PAOB FOUR Recruits For LOCAL NEWS NOTES Canadian Army ; ? Thc Bccr that 0 P CwVtI ycllrconterved by an exclujive juyV' ) .-V--0-"1"0 mW (- l' A UN" f OUO 6ttltS Of CANADA tUX This jdwrt.vtTh-nt is not published or d.sphyf d by the Liquor Control Board or by tlx Government of British Columbia. XO COMPETITION I HEREDITARY EYES The human eye is said to be 300,- The color of the human eyes Is 000 times more sensitive to dim ; governed by heredity, and if two light than is the thermopile, most parents have eyes of the same sensitive physical instrument de- color the children ordinarily will vised. have eyes of the same hue. ITflllMlflllf Rieil rilIlllin.B- E E ' iCIIIHIBIO I lllllj buy I BONDS FOR I VICTORY jj There is only one issue in this war Victory, or Defeat. If It Is defeat, you lose all. Speed the Victory by backing our armed pi might with your dollars. Without civilian aid our troops could 2 not carry on. ; GORDON'S HARDWARE t inn wx ma 15 m n:i k" b i : i mmi :.m::9:u:M:Mt i:i2iiui'i Buy VICTORY BONDS The men who died on Hie beaches at Dieppe did a job we couldn't do. They gloried in their achievement but, when those who lived return, let none of them meet a man who refused to do his duty here. William F. Stone "Clothes of Distinction" National MESSENGER SERVICE Call it . . We Haul it . . We never close PROMPT SERVICE PHONE RED 392 Mrs. Frank Dtbb returned to th" city at the first of the week from a trip to Vancouver and Victoria. AS.O.N. social Friday, Oct. 1C, 9 o'clock. (240) Mr. and Mrs. James MoXUulty are leaving .tonight to spend the winter In Vancouver, possibly also visiting California. Will Pay Cash For Furniture, Stoves, Tools, Musical Instruments, Write or Phone Ello Furniture Store, Prince Rupert. (tf) Tonight's train, due to arrive from the East at 7 o'clock was reported this monung to be one hour and thirty minutes late. Arthur Elnboden of South Haz-elton, after having spent the past summer at Whitehorse, has arrived In the city for a visit and may spend the winter in town. Mr. Elnboden flew from Whitehorse to Prince George and came on in here by train. This has been a very busy year at Whitehorse and great progress has Teen made with a number of large undertakings. Extra Tires Are. Bought Federal (Jovernmenl Purchasing All Extra Rubber in United States LOST LOST Around Mud Bay, row boat, light green, name "Jolly Roger" Reward. Communicate Geo. Collins, Port Essington, B.C. (243) FOR RENT FOR RENT Two rooms, each ac commodating two; one available Immediately, other Baturday. Men only. 1001 Third Avenue. (239) NEW ROYAL HOTEL J, ZARELLI, PROF. "A Home Away From Home" Rates 75c up M) Rooms Hot U Cold Water Prince Rupert, B.C. Phone 281 P.O. Box 196 R. HethoriniUon left cm yesterday's train for Edmonton. AThird Victory Loan Grand Parade, military forces participating, Saturday afternoon at 2 o'clock. (240) mm V WARNING! Be sure this Bayer crott Is on every Ublet yen buy. if It Isn't there. It Isn't Aspirin. Miss Lillian Davles Is leaving tonight for a month's trip to Vancouver and Victoria. ACivIc Cefctre Carnival Committee meeMng, City Hall, Thursday. 8 pjn. Bosthfcss to receive carnival reports. (23$) Firing practices will take place in Prince Rupert area between October 19 and 24 inclusive. No exact times are available. Practices will be by day or night. BIRTH NOTICE Born to James 8 Foster, R.C.NJI. n.4 fM CVutA. WASHINGTON. DC Oct. 15: I MWtWt WlUiaeroft). 3665, The federal government has starU I Wert KnA Avenue, Vancouver, ed the purchase of all tires in the B c- at tbe Vancouver oenerai iios- ( United States over five for eachiP,ta' n October 5. a son, William car. james. tiriEiiimifimiiiiiiimitiiiiiiiiiiiiiriniii:i A dollar bill is worth one hundred cents no more. Each dollar bill in a Victory Bond will return you MOKE than a dollar and, meantime, will help tie-feat the foe. IIiaiaTsUEJI GORDON & ANDERSON HARDWARE AND El RNITl RE Classified Ads. FOR SALE FOR SALE At Dodge Cove, seven room house. Apply P.O. Box 547, City. 242i FOR SALE Five room house with garage. $2300 Cash. 1817 Seventh Avenue East. Phone Green 609. (239) FOR SALE Lot, on Ambrose Av enue. Phone Red 953. (241) PERSONAL GET "JET" HOT STOVE POLISH Cleans, polishes, "cooking-hot" steel stoves. Won't blacken. Stores sell "Jet." ROOM AN jTbOARD ROOM and Board for man sharing, 718 Fraser Street. (195) ItatBIBIB .3 WANTK1) WANTED--Lady to care for 3-year-old child. Board, room and salary. Box 389 Dally News. (239) WANTED Large room or two small roorrts, furnished or unfurnished. Apply Box 3C5 Daily News. ttr WANTED By Nov. 1 or before, two or 3 rooms, furnished or unfurnished by married couple, no children, quiet and clean. Apply Box 367 Daily News. 240) WANTIII) Housekeeper and a Janitor needed urgently. Apply Unemployment Commission AJU.C (tf) WANTED To ' buy small cottage, I modern, immediate tenancy. Harbor view preferable. P. O. Box 487. 241 WANTED Truck driver at once. Apply Unemployment Insurance Commission. No. AM 7. (tf) WANTED Pole saw and engine or secondhand car engine. Apply Box 370 Daily News. (243) WANTED V111 take workmen's washing in. Call and deliver. 500 Ninth West. Phone Black 142. (241) WANTED Wringer man and fourth class engineer; also female workers for all departments In steam laundry. Top wages paid. Apply AF 12 Unemployment Insurance Commission. (240)' Buy Victory Bonds M, T MX, Merchant Tailor Three new recruits for the Canadian Army from Prince Rupert and nine from Prince Oorge are announced at local recruit in headquarters. The recruits her are A. Black-hall. F. WokMcruk and D. R. Ma-hood. The Prince Oeorge recruits are It W. Jackson. J. H. RlgJer. R. R Rlgler. R. Lapolnte. A. E. Ahhn. H M. Roberts. C B. Pickering. C. W. 8ttlwe!l and C Ryan. flhhcuHcettteHtA All advertisements In this column will be charged for a full month at 26c a word. Lutheran Hour, Monday, 6:43, CFPR. I.O.O.F. No. 63 every Tacsday, 8 p.m., Oddfellows' llalL Sojourning members Invited. Presbyterian Supper October 16. Can. Legion Fall Baaar, Oct. XI. Lutheran Ilasaar, OH. 4, Odd-fellows' HalL Help Norway Invitation Dance, Oddfellows' Hall. October M. Anglican FaU Dasaar, fr. ft. Nurses' Invitation DaneV Oddfellows' Hall November 6. St. Peter's Fall Basaar. Nov. 13. Ixiyal Orance Awwlallon of Visit Of R.W. Grand Master of BrltWi Columbia R. V. I'.KO. REV. J. SCOTT All Orangemen are cordially invited to be present in the I.O.O.F. HAM., 7:00 I'M. .MONDAY. 13th October. 19 12 Military Degree Team Will be present GOD SAVE THE KINO savoy HOTEL Carl Zarelli, Prop. Phone 37 P.O. Hot St I FKASEIl STREET PRINCE RUPERT lataTsniTaiaiiTaiiifltrjiM a. wi Here's a reminder -C lin tm i ; B is only 2 months away. Bend jJ that overseas parcel or rani si now at the VARIETY STORE Where your dimes are little dollars a ;i i B.ia la r s ua a w j tit aa SERVICES TO Vancouver, Victoria and Way-points, Stewart and North, Quren Charlotte Islands. Full Information, Tickets and Reservations FRANK J. SKINNER Prince Rupert Agent Third Ave. Phone 5C8 I' K -r mm I I A-W i -II i Ml VffSUCDAY x GOLDEN BANTAM CORN Superior In flavor ami appearance? RfirAtOTYColJcnJjlanLanTm Mippllcs nppettzlnfrtiourtihment' a true llrlthh .G)lumhIataLle iMlcacy." Please Take Notice Witl the exception of agencies, the Ideal Cleaners wish to announce that, on account of lalwir shortacc, they are discontinuinj their pick-up and delivery service effective Octoher 20. All customers are asked to please co-of crate hy hrinjiinj; in and picking up anj cleaning. This will enable us to give letter scnict than ever. JJ IDEAL CLEANERS Wl f in' iiiniiisiMi i sBaaBHacapaBaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaBaasBMatHMtaHBaiaaaaai T KA1EN HARDWARE MMMMfffMMfMMtMMHMMM'MMlMM"1 HOUSEHOLD NEEDS TINCTURE OF IODINE It'1? 2cz.U OIL OF EUCALYPTUS 1 J 2 c" CASTOR OIL AROMATIC CASCARA CAMPHORATED OIL HYDROGEN PEROXIDE EPSOM SALTS, tins BORACIC ACID, tins JlUl 1UUK liKUUb MCUiM HI'' 4oi 23 AROMATIC AROMATIC CASTOR CASTOR 0 OIL 3 02. 23c 2 0. 1 or. 1 2 ci. 23c S oz. 33 16 oz. 5 4 oz. 10c 16 oz. 25c 2 oz. 1 ' ' a ml 23c 4 40C SEIDLITZ POWDERS, tins 1)1)TTn STO 11TT tfAttll ttW9-m -v.. rtllf fl Ormes IW Uint Pioneer DruqSist THE REX ALL STORE Sunday I.0Nr.stAD,! Open Dally from 8 a.m. till 1 Pm' f JIt nd 7 " s and Holidays from 12 - S P "- if . 4i.: i o rl.lSSlfi.? i. : iw.r. ...:u u IfnnW H l"v IIH'IU. Ill Ulia JHl)L-I Will HUUIl JUW jrwu buyer in the city.