5 , '-( M.I LIQUEUR pjjwfi tf frttded Ut Zcttfwut p, j adv:M cement is not published or displayed by the Liquor Control Board or by the ...r u' RhOULATIONS Page One) tires or Uibe Hi , I'uhnse: oovcrnmcni oi urmsn Columbia. tube or retreading service; 3. He must determine that the : purchaser has a real need that he has no tire or tube not In use or on a vehicle of lower class or I resi H um. un- w, an mtngtbie vehicle, which i.r hiiub no mm . . . .... . wuuKi dc saiery usea; rVrlzcd iiei-s or matiufas .. 1,1 '''Uc restrtolkiiw " !re sale of nmv ,; " tubss, with rjur- will Vl 1 1 Jf - ' "s dered vital lo j Wartime; but until '"'cement by Mr. :v Hd tubes, rc j 4 ;d retreadinn er-ll!der control. ' 1 : PNlnhtlsfiB. ;, nu.st be obeyed by cv- H( ft . la'h, us''frtai that the H.,v.T !s 111 olass elUU ' ' "'prtaln that the' Vchi 10 without jhojtirc, 4. He must see that his customer turns In without allowance a mK rt!?f r?! Ure Of be of corresponding size d into "A, "H, and type from a running wheel or single spare of his vehicle; like ears drt- 5 ne mu(t observe strict prl- .'I nurtet, some yritv oivln? rvrrv nrt(e-rtnr in and Ctaln anUuirtaAitnn fnr twh uU farm equip-- purchasers of new and used ai. mining and tire and tubes, retreaded tires and :;.eni may oo- retreading senrttes must :il'W reweaoea imarlal "rat Inn rwrml!" fmm mn I vrviee. used cslled Tire Rationing Representatives, to be located in any office of ' '. toclwllng Wartime Prtees and Trade transport war Board. Used tires and tubes may mi work, private be boufht upon proof of necessity . by federal or and without a Tire Ration pcr-i.Mii employees mtt from any authorized tire Red Cross dealer. ('ommoBwealth THE DAILY NEWS FRIDAY, MAY 15, 1942. I .1 BUI JUI UIJU I- itj LBWgW FOOTBALL SIGNALS in n crucnfiTV WINNERSi mS Whifflets From The Waterfront C. N. R. steamer Prince Oeorge, Capt. Edward Mabbs, arrived in port at 11 o'clock this morning from Vancouver and Powell River with full passenger list and laige freight cargo and sailed this af ternoon for Ketchikan and Slew-art " whence c she " will return " here uu e operator.. ,thiclt ovn, ln 'higher class: tomorrow n southbound. h night ,. vrntematl de- , milw hflV. r wrw Union steadier Cardena. Capt, John Ooden. is due ln Dort at 8 r rlrtrV tnnlo n I frnm fha enuf H r.rtri C. P. U. steamer Princess Ade-in port at 5:15 this afternoon from lalde, Capt. John Williams, is due the south ad will sail at 10 pm. on her return to Vancouver and waypomu. employees, mln- c.LI. I ()lt GULL'S KGGS ' PItOTLCT THE EAGLE in tries, taxi With hen's ecu on a strictly ra- The bald eacle U nrntivLprl (mm ir HOMUS should strike pur home tonight.. ,s wounding your loved ones m leaving life itself dependent on immediate blood trsnsfusions . . . who would meet the emergency? The Canadian Kcd Cross! In clinics operating across Canada, the Red Cross is receiving blood from thousands of voluntary donors. A new service iust one of many Red Cross serviccs-yct no other branch of Red Cross activity is more vital than this. Wherever war brings bloodshed, the Red Cross must be there with the blood to save. Here's a work that merits the fullest support of every Canadian. Immediate funds arc necessary to maintain the present Blood Donor Clinics and to equip new ones. Never was the need more urgent! Now is the time to back up our blood donors to the last dollar. Open your heart and purse strings-Gl VE generously. TCiWm ftVOtii' Sun' mii rt stijtct I strut) h l l""- Local Cai'-iti lK Headquarter.. 617 2nd. Ave. Phone 130 Revised Time-Table With tiun of Midlands Regiment Headquarters. ! May 21 Edmonton FusrIIcrs..ys.. R.COS. 1 May 22 Seal Cove vs. Midlands. May 25 Area Headquarters ys. M Id lands. I May 2ft Navy vs. R.C.CS. Fusiliers. fthtaln'":. It-U.i; :wlu sail on time at 10:30 njn. on her return to Vancouver and Fusiliers. May 29 Navy vs. Midlands. j June 2 Edmonton Fusiliers vs. nrea iicaaquariero. June 4 Seal Cove vs. Navy. June 5 Midlands vs. R.C.C.S June 9 Seal Cove vs. R.C.CjS. June 11 Navy vs. Area Headquarters. June 12 Midlands vs. Edmonton Fusiliers. June 15 Area Headquarters vs. Seal Cove. June 16 Navy vs. Edmonton June 18 Area Headquarters vs. June 1) Midlands vs. Seal Cove. June 23 R.C.C.S. vs. Edmonton Fusiliers. June 25 RC.C5. vs. Navy. June 26 Midlands vs. Area Headquarters. June 29 Midlands vs. Navy. June 30 Edmonton Fusiliers vi AN II MANY NO-HAIItEn "' own Uooed basis ln England, sescull's all hunters and collectors in the some s"Intits divide mankind ' trucks and s are In greater demand Mian United States and its possessions, wavy-haired and straight-haired. xpectmily pro- ever. ..r. Ataxia. into roups of the wooly-halred. ruciu) iwuu uar i may obtain MK treading d used tabes. ; : mission It Ob- es. Ineludlng ' or farm unple-' are etseatml, and eonstrM-: - wMeh tmtai i.rennflrata. mi veck, en ' r the profes-vernmeBt em- ' frstna Muows .!-. aMeltetf pr- italMtMB and .'n. may bin .,:.a lubes. i No. Tire CUi d in one of. too are not permitted ' tire or tube. It ' or more mo-'iiig Is considered ' into the no-Ure mi. but not ex-r operators ai- under ihe r us j,j wh ch went April 1 get nios. !t under the new '!-uons Non-es-' art limited to I artvtng under unions are h. ' ied from buying rder was '.i u-a toiler Alan II. ved by R. C. ian of the War-f "iitrol Board, and Donald Gordon. ' Wartime Prices priority nrovls-has two orders 'II both at onse no order Qtotmi byj "wmir who falls' A'l'rl,r( mm V " ' Dr-rmHtari ' -rrs or tuba nrr fllil m I Defeated Area Headquarters In (iilliuly Cup FixitUall Sisnals defeated Area Head- i quarters by a score of five to nil ' The revised so:ccr schedule for In a one-sided Gllhuly Cap foot-' the Ollhuly Cup is as follows: , baH Bame last night., The half jit-May 14 R. C. C. 8. rj.'' Area 'time score w6 loar tonoijUng. I Headquarters! tScorer,w,ere.,Brock, Dcmer. Ack- ! 'May 15 Edmonton Fusiliers vs. erm'an itwoi and Johnson. Cap- I Midland. I May 18-R.C.C.8. vs. Midlands, i May 19 Seal Cove vs. Area tain MeNaufht of the 81nals suffered a broken nose in a acrim-nage. The teams were: . Signal Lawford; McNaught and Randall: Smith. Hllder and Yelland: Brock, Johnston, Acker- man, Demers and Jonhstone Area Headquarters Ross; Hamilton and Royce; McGue. Mc Kay and Mlddleton: Tu thill, May 28 Seal Cove vs. Edmonton pochlnko. Young and Stone. The league standings to date: Edmonton Fusiliers . 2 0 0 10 1 R. c. C S. 2 0 0 6 0 Area Headquarters 1 2 0 5 15 2 R.'C. A. F. 1 1 0 3 3 2 Navv 0 3 J 5 10 0 MOM i a n k s rost officii OlfAITMINT STOitt DIUSSISTS GlOCilf TOIACCONISIS IOOK STCIES (A IflAl StOICS CANADIAN RED CROSS ffyS Jo weye himm safermq NATIONAL CAMPAIGN THIS YEAR FOR WAR SERVICE FUNDS THE ONLY FISHING SUPPLIES lipitll trolling tv. iy. I tu:wi jir cooled marine inboard tnjinej. I ihip'l cable, rope, fwine, heaf or light duty. I N-t-jii:.l. trolliX anj all oticr twir.fl. Anckori. w'tnen. nino'ljss, complett ship's chandltry. ?ull lin rubber and oilslm clothing, k . Xint'iiher marine paintt. .t-ico ligbtiat plants and pumping units. toat buiMerj' suppliei and general canvas goods. See your local dealer hnndlinf lhet Brandt biiblislied SO Years fnularturtr and Dirtributort I. 3) Timely Recipes 2 cups diced rnubarb. 4 cup water. 1 tablespoon corn starch. 1-3 to 4 cup sugar. 1 teaspoon vanilla. 2 r-jg whites, stiffly beaten. Cook the rhubarb in water unt VANCOUVER tender and then add the sugar and (corn starch which have been blen-ded. Cook this until there Is no 1 taste of raw starch. Allow to cooL 'Fold in stiffly beaten egg whites sod vanilla. Chill and serve with a custard sauce made from the egg yolks. This will serve 4 to 6. i.:.Y NEWS WANT ADS BRING wfiSPLTS PHONE 88. Union Steamships Ltd. VFTORIA DAY WEEK-END CRUISE TO NAAS RIVEU AND STEWART S. S. "CATALA- leaves CN.UDock Sunday Miy 21lh, 10:00 p.m. Returns Tuesday May 26th 7:00 a.m. EXCURSION FARE $15 00 (Pius Tas) (Including all meals and berth accommodation) Accommodation Comfortably Limited l ull Information, Titkcts and Reservations 1RANK J. SKINNFR, Prinre Rupert Asent. Third Ave. Phone 508 Audel'j HE' PNG 'AND GUIDE BOOKS Essential and Important Information For Every Ambitious Tradesman Audcl's WELDFJt'S Guide SU3 Audel's SHIPFITTER'S Handy Book SU3 Autfel'a CARPENTER'S and BUILDER'S Guides, 4 volumes Each S2.00 Audel'.. MECHANIC'S and ENGINEER'S Guides. 8 volumes 7 vol. at $2.00. Vol. 8 M.0 Anders GARDENER'S and Grower's Guides, 4 volumes, each SS.00 Audel"; Plumber':; and Steam fitter's Guides. 4 volumes, each $1.00 Audel's New AUTOMOBILE Guide $3.oo Audcl's New ELECTRICIAN'S Handbook. 12 volumes, each SI 00 Audel's MARINE ENGINEER'S Guide S3J50 Audcl's MATHEMATICS and CALCULATIONS S'J.50 Audel's MASON'S and BUILDBR'S Guide. 4 vol.. each SJ.00 MidePS REFRIGERATION Book $2-50 Prince Kupcrt Uranch Agency for T. Autle! Co. IL JhjS nffows. Third. Avenue, next to Dally New .(id CAMP FURNITURE 5 only Foldlns Camp Cots, each - S5.75 10 only Folding Camp Cots, heavy 10 02. khaki duck, each $7.00 Folding Camp Chairs from '5c. $1.30. $2.95 Steel Folding Camp Cots, complete with mattresses, each S12J0 TimU. Sleeping Robes, Pack Boards. Pack Sacks. Dunnage Bags aimmop.s Bed.OutflU all sizes. Spring Filled Mattress in all sizes LartU1 Stock of Floor Covering. .Congoleums, Linoleums, Carpets Unpalntcd Furniture. Chests of Drawers. Dropside Tables. Meat .... Seres. Ironing Boards. Etc. We have the Goods at Elio's Furni'ure Store Crerii tic X-t :.