PAGE FOUR Expert OPTICAL SERVICE 364 Days For You Make The 365th, Day (Sunday May 10th) FOR HER ' Mother's Day Suggestions We Will Pay the Postage on All Out of Town Gifts Kayser Hosiery Dainty Slips Fancy Nightgowns House Coats Bathrobes Handkerchiefs AudeFs Chas. Dodimead Optometrist in Charge Watch, Clock, Jewelry y Rcnairinc, Hind Engraving VISIT OUR BASEMENT STORE for line China, Dinnerware, (lasses, Baggage and Novel lies. MAX HEILBRONER Jeweler Diamond Merchant Purses Gloves Stylish Dresses Smart Coats Wool Sweaters Umbrellas Mail Orders Promptly Tilled Open Saturday Night RUPERT PEOPLES STORE "In the Heart of Prince Kupert" TH1KI) AVE. Next to Heilbroncr's Phone BLUE 307 HELPING HAND GUIDE BOOKS Essential and Important Information For Kvcry Ambitious Tradesman Audel's WELDER'S Guide 51.35 Audel's SHIPFITTER'S Handy Book $1.33 Audel's CARPENTER'S and BUILDER'S Guides, 4 volumes-Each' - SJ.00 Audel's MECHANIC'S and ENGINEER'S Guides. 8 volumes 7 vol. at $2.00. Vol. 8 3, 00 Audel's GARDENER'S and Grower's Guides, 4 volumes, each S2.00 Audel's Plumber's and Steamfitter's Guides, 4 volumes, each $2.00 Audel's New AUTOMOBILE Guide $5.00 Audel's New ELECTRICIAN'S Handbooks, 12 volumes, each S?.00 Audel's MARINE ENGINEER'S Guide S3-V) Audel's MATHEMATICS and CALCULATIONS S2.50 Audel's MASON'S and BUILDER'S Guides, 4 vol.. each S3.00 Audel's REFRIGERATION Book $5,, Prince Rupert Uranch Agency for T. Audel Co. BUY . . . RUPERT BRAND Sole Fillets ! v "l Y?ir tA,fl 1 ."js-j.- NO WASTE KUADY TO COOK Canadian Fish & Cold Storage PRINCE RUPERT Co. Lid. BRITISH COLUMBIA 1 Shower For Jean Dalzell Miss Dorothy Ilatcn and .Vrs. Tony Bussanich Are Hostesses On Wednesday evening Miss Jean 'Daliell was.the honored guest at a mUceruneouhower given by Miss ; Dorothy Flaten and Mrs. Tony Bu- sanich at the home of the latter ; During the evening a spice con-i test was put on the prize winners being Mrs. Flaten and Mrs. Fred Hogan. After the contest the guest of honor was presented with a Urge pink and white trimmed basket heaped with gifts and topped with a dainty cupid bride. Following the presentation refreshments were served by the hostesses. Those present included Jean Dalzell, Mrs. Daliell. Miss Margaret Cunningham, Mrs. Donald Ross. Mrs. G. Vlereck. Mrs. Fred M. Ho gan, Mrs. Bill Moorehouse. Mrs. J. W Moorehouse. Mrs. J. Thompson, Mrs. Bill McLean, Mrs. W. Skinner. Mrs. D. Scott, Mrs. G. K. Kelsey, Mrs. W. McLean. Mrs. Vlereck Sr.. Mrs Flaten, Mrs. T. Bussanich. Miss Lillian Skogmo. Miss Dorothy Flat-e. Miss C Cavenalle. it IS BL'LKLEY VALLEY BUTTER Arrives Fresh Every Week ! We believe In featuring it and helping our up-river rarmers. Try It once and we feel sure you will wan; no . other. It's freshness and quality Is unsurpassed. J. . We also feature up-river VEGETABLES whenever pos- O sible. i: : MUSSALLEM'S Economy Store "Where Dollars Have More Cents" r.O. Box 575 Phones IK-1 MEN'S SUITS ladies' and Gents' Spring Suits Military Badges and Insignia M. T. LEE, Tailor P.O. Box 975 Phone Gr. 3M NEW ROYAL HOTEL J. ZARELLI. PROr. "A Home Away From Home" Rates 75c up 50 Rooms Hot &i Cold Water Prince Rupert, BC. Thone 281 p.o. Box 196 savoy HOTEL Carl Zarelli, Prop. Phone 37 P.O. ju 5tl ERASER STREET PRINCE RUPERT AMALGAMATED HUILDINfi WORKERS OF CANADA Prinre Rupert, itC. METROPOLE HALL Meetings every fourth Sunday In the month at 2 Unit No. 1: Shipwrights. Joiners. Boat Builders and Caulkers. Unit No. 2: Painters, Paper-hangers and Decorators Secretary: Phone Blue 113. P.O. Box HI5 J. H BULGER Optometrist CLEARANCE SALE In Silver Foxes, Fur Netkplrres and Fur Coats. Come In and look our stock over. Big discounts. GOLDBLOOM "The Old Reliable" Lome Cornell PAINTER AND s j t (Opposite Post Office) J '! " uxmxuxmitxwywr'MsM Ladies: ' mn an !'' sja , sj-r ut bjs j INTERIOR DECORATOR ? Phone Blue 142 THE DAILY NEWS Waterfront Whiffs Glut of Landings Averted and Halibut Market Stays Steady 'Witli-JPrkes Good No Poisoned ('lams in Northern Waters flow Inwards of fish and the market situation has remained stable with prices firm at good level running at least a couple of cents higher per pound than at the same time last year. Up to and 'including yesterday landings at at a corresponding date last year iThe Canadian aggregate to date is 500,500 pounds In comparison with 1.373,000 pounds last year, (while the American total is i75,-1000 pounds as agtnst 1.585,200 pounds. During the past week the lanamgs at Prince Rupert am nounds last year Of the total of 2.392,200 pounds this season 1340.-132 pounds was from Area No. 2. Canadian vessels bringing In 070.-141 pounds and American 1.160JW1 pounds, while 552.158 pounds from Area No. 3 all In American boats. Provincial Constable Muskett. formerly radio operator on the local police boat, returned here on the Princess Adelaide yesterday afternoon to rejoin the vesosl. He left here several months ago and has 3tncc been at Queen Charlotte and Ocean Falls. Sou'hbound from Skagway to Vancouver. C.P.R. Reamer Princess Louise, Capt. 'moma Cuff, was in port yesterday afternoon from 3:30 tu 5 0'ClO?lc TVll VAUAl Viorl nn board a fairly lhht list of 75 pas-1 scngers. three disembarking here, while two took passage from this I port for Vancouver. . In spite of the fact that the Prince Rupert halibut fleet became bunched together in leaving for their initial trips of the season to the fishing grounds on account of a couple of weeks of unfavorable weather which held the boats in shelter, a glut of landings which might have been anticipated did not materialize. Instead there has been quite a steady and orderly NOTICE Registration of Those Drtiruu of Becoming Evacuated the port of Prince Rupert had reached a total of 1,273,600 pounds ! Arrangement have now been as compared with 2.9G3.2O0 pounds completed for the registration of all persons who may wish to be come evacuated frm the Prince Rupert area II and when National Defence authorities consider such course advisable All persons interested are accordingly asked to call at the law library on the top floor of the Court House Building ounted to 571.100 pounds Including' where Mrs. Jack Johns and her 254,600 pounds from Canadian ! assistants wUI undertake the nec- vessels and 316.500 pounds from American. For Canadian fish the high price of the week was 13.6c. and lie. paid the Mother III for 13.000 pounds and the low 115c. and 10c. which the Olbson received for 4,000 pounds. For American fish the top price of the week was 13.6c. and lie. which the Ilene was ossary registration. RegUtralloru will be taken from 2 to S Dm. dally except Saturday and 8unday from the Z3lh to the 27th Instant. hte following questionnaire Is indicative of the Information sought 1. If and when It is considered future ranrflLlnni warrant . paid for 44.000 pounds and the low J tion from the Prince Rupert area. 11.6c. and 10c. which the Radio would you wish our Committee to received for 38,000 pounds. 'arrange for the evacuation of any I member of your family? Yes. No According to the International , . . . Fisheries Commission. halibut1 , nmf of head of '"""y lahdlngs at the various porU of M3 Occupation. Addraas. Tel the Pariflc coast for thU season up No: . , to AprU 30 amounted to 2.332 .200 11 , n ""PM- fl pounds compared with 7.477526 Bmp,oyer pounds compared with 7.477.926 1 Nrftnea, age and sex of eva- 6. Hare you friends or relative to whom you may evacuate if m, give name and address. 7. Assuming housing accommodation can be provided, please Indicate your ability to pay board and Incidental, expenses of each evacuee. Yes. No. 8. Are you able to supply requirements for each child evacuee as recommended by the Bva-mtinn Committee? Yes. No. 9. Remarks. Following Is a list of requirements by each child evacuated: 1 sweater. 1 or 2 overalls. 2 sweat shirts. 2 underwear. 2 pyjamas. 2 stockings. 1 shade hat. 1 pair shoes and rubbers. 1 pair runners. 1 pair slippers. 1 coat or windbreaker. 1 bath robe 'choice). I 2 single blanket with ground While north British Columbia 'heet or sleeping bag. waters appear to have been free 3 and 2 pillow cases. of the effects of poisoned flams which caused the provincial health officer of British Columbia to declare a ban on the u.e of! clams cooked or raw early In! oj. ui. iieai warier, airecior of the Prince Rupert Fisheries Experimental Station, was called Into consultation In connection with me matter. Dr. Carter believes that the poisoning of the clams 1 pillow. Toothbrush and paste. Toilet and laundry soap. 2 practical bath towels. Wash cloth. Comb and hair brush. Handkerchiefs 6. Kleenex. Toilet paper. , Paper towels. uoy Scout-First Aid Kit (price may be due to an outbnr nf n . approximately Jl.ooi particular . type -jftsw of iiiitiv.v;iiu microscopic! ; S1" kt needles, thread. I 'feed' In the scawatcr wlilrh tmi',',f' been known on this coast before' Thl11 although It does not often reach 6hcct' Northern British Columbia. A close look-out has been kent nnH as far as could be learned, the "feed" has not been reported In this vicinity. As well as In British Columbia, the consumption of clams was also banned by the state of Oregon, a number of deaths had been attributed in British Columbia and Washington to the eating of poisoned clams. etc. will all roll up In ground NORMAN A. WAIT. For Evacuation Committer J. M. S. Loubser D.C., B.A. CHIROPRACTOR Wallace Block Phone RIO ooooooooooooooooocmooooooooooooDoooooooooooooocooooon ror (luick, Safe and Comfortable TAXI SERVICE PHONE 235 H Wanted -Raw Furs hushes r MARKET PRICES PAID Representing HUDSON'S BAY COMPANY jtmrjoo ' Ship to J. E. ORMHEIM, Cow Bay, Prince Rupert, B.C.. Phone 815 k5 CAPITOL A MMOUI flATIII TMIStlt IIU.INNIM. MONDAY 1 OK 2 DAYS on . . . f ,:N,nowc Oompln, , , Koocn rrcsion uien Drew "OH ,0,,; You'ie tot a date with danger, a rendenouj with romance..". j . ii tlH 11 I. 1.41 1 1 . 1 1 ' t Clarence Kolb Alice Whits ). 'Al 1 40. 3 40. 5 40. 7 40 U 4j EXTRA ADDED Canada Carries On present, OVER T Roriiifw- RORERT HENCIII.EY In "NOTIIIMi UtT NIUt "QUIZ. KIDS" CREEN I.KillT AHEAD-IOR THE Kill CKOSS STtrmr JlVi MAY UTII, LETS GO! Union Steamships Ltd. VICTORIA DAY WEEK-END CRUISE HI NAAS UIVEK AND STEWART S. S. "CAT.L- leate C Dock Sunday laj ,th. HMt Itrturn Tuesday May 2Cth "t,M a m, ILNCUU.SION l AKi: I5 00 (Hi Tati (Including all meals and berth arnmim ...' Accommodation Comfortably Limit': lull Information. Ticket and Rrrvai.t I RANK J. SKINNER, frlnre Ru,ert Agent. Third sr rh A Mother s Day Suggestions Ynrdley I-ivender Water 6." and Yardley Itath Salta Yardley Rath Salt TaWeU Yardley Talcum - :K Yardley Dusting Powder Yardley Lavender Soup, 3'g Lucien Lelong Colognes ft I MJOC mj; Kobm HimmI $1.00 Whistx-i- M5 Oneninif Night .... $1.50 Mon ima. WrMey' Rath Soap, 'g 51. Odors: Pine, .laamino nml Apple Jii Tweed Toilet Water Ci Cftj with Atomizer V""! Tweed Dimting Powder OrmesLtd. Dit Pioneer l?rt2pjtJ THE REXAI.L S I ORE PHONES II AM' K Open Dally from 8 a.m. till 10 pm Sunday and Holidays from 12 2 p.m, and 7 S pjn. "G'lANELLE" STY US CREATIONS HY CACNON & EACIIAPKI'U; Snappiest linea, styled by New York Style Show in bioge, brown, blue and black. Step Pumps in crushed kid, gaberdine and Finest line in its price field in ('a,la- Most style, priced . i.'.t r Family shoe store ltD, The Home of Good Shoes'