T PAOE POUR THE DAILY NEWS THURSDAY Expert OPTICAL SERVICE fi XpS,-1 V J I VISIT OUK BASEMENT STORE Glasses, Baggage MAX HEILBRONER Jeweler Diamond Merchant AW.V.V.V.V.V.V mm I RAILWAY I LINKS REGULAR STEAMER SERVICE To Vancouver via Ocean Falls and Way Ports; also to Ketchikan, Wran-j;cll, Juneau and Skagway Oirect Connections at Vancouver j. Information, Tickets I W. L. COATES, General i FURNITURE Single Bed Complete, Couch, Kitchen Table, Drop Side Table, Library Tabic, Flat Top Desk, Stand Lamps, Kitchen Cabinet, Small Cook Stove, Oil Burner Heaters, Round Tables, Kitchen Chairs, Radios, Rocking Chaiis, Coleman heaters, Bedroom Dresser, Mirrors, English Prams. Used Dept. Elio's Furniture Store Third Avenue, Prince Rupert BUY . . . RUPERT Sole . . . ui Your NO WASTE Canadian Fish x PKINCE UUPEKT CO. f Chas. Chas. Dodimcad Optometi Optometrist In Chart Watch, I Clock, Jewelry Repairing, Hand Engraving for Fine China, Dlnnerwsre,, and Novelties. '.W.'.V.W.V.WAWWAV.V.V AH dressed up to go places in Your Peoples Store New Fall Coat. Youll find in our selection .Plain Untrimmed and Modish Fur-trlm-rasd Coats as well as Harris Tweeds and Sport Coats. All sizes, too, from 12 through 52, ACCESSORIES, TOO . . . The Coat is only as smart as your purse, hat, gloves and dress that go along with it. Get them all at - RUPERT PEOPLES STORE Canadian Pacific Transcontinental Transatlantic Trans-I'acific with Canadian Pacific Services and Reservations from Agent, Prince Rupert, B.C. BRAND Fillets Local Butchers. READY TO COOK & Cold Storage Lid. BKITISII COLUMBIA LADS HAVE TO RELAX It's a Swift Life in Line of Duty For Men on Corvettes By FRANK LOWE (Caiiadian Press Staff Writer) HALIFAX. Oct 15 0 Danger lurks behind every wave that slap the hulls of an Atlantic convoy, but Uie men of the Royal Canadian Navy corvettes find tine to relax. Not that they relax their vigilance, that would be fatal, but they realize tired minds and bodies mutt be given a rest, so they do their best to find a m usemeni within the limited confines of their tiny fighting craft. Many hours of free time are whiled away merely by relaxing in the sun and.: spinning salty dips. tall tales or Frank Lowe by gathering in the mess decks for cut-throat games of cribbagl." solitaire or a little illicit poker. Others read mostly paper-backed novels of ad venture on the high seas penned by writers who never smelt even a salty breeze though a few go In for the really deep stuff. Two I stumbled on on the decks of one corvette while on a two- way Atlantic crossing were of that type. One was reading Plato's New Republic while the other was buried in the pages of a tome about ethics. Have Everything But one Royal Canadian Navy corvette had the jump on all the others. There all hands were wakened by a catchy tune played by one of America's leading swing bands and throughout the day spent their free hours listening to j trumpets blare or saxaphones gur gle. A public address system, bought ,' 5 CHRIS Txatmi FOR YOUR OLD RECORDS FOR EACH 10" RECORD i FOR EACH n5 12" RECORD - Provided they bcnotlaminatcd cucKen x s ssaw- "N. sT ox - RororJi maJtt o fi lamlnatti malrriol n( toUd cannot bt ttu.vtV.td and lUcttfort cunnol bt accented. BRING 'EM IN TODAY McRae Bros. Ltd.. by the men of the ship, was their answer to the amusement questionthat and a phonograph ma chine and a batch of records. And music wasn't the only things that came over the P-A. system to I MIC uw)jb. lb m bwuuii Iaismec "BLAH" over which quiz programs. spelling bees and old time fiddlln' contests were held and broadcast to every part of the ship. High light of my time in this hip was a spelling bee they held. Gathered in the "Asdic" cabin a round the improvised mike thcimentallsts and vocalists featuring iinr hnn tn HafAnH ih Ntivo. . Georae Montgomery, a handsome tton honor of the various trades aboard were put through their paces by master of ceremonies Duncan Wallace of Bastcrhaiy, Sask. Spelling Bee Rapidly he fired words at them real twisters chosen by Cliff "Red" Aiken of Toronto, sfck bay assistant and made entertaining, remarks for the rest of the crew, j as wey lumoiea a a touch lougn one one. I Everyone was listening. includ-lna lnr th nffirira. Thev were rath-' ered In the wardroom and werei l.tLpmnt.n, tn nll alone with I th contestant rtfoiuol havti J orchestra men when mulrfrucicr I I " Ith is on the toad and it Winner of the brain and tongue! taU picture ' ot ' a band on tour rack! contest was Charlie Go- guen of Saint John, N.B.. who ran through the list like a college pcia i KILL SWEDISH MSIIING whoops pedagogue. Runner up j Shipping along Sweden's west was Petty Officer Pete Cox of Van-j coast has been endangered and couver while others taking parti the fishing industry virtually par-were Ken Medford of Montreal, alywd by drift mines in the Art Myers f Yorkton, Sask. an3 water of the Kattegat and up Bob Your.tr Tt:onto t :i.r v.i-.id f "he Skaf-rak FRY COCOA Canada's Most Popular Cocoa WOGtC' SAVE -LEAD (MUSICAL " HIT HERE "Orchestra WlvrV Stars Glenn .Miller with .Movie Folk "Orchestra Wive," an hilarious ) 111 mn.lx.l WWV". . rmti In Out Caoltol , I Theatre thU week-end. The picture stars Olenn Miller and his talented craw of lnstru- trumpet player. Co-starred with Miller and Montgomery Is Ann Rutherford, an orchestra wife who almost becomes a brass widow. Mack Gordon and Harry Warren have written for the picture such songs as "I Got a Oal In Kalamasoo." "People Like You and Me." "At Last" and "Serenad-In Blue." Lynn Bart sings with the band On hand, too, la Cesar Romero Carole Land is,, Virginia Othnore . . . . . . I. m7 nugnes miso Prt. "Orchestra Wives" tells the iiorv Wals and sorrow Of til IIBIIIS'BUt MILL BAKERY OOOO0OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO0 o O Victory Bonds are not a tax, not a gift, but a loan to Canada backed by all the resources of Canada. When you invest in Victory Bonds you are laving up for yourself the best of all The Exclusive Ladies' Ready-to-Wear Mrs. II. S. Parker. uooooooooooooooooooaooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo Savage SHOES Will Last You Longer 'Cause Sandy Savage Makes Them Slronger a IIURLHUT, JACK & JILL MICKY MOUSE, VALUE LEADER LOAFERETTES All Carried in Slock Here WE HAVE "MOSCO" CORN CURE Family shoe store ltD, "The Home of Good Shoes" . iitiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii . . ENDS TONIGHT Complete Shows at v i, ; IrcUrlc Match "A BEDTIME ST()l! t (At 7:53. 9.33 1 m.iiiaa tin w.v I oit 2 Iht fl Band tn tbt March of Time I'l events 'The IM"' , ronr World Nr' """"Miidti,.,. SUNDAY MIDMTi: O.SA JOHNSON'S i.Mr Ma 1 .MARRIED ADVENT.- FISH TALES ARE WANTED Resource Department Eater Tor Stories of Goml Catche In National Parks OTTAWA. Oct 1ft 0 The tragic picture of a fisherman looking for someone to tell about hit successes nd the one that got away should no longer aadcen the Canadian national parks. Mines and Resources Depart- nent officials draw attention to their eagerness to bear all about what the fisherman did and what he caught or did not catch. They are ready and willing to listen to all he has to say. Including hu tuggertlons for improvement of the kind of fish and the best way to catch them. fishermen distressed by the un lppreciaie audiences who trunk nothing of the strain involved i .ndicaUng the sis of the fuh ti e. hooked and lost, will find nothtnw jut sympathy and understanding Tor their convenience, the depart nent has sent special cards to six national parks in western Canada with an invitation to fishermen to rill them out The fishermen are asked to provide this information as part rt the national parks' program t maintain and Improve the fishing facilities in these areas. When tht fisherman fills in a creel census card he gives the department in formation as to the number ol ttsh he took and their slae and species. He described, too. the lurr he used and the conditions unde' which they were caught. He may report utter failure in a day'a fishing, and he may recommend that some other type of fish be Introduced to the river or lake where he made his quest. Whatever he has to eay Is read with avid interest by fish culture experts who know what to do about It. The fisherman en ob- I tain the cards at hotels, post of-jJ rices and stores selling fishing tackle. C.N.R. Trains tor the IUiU Mondays, Wednesdays and j Fridays 7:00 pjn. ' Wednesdays and Fridays 10:30 ajn. I'mrn the 1U it-Sundays, Tuesdays and Fridays 10:30 p.m. Thursdays and Saturdays 7 pjn. l or Terrace-Dally except Sunday . 4:15 pjn. I'rom Terrace-Dally except Sunday . 11:20 a.m. A I.IIMON'S A I.H.MON HEXTAI1LE, Eng.. Oct. 15: Ot In these days when to most Unions a lemon is just a memory. 75-year old O. Lamb has the real thing; grows lemorw tn hU greenhouse in this Kent village. COUPONS are ttill available with each cash purchase in our store, jjj We would appreciate to have : new customers drop In and let us explain this gift plan ." to them. jl MUSSALLEM'S j Economy Store "Where Dollars Have More i Cents" . f P.O. Itox S75 I'hones 18-19 .'.W.V.VAV.'.WWiVVW GEOR'i V' CUHH l''!lt! oumih. CAP' mil l l m Send Your ConvEa? H n n m c ia T ill BOIES Kfllj ki.... m ii pkii: chop y House 61? :di All ?- Open Orders t IBIS i g it'" J. M. S. Look C.i BA CH1R0PRP Wslla. e l- i Third Victory! ..oV AT! on i' . l.im . i ,,-nf. MA Grotto Cigar ::::::::::""-"