PAOE FOUR Brighten Your Outlook with FLOWERING SHRUBS At planting tone, the season of new hope, Uowenng trees and shrubs add much to our happiness. But did you know a wide variety of shrubs may be chosen to give a succession of bloom beoinnlno wiH thm earliest days of Spring, followed by bright cheerful berries which last well into the Winter? Brighten your outlook the year 'round with a wide choice of flowering and berry-bearing shrubs. Plant this fall for the best results next spring, Free Garden Book A Complete Line of Nursery Stock EDDIE'S NURSERIES SARDIS, B.C. Xlember American Association of Nurserymen Gyro Club Dance Enjoyable Affair Upward of One Hundred Persons At Happy Event Last Xijht . The Oddfellows" Hall was the scene last night of a very enjoyable dance by members and friends of the Prince Rupert Gyro Club, some fifty or so couples being ini attendance at the affair, men of the services being considerably in evidence. Excellent music was furnished by a naval orchestra and William Stone was a genial master of cere monies for the dancing which was In progress from 10 pjn. until 2 ajn. DeHcIous refreshments, featur ing consomme instead of coffee. were served at midnight. Gyrettes had assisted in connection with the preparation of the refresh ments. C. C. Mills was chairman of the committee responsible for the arrangements of the party H, S, Meadows presided at the door. CHURCH NOTICES FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH (5th Avenue and Young Street) Morning Worship, 11:00 ajn. "The Living Word." Sunday School, 12:15. Evening Worship, 7:30 pjn. "The Craving For Security.' Weekly Program: Monday Evening, 7:15 CGJ.T. Tuesday Evening, 7:00 Boys Club. Wednesday Evening, 8:00 Prayer Meeting. Friday Evening, 7:45 B.YP.U. "The Eternal God is thy refuge-Rev. C. A. Wright-Pastor. ST. PAUL'S LUTHERAN CHURCH 5th and McBrlde Magnus B. Anderson Pastor 10:00 a.m, Holy Communion. 11:00 ajn. "Why We Are Protestants." A challenge to us who too often stand with ranks divided. Others move with united front. Have we forgotten our dearly paid heritage, or doen't it matter? 7:30 pjn. "The Story of! Jonah Made Plain." Must the Bible as a book of science stand or fall on this often glibly labeled "greatest fish story?" A fellowship hour will follow the evening service. ooooooooooooo.ooooookhww ICT0RY BONDS Every Bond you buy, every dollar you lend to your country, is a dagger thrust at the enemy's throat. JONES FAMILY MARKET Hith Class Butchers Buy Victory Bonds A stamp's a bullet, a bond's a gun, Buy them both till the war is won. H. S. WALLACE LTD. A Will Pay Cash For Furnltere. Stoves, Tools, Musical Instrument, Write or Phone EOo FurnKare Store. Prince Rupert (tf) j O. O. Erskme. superintendent jof boarding cars, Canadian Na-I Uonal Railways, left on yesterday's traln nn trie rtthirn (a Urlnnltuk Utl tVVUlU IAS If MHUpCHi Tonight's train, doe to arrive !rom the Hast at 7 eftMKk, was reported thic morning to be on time. Rev. and Mrs. C. A, Hlnchllffe from Terrace we're passengers on yesterday's train for Jasper em route to the Peace River district to where Mr. Hlnchllffe has been transferred in the Anglican clergy. The Council Chamber. City Hall. will be open from 7 to 9 p.m. from Monday to Friday and from 3 to 5 pjn. on Saturday of next week to register Householders and License Holders for the forthcoming Muni cipal Election. All interested pTBse note. .(348) The City Hall will be open eve nings of next week, between the hours of 7 to 9 pjn. and Saturday. Oct. 31st, from 3 to 5 pjn., for the purpose of filing declaration for the new voters' list. See to it that 1 you are on the voters' list today Prince Rupert Trade k Labor Council ' 250 , K3I ir vau wiHT (urr SJ I THAT TUlTHrlll WILL MAKE-UP Mlkr.llB BBBvH. WILL-WEAR WELL-ANO KEEP ITS SHAPE The tonic effect in wearing I thete Suiting! creates a feeling of confidence. M",.il.'.,l!ll'M''i;'.H room hotel and store doing good business. Own electric lights most of the year, water povr, gas wash machine, like new; mangle; 50-ft. lots facing water. Indefeasible title. Cottage rented to steady tenants. Particulars E. -McKenzle, Queen Charlotte. B.C. (250) FOR SALE Kitchen range, new grate needed, otherwise in good condition. Phone Red '21. Price $35. (247) FOR SALE 6-plece chesterfield set, Axmlnster rug, 9x10. 1417 Piggot Place. Phone Blue 815 for information. FOR SALE Kitchen table and ROOM AND HOARD" .1. ROOM and Board for man sharing. 718 Fraser Street. (195) --rnn D&IN OF 3 I J Sore Throat ... . . .ii.. at once wltn last-acu.. AQPIRIN you'll oy it's iplenJidl Warnlngl Look for this cro on cvtry Atplrln Ubltt If you don't tto It, it Isn't Atplrln. t L. M. Felsenthal is leaving to-Ms. H. W. Butler and three children left torlnv nn ihrir ntnrn , J " - . V .u I I. ;to Alice Arm after having been! ,here to attend the funeral of Mr.l I Butler who died at the end of lavf.' week at Port Simpson Hospital, ' THE DAILY NEVVo LOCAL NEWS NOTES Cash for eld gold, Bulger's. Dido Stlnech is leaving tonight for a trip to Vancouver. Mlac Marlon Schumaker la leav- ft tonight tor a trip to V&neou ver. night for Vancouver whenee he will proceed by air for a business trip to Montreal W. J. Nelson Is apendlnc a few days in the city fottowtnc Ms ar rival from Tulseqwah on Thursday before proceeding to Victoria on a holiday visit Arnold Platen, local manager of the RayaMUnk of Canada, made a brief taaineas trip to Terrace yesterday, leaving on the morning train and returning test night. WUMam Crulckahank, travelling passenger agent for the Canadian National Railways, is on a trip to Terraee and other Interior points on official business. AtiHouhcemeH'tA All advertisements In this column will be charged for a full month at 25c a word. I.O.O.F. No. 63 every Tuesday, 8 p.m.. Oddfellows' HalL Sojourning members invited. Lutheran Basaar, Oct 24, Oddfellows Hall. Help Norway Invitation Dance, Oddfellows' Hall, October 30. Anglican Fall Bazaar, Nov. 5. Nurses' Invitation Danee, Odd-Hall November 0. Pr byterian Baaaar Nov. 10. St Peter's Fall Bazaar. Nov. 12. Extern Star Dance. Nov. 30. Lu'h'-ran Circles Basaar Nov. 21. OcMfciows' Hall. Classified Ads. FOK SALE FOR SALE, to settle Estate 15 WANTED j WANTED Large room or two small rooms, furnished or unfurnished. Apply Box 35 Dally I News. tf) WANTED Housekeeper for house-bold of 6 persons. Free board but no lodging Good wages for suit- mill narllf A rvrvl TTnAm nlnvvnAnt Insurance,' Commission A.F. 15. '248 WANTED Light housekeeping room for two gentlemen. Occupy Nov. 1. Box 378 Dally News. (250) WANTED Experienced woman for general housework, small family, good wages, room and board. Phone Red 879 (250) Y.W.CA Rooms Registry. Rooms urC'1 needcd' Mra- arbutt. chairs, linoleum, double bed, ooil spring and mattress. 1429 Over- WANTED to rent Suite, furnished loos bueet. 47) or unfurnished by quiet reliable FOR SALE Radio In good cdsdl tion. Phone Red 993. (247) FOR SALE 14-ft. row boat, cheap. Apply 1357 Overlook St (247) FOR SALE Piano. Phone Red 981. (248) FOR SALE House. 5 minutes walk from Dry Dock. Phone Red 953. (247) business couple. Apply or Phone Nelson's Barber Shop. (250) WANTED Stenographer for Commercial firm. Apply AF 14 Unemployment Insurance Commission, (tf) WANTED Refined woman who would exchange light household services for room and board In pleasant home. Apply Box 379 Daily News. )250) PERSONAL GET "JET" HOT STOVE POLISH Cleans, polishes, "cooking-hot" steel stoves. Won't blacken. Stores sell "Jet." IS there a lady travelling eait about end of November who would accompany a nine year old girl to Saskatoon? Apply Box 377 Dally News. (247) YOU CAN RUN A HOME KINDER -garten with our help. Canadian Kindergarten Institute, care M. u. c. Schools, Winnipeg. Man.t STENOGRAPHERS and TYPISTS NEEDED badly by Government1 for war work. You can train at' home for. Job as Stenographer, Typist, office clerk, Letter Carrier, Mail Clerk, Customs Exam- lnr, etc. Free advice and re-1 cord of appointment of our students from M.C.C. Civil Service' School Ltd, Winnipeg, The old-, tst in Canada, No Agenta. ' BAZAAR IS SUCCESSFUL . Annual Affair of Woman's Auxiliary of Canadian Lesion I On ' Wednesday the Women's AuxWary of the Canadian Legion, British Empire Service League, held a very successful fall baaaar in the Legion Hall. Mrs. William Roth- well, president, was in general charge and assisting her were the following: Tea Room Mrs. Dickens, Sr., convener; pouring. Mrs. Boulter, Sr. and Mrs. Connery; servtteurs: Mrs. J. Keaya, Mrs. Henry Smith Sr., Mrs. Henry Smith, Jr , Mrs. W. Longwill. Miss n. Mar shall and Mrs. McLaughlin. Home-cooking Mrs. A. Wilson and Mrs. Frank EUlson. Cashier Mrs. A. J, Croxford, Cup-reading Mrs. R. Muirhead. Fancy work: and raffles Mm M M. Lamb, Mrs. a. V. Hanley an i Mrs. Nesbitt Grand prise Mrs. W. Roth well and Mrs. Frank Ellison. Hot dogs Mm. Jack Bond and Mrs. Henry Smith, Jr. Pop Mrs. Fred Barber. Bingo Mrs. V. Robinson and Mrs. Graham. Country store Men of Canadian Legion. Prise-winners in various raffle were as follows: $30. Mrs. R, T. Anderson (No. 13) $15. Mrs. J. C. Eby (No. 1S). S10, Mrs. Sbeardown (No. 874). $5, Mrs. O. A. Hetob. Vegetables, Mrs. W. Roth well (No. 3). Blanket. Mrs. Rose Marrow (No. 8). Tray. Mr. Jane (No. 44). Cushion. Wright Da vies iNo. 46 1. CARD OF THANKS We wish to express to each and every one of our friends and acquaintances our heartfelt gratitude id appreciation for all the thoughtful acts of kindness, fori the invaluable assistance and tor the beautiful floral tributes we have received in memory of our loving husband and rather. MRS. F. 8. WALTON and RUTH SOME n.BV An elephant weighs IM to W0 pounds at birth J. M. S. Loubser D.C R-A. CHIROPRACTOR Wallace niock Phone 611 isr B NOTICE! The Wartime Prices and Trade Board has Issued an order prohibiting the giving away of English Dlnnerware as premiums. We regret to announce that after Nov. 1st this order will become effective. Please do not misinterpret the above order ... it ap- piles only to dlnnerware . . . 2 no other items on the pre- mlum list are affected. MUSSALLEM'S Economy Store "Where Dollars Have More Cents" P.O. Box 575 Phones 18-19 TBUB'snBtiiifiiBisjiimii SKKVICES TO Vancouver, Victoria and Way-points, Stewart and North, Queen Charlotte Islands. Full Information, Tickets and Reservations FRANK J. Prince Itupert Agent Third Ave. I'hone 5C8 m m - rwK b Jv EVER TpP TO THWUK, WWAT A PRONMMtWT PAT Tut RAIL BASKtTBAU. BAtJMUlTDfcl CRlCKtT CKOQOlt rnor fK,tr , Mr.DaA',.u ! V BALW hti ir renin cmn i .... uiu nnii u and you'll kcmj,,. 111 TP, A ic'V? bear.r.j v xi. .f. kqu..r aitoaimn and w.fh no other nn,t. 3 ?! signature than Service ManM if ft todr, Opinion" has been received by the Arm. DaMjr New. If letters are to be PMhhd. they must at least he Bouti p awwnpanied with the rnmea of "nu":i . yesterdav ! the writers, not necessarily for (hey f! ; publication but as a guarantee of expect good faith. vnu-f" - GREETING CARDS For Overseas SPECIAL CARDS 1 for Father Husband - Brother Son - Sweetheart Patriotic Cards Greetings from Canada It is impossible to describe the beau' ' Coutt's Canadian ChriBtmag Card. 1 sec our display. It will intcrc j aim ' is more cconoBi in a the . IonK run . that WcII-CToon, . lt-a ranee hv i gr" m aisiBi ii iii'ii r am as. V M A IA M A . -JI A U Bl ft Si M I 1 II I ill III I U with lo draw your attention to the fict t:t it IICK UP AND DELIVER your wearing apparrl for dryrleanlng and prr: ; AS HE FORE t We have been fottunate In adding more eprlfncrd (yrix from the Muth to our staff AND ARE STILL MAINTAINING 3 DAY SERVICE ON ALL DRYCLEANINfi Phone 118 or 8 BPguuuuuwuuuuuuuuuuqHQOUqooODuawwvv. .,,rirF TAXI SKI,V- PHONE 235 S It'll M1I1M nOD"u- If you lose anything, advertise L