II O. Shbcklev td hU aircraft i . into a factory " s.ivona. port on i about twenty- f Genoa and one ..;;m foundry cen- inmunkiue men-, , image I ;.ik noaber the : again said the i irons force. All safel . homb rs paswd l and Utere v.ere' i Lausnnne and ' a l vixi HI serrrai i.west to south- day at tut Ruhr Germany, fac-- and many shocktey. men-j J former Prince') Sflfoe LONDON. Oct :4 It was a sincere and impressive welcome which Mrs. Eleanor Roosevelt received as she arrived at Paddlng- tua Station yesterday. The King the cumulative toUl clasped her hand warmly and in- 4 $258 .768 or Just Attired about the President. The 4 smiling Queen Elisabeth was the 4 ii 1 Largest xt to greet the "First Lady." Royal Air Force. n the evening there was a for- v-T iuly for the ml dinner at Buckingham Pal-night. showered ce, those In attendance, besides on Twin and Their Majesties and the guest of md also on Bar- honor, including Prime Minister Mrs Winston Churchill. Gen-vmces. w r three of Italy eral Jan C 8muU. Lord and Lady ' Halifax bombers Mountbatten. Col Elliott Roosevelt idian Air Forte aDd United States Ambassador r rr.mander Len Jhn O. Wlnant. took .part. Buys $4,000 Of Victory Bonds Among Viftory Lean subscription !'i be acknowledrd In this di-Tsr- :s one for $40T) from Neal Fir "-h P of Burns Lake. thirty-three percent $750,00000 objective. Thr nw recruits enlisted at Prince Rupert for the Canadian Army were dispatched to Vancouver Thursday night In the persons of Arthur Lavalle of Dryden. Ontario. J. R. Anderson and O. A. Homer of Prince Rupert. J. Thomas of Vanderhoof. who has enlist-nJ in the Veterans' Guard, was Ulan dispatched south Thursday night. OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOCOOOOOOOOOOOOOO00OOOOOOOOOOCrOO 5 0 oo V 3rd VICTORY LOAN COMINC. KVENTS Sunday. 1- pj Victory Program. CFPR Buy Victory Bonds oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo - - t Japanese Vessel. Including Warships, Are Sunk or i Damaged I MFLBOURNE. Oct 24 - Allied aircraft. In a large attack on Ra-baul, port of New Britain, yesterday, sank or damaged ten Japan- up to 4- ese vessels one crjilwr. a destroy-about cr and two transport ships are be-of the 4- lieved sunk while a, t least six other Three Recruits For Army Here Four .Men llhjwtchtd From Prince Ituprrt Thursday Night vessels were damaged. Not a Intlr Allien - rt AIR LINER IN CR ASH NAZI LINE IN RUSSIA Tide of War Continues to Turn in Reds Favor as Winter Closes In MOSCOW. Oct. 24 Red Army troops breached the front Une of Tomorrow sT ides (SUndard Time) High 1:51 a.m. 20.9 feet 13:52 pjn. 22.0 feet Low 7:54 a.m. 5.4 feet 20:24 pjn. 26 feet Britain's Eighth Army Starts New Offensive; Beat Nazis To Punch May Be Commencement of Campaign Which Will Decide Fate of Mediterranean During Coming Winter 4he oermans- f't'fi"d left nank CAIRO, Oct. 24 (CP) Britain's rebuilt and refresh- . -mere w little h.nge in th "" OI 1? 1 Eighth Army charged into the Axis El Alemain line and the garrison reoulsed all , . situfttton the Solomon1 cltys general p loaay in an nffpnR;vp Ollensive qnninrr sprung durinrr (lunng thP the night nicrhr with With hlnw MOWS Islands where UiK Jananew have attacks to hold a northslde fac- t j rt rrr inor r hn nrtAmit Kir nnri cin r rl n ' I Vr A 1 1 1 sn It it been making some air raids, an- pgainat a lanK-supporieo in- ugouin uic t-ucwijr ujr muu, oca mm an. xnc xmvs mua other feeler land attack on Guadalcanal being? afly repulsed. Som Japanese fdrcF have been landed rn the Rusfell Islands near Guadalcanal. lanwy mnauc uespivc a bw-vi u ueat tnc i.ir in ma iuips lu IUU puilL'll uuu launcucu lGO bombs, the Russians said. what mav be a batt1e to deci(le the fate Qf the Mediter- -nc had evidently luted for the Airv wr:ner Red Star indicated that German aerial activity had increased. The noon communique sad that a German automatic rifle detachment which pierced the factory lines momentarily was wiped out jwif Killed Yesterday When thrust which forced a Tran.nort and nomber Collide Nai-fortified area to gap in the the north- In California we.t. The Russians yesterday an- BURBANK. California. Oct. 24 nouncea capture oi impuiwui. c Twelve persons v.re killed when tlcal positlohs northwest of StaHn- Si 0 g o ooooooooooo o Mh rines raacazine uie oermana. siiutuuu Newsboy Buys ranean this winter. With all branches in close coordination, the armored army of the desert thrust forward under strong air support while the force VirfftlV Knnrl ' the Mediterranean fleet struck T IV.IUIJ UUUU j. d on the enemy.s seagirt nor. ' thern flank near the Egyptian port of Mersa Matruh. A naval communique issued at i Local Temperature , 1 V 1L. mi - " r VICTORIA, NORTHERN AND CENTRAWfflSH-COLUMBIA'S NEWSPAPER id1 PRINCE RUPERT, B.C., SATURDAY, OCTOBER 24, 1942 PRICE- FIVE CENTS attlet Of Desert Start Again OYAL AIR FORCE OUT ONCE MORE . . - nil A rain With ra St! a ' - Sitona Tlirown In lor uoou Mcasurr - "Notable" Damace HAPPY DAY ij ' : BIG BLOW - IN LONDON ? VJ Percent Mark : AT RABAUL BREACH OF Warm Welcome F.stendrd by Klin And ()urrn to Mrs. Lleanor llixwvrlt In Loan Now OTTAWA. Oct. 24 ti The Victory Loan had iU biggest day yeitcrday since the cam- palgn started, applications to- tailing $62.05.450. bringing Ten S! trnitM RiatM Ar liner was in grad and g collision with an Wmy bomber usin twenty-two divisions total-? .nri crashed near here. Ung about 25000 men in the Amone the killed Raipn Kan-i". wment. The "Leatherneck." VS. wintry winds swept tne steppes. what might happen "Marlnettes." the defensive in a number of who Wrote 'Love In Bloom" and dhxks wihuh me jr June In January f (Army countcr"atJjCkcreoder NEW YORK. Oct. 24: Uncle polnU where the enemy feverUhly nam has the "Waves" navy started to fortify positions wrunom .nri thP Waacs" armv skeletons of ruined buildings tf the start reported in as Ola fur L. Eyolfson, 15-year- to a man. The communique also old carrier boy for the Daily told without detail of a Russian News, is early combining tne ..,.,,,,, - nnvn, fo,Pe Sllf. 4' attributes of patriotism, thrift and sound judgment. "Ole" 4- called at the Victory Loan 4' headquarters this morning j 4- and put up $100 cash for a 4 bond. The money. Olc ex- 4' plained, he had earned while 4- working at the Dry Dock dur- 4- lng the past summer. 4 position to the northwest but gave the Baltic Sea. Canadian Air Force Guards Northern Shores fered no casualties and only superficial damage was done to one boat despite enemy air attack. The main land battle was concentrated in a comparatively small area stretching forty miles Inland from the coast to Quattara depression but it will probably spread ranirilv a the British command siege, were reported 'clKU thrown on, sending desert oatrols ; hundreds of miles across the no details. However. It Is In that, desert to spring at the rear of area that the Russians. have beenjAxis Field Marshal Erwln Rom-oondudng -ctarg& scale: . tttacwmcYs forces..-' .-.. - raids. - . Twenty-seven enemy planes RAILS OF CHINA were brought down over Stalin-1 Th: first railroad In China, ten grad yesterday. miles long, was built in 1876. The wants to know Yesterday's noon communique ""J "- - - ik minmiMt nf a ma nr a 1U.1IUU-UM1 uermau iraiiiouiw m jntia im" " run over and killed. tfr M Kk V. "k- evCJA -tiCuBBW sBBTr W U BBBwBBMBBam ; 1 ' ... " - " " " - bvsK BKBSsSslsKii VM 1 ' ,XBSsr' V : j,v': . .-VMv;. : v,,. ... 1 ib. i a :-:." iirti Ti , " . ... sav.i-. mrm m SBBBsrsiao'w s - . -....j. . t " .k f . T.Tii:Tf x . iv: ' tK.v-.fl r vsT svy w-'.X' Ajaf. BBw:j.ur.Mw.'Bu; w vassal - - h. ,l BWBW .iif . .VifiTV . "I fM TBSBSBSBSBSJ T T lTBBIT BSSl IB I " M BM Ml WnJ-- I II I H II I I r & M mmmW iimw. - ...irBr, , - ht of day the aircraft of Canadian and United States forces cover many miles liiuh over the great mountain ranges of Alaska speeds a Illn over dangerous mountain country and the lonely waters of the nor- N.CA.F. Kittyhawks, ready to meet In the air anything the Jap n J m raclflP In the case of a large scale Invasion of North America .nd against the shores of this northern outpost of the continent, wc by the Japanese it Is probable that these aerial fighters would be out in front to bear the first shock. They have already clashed with strong forces of the Jap and bombed his outposts on a number of occasions. Photo by Nicholas Morant for WIB 5;..