x/|- Hive Library —_ | ys 1 to myself, 8a pays fi The News gays | Ie the paper to buy ee yo. Il, NO. 144 POWER HE DAILY NEWS ‘ Formerly The Prince Rupert Optimist T OF PIONEER PRINCE RUPERT, B.C., WEDNESDAY, JUNE 19, 1912. z iLs uth JUN SEXB PRICE Five CENTS DUSTRIAL PLANT PLANT COLD STORAGE PLANT, SEAL COVE Inlet proceeds with this at Tuck's on the harbor stride, and will shortly steady enterprise, foo, PAY $1,500 FOR LIBEL | Rupert, Found Guilty of Grossly Libelling Alex. in the Newton editorial under ex- amination Ss. Mr. and cross-examina- defendant's Peters, by his counsel, Tavlor, by s. ti Fred Mr. regarding mn counsel, Points the drawing up of the city grad- Messrs. city ing contracts at the time Williams solicitors Manson were eluetdated, the charges made by that Mr. the city were « were show- Mr. Manson had into knots” difieulty unsubstanti- The of Mr. Jus- tice Clements on the city eases in ing that Newton helped “tle of ated, judgment Cispute was entered by the plain- tiffs counsel and used as further of fact, The Defense. own proof this fon his Mr. New- that believed Mr. Manson was practically the whole defense testified he management of The News, dictated the poliey of the paper as well as attending to its affairs Closely Daily and financial as secretary- treasurer, eross-exam- ined by counsel for the plaintiff, Mr. Newton failed to that he- had any substantial grounds for believing this, nor for any of the charges against Mr. Manson personaliy. He had gone by what he had heard or and admitted that he had not troubled to make certain of his facts before penning the editorial which brought about the show made largely coneluded libel suit. Counsel for the de- fense addressing the jury en- deavored to show thet the edi- torial attacking Mr, Manson was justified by the faet that frequent had appearca in The News previous to its publication, He read a tew of these to jury, especially the editorial the Section Two situation, which caused all the trouble, The word- jug was far from being as violent Mr. Newton, and aliacks private eriticisms as that there were upon Mr, citizen, used by pel sonal Newton ne as a Scathing Censure. Counsel for the plaintiff in his address to the jury most scathing censure of the edi- expressed torial conduct of Mr, Newton, especially in view of the fact that (Continued on Page 4.) ss pears i 3 mY ON DAY ROLLING STOCK AND LUMBER ’ DOMINI Hulk and Barge Arrive Yesterday HAD STEAM UP IN RUPERT S PARATIONS —oG South Today. PRE Yesterday the tue Escort | GREAT COLD STORA k sis Captain Foster, arrived with the| 4 publicity Committee Placarding big erEe SIOCrE Sty BNO UNG Nik): er a oe Be. oo the Principal Centres of North-| North fend in tow. ( aptain| ; on 8. 0. In Manner to = Foster stated that the trip north| First’Working Test Applied With Signal Success to the Costly Machinery !nstalled Known Rupert OR os a eee eer we by the Canada Cold Storage Co. in Their Substantial Five-Storey Ferro- Siow. 00 being taken bylof the Georgian consisted of U1 Concrete Building at Seal Cove—Ammonia Vapor Test Before Long ee sible for ihe properjbox cars for the Grand Trunk,| Risa: ihe: been stiehed contol — oe — Siiniilncliiooccamnitnannasats bes paints prince Rupert’s prep-jand the North Bend was loaded| | ee erie . fitting demonstra-|to the brim with 500,00 feet of the costly machinery at the fine | ) yn Day to have the}lumber from Ba & ( f Ba plant of the Canadian Cold Stor-| : ired for this pur-[lard, Washineto: consigned to| ag Compa alt Seal Gove, an} jistributed, Prac-| Foley, Welch & Stewa | illustration of whieh appears} | centre of Jmpor\- On the return t he Escort! pepe The test was in every way | h e congregate in]will tow the Georgian with the} \ } eiitine salisfaetor and its ac Northe | sh Columbia will] equipment recently landed here | ind the announce-Jofr the contracting firm Hare 5) COMmplishiment means that the . 1 embrace all the|& Rich. She wi probably leave} plant will shortly be in shape to] he official program)for the south tomorroy On the | undergo the ammonia vapor test} sides which are/return trip rou ne| whieh will mark practically the I , e bat whieh have} stock will be bi ht up fro the} npletion of the plant and its] he sports commit-|south f he railw | ,dineas’ for service, The 3Q | administrative : reg atthe whieh Att will, be handled In Supreme Court. by oye a a i a ome ith gh the many chambers of Dome iar ay Th ve of Helen ' *-lthe huge building form a most} d prove @ Dik] ppew for de of certain Third tant part of the plant, and! ay | ) ded} ‘ gidly tested Their tit LOdaY Fudge a ws ed.| | h er, has been of the] WEDDING BELLS LAST NIGHT]. yo fennel repres d the de sal 5 ae EES eH Fenda W . & Manso1 ca ‘ » doubt that the final test Happy Couple to Reside at New), red f the plaintil | si thein to be in us per Town of Nicholl. pe La i hape as the rest of the ma-| ‘ Mr. 8. 8S. Ta K. | vho}eh As will be remembered, |—_ g, of interest LO} oondueted the cas he plain-|on the occasion of the city coun-|the plant would be running in - of people of}iin the bel su sterdas s| cil’s al visit to the plant iJanuary, 1913. Work on the was solemnized j f the fore st i ers M G. HH. Collins, manager of the| cannery® being erected for the he home of Mr.}j,, sh Columbia HH ame tol great oneern, announced that} Canadian Cold Storage Company) be in working shape. M iM. Carmiehael of Al- Vaneouve!l fou ea ZO vn] - _ The contracting] petablished the firm lav Le Me, OMe [barre Bai, ng suoeen| E” EDITOR MUST , eee cna | Cae Daled, Grant. & Siooken “EMPIR Vics Doug Kippen, Stirling-|ppince Rupert and is cor fident | t s d Miss Dougall) spat it will make one of the big few days ago di-]...ct cities the coast. He says| d country The that one railroad will soon be in- sei aioe aek Weceiainoc performed by the} cumeient for the commerce of Wa McLeod, and the}ine eity and that other roads are|S, M, Newton, Mayor of Prince leave in a ny bound to come here, Mr, Taytor M. Manson, a Private Citizen, by an Editorial Published in His Paper, the ew Low! 0 ‘ : on in tnwr few davs 2 : 5 . vie ene ie Aran ate a eal aaa a ban a il Which He Admits Was Written Without Consideration or Attempt f some contract] acim nia here before returning| at Verification of the Ugly Charges it Contained \ ’ rreaon oO { wah 1 i is ‘ae ane tig home, m Yenvouvel Manson vs. Newton, libel outhid men on their determination to oes Mr. Just Mort ' do without eity help and get their swaerecis HER GRACE | Principals. property eo SOGRER Ste on eek l | Alex. M. Manson, plaintifl own personal guarantee to the SUFFRAGE ES THE DUCHESS si M. Newton, defendant hat k that the monies borrowed OF HOHENBURG The Jury. lwould be repaid. This editorial \\ ‘ P. Lyneh (foreman || aroused one in the Mayor's paper, TERMS EASIER 1D. Allen, Gordon Bain, John} written under the evident butt ( e, F. W. Hat Frank Kelly,| erroneous ipression that Alex, wee err, George Leek iM. Manson had penned or in- Women's Sentences Made Some- _ + r i - i aa tee | spired Che Dails es criticism. what Milder Owing to Inter- \. M. Manson, S. P. McMordie,Jand expressing certain highly vention of Labor Members, Ap- ; p crs ae Will teh Watson.| derogatory charges against Mr. pealing to the Home Secretary. Dt Bi vant , H. F. MeRae, | Man son, both personally and a Witness for Defense—S. M.| professionally, Lond e 418.—The sen Newton, sole witness. Did Not Seek Proof. militant sulfra Counsel. { Prosecution—s. S,] In the witness box yesterday, Belles, M Pankhurst and Mr lay K, ( junder oath, Mr. Newton admitted Mid Mrs, I nee, joint editors ‘ ry f Defense Fred{that he had never endeavored to [Votes Won f were today Peters, K. GC. make sure that Mr. Manson had { } , ate ee The Verdict. written the editorial — in rhe h ys Reginald ‘MeKenna, | For plaintiff, with $41.500 dam-| News and had no positive grounds ang. £A6.. DING. , Costs allowéd and injunc-| for believing that he had, bul was ’ sh RR were: PISAS rn ) outre2 granted merely under the impression that ro eanaits, the terms of nine 43 zoo ve Ley Mr. Manson did either write or th, 6 prisonment to whieh \1) day yesterday Mr. Justice| inspire it because he was a share Bailey * nel nas ah ie via forrison was occupied with the holder, director and secretary- ad of ne One ae . hearing of the Manson vs, New-} treasurer of the Prince Rupert cal Oe ee ton libel suit for $20,000, whieh] Publishing Go. Mr, Newton fur- ' th a; ha wae ea d has attracted much attention in ther said that though he had had heen wy vate MOTORS, LAS the city. There was a consider-| twenty-five years experience in aw qeessing the home secre- ible crowd of interested citizens | newspaper work, he had never the + Une: yeoarenes -w assenibled far too many for the}considered what eect the re- it Suflragettos the privileges of } : ahaa ianalinne of the] taliatory editorial he’ wrote: ‘ate Ne diate ion . ‘court room, The} fecting Mr. Manson personally, jlemporary — : = = | hearing during the morning} would have upon re ee ours was almost entirely oceu- reputation, personat or private, { “**eteerereccocooooeoooooooooee: ae by the evidence of Mr, Alex, Plaintiff's Evidence. FREE! FREE! FREE! Manson, the plaintiff, In the Mr. Manson's evidence prin- atarnoan a few witnesses for the | cipally showed that he had had ce big beautiful 88 key | plaintif’ were examined, and on] nothing whatever . a. xe :. L r- B- de