H. P. Fallen, now a patient SHE KNOWS THAT BLUE clothes from turning yellow and makes them snowy WHITE White thingj mwsf be wcihed often. Eirt constant washing f cdes the white turns It yeBow-Ish unless you remereber fhet the final rinse in Blue wil Veep cfl your vtte clothes realf white acVe them glean with snowy lovetness. A' stops Sm colovn bin to Mi O oi tki co oertk bit. TWr it no Icr tj virhovt livl BPJGHTEN-UP ijounsPiRirf liii with PAINT .in u U II 3- .A, 3 V B-H "rjisthk- P.int will put . f.e ca your home t ivpriof crtctiot pini Uyoftd tin rtch of ImiUtion uri brisht nd g!r full protection for ytn. On jttlon covers 700 square feet Select B-H for endwencc end economy. J the Vancouver General Hospital. It making progress, aceoratrj; to Wd Just received u to his con-dttkm which is now such that he Is expected to feme hospital yia for a nrstog hone. Mrs Fallen. who vent uth with Mm. Is the guest of her sater in Ram I 1 fedtA J 1 9 e 1 GORDON'S HARDWARE Phone 311 MrUride Street CU?siFtD erL FOR SALE FOR SALE 3 Sisters Cafe, ir In-.r..r. rail or rite H A Nel- . NTFD Will pay 3 moothi reati f houre fnrnnhed ar uufur-r.ehed WoeM take o4 eare dunn? owner's absence. Refer-e: zet. Two adults. Short notice mutally arrarwed. "Red 346, Cook lU iippt.. Cosunodore Cafe. 11SI I T . if'crvrmrn .r j . i . nut or nr r.ru. n uiim lor Uirrc ; aduiu. Phone Black 85. 'ti! 1 WANTED S.TtaD fumishtd apart-; ment or hoose by Jihh 1 Phone 1 Bloe 577. 11$ j COMFORTABLE Bed-sHUng Room ' for fentlfman. Close in. Perroan-. est if softabte. PjO. Box 819. 113 WANTED Woman wants work few boors daily. Restaurant preferred. Apply box 272, Daily News. 113 If. W. C. A. ROOMS REGISTRY Accomodation urgently wanted for senrice Men and Families Mrs. Garbutt. 231. WANTED Small house or three room unfurnished suite by young couple. Write P.O. Box 1461. (113) FOR RENT FOR RENT Unf urnish en 2 room apartment 829 9th AveC West Blue 788. tf tfhhethcetnehtJ All advertisements in this column 111 be charged for a fall month at 25c a word. 1 Whist drlre, Siturday. Commercial HoteL i ' Cambral UODZ. Rummage Sale. Toe H. rooms, May 16. Presbyterian Choir Tea. May 20. I. O. O. F. Victoria Day UalL May 22. Uttle Norway Tea May 21. Mrs. Munthe. 4th Ave, West. Auxiliary May 28. Tea, Dance. SL Peter's Hall, Red Cross Tea. Parent Teaehers i :ows Hall. Jane 5. Tea. Lutheran Church 1 Presbyterian Missionary Mrs. Bremner, June 10. Anglican Tea. Mrs. J. oils. June 11. ' Hill CO Tea June 17. : St. Peter's Tea, Mrs. J. W. Moore house. June 18. ( United Strawberry James Clark. June 24. Anglican Fall j TO DRAFT DOCTORS LOCAL NEWS NOTES XLss Nora PostuU aiU1 o- tre Prince Rupert last mi?ht fr a ,trip to Vancouver. , FOB SALS Good paying business, j confectionery and restaurant A. .Mrs. Xsobel McCrimmon sailed Beaudbt Terrace. B.Q 11j an the Prince Kopert last night - - J - - - for a trip to Vaucoueaf FOR SALE Baby Buggy- Reason- able. Red 181 114 A preliminary organisation FOR &LEBlue baby buggy, good of the cItIc centre earni- eondiUoQ J 1600. Phone Orwrrival committee which was to have SU. it hew laat nignt waa postponed for a week. P o Box 957, Prince Rap-Jabe Rapert People's Store. I O'C UKNT Ufr FOR RENT Board and room for f u.:- men. $40 Blue Sti. '113r WANTED L. M. Felsenthal. of leave on next Monday evening's train oa a buying trip trip to ifoatrteJ. lie expects to be away Hie better part of a month. Leaia Bon Bernard, ntjo is in the aval serf ice here, left on Wednes- csy emUns's train for a trip tol sasKaioon on leave, on taz retorn fhcre. he m be accompanied by fMrs. BonBemard who has been pway for the past caapie of Mr. and Mrs C H Finlev referred a caoie tn..'! Dioro;.-.!? :. ' r.unc'r.g the safe arr.ra. Britain or their son. Air Gur-t? r ar -- V.Apv lot the Ri 72 C A. F rr. Roi J-ds- v.a :.a '- r n a holiday trip j V.k-x: re-turned home from the :-ou;h on the Prince George this Mrs. M. C. MadiQ returned to the city on the Prince George this morning from a brief business trip to VancouTer. Miss Lovlse Zarett. who has been on a- viatt hs Vaieocrer. returned home from the south 00 the Prince George this morning. Allan Carotan, who has been on a trip to vaneotrver on business in connection with his new theatre project here, retamed to the city from the . sevth on the Prince George this morning. Col Or..'f::. "'. Sa! Cov- rctvn-ed to c.'. on th Prirstr ! Qeorge this morning from a brf ! trip to Vancouver. Richard Netsah MrtMrtr i Ltd. arrived m the city oa the Prince George this morning from the south, being here on company xwicn Hie City of Prince Raped It offering for sale the weateilj fast of Lot IS and Lot M, Work It. flection 5. The highest er any I tender not necessarily aaeeetrd j Apply City Clerk. 113 ! The remains of the late a: x aader C Onyaa jr., who di-d . Vbacearrr earaer m the a.nic ware brought heme from the oi-.r am the Prince Oeorfe thb tag. The faneral tt take pr- tomorrow afternoon. Sergeant Robert OteldaL who a wfth the Royal Canadian Arm--Mrdiral Corps In NrwfaandUnd arrhred in the etty on met night train for a visit an leave wfth hs parents. Mr. and Mrs. A, 8. Die i- rlal. Leroy Robbfns of the Nat.ur a! T im Boird arrived in the dtr or. T';fday night train from Otta-wJl spend three or fur c '. this district taking mo - , - ureJ 0f Indian indnstries v;.-.f)u.; parts of this agency ln- he Queen Charlotte s at MetlakaUa tod a 7 Time Now! Buase Spring Clean-r.i Fr Tears voa have been hrowln 1 iMjtlnng Into the basement: articles Jor wmeh you have no use. We know hundreds of peo-' pie who win any what yon dispose : of. Stovs. beds, table.- chairs, j doors, windows, took and hun dreds of articles to numerous mention. We give you our best cast) offers, or in trade for home , - ' - uw. a. .uiii w gf jrvu. 1: is 10 us. kjut pnone a tun-1 ber Oreen 916 FJ.o Furniture Store Third Afftsue EXTRA SPECIAL Fres Sliced B.)f'K BACON Per lb. 2c Linzcy and Ingram Tea, Mrs. '',w'W,i uruauHS! --'l "? n FUNERAL TODAY The funeral of the ;a J ,hr. Week, who died earlier in the wfrk at the Prince Rupert Oenera! Hospital, took place this afternoon from the chape! of B C Undertakers to Fairv.p w CenieLerY wtth 10 Rev J. H. Myrwang. aastor of flt lm Paul's Lutheran Chases, officiating- Peter Lien presided at the or- te accompany hymns vAkh I were "Lead Kindly light' Abide With Mr HERO OF HELHIOLAM) BROAD8TAIRS Erutiand. May u 0 Archibald Bishop, a hero of 1 I UTU .M1U III Mi, o.a ! nwe si m. ae was a lower-derk ; i rating who took comnmnd of the ' destroyer Laur when the captain wounded I MM. I 1 - nfsJal VU IJr I 1 I A Quisling order in Norway compels doctors to practls- forJwo years in crtalr' alstricts oy me state. i JOHN BULL'S SOCKS i To conserve material socks in' i Britain will be shorter. I Get Your Enamelware the Kitchen Cooking utensils at the VARIETY" STORE mmmil VILr I T ! It ii ftEaaaEaBaanampqii ammmmv -Pr3rWAammmmmbA v M tmmnmmmw van For pies like Granny bakes usethe lard she knows is best Three generations of Canadian houewfm, famous for their pi, have tie! Swift's Stkerleaf Lard. Ak tbra why! They'll teiiyoatke three thmds-- SllwtW krtptffttk longer . . . and so do pies made with S ilter leaf. SQt er leaf's famous tweet - nutty Savour makes the dmi 1 y r heifer. Slhrnleaf is ahrvvt Mir..'" vomH never nave 1 diaarw' hatca b wan of SMverteaf. nrr. IAc Qraany m1 to bake, ask SMterisaf Lard ntt time y 1 Swift Canadian Co., Limit cl cr',KiaanJiwai.-ajsi' haws Ladies:. v JL t " " - "--ww ' s a jijs- f wmaUl . ' i I A. '. - WT THIS WEEK ONLY draraare Sate f Silver Foxes W OFF GOLDBLOOM The OM KeitaWe' leaiaiBit am iiitm int Nurses' Heme. l),' wmTafiF&T xVv 1XA ' .m m I S S X . 1 f waaBBETnwav J r . . i . f I r ' v I 1 1 June 3 f Z. f M I Jl DTT , I ' .-lffmi i 1 1 1 asjK X mm gasa I Til 1 1 a i. Tea X A I THE STORY 0F CANADA'S I V rft vVsJ MUNITIONS PRODUCTION I W. Nich- aMAVv I ai told b the men and u nm g TONIGHT lt ; maamm mi nil inirrptrintr n mrm w niir.nttte ma n.a a 'aiir: i a WAnmf I WaBBBBBBBT BBB - - V mm UMt UVUl Willi III rT BBBJ P Tt. V. I 1 V men and women who are at work on this viral I T 1 part of Canada's war effort. This is an unre- K Tf J 1 hearsed report of what is going on day and Bbf t eight in our munitions factories. IF f X for Tl I Stt Kaaio usuries lor Stations It " I T i ' - i tb " I I IX. I 1 Address fr NEW ROY. HOTEL J TKf.r: r : t. "A II M Ativ Trow I Rates k 1; JO R'mrr.' !i K Vtint Rupert Bf DiMte ?ll T O. E Special Price LADIES' and (iFNTS N SPUING CLOTIIINCi S27JW) and up. B. LAMB, Tailor l .re IvUeti tn PHONE 235 HAY AMI NKJIIT tt Third ,t O000000000000000000 1 " Por Quick, Safe and Comfortable TAXI SKKV CARL J. HAMBRO President Norwegian Parliomcnt an'frec'.f3 . International Statesman IVano seleeiiMts. .MivsTrlfH Miwrr. VTJ 'Si. SekciUfM by Vardrti Sinters '. & HHIST JMJBSinE(N cm .4 rtmtM l pi M'tegnsk ; Mrday at t pf -'Atirtsstori' tie txickau al 'fimr'-"d Co- - ri ' Prweedi for Var StnUt ! OUR COUNTRY AND HOMES DEMAND GOOD SERVICE a . ur c-operatlon. Our countr' requev ... .1 .... ti-a I I'1' u t' ."!' be ' v mt c uo raruira nun rvpttw ore for our trucks. In order to maintain out prompt service we aik you to place all coal orders at lea DAY lltlOKi: DELIVERY IS EXPECTED- By 4omt ' will enable us to route our deliveries in the K0' manner, thereby conserving both gasoline and tires Albert & McCaffery Ltd iMinvn ite nit 117