PAGE TWO Tif .ITorfi'mp Tievtrage ofThoutands J COAST BREWERIES LTD. lajf' . VANCOUVER NEW WESTMINSTER - VICTORIA KaSSHT Company. fueL 1 This advertisement is not published or displayed by the Liquor Control Board or by the Government of British Columba. BeforeAeS0o;nva. the! PJL?f r' Property damage from the re- .u i j j i j Netherlands ind es purchased cord Queenslant,t Aus. JSSimS! ?n frle Wd." bruary. totalled 1, broadcloth m in the u U. S. for manu-, ($3(5aao0O) EARLY MADRAS Madras, on the eastern coast of India, was the first territorial pes TURF FOR ENGINE FUEL So serious is the coal shortage in Eire that turf is being used to session of the British East India some extent for railway engine NATIONAL WAR LABOUR BOARD COST OF LIVING BONUS The Dominion Bureau of Statistics has found that the cost of living index number for April 1, 1942, of 115.9 'adjusted index 115 has not risen by one whole point or more over the index number for October 1, 1941, of 115.5 adjusted index 114.6. Accordingly, the National War Labour Board, pursuant to the provisions of Section 12 of Order in Council P. C. 8253, determines and announces, for the period May 15, 1942, to August 15, 1942, subject to the right of employers or employees to apply to a War Labour Board for authorization of payment of such an amount of cost of living bonus as a Board may determine to be "fair and reasonable," under the' provisions of the Order, that: . (a) There shall be no chance in the amount or percentage of cost of . living bonuses presently .being paidi (b) An employer who has not. been paying cost of living bonuses may not begin to pay such bonuses. By Order of the National War Labour Board, HUMPHREY MITCHELL Minister of Labour and Chairman Ottawa, Canada. ' May 12. 1042 You can't let them down ' flF-T0 RELIEVE HUMAN SUFFERING NOW You've supported the Red Cross In the past. It has done a marvellous job for the sick and suffering, for the comfort of Canadians away from home. The need becomes greater every month for the great, human uatiani.oric iine iu?d i 'Crosses dolii'iiHi;mu4l T)e kept up. lYo'ur '.dolVx t lars are needed for this colossal task. The .Hcd Crpss needs $9,000,000 .(Jive, Generously! ,Tlils Space Donated by Family shoe store ltD. The Home of Good Shoes' M1LY EDITION THE DAILY NEW3 WIDAY THE DAILY "NfcWS. Letter Box PRINCE RUPERT, BRITLSH COLUMBIA Published Kvery Alternoon Except Sunday by Prince Kuiwrl Daily JNews Limited. Thjrd Avenue H. P. PULLEN, PRESIDENT O. A. HUNTER. MANAGING .EDITOR a ) :i AI)VfiRTi?i.V(iitAfl.S , Cocal-Readees, per line, per inaartlpn Churchill Tells Hitler . . . other A Distinguished Visitor ... T..; . Tt I. 1 1 r A 1 . .. - nu'cmi'S .ItewiColunin, stating I ruq justified Adjartisements. pr wwd. per Iri-Wjlon, 02 FRIDAY. MAY 16, Uit2. t P 1 T O R 1 A L i mice uupert nas a (iisimguisneu visitor lor a couple of days in the person of Dr. Carl J. Hamhro, president of Norway and also president of the League of Nations. While his visit is of most particular interest to people of the Norwegian race, which form .such a substantial and valued proportion of the population of this' community, Dr. Hambro is a figure in whom we all share more man passing interest, tie holds an important position as head of a nation which for years has led the world in pursuits of peace and culture and which nowy-tempor-' arily subjugated as far as its ..... land is concerned, ..... never- i? i i i uieiehs is oi nign and prouu spirit, its people .lighting fpr liberation both at home and abroad. ' ' It will be a privilege for us to have the opportunity' of hearing President Hambro speakln public tonight. It is only to be regretted that a larger venue could not have been obtained for him. His own countrVmen wilfhave the' opportunity to hear him in their oWnltangue tomorrow j night. It is appropriate enough that Dr. Hambros visit ' here should be timed for the eve of NnrWPfrinn Tiwlnnnml ' ence Day the anniversary of the foundation an hide-' iwjuena; wmcn me nation anu trie iigntmg. democracies uupe may ut re-esiaDiisneu oeiore ipng. 1 Canada at War 25 Years Ago By Canadian Pressi May 15, 1917 British forcos repulsed German counter-attacks east of Bullecourt in Arras sector. Germans lost heavily at Craonne Heights, Braye and Vaucjerc. War Council in Paris attended by Prime Minister Lloyd peorge and British army and navy l-'Sfc. The Privileged Jap anese rti me irearment mev cave us. ft The Japanese who live in British Columbia are a very' privileged people. We have gone to a lot of trouble to keep them comfortable in their state of internment which wartime conditions have made it necesa'ry, to impose uppn them. Now because they do not receive for the time-b'ejng all the privihVes they desire, they have seen fit to .riot in Vancouver. The whole thing, we suppose, will be tolerated with the usual patience and tact of the Canadian aiithonies. Wp can onlv imagine how muqlupf this Qrt(of thing would be tolerated were we .Canadians in Japan under similar circumstances and tried onf'uch an incident as that in Vancouver Wednesday nigr;t--pr what would ..happen to lis should the Jananeseet thi nnPl hi! nirl k ? n this our own land and we should attempt tp demonstrate ; FOR SALE v,injpjete witn inrniiijre- -I small1 Rooming House 1 modern 4 room living housel three rorm emi-: modern living house. All In good j condltiop. This choice property lo-'cated at .Prince .George, B.C., Hi iblk. from hopping centre and theatre frfmt and about 300' I from 'R. yR. Station. Ideal place for hotel. Undersigned selling out owfing to flcathi breaking up home. Terrrvs Cash. Phone Green 438. Write: MR. R. HOLD EN, c-o P. O. Box 600, prince Rupert, B.C. I Commencing May 18tlr complying .with JVart.imel,rirfc,$& . ; f-iTrade Board reguiaiis,fc $fatom fahndsF i :.ed retailers In l'ntp!$ SiJfflB 4f3lw,'SS l'c 1 Groceries, ,Tobacco, ananfectloneryTtceSkly.MilfablMF rkIy.v.PirTlf5bl Meats, Fresh Fruits and Vegetables, once dally. PUR qO-piTJlATION IS SpjLJCI.TKI) The. W. JI. Malkin Co. Ltd. Keliyppglas.Co. J4d. McMcekin's Brokerage Swift Cnnadian Co. Ltd. Burns & Company Ltd. S. C. Thomson & Son 0. W. Nickcrson Co. Ltd. i PRICE OF HONOR Editor. Dally News: ! Aaweek aeo a news Itvm arvSiri . : - r-.- . - ' nnncdn,ln your paper from the ivfH'' .rinrut fnr iuhii In !hu TIIH C jputt. quite true (I as fined $50. (avur invr printed printed measered and re- cordsd Juat like the vilest criminal by our police force and for what. Just because I defended my own and my wife's good name. I do not regreLwhat I, did rar do I .&iliy ol ny crime. I do not .n.nk thare Is a man In Prtnae .:ut but would hate dope the ene under the clrcumslancea. It Today, as Churchill told Hitler, the boot is on the VJIiJS r leg, says tne Vancouver Sun. Britain and her Al- jmr Mte'jt good name? ues nave come 10 tneir strengtn. mere is now no question hue that throughout the world the balance has swung to-the side of freedomas he always knew it would, (jone were the days when Britain, unprepared and alone, could only clinch desperately and narig on, .hoping later to get a second wind. Now, through the glorious campaign of .Ipsfia, with the United States fully given up to the conflict, with Britain herself clothed with vast and still growing power, the tables are tyrnefl, extermination of Hitlerism is at last possible. In the measured words of a godly ferocity Mr. Churchill addresses Hitler. His is tho voice of democracy becoming triumphant ,thrquglpjit the world. Henceforth, it is the United Nations tjju qill dictate the course and inevitable ends of the various campaigns. J. c. WOODS. RUBBER TllltK.Ml Synthetic rubber thread .... Value ifN bretkcV)N slaving Minora Blade for' dcyble-edgo razors ii tCah'ada'j fastest-growing economy blade. Victory ond .Raffled for Sports Goods Drawing for a 90 Victory Bond rstffJwi for the purpuss of raJHog funds to purchase spurts aoUp-ment for the local units of Royal i area headquarters took place at the baa Royal Canadian Army Medical fcen developed which will go Into Corps. Royal Ordnance Corps and jTha lucky nri-fMfc Dorothy Oum . ' Young Women . .. CfcglCf). It w4 N., n CONGOLEUM 3 WeautY Lasuny i &tios 1 8. TVeat r ffeavtifi and save at the same time IS You havo many calls on your budgot Ihoso days. Yot you can pul first things first and still buy what you actually nocd by choosing wisely. Tako floors. Whero can you got tho beauty and onduring wear of Congoloum Gold Seal Rugs for anything liko their modest prico? They will brighten any room and mako it moro livablo; yot novor givo oven a hint of unpatriotic oxtravaganco. Congoloum Gold Seal Rugs hug tho floor without fastening and nood only light mopping to keep them clean and smart as new. sa asMS s s sss isf iixa ssaso. mt TJMsnsMnsrs GORDON'S HARDWARE Can Supply You with Your CONGOLEUM Hcyuircrnei H wam m PS J ..... am m m m mu. mm sm f. Urt Morgan WIUR "CIVIIA mi nS IAKP0)4. May n n Atfny Coun:!l ii dlers to wear .-iv,,:.,. faaiUatUmi durlu': , Fhy Balking Bolivia and Mxi. World Otltput of in ! ii j mew, imratimvcB, u mini are neaoquaners 100a p:ace at uie am in UV roatiuuct and respirators. Canadian Legion rooms last night, batteries. C0NG0LEUMS For your Ilpme Ueuuircmenls at Elio's Furniture Store Xliird Avenue A. MacKENZIE FURNITURE LTD. CONGOLKITM RUCS, ALL SIZKS-CONCOLKUM BY THE YAH I)