inter-Services League. As a result of last night's play, .here Is now a three-way tie for he leadership of the third quar-er in the Inter-Services Bowling .eague, those In the deadlock be- ng Seal Cove No. 1. Navy and I sottish No. 1. Results of the play' t niPht urr aK fniw.- UMrin,,ir Tr.,-i lmost as busy as a fighting mank ...v.- ...uUH.ii.., u, i anadian Army Medical Corps 0. - All in Seal Cove No. V, 3; Scottish .0. 2, 0. Seal Cove No. 1, 2; Royal Ca- adian Engineers, 1. Scottish No. 1, 3; Royal Cana- .an Corps of Signals, default. Royal Canadian Navy, 3; Dry Jock, default. The individual scoring was as follows: .Medical Corps 1 2 3 Robinson 162 89 93 Blchard 151 156 165 Buckley 130 100 191 Weston 181 162 87 Qlakin 197 154 . . . . ManH enn 134 134 134 TniaK 935 835 821 iirinntori ill Vtl .4M 1 Wick -204 216 159,JUIle l'- ftnc on,f woum never Sumner . l!...181 151 186 8uess that at five feet 6,j Inches Pur(lon - -153 136 210 1 and 170 pounds he was one of the ' jynslor 232 I lightest men ever to hold the King 200 164 282 1 heavyweight crown. Tully 166 263 ! Handicap 45 50 50' But this fellow with hardly a Totals ...1023 883 1150 Scottisli No. 2 1 2 Joy 150 161 144' " Clark -.187 287 Lawes 125 141 126 Battcrsbv UaitcrsDy 162 10 140 hu 141 11 Laltlnen -251 213 148 .... . Handicap .. ....... 59 rr. 59 59 cri Totals 931 1001 815 Seal Cove No. 21 2 3 Stevens .175 225 195 Beatty .222 149 ll9 Bfenton .149 183 179 Smith ..192 174 184 English .146 217 142 Handicap .. 72 72 72 Totals .'936 1020 931 Seal Cove No. 11 2 3 Brown i.149 152 171 Hall ,....!...121 170 204 Learn 201 150 173 Crapper 183 158 189 Copp 1 215 168 319 Hancipal 81 81 81 Totals 950 879 1137 R. C. Engineers 12 3 Johnston 175 176 254 Rucketts 144 164 115 Redfern 156 156 201 Prior 143 145 174 Taylor Ill 148 230 Handicap 135 135 135 Totals 861 92t 1109 Sienals 1 Defaulted. Scottish No. 1 1 2 3 Baker 151 113 184 Tisdall ...162 145 88 Dawson 182 183 193 Dow - 125 158 237 Totals 679 G58 7G1 Dry Doik 1 Defaulted. Navy .1 2 3 Noble .'. 163 222 182 Cundy .209 165 101 Cymbal .v:.:'.,184 165 202 Mather .191 131 MacLean '170 .249 147 Desson . 138 Handicap - ..... 59 59 50 Totals 996 1011 852 Won Lost Pts. Rpnl Cove No. 1 7. 2 7 Navy 7 2 Scottish No. 1 7 2 Area Headquarters ... 6 3 Medical Corps : 5 4 Engineers - 5 4 Seal Cove No. 2 4 5 Signals 1 8 Dry Dock 0 6 Scottish No. 2 0 6 FORGETFUL LONDONERS LONDON, Feb. 13: 0 Clothes rationing Is making people more anxious to retrieve their lost property but It isn't making them more careful. Percentage of articles left in vehicles returned to their owners is 44 percent compared with 33 percent before the war. DANCING FOR P. T. EDINBURGH, Feb. 13: 0 Exercises for soldiers serving in the Scottish Command Include the Highland Fling and other Scottish dances because Lt.-Gen, A. F. Thome, General Offlcer-ln-Com- mand, thinks they are a good alternative for cross-country runs. SPORT CHAT Tommy Burns, Canadian born former world heavyweight champion and one-time cabaret operator In Prince Rupert, believes thoroughly In the power of thought and Joe Louis' fists. Of the former, more later. Of the make latter, the 1906-1908 world pugl nior listlc star says he believes Louis .fin nn. t i of u u"" " ru "ereatest heavyweight , """"J of all son iwuiKie-eyea iommy. ai- t,, j.. .. ..., . , .... Deri lll.'l V IS l.DfllJV 1 1.1 Iff 1-1 I hi. earr w n riin.iiiV beer and soort rhPr In ft hu.w he tavern In the town of Bremerton, "But across PuRet Sound from Seattle. hurt Tommy Burns, born Noah Brus-so at Hanover, Ont., June 17, 1881. !won a 20-round decision from n't Marvin Hart in San Francisco, met Feb. 23, 1906, and held the title till Christmas Day, 1908, when Jack Johnson in Sydney, N.S.W., "whipped Burns so terrifically an met ped the fight in the 14th round. One would never guess that the KaenAittnnla1 eAft.ennlfli ""nainu, i-Mi selling 220-pounder behind lnet. ibeer taps was 60 years old mt wrmKie in rus smoom iace ana hardly a trace of gray in his sparsely thatched pate Is the Tom- . my Burns who u 1 holds u the u record Tr for a n nil quick in ir knockout irnnpirniii in In n a nri'irii cham pionship fight. A few weeks ago Tnmmv skinDed the rODe 100 times J, Jp 2A sellnAs Xoi m a minute UnQ 9. MTCOnUS. t!Ot bad for a fellow whose legs were swollen with arthritis seven years ago, eh?" he asks. Ask Tommy whence spouts the elixir of youth he apparently has discovered, and he'll answer: "It's all in thinking. What one thinks that Is what one Is. I found the secret of life and happiness within md and I nearly had to die before I got down to earth and learned' what makes things and people go." . Seven years ago, Burns relates, he was taken with arthritis and various complications "simply be cause I had forgotten how to live and wasn't taking care of myself. While still In the hospital 1 began studying a certain type of metaphysical thought not. a religion so I left the hospital, went home and cured myself." Recently he mimeographed letters to hundreds of friends all over the country) and In It explained his method of living, gist of which is tips on diet and breathing, thinking constructively and helping others. Tommy outlines his fight career something like this: He got $1.25 for his first fight at the Detroit Athletic Club, back around 1903 and was declared a professional. He was only a 154-pounder.then. In 1900, fighting as. a, heavyweight,, although 'he "barely scaled 170 pounds, he defeated Marvin Hart in Los Angeles for the world heavyweight championship. Then, with himself as his .own managerhe never hired a pilot Burns defended his crown 14 times in two years and 10 months, fighting in England, Ireland, France, the United States, Australia and New Zealand. In a title defence at Dublin against Jem Roche, the Irish champion, Tommy knocked him out in 88 seconds of the first round, which makes the Joe Louis kayo of Max Schmeling in 2.04 look like a marathon in' comparison. And Tommy also kayoed Bill Squires, Australian champion, In 2.08. "I was small ana iigming bigger men, so I had to know what to do and how to punch," he says. Tommy lost his title to Jack Johnson, negro, in 1908 at Sydney. Australia. "I suppose it could have been a draw. The police stopped the fight in the 13th round. Of course Johnson was giving me a licking, but a man is never out until he's knocked out, and as the police, and not the referee, stopped the fight, it should have been a draw." old when he' Burns was 40 years both promoted and lougni nis last ring, battle in Lonaons iamea tu Unable to Make Basketball Trip Game at Port Simpson Between Savoys and P.S.A.C. Called Off at Week-End. Owing to Inability to obtain clearance for a boat In which to the trip, Savoys, local se league basketball team, were unable to make a trip at the end last week to meet Port Simp Athletic Club at Simpson. ... .... nan against, uie &nzusn champion, Joe Beckett. Burns cays was tlrlnB abQut the seventh round and stalled by taking a fait, my second thought I wa3 and threw in the towel.-' Sometime later Burns wrote a newspaper article about a subse quent Beckett fight. Beckett did . like it. Burns and Beckett j in a London hotel lobby, and ' Burns extended his hand. Beckett spurned it. A little later, In upstairs hotel hallway, they again. Beckett, instead of 'thaking hand3' t0ok a crack at ....r- v. i ,n , 'bad enough.' Then t he u. shook handst" That was Burns last fight. He's never bothered with scraps in his tavern. "When they get to arguing, I just smile and talk 'em out of it and try to get them to thinking Instead of arguing. It works." Tommy has never seen Louis fignt except in . pictures, out tne t to hlm Burns said that even were Jack 1 Dempsey in his - prime, h" he would "- on Louls' alWoU8U he W0Ukl want .-. n..,. Dempsey 1 to win. Tommy Tnmmv thinks fighters today are much better 'than those of the old days, and that the same goes for all branches of athletics. Burns shares with Dempsey the opinion that the toughest fighter either met was Fireman Jim Flynn of Pueblo, Colo. Flynn kayoed Dempsey in a couple of rounds when the Manassan'was starting in, and Burns said he under-rated the fireman and had a terrific time in winning in 15 rounds in Los Angeles back in the 1900s. ELEPHANT BOX LAUNDRY HOLMSBURY, St. Mary, Feb. 13: Q) This quiet village In Surrey has the strangest school canteen and laundry In the country. The children eat In what once was a horse-box and do their laundry In an elephant box obtained from a travelling circus. EXAMS FOR PRISONERS OXFORD, Eng., Feb. 13: ) Ox ford University has decided, as an experiment, to conduct examina tions for British prisoners of war in enemy countries. .rilg STOPPtp Hi"1"1"' To Advertisers: The SECOND VICTORY LOAN Committee has furnished THE DAILY NEWS with a supply of attractive slogan cuts with the request that advertisers insert one in each local advertisement. Use of these mats is available not only to regular advertisers but to those who might care to insert special advertising adapting the Victory Loan theme to ad-veitlsing during the campaign which is now commencing. We would be pleased to show these cuts to advertisers feeling disposed to lend their support to the Victory Loan campaign in this manner. The Daily News TKMSfaLAtutLi. ui: ytuxiTY. tsjy Italy's new propellerless plane, dubbed the - ..ying cigar' and. "hot air" plane, is shown here in photograph and diagram through courtesy of "The Aeroplane." England. This craft, the Cap-rcni-Campinl "C.C.-2," was designed and built by Secondo CamplnI.- It Is propelled by a jet of air discharged behind the tail. The air enters through a circular duct In the flat nose, is expanded and passed Into a motor-driven compressor. The compressed air is heated and forced back through a tunnel and ejected from the tall jet. The upper half of the above, is a photo of the craft. The lower is a self-explanatory diagram. By Courtesy ol" The Aeroplane," England. ffiS SLEEI 3 i Murdoch McLeotl, Well Known 'or Many Years as Marine Fire- man, Later at Army Hostel, Dies. Murdoch McLeod, for many years a marine fisherman along the coast, a resident of Prince Rupert for twenty years and unfil recently In charge of the Salvation Army service men's hojte! here, succumbed to heart trouble early yesterday morning in hi sleep at the residence of his son and daughter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Roderick McLeod, Stork Block, Second Avenue. He had been in declining health for so.-ne time. His daughter-in-law, the former Miss Mildred Hunt, found that he had passed away when she went to arouse him during the day. Born sixty-five years ago at Stornoway, Scotland, the late Mr. McLeod came to this country in 1906 and was for years in Vancou- ver where he was married. Heftion of gallantry in France, he was predeceased by his wife, many j was offered a commission but de-years ago. In addition to the son cllned. here, there is a stepson, John An- gus MacDcnald, in Dayton, Ohio. The '4.$pHn54 FJ'.IsvMS two brothers, Roderick and George McLeod, reside In Vancouver am: there are three sisters In Scotland and one in Toronto. While working as a marine five- j Canada Steamship Line, is expect-man Mr. McLeod was employe-!, ed In Prince Rupert shortly to rn- among other vessels, on the steam- ers Prince Rupert and Prime j George, the old lighthouse tender j Newington and the snagboat Es- sington. The funeral will take place oi: .Sunday afternoon fr6m thj chapel oi B.C. Undertakers. Twenty-Five Years Ago Feb. 13, 1917. Sergeant R. W. Cameron has returned home from the front. He was met by his wife and friends in a happy reunion. In recogni- A Ration 'Wide Reputation ... for over Two Decades I'lllii; HUlli IiWIGORATIiVG This advertisement is not published cr displayed by the Liquor Control Board or by the Government of British Columbia."-' A. MacKenzie Furniture Ltd. "A GOOD PLACE TO BUY" 30 WARDROBES 4 ft high, suitable to hang ladies' dresses or coats, also men'j suits and coats; fitted with moth balls. Two sliding doors f Inished grain walnut- Price iM Of? Pce 9J unassembled 00 assembled , PHONE 775 327 THIRD AVENUE tt For Quick, Safe and Comfortable TAM StiicviUK 5 PHONE 235 DAY AND NIGHT g 30040000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 tit .MAOiM". There Is a move on foot to increase the course of medicine in Canadian universities from five to six years. An "engineer representing the j spect the local dry dock, ' Fresh Local Raw and Pasteurized Milk VALENTIN DAIRY PHONE 657 SAVOY HOTEL Carl Zarclli, Prop. Phone 37 P.O. Bos 344 FRASER STREET Prince Rupert THE SEAL OF S QUALITY !G 10 !L ID Sockcye Sainton Fancy Red S Herring E in Tomato Stfuce Sandwich Spreads Spiced Salmon Smoked Salmon : L Bloater rtWiW.W.WViV.V.SW niau m. car 1115111. uj Saving: Our COUPONS for Useful Household Items. Call in and let us explain this plan to you. MUSSALLEM'S Economy Store 3 "Where Dollars Have More 5 Cents" ? P.O. Box 575 Phones 18, 19 JWJWWJWJWJW.WJWJV NEW ROYAL HOTEL J. Zarelll Proprietor MA HOME AWAY FROM HOME" Rates 75c up 50 Rooms Hot & Cold Water Prince Rupert, B.C. Phone 281 P.O. Box 198 t U 'i