LOCAL MEWS NOTES See Gordon & Anderson for Feb- J. . Mathesor. of the TtrfC raary furniture specials. 19 ckrra Bnacfa is sailing this afiemoc '. "balance over !2 aon'.hs .on the Caul for Vancouver Dr. R G Lars, who had reeeot-: Chris PartroW is saSitog :hi5 if been eiecied a amber of the j afternoon on the Catala lor a ".rip Chamber of Commerce, pot in his to Vancouver. JfcU apoearanee at the dinner hut I kM. I For Relief of HEAD COLD MISERY Pot 3-parpose Va-tro-nol tip each nostra,. .(1) It shrinks swoaenmesn-traaes: (2) Soothe imtaOon; (3) Helps Costa out casal ravaps. dearies ciofjicg jaucus. VICKS VA-TRO-NOL CUssiriED FOR SALE FOR SALE Furniture: Street East. tvn o a t- .. . 335 Sixth FOR SALE Fawcett Range with oil burner. Suite E, WaSace Block. (53, FOR SALE Boat "Dundas." length j 33 ft, fully equipped halibut ! gear. Snap for cash. 1141 Beach j . rT ' Mooe Lodge meet tomorrow a: J 8 p. in the Oddfellows- Han. Ai The Chamber of Coameree ns-membecs rcaaested to attend. ton last night that the hoar of :tt va very ineonrenient ier the j Tadtght train. dre to arriv restaurants to provide them th teem e east at 11 o'clock, wa the monthly dinner. It ns de-. reported this raeroteg to be on ! eided to cancel the dinner meet-'ttsae. I inss altogether if ihey cooJd net, j Ee held at that time. ; Mat, B. A. Lawrence, vhese he-; tbaad has been statieaed here as; : A proposed trip to Stewart at aa officer wfch the forces. Is suit- ! Easter has been cancelled by Use , teg tots afternoon en the CaUU i Piiace Rupert Chamber of Owe-. for Victoria.. I rneree owtnc to inaauuy at bk l Union steamship Co. ic pwtee a lira. R. L. Carter and Mrs. V.' tleame. for the occasion as a le-'Ree. 'whose husbands hare been Hiit of war conditions. The hope eta baaed here with the forces, are wo expressed that it might be . raffing this afternoon on the Ca-poattMe to hold the excursion ta tala for Victoria, the near future, i Mr. and Mrs. J. Johnson aie A leUer read at the Cheabe-r I 'awHna this afternoon en the Cs-Ccaunerce meeting last sftght .tata for Xamu. Mr. Johnson has from Olof Harmon M. P. ta anTT Myen ka the serrtee cf the E. J to a reques; co pat on the Market the property across the street from the Post Office on Third Avenue said the government would not offer the property lust now because a building of the type proposed there would not be allowed at present. CARD OF THANKS We wish to thank all our frienis for the many kindnesses shown to us during oar recent bereavetnen'. aad also for the beautiful floral tributes. MRS. RCSANG AND FAMILY Ran Oonstraetion Co. here. Mr. and Mrs. E. C Pfa8ps arrived in the city on the Northland yesterday from Ketchikan and proceeded by train last evening on a trip to Chicago and New York. Mr. Phips is a weH known Ketchikan fish buyer. The regular morning radio broadcasts, of which "Rer. A. F. MacS ween is in charge, were among matters discussed yesterday at the regular monthly meeting of the Prince Rupert Ministe rial Awoctatton. ReT. J. H. Mvr- ang. the president, was in :he ! chair. The Chamber of Commerce last sight decided to draw attention of the city authorities and the police to the danger arising from the breaking of bottles on the stree;. It is possible that it may be made a criminal offense when the new refutations are finally adopW which Is expected to be soon. l Par tilt thtrA rVo n . ! was .sentenced to twenty days' imprisonment by Magistrate W. D. Vance in city police court yesterday. Tines of S25, wHh varying : options, were imposed on Mike 'Franchnk, Ethel Dye, Peter RK- ferscheid, Laughie McKlnnoa and M. Amson, also each charged lth drunkenness. Simon Lockertry and Charles Oreen, Indian cruris, were each fined $15 with five cafs' options. Little Girl's Funeral Held (-.tut. (DO , FOR SALE A few bundles of o!d:Abna Hosang, Victim of Fire at newspapers, cheap. Apply Daily i Lawson Harbor, Laid at nest News. tin Yesterday Afternoon. Vhm 7 w.compKie The funeral of Alma Rosang. frittngs; stock - I large of windows Xlve-year-old .daughter of Mrs. Sm large stock of Iron pWEmil Rosang. who filed as a result extra heary steam pipe nj. to.of bams rewivea Tnen vuku. nwrae uiacx jzi. u. uM, a,a v.- t lpmlture. Third Ave. WANTED Housekeeper. Appy 610 Sixth Avenue West Levute Apartments, Suite 4. KJ BOARD AND ROOM BOARDERS AND ROOMERS Washing Included, 340.00' per month. Apply 703 Fulton Street. Phone Blue .882. ($3) ROOM AND BOARD for men shar lng, Phone Blue 05. j Harbor on Wednesday evening Lieut.-Gen. McNaughton Inspects C.P.R. Tanks THE stepped-cp tc-po cf tank proiurtj'?n at A Shps. Montreal, vis e- Jert e ct - t vrfeen Lietrt.-Oer A G. L Mo Naaliton mi a detaileii inrprt-tim f tae big Ca-aiiia? Pacific ptaat, wboH marhinery i tnn-iae; oat incrMsme numbers of the inwd fortr. dais of the Canadian Army and twaior officers of the Caaadtaa Paetne Railwsy, Caaa4a,s No. 1 Wier rewired a first ha4 picture f tank ermrtnirtioa frwa HOUSEWIVES I PLAY PART Canada's Women Anxious To Cooperate in Every Way to Win War. By PATRICIA CONNOLLEY Canadian Press Staff Writer OTTAWA. March 3: Laura of drunkenness, John Kooning , JL? uon. Deparsment of Aarienltive says the Canadian housewife isnt footing in her effort to win the war frJaa the kitchen. "An analysis of any day's mail received by the consumer section will vouch for that." she told The Canadian Press. operate with the sugar ratlessmg. i There have been no complaints about restrictions. Neither are women worried over possible lack of supplies." As farther evidence of a desire to take their place on the home front. Miss Pepper said Canadian housewives have become vitamin i conscious. Here are typical quer ies: I (a i What Canadian foods can I j use In order to maintain food nutrition? j bl What is the difference ml composition and food value of ItfiVTPh" 1 (4-ii,p1acf yesterday afUrf-i homogenized milk, cfeocoiate mi.k V 1 r.U noon noon fmm from tfS- the "chapel 'Ai4rlnnV Wlhe 3Cand frrK "mmM - ihd MJ"'... "amdenaed . erarrv- .nrWrtasers. milk? i liev. C. A. Wright, pastor of ci What is the difference in 1 ?Srv. Baptist Church, officiated at food value of the three erade of 4 he service and Peter Lien was at butter WANTED Weight lilting set Will the -organ to accompany the Here's the Answers pay cash. Phone 537. hymns "What a Friend We Have j To these saeries the ooasumri WAjrrED trade Vancouver m ,esus" an(f la the Arms ,on Hrh promptly for. id- rev.nue irmrturW r,mnrt, fr of Jp!UT" . copte their various bu.x similar proper to Prince Ra- tbc Krvicc at the, tin on Dalian foods wm.ld pert. Inquire Dybhavn t Han- "'u; "il"'c"v, 'a"Vc m F a 1 son Ltd. 52 ; rr .5 f1?!' HOUSEKEEPER for small family, and 8. Oroden. room, board and good wages In ' pleasant home. Phone Red 879m (55) 1 i : YUUNO Couole looking for a ' house or anartmcnt, furnished or I unfurnished. WHIing to pay 25-' j $30 monthly. Steady Dry Dock worker. Apply Box 216 Dally News. (55) LOST LOST Small bunch f fceys Please return to laly News. (52) Send Your Copy Early M Local news contributions should be In the Dally News otDce by 10 a.m. on the day feuowin the event prefer- ably the night before, a let- terbox In the door being 4 there to . receive copy. Local news not In by 10 ajn. runs the risk of not being pub- lished. We prefer to have 4 news contributions typewritten 4 4 neatly and double spaced, If 4 4 possible. However, legible 4 4 writing will Bo. 4 4 44444444 44 4 my: (at Cereals, eggs, beets, fruit flnheuhcemehtJ All advertisements In this column will be charged for a full 'month at 25c a word. Anglican Jumble Sale, March 12. 8.O.N. Dance March 13. St. Patrick's Tea, Catholic Hall. March 17. Presbyterten Teal; Mrs. Lakie's. March 19. Little Norway Munthefc. Marsh 19. Tea, Mrs. S.OJJ. Dance Mardh 27. LO.BA. Spring Sale. April 8. St Peters Spring Sale April "23; lire crjL.t parts to the finished prsiaet. He (LspLav-f i keei interest :n the const ruction of the speedy war ntarr-.ines, a type that haj ten hipr- praised by the Uussaaac on the field of battle. Htrh'.irht of General Me NaairhtciV vmH followed tae rsedknn ijrht 'naleetmea" f orUftm favpectioa en bt of ts kkaki-pahited "VaWfrtinf" taaks.1 AccoaipmniH by rankw? offi-ffma from tfce Aaira A"f s- setBUr Hee. raced oat on the hoes MiaVar, wttere thev ed. ptaarpd. and went thtoaah vanoas otaer taeaes to show tMtr wwni laafHty. and vegetables are among the Ca nadian foods that can be used maintain good nutrition. b Homogenised is specially processed to keep the cream throughout the ratlk and la tfeete- fore of superior qvwHtr; late m We is aksm rank wth choeatftte aynip; evaporated milk if diluted aeeordan to siiwtinni m the flavor and texture. aH three gtadet .posseas the seme amount of Better fat and moisture. "The need for economy in wartime is also tnakjktsg the sit i ear wife much more price conscious," Mtas Pepper awKL "They are thinking of price in relation to Since sugar rationing came into OBUt5r- for more fartaal effect. Mis Pepper said, the ma- mformal'on m thelr d4y martav fority of cpertes have bean regard- i lr'g'nd we thmk ln Canadian ing the use of sugar substitufea P01 ot 1"Mty pnadaetlen and "The general desire in all th-e S aoeung u paying b-ttrn " mh aairl "ha. hwn (. . dends." Requests for low c o s vr.f 4 AWve eAe how a rroaa of Antao-built tanlu itin(r wip-ment for "artive scrviee'. Iiwet: Gen. McNaaatin comiamto on mm detail f tank coaatraetfaa. rOthers in the rrup iadaai (Ml to nrht) H. H. B.w,. csatf of moti power and roilrar Steele; Brig.-Oen. E. de B. Panet, Of-rwer OmirvjuKiine. M.D. 4; 4. K. Berry, alwetor'n atrai of aaav tnoHil and tank arodaetkai; Lty-Ort. Keanoth Stoart. eaVf of taw CaMaa Genets! Staff; D. C Colemaa. viee-areaalent, 1 I'arjfle Kaihray. tolBattery Women's r the manufacturer ts eqaivateat Lt nint the Oddfellows' to whole milk. ;KaU a capacity crowd was In at- The difference between first, ! toother of the dances strand and third grade butter is eld bT MSad Women's Aaalh- ary- Dance Enjoyed Capity Crd in Attendance At Affair In fMdfrlUwV Hall Dancing conttnued from 9 pjn. until 2 am., masic beuag sopplied by the Canadian Scottish Orchr-tra and 8gt. O. P Lyon acting as tnaater of ceremonie.s DeUesous refreahmrnu vrr served by the enaunl'.tee under the aeaeral convenorship nr Mrs Cray have increased eomiderably in re-eat months. Miss Pepoer .ald divi- adding "The Canadian housewife is determined to do her part tu the kitchen CHOCK-FULL OF NATURAL NOURISHMENT QUAKER OATS m PROTEINS dtTf MINERALS a r. fk BBmamVamemememmBl MEN'S SUITS Ladies' and Gents' SS)nur, Spring Suits and op M. T. LEE - Tailor P.O. Box 975 Phone Or. 9C0 VITAMINS Comust tiietc tkrt foirorant lone Uaon tJut , fep fcj tht kKidwi ind .renrn lolki, tea. ufc f ockI fcrm leth tod dokIc. Gtt lira a lumrt own pmponma in JVo-cM,wnthiac 0it. l is, hoW-itma in Lj .VT Qu.Vtr - - a vvajaajaiar Gcs Qiir Out it reidr . m nrm:;e. Cctu Uit iSja (rn4 t r "S s vis oar Ur- iH ikt : .1 brjK&t cf ctijcann. r- "S Qcakir Oi:i c. Caadi's SUPER BREAKFAST Uti amlAM J " l (i i.-9t r yj 1 1 j TtWmuTTTWIfTfU aaaaaaalaaaaaamaiaW Fresh IxKral Raw and Pasteurized Milk VALENTIN DAIItr PHONE C37 When You Want a Reliable. Comfortable. Dependable TAXI ni iMvir- atim Service 2-Hour Servtre st (Ugnlar Itales Wanted - Raw Furs IIIOHKST MARKET PRICES PAID Representing HUDSON'S RAY COMPANY Snip to J, RORMIIEIM, Cow Hay, Prince Rupert, ll.C , Phone MS Mail Schedule . Tor the Eat I Mondays. Wcdiwaaay t aad Fridays 1 -. .rrftBL lhe East Tuesdays. Theodayt awl Saturdays : 11 ; For Vancouver 1 Tuesday - 123t vm. Thursday M:lat. Friday tM 9M Saturday Ittte pm. March 1C and J-i From Vsaeouver Sunday - 1MB. , Wednesday MA Friday . It , March 12 and : Tor Stewart and rreraler i Sundar m T Friday t pm. From Stewart and Premier-Tuesday im. Saturday 1 pm For Alice Arm, N'aas Hirer and Tort SlmpMry Sunday T Front Alice Arm, Xaas Kiver and Tort Slmpton Tuesday ror Ocean rail Thursday It: If pm. Friday 9 pa. Saturday 19:1ft pja. From Ocean Fall Wedneday 19:99 tm Friday 10 am. ror Queen Charlotte lland March 19 and U 11 pm. From Quern Charlotte Iland Marco rr Alaka Weaoeoday Friday March 12 From Alatka Tkarsday aasarday . March H and I 19 pm.i 1 pm am 9 pm ! 7 pjn pm iT.tTiirnr.n pauk.vs AhMka DMclasos saasetsmas make ; their parkas, or hooded coats, of' the skins of birds TVem 1 imelv Re tt'i!tHftJl J( 1 Bound t task," 1 taaapoc tsjsjapo IV, cap. I mjs 4 caps r. 1 cap n-.i':-Pm mer.'. flWi earn to meat rr. aad lawn akxrty in hi. TKM: ij to 9 am'-.e OflDOts mt Aaeiia. dpal of v Yamr's hon. : of Lord Or WIN. 1 Ottiu a new porr he fettled , aoekholir ( I 1 11" i m v oooooooooooooooooeooonaoeooooooooooe - o o o 9 O o o Hi fir, .al Mtir cr s i ca ran oh For Quick, Safe and ComfortaM T VI sFTt PHONE 235 DAY AND vu.irr OOOOOOS OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO A. MacKenzie Furniture 1(1 -a noon PLACE TO 111 V 15 KUPKRTIA Sprinji-nilwl 3IATl i:I Fs- Over 4 ceil springs with oaUott padrt A ventiUted border each -'' S ACE SprinR-Fillcd MATTKKSSKS A good mattrevi t a low ork-e PIIONE 775 v: IC 5 V.V.V.V.V.V.V..V.V.V.V.V ! SUrt the Year Iticht lly Kaving Our COUPONS for IVful Household Ilcins. Call in and let us explain this plan to yoa. MUSSALLEM'S Economy Store "Where Dollars Have More cento'' P.O. Box S?S rhonM If I ! B rri Burnaby Rosery J Company R R. No. 2, SVw WeMmlnMrr Offer for Sale Through Their Agent, MRS. SMITH FLOWER SHOP llrooksbank Rlk Third Are. Rose Hushes Perennials Ornamentals, etc. Mrs. Smith has prices and amples. All orders Individually matted and tagced ORDER NOW! TWO COTTAR I . TL MIX i r CKNTRM II0TT Household .... I " - " " . . " M D f NEW ROYAL . HOTEL J Zarelll Proprietor "A HOME AWAT FKOM HOME" Kates 75c up 50 Rooms Hot Si Cold Watei Prince Rupert, B C Phane 281 p.o. rto l I a Ml UIIUI 9 I'NPAtN I i I II! & DIUWm;- , . price:! from 1 DIMM ! 1 prHi at 2 rm i 1 with O prtrcC at 1 EMI I'l l' i;r ih;ti - at ii '.' : B. C. Furniture ft PHOM: pi m,r Carl Zarclli, W I'hone one ii 37 r.o. f 1 FRASKR STKfc Prince imp"