V Norway Here 1 J Hambro. prel- Norwegian 8tor- 4 ...unenW and of 4 . at Nations, arrived . on Ub as. Prince. ho mommt from :i the fours- of a i-rn Can.idu and morrow muni by the ; on hi relorn Hambn will ad- .,r meeting in Eng- night and another 4 .m (omoriow night. w the principal of 4- vuy 4- DEAL WITH MARTINIQUE Sr... jf,;nps ( nnclurleil 1y Mar-I : ? Will Put Irenth IVar-ihlpt Out ((iirstloM Of Merthanl VevwU .TON DC. Mir l: 'r how French war- i-unique are bcuu un-cW negotiations be- -j . I I L , r i carried on directly 1 i l Robert of Mai tin ' li" United Statoa Is not ' dealing with or Vichy government In PLANES HIT NAZI SHIPS Rol Air Force Sinks Two Mine-'prrs tHf France and Leaves Third Damaged INUON, May 15: V - Royal Jr For fighters destroyed one ,rmai minesweeper, left an-"tr Mnkinu and damaged a w off Cherbourg Peninsula lo- . M NAZI NORWAY to . . 0 cof'ce 13 quod at the 6u,t" at $3.40 a pound. 1. LlmlU for the first time toe purchase of retread td tires. used Urcs. used tube and retreading services; 2. Tightens the existing control ever new Urcs and tubes; 3. Determines that every tire dealer will start tomorrow with clean order sheet by making invalid all ex Wins commitments or igreetnenta for the retail sales of tires, tubes, or retreading service; 4. Sets up three classes of pcr--n eligible to buy tires, on a tiding sralr based on usefulness of each vehicle to the war effort. nd rule out all other motorists as Ineligible to buy any usable ire or i el reading services; 5. Provides that no person may buy or sell, borrow or lend, give away or receive as a gift, mortgage, barter, exchange, cut. burn, . ., , ,., ne destroy, or In any other way dii-u'i-lr.. here. This af- f a iMaMe tire or tube, xidrnt Hambro ad- cept for legal sales as permitted by iiN of Booth Mmn- he order -thus prohibiting any u Helmut on school 4- two or more motorists from pool- ing Ures tc equip one of their vehicles; 6. Fixes a celling on the prices of all usable tires and on retreading. ' Statement Later 1 Ttxlay's announcement by, Mr. 'Howe does not gh'r all the details of the new lire rationing order. jThc minister did not make public. 'for instance, the price celling which has been established. De-rarlmental spokesmen said the missing Information will be given In a series of brief statements to New Stamp Issue Is Coming Soon Various Services, Armed, Industrial and Aicriiltural To He Lmphasitrd O'lTAWA, May 15-Tlicrc will be j new issue of Canadian postage sumps on July 1. Emphasis will be placed In the designs on Uic war services including the armed forces, Industries and agriculture. Some of the stamps will depict Hanks, corvettes and destroyers. iThe King will appear In some In liiie uniforms of each of the three nrmed services. Tlic new air mall stamp will depict a TransCanada Air Lines plane In night. Baseball Scores American League.. m. Boston 3; St. Louis 0. Philadelphia 4; Chicago 9. New York vs. Detroit and Wash ington vs. Cleveland postponed. National League Pittsburgh 4;, Brooklyn 7. Cincinnati 0: New York 12. Chicago 5J Philadelphia 3. St. Louis-Boston postponed. Ittvrnnt a . .rr-T It.' A 1nt 1K- trii An netinntA 1 (fflt( V,iWIWA. May II l.v, ij ioi.nuui.cu i.uw.uwi Provincial rv.Hi lake. 4 shore. was 15: O- - headquar- 4- rr, jv ( anadian motorists are prohibited from obtain-j trs were advised today tnat , .. ur i u-able automobile tires or tubes or retreading Ue,e united state army o-n under a drastic tire rationing order announced 1 men !re drownJ yesterday ;.. , Mnnifinns MiniBtnr Hnuo t near rt. St- John hc" a ,, j . . . rr pontoon ferry capsized in a 1 : niiT uwutmi; (iiiuiiikiil turnout, u uues the thins : I President of Five others reached 4 No other Information given. Price Ceiling On Used Cars Will Ilrtonie Effective Soon, War-lime Vticet and Trade. Hoard Announces OTTAWA. May 15 Price ceilings are to be applied to all used cars in Canada, it 1 announced bjr the Wartime Prices and Trade Board. I.OSK TURK fl'I.MPKlIS j LONDON. May IS 0 Men who sail little shins of the Thames -barges, tugs and yacht have been asked to turn over to the scrip rubber campaign old auto- ' mobile lire they use as ship's' fer.rier.4 Rotary Club Votes Sum To Red Cross Donate JI50. to National .Drive Approves Move For Increased Hotel Accomodation Here The Prince Rupert Rotary Club, at its luncheon yesterday, voted the stun of $150 to the Rod Cross national campaign. The club also voted approval of be issued In the Immediate future, any move to bring about increased Some weeks ago Mr. Howe warn- hotel accomodation In Prince I ed Canadian motorists that their Rupert. present tires were the last they The weekly drawing of a War would sec until some time after Savings Certificate was won by. 'the - war ends. He re-amphasised Alex McDonald, the sum of $8.50 : . uiievuy aj wir um-i i with Admiral Oeorce,1"31 Plnl tn the long statement being netted as a result , for the) . 1 h High Commission- rcvcl n issuance oi uic ure-nt- vurviis r uiiu iui umi ui uuuiucu iqur. are not d'sclos-1 Uonln ordfT- out victims. ly assured that they' "Canada's rubber shortage is useless for fighting, more serious than ever." said Mr TODAY'b 5T0CKS nvolved inrlude a 22.- Howe. "Synthetic production will; (ccur B- d. Johnston oo.) iuft carrier and two," oegi" im ma"y monwis. and it will not benefit the civilian happen to a estlmat-iw. Not a single ounce of synth-tons of French mcich-(rubber will be released for the in. including a number - "'-. j in Caribbean ports Is 1 h flag will continue to Martinique and Oovernor be recognized by the 'atrs. important details of a ivd solution of the ' French possessions In 'bean nrc still belnB dls- wild. ' nphastrcd that negotla- otner civilian arucic. Essential vehicles must be kept (Continued on huye Three ) Vancouver Grand view - nil. Bralorne 6.75 Cariboo Quartz 1.06 Hedley Mascot - 23 Vs Pand Oreille - 120 Ftonecr 1-37 Premier 41 Privateer Reno 03 Sheep Creek .70 Oils calmont UV4 C. il E. JM Home 230 Royal Canadian .03Vi Toronto BcntUe 65 Cons. Smelters 37.75 Hardrock .33 Kerr Addison - 3.40 Little Long Lac 1.00 McLcod Cockshutt 1.12 Madsrn Red Iakc 42 McKcnsle Red Lake .54 Moncta 22 Pickle Crow 1.G0 Preston East Dome ..' 1.77 San Antonio 1.50 Shcrrltt Oordon ..... .69 GRI.M EVIDENCE LONDON, May 15 0 A German pilot's-gloycs. found In the sea ou the northeast coast, helped con,, firm destruction of a Nazi bomber. WARIUKDS "DOWN UNDER" Since the war began 250,000 Australians have applied for enlistment In the Royal Australian Air Force. British Aircraft Trjfng to Prevent Its Use. As Nazi Shipping Lane F LONDON. Mayrfl5 (Canadian . Pressi Alrcraf f.fif the coastal .ommand. continuTag efforts to prevent the Germans from using Norwegian coasta jftfatters as shipping supply lanasi bombed two hips duf-in? Wednesday night, the Air Ministry announced yes-u relay leavu) one a total wreck nnd thr o;hf-r !s in? heavily BULLETINS AFKS JAPAN TO STKIKK LONDON. Ma 15; (CP) Dip-loialir nurcci In lindon say thev have heard..-; thst Chancellor Hitler hasfbeen v taken aback by the unexpected power of the Soviet attack at Kharkov and chrwhere that he has instructed hti" amhassndor to Tokyo to increase pressure on Japan for an allark on Itui.i.. flKlt.MANS KfAITimri) TOKONTO T.I. German air forte lirtile nant Ueut. 'rrder-Irh and Lieut. Oeser, weie recaptured hv (he "total Canadian Mounted Police ioday afler escaping from nowmanviile Prison ramp hidden in packing crates yesterdayj Frederleh nas DRASTIC CUT IN fJAS OTTAWA Drastic reduction in the amount of gasoline available to motorists' in the three maritime provinces was announced today by Hon. C. D. Howe, minister of munitions. The gasoline ration unit, originally worth five gallons, Is now worth only two in Nova Scotia, New Brunswick and Prince Fd-ward Island. IKEIGIITKK PRODUCTION' OTTAWA Hon. C. D. Howe told Pailiament yesterday that Canadian shipyards are now producing- 10.000-ton frel;hters at the rate of one every four days and soon the rate will be nearer one every three days. ST. LAWRENCE LOSSES mo.vikeal seventeen a listed as missing, one is dead of exposure and 111 arc safely landed from two ships torpedoed in the St. Lawrence River It Is announced. So far as ca be definitely ascertained, only t ships were sunk. TORQUAY BOMBED lintUN The German High Command claims that 7500 tons of shipping was sunk In a bombing attack on Torquay, England. II Body of Indian Woman In River Remains of Edna Wale of llazellon Arc Found Police Arc Investigating Provincial police headquarters here were advised today of the .picking up in the Skcena Rive: River of the body of an Indian wo man: believed to bo. Edna-Wale. Tho provincial .police, boat .was sent out to bring In the body and further Investigate the Incident. Mrs. A. M. Beattle returned to the city on the Prince George this morning from a trip to Losses Light tjClimaxes Long m m Batti DN, May May 15: 15: t t Cap- Cap- & f the fho Vlhv Vichy Pronch French 4 II k 1 mm LONDON. ture of naval base at Madagascar 1 last week was effected with loss of one corvette and troop 1 losses far lighter than was at 4 first feared. This was an- nounced today. MANAGER FOR CITY I'lan !ul Forward Two Years Ago It' ied As Alternative To Alternative Slraisht Ma) or And Aldermanic Idea Di&salisficd over the recent announcement that a mayor and ald'.rmanic form of city government was to be re-established in Princ Rupert next January with-:out first consulting the citizens. !h exe titlve council of the Prince Rupert Chamber of Commerce, at a meeting yesterday, decided to .form a iolnt committee consisting of representatives of the Prince Rupert Chamber of Commerce, the Junior Section of the Chamber of Commerce, the Prince Rupert Retail Merchants' Association and the Prince Rupert Ratepayers' Association to interview Hon. R. L. Mal.ind. attorney general, who Is to, visit the city shortly, and sub first recaotured land, later the a former plan submitted to ponce announced that his com paion had been retaken th rrwrfmcnVSrhleJiVDfe "prb vide for a city council of five members, who would elect a mayor from their number, to meet on:c a month to formulate city policy, leaving administration to in official who would function on as a city manager. The feeling of the Chamber of Commerce council was that such a plan would meet with more favor than a return to Japs M Scottish Lads Summarized, the city manager Rtnpl. oving Forward Vichy reports Enemy Have Advanced Eight v Miles Along Bay'f Bengal Invasion Bases North Of Australia Pounded Climaxing a five-month battle against hopeless odds, the last weary remnants of the British army in Burma nave crossed into Manipur State in Eastern India it was j reported today while the Vichy radio declared Japanese , troops had advanced eighty miles into India along the jBay of Bengal. Withdrawal of the last British forces cMimaiea at nve i safe. inousand inousana men men - - followed a dogged retreat from Mandalay and a Japanese thrust (Which separated the BritUh from their Chinese allies. At bst reports the Chinese were stubbornly re-, sisting a Japanese advance up the Burma road some 125 miles intoj China proper. i Allied headquarters in Australia' reported that long-range Allied i bombers again heavily pounded Japanese ships at Rabaul, New Britain, shooting down seven of seventeen Japanese fighters which attacked. All Allied planes are Get B. E. Medal plan as proposed would be as fol- AUl) 36 m 13c and Hc lows: i Aleutian. afiOOO. l?.5ft and lie. A council of five members to be storage .lected for three years, serving r-uv! ham. ia.4n. and lie. Rnval. without pay and to hold monthly, Pcarlj 10000j n&. and llc meetings. iAtlln. A mayor to be chosen from the, Fjnma uooo t3.4c and nc. noi- mcmbers of the council themselves. aI The council to appoint a cuy; Canadian be the cniei executive ana aunuu- fitnrnpe. Istratlve officer. All auUiorlty to n 13O00i 139c and UCi removal to rest with tne councu. AUln The powers of the council to be , Succcss 4,500, i3.4C and 11c. Whiz, j restricted to matters oi poncy. io j act in an advisory capacity ana 1IEAI, forester RETURNS sass upon the annual budget, having no power over employment or removal of city employees, WINDSOR,' .Eng.. May 14 0 Percy Collins; head forester toRo Tho mayor to hav no power of tv ltv a, wtrldsoV for'Wyears. has1 city employees. ''' " ''retired. ' ''" The mayor so nave no power oi veto, being presiding officer o! the council and ceremonial head of the city. All by-laws to be passed by the city council upon recommendation of the city manager. No standing committees, the manager to function on as such. School board to be appointed by the council with tne of its members acting as member of school board as well as hospital board, library board, etc. Battle of Russia KHARKOV IS UNDER FIRE IN BIG WAY Great Red Army Plan To Trap Naiis in Crimea Seen Fierce Fighting Carries On MOSCOW. May 15: 'Canadian Press The Red Army has blasted its way to within twenty miles of the heart of Kharkov, important key city to the Donets Basin, capture of which would pave the way for the cutting off ' bjrUw Russians It m lot all Heroism At Sea Brought Wellimea. -Merited -Reward To Teen Ace " MeanwhflettBJl Sailors i Russians an Kanlf ninsalt't tinues critical and further with- OLASGOW. May 15: O - - Two drawals are admitted'. Kerch has, 'teen-aged Scottish boys, whose however, not yet fallen and it was heroism at sea belied Iheir age, reported today that Russian snip-have been awarded the British ping forces had been acUve from Empire Modal. the besieged Crimean port of Se- John Morrison, 16, former Glas- bastapol and had kilted thousands gow butcher's boy, received his of Germans from the rear, award for standing without relief Fierce attacks have also been the straight mayor and council iai le wneei oi ms snip wmie launcnea Dy tne Russians around idea. In any case the view was I shells from the German cruiser Taganrog. taken that, before a change was Prinz Eugen screamed around Fierce attacks have also been made, there should be a definite him- have been killed and 160 tanks expression of local feeling on what John Alexander Ross, 18-ycar captured or destroyed in one day form of civic administration was old Kincardine cadet, one of 34 in the Kharkov area. Russian preferable. men who took to the boats in a planes are dominating the air over Under the former joint resolu- shark-Infested sea after their ship Kharkov and the Germans have tion ol the Prince Rupert Cham- s torpedoed, was the other re- abandoned large quantities of ber or Commerce and the Trades ciplent. Heat or the sun and lack arms ,and equipment. j and Labor Council concerning the or water drove the men In Ross Around Staraya-Russa the Hus-clty manager plan. It was proposed ooa mad and one by one they sian air force Is synchronizing 'that a plebiscite should be held to died or jumped overboard. jwith Red Army guerrilla attacks. determine if the people were in UI"y "0 Wi a"ve av; oovrec lorces aiso noia ine im- favor of the city manager plan, the end of four weeks, a BrlUsh lative now in the Leningrad area. ; Providing the majority were in ireignier signiea me meooai. favor, the government wouia De petitioned to enact appropriate legislation, preferably by the en actment of a separate city charter. The Plan HALIBUT SALES Augusta, American 16,500, 13J5C and 11c, Ralph Morin'j Funeral Being Held Tomorrow Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Morin of this ' city received further word today by cable from the air officer in chief of the Royal Canadian Air Force overseas announcing that the lu-ieral of their 6on, Sergeant Pilot Ralph Morin, who died in action manager and fix his salary at a I Sambo 550o, 13.5c and 11c, At- on Ma 9 wouW ke P"" to-mlnlmum of $3000 or maximum of y j morrow afternoon at 3 o'clock (6 a. $6000. , "nalsac II. 18.000. 13.7c ana lie. m- Pa6lfte Standard Time) at The city manager to be appoln- storage. Brockwood Cemetery, Bistey, Sur- tcd for an indefinite term and to. ru'r Tt. 1Rr)0n. ia.9c and 11c. n' England. C.UISTS FEW IF ANY LONDON. May 15 0 Virtually all food is under ration control .nd most London clubs are limiting the number of guests members may bring for dinner. Some have asked members not to bring guests for meals at all. TROOPS WELL, TILNK YOU'- '' LONDON, May 15 IB-Britain's army Is heathlcr than it has ever been, so much So that a large number of military hospital nurses are being temporarily released to civil hospitals, ( V 1. PROVINCIAL Local Temperature Tomorrow sT ides (Standard Time) .1 urn 43 High 1:40 ajn. SI.0 feet 57.5 1424 pjn. 19.1 feet V m urn Low 8:20 bjb. 24 feet 20:15 pm. 7.0 1-et NORTHERN AND CENTRAL BRITISH COLUMBIA'S NEWSPAPER rTy.'-,i No. 112 PRINCE RUPERT, B.C., FRIDAY, MAY 15, 1942. PRICE: FIVE CENTO Britis ill SB ' Ha v e ' Retired Prom Bu rma ORASTic NEW REGs IONS ON SALE AND uU5 7 TIRES Twelve Drown UNDER NEW RATION ORDER ! In Peace River ' 4 1 . BOMB COAST; 'VY'iLJ II. i j. rv mad wkv! Madagascar 'Withdrawal Into Indi Jl llUlWrttll I ... . i; ia 1 1. 1 ti it