AiUKDAY, MAY 8. Kit BREWED AND BOTTLED BY I Vancouucr Breweries Limited! "Tr J i .t is not published or displayed by the Liquor Control Board or bv the Government of Briti&h Columbia. - BO WLl NO C 1 1 A l.l.l-N O E K.iowatu have ac-epted .:' from Chinese Youth for a special post-sra-match next Monday II watts won the recent imptonshlp while the Y '.nh were runners-up. WUU OWN A HtW BOAT AFTCIK A COAT OF A-H V-v rMCHOR"MAMHEMMT) I i ' - si K nil Of fftih tltf htrt'i B-H rABtkM" Msrtx P. 11 Ik. I lila 1 h lot mot thtn one iion. A bot optiljr pinltd v-ltS B-H pIM ll KMtd In pfottction Irom Iht tUmh Put it only tqutlltd by lh ihttt lutinj ' of Iti colof. A jtllon eovtri Wtit 600 iqutft Ittt. ROUDON'S HARDWARE Hione 311 McBride Slreet FOR SALE C r.plete with Furniture 1 small Rf .ninir House-1 modern 4 room house 1 three room seml-ROilern living house. All In good condition. This choice property lo-c vd at Prince George. B.C., 1 V'a from shopping centre and hr re. 00' front and" about 300' fr-m R R. sta'llon. IdeaS place tot hotel, un'dersignc'd srili -ir out nc to death breaking up home. Terms Cash. Phono Orcen 438. )J'r". MR. It. H OLD EN, C-0 P O. Your MOTHERS DAY CARDS Jt ami r:n.-r5 at the VARIETY STORE J 1'4''..- - J Notic has your grocery mill been paid? MONDAY IS THE FINAL DATE WHEN ALL HILLS MUST HE PAID IN FULL. DO YOUR PART 12 Prince Rupert Grocers RETIRING FROM BUSINESS Mrs. Smith l closlnjr out the FLOWER SHOP in the Brooksbank Buildinc owinf to III health. SPECIAL REDUCTIONS IN ENGLISH CHINA. CANADIAN POTTERY. PLANTS. SEEDS, ONION SETS, LAWN SEEDS, FERTILIZER ETC. Fixtures, fittings, scales, show cases, cash register, shelves etc. BUY EARLY TO SECURE BARGAINS OflOOOOOWWOOOOOODOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOCHJ 1 T OUR COUNTRY AND HOMES DEMAND . . . GOOD SERVICE We ask your co-operation. Our country requests us to conserve gasoline. We are also advised that we shall not be able to replace tires for our trucks. In order to maintain our policy of prompt sen ice we ask you to place all coal orders, at least ONE DAY BEFORE DELIVERY IS EXPECTED. By doing this you will enable us to route our deliveries In the most economical manner, thereby conserving both gasoline and tires. Albert & McCaffery Ltd. PHONES 11C OR 117 A. MacKenzie Furniture Ltd. A C.OOD rLACK TO BUY WHITE WOOD FUKSITUIIC Lanre Office Desks with six drawers $1750 each j - Large Chiffoniers 13.50 each. $10.50 and Celling Drying Racks 8250 complete with cord and pulleys Book Cases and olher Hems .....v... e 327 TIIIR1K AVENUE Special Price for LADIES' and GENTS' NEW SPUING CLOTHING ?27.50 and up. B. LAMB, Tailor Phone Blark 787 302 Third Ave. W. THE Daily HrTvvS LOCAL NEWS NOTES A Cash for old gold, Bulger's. ADalnty blouses In pretty shades for Mother's Day at "Star's". J. E. Matheaon, assistant district forester, left on last night's train for Smlthers. Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Lancaster left on last night's train for Terrace Lome Wanamaker and Thurlow Wright left on last evening's train to spend the week-end at A The regular monthly meeting of the Boilermakers' and Iron Shipbuilders' Union Local No. 4, will take place Sunday May 10 In Met-ropole Hall. Doors will open at 7 p.m. to accommodate those wish- where they will spend the week-ling to pay dues end. i 1 The tonic effect in uearing I these Suitings creates a feel' ing of confidence. ' C (109 I Quests at the; regular monthly Tonight's train, due to arrive 'dinner meeting bf the Junior Sec-from th Bast at 11 o'clock, wasitlon of the Prince Runert cham- reported thi mornlr to be onlber of Commerce last night were tlme- f Adjutant E. D. Brunsden of the " 1 1 Salvation and Army Amerigo Do- j nomas u. jviujuru, irom Ketehl- mlnato. Van waa a mmuuu loautn. - last night's train for Huntingdon,! Regular Saturday night whist " vuvnw. Idrive of the loral youth commit tee nave Deen suspenaea lor a I couple of weeks. None was held t . r . l j . t . i iusi ouiuruay ana mere win noi be one tonight. .They will be re 'sumed next Saturday. Miss Patricia McLeod arrived in I the city on the Princess Adelaide (yesterday afternoon from nurses (training duties at Royal Columbian Hospital in New Westminster to 'spend a holiday visiting here with Mr. nr vtt-r. .on, I her parents Mr and Mr J H veroay afternoon on the Princess , Louise for Victoria where she will take up future residence. Charles Graham, inspector of mines, returned to the city on the Primes Loatee yesterday afternoon from a trip to the Atlm district on official duties. Judge O. F. Alexander, distrlc' court judge at Juneau, was a pas-sen fer aboard the Princess Louise yesterday afternoon going through to Seattle. C. A. Kellett, manager of the Northern British Columbia divi sion of Home Oil Distributors Ltd.. returned to the city on Thursday s train from one of his periodical trips to the interior as far as Vanderhoof on official business. P0UWAWTUt5lj THAT Tuirwm WILL Mivr.ii aJ MAKE-UP C. O. Ham, secretary of the civic centre general committee advised the Junior Section of the Prince Rupert Chamber of Com merce list night of We setting of May 26 as the date for the first meeting of the newly incorporated Civic Centre Association of Prince Rupert, Correspondence In connection with the activity of the Junior Chamber of Commerce of Canada in connection with getting out the vote in the recent federal man-pewer plebiscite was read and filed at last night's meeting of the local Junior Chamber. A communication from the Canadian Red Cross Society, .read last night at the regular monthly meeting of the Junior Section of the Prince Rupert Chamber of Commerce, solicited support In connection with the national ap peal for funds to be held next week. Support both in services and financially was asked. Adjutant E. D. Brunsden, Salvation Army, who was a guest at the meeting last night of the Junior Section of the Prince Rupert Chamber of Commerce, spoke briefly on community work In which both the Army.-andhe Junior Chamber had Join interest. He mentioned the vante of co-operation. ATlme Now I House Spring Cleaning! For Years you have been throwing everything into the basement; articles for which you have no use. We know hundreds of people who will buy what you dispose of. Stoves, beds, table, chairs, doors, windows, tools and hun dreds of articles to numerous to mention. We give you our best cash offers, or In trade for home requirements. It is Important to you. It Is to us. Our phone num ber Green 916. Ello Furniture Store rhlrd Avenue. lm NOTICE Commencing May 1st we will not receive any telephone orders before 8 a.m. and afer 6 p.m. nor on Thursday halt holidays, Sundays or Holidays. CHRIS' MILL BAKERY. Fresh Local Raw and Pasteurized MILK VALENTIN DAIRY rilONE G57 Major Strong In Command Well Known Officer Is Now Col onel of Irish Falllers Major C. J. Strong, who was here over a year ago with the First Battalion, Irish Fusiliers' has been promoted to the rank of lieutenant-colonel and placed In command of the regiment. It Is an nounced. He succeeds Lleut.-Col. John Burnett. GREEN LIGHT AHEAD . . . For The Red Cross LET'S GO! RED CROSS CONCERT Capitol Theatre NEXT SUNDAY MAY 10TH AT 9:15 P.M. Doors Open 8:15 SPECIAL Variety Stage Presentations GENERAL ADMISSION 50c RESERVED 75c Tickets Now Selling at Capitol Theatre from 1 pjn. to 10 p.m. Daily. MUST BE OBTAINED BEFORE SUN DAY. rfhhcuHcetnehtJ All advertisements In this column will be charged for a full month at 25c a word. Whist drive, Saturday. Commer cial Hotel. Prince Rupert Baseball club' meeting May 12, 7 pjn. In Y. M. C. A. One member from each team entering requested to attend. Cambral I.ODX. Rummage Sale, Toe H. rooms, May 16. 22. Presbyterian Choir Tea. May 20. I. O. O. F. Victoria Day Ball. May Little Norway Tea May 21. Mrs. Munthe, 4th A,ve., West. Auxiliary Tea, Nurses Home, May 28. Red Cross Tea. Juns 3. Parent Teachers' , Tea. Oddfel- lows' Hall. June 5. Tea, Lutheran Church June 6. Presbyterian Missionary Tea, Mrs. Bremner, June 10. Anglican Tea, Mrs. J. W. Nich- olls, June ll- HM 60 Tea June 17. United Strawberry Tea, Mrs. James Clark. June 24. Announcement We are glad to announce that we are now adding a SHOE REPAIRING DEPT. at our shop, with Mr. Charlie W. Yatt in full charge. As Charlie has many years' experience In the trade he knows how to rebuild your shoe right. Let him do It for you. We also carry DRESS SHOES AND WORKING BOOTS. LING, the Tailor Sixth Street Phone nil) Suits Pressed by Steam While You Walt. CHURCH NOTICES FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH Pastor Rev. C. A. Wright SERVICES FOR SUNDAY. MAY 10, 1942 10:00 a.m. Morning Service. Subject "A White Carnation. 12:15 Sunday School. 7:30 pjn Evening Service. Subject "The Carnation and the Cross." ST. PAUL'S LUTHERAN CHURCH 't Corner McBrid and Fifth . v Ilev. J. II. .Myrwang, MA, Pastor. Res 1077, 1st Ave. W&Phone Blk. 888 Mrs. li KenejK, organist Miss Beatrice Mostaa, S. S. Supt. Miss Alma Dybhavn, S. S. Pianist SUNDAY, MAY 10TH 10:00 a.m-Sunday SchooL 11:00 a.m?-Dlvinie Services conducted in English. 7:30 pjn. Informal Services in English. NB. Please note that meetings are held in the new church. . MONDAY, MAY 11TH 7:00 p.m. "The Lutheran Hour" Broadcast You are cordially invited to our Sunday School and Services. A special Invitation to the Canadian and American soldiers. mmmmsmmmtmmmmntmsmsmtmmsmmmsmaBmsssmmmsm FOR YOUR FLOOR COVERING AT F.LIO S YOU GET GREATER VALUES BETTER CHOICE 500 Square Yards Inlaid Linoleum 500 Square Yards Printed Linoleum WOO Square Yards Felt Base Linoleum 75 Only Rugs Jaspe, Printed Linoleum, Congelouras, FeltoL Sizes 9x12, 9xl0V2, 9x9, 72x9 and 6x9. 18 Only Seamless Axminster Rugs. Sizes 9x12, 9xl0V2, 9x9, 6 9"x9. . 200 Scatter Rugs Sizes 36x63, 27x54, 25x48, 15x27. Five Only Complete full panel beds with the' slat springs and spring filled mattress. Sizes 4-0, 3-3. Regularly $62. Complete, $54 Elio's Furniture Store Third Avenue, next to Dally News. CUSJJFIfO FOR SALE FOR SALE Beautiful Cocker Spaniel Puppies, blacks, reds, one light buff males. $15. Registration papers extra. Harold Neave. Francois Lake. (110) FOR SALE 8 piece oak dinins room suite, double bed complete, one dresser, one coll spring, one round drop-leaf table. Cheap for cash. Phone Red 617. (109) FOR SALE Chesterfield suite, 3 sets books: Rudyard Kipling, Robert L. Stevenson, Charles Dickens; Dishes. Phone Blue 338. (109) FOR SALE 3 Sisters Cafe. If Interested call or write H. A. Nel son, P. O. Box 957, Prince Rupert, (tf) FOR SALE House close in, Al condition. Falling health reason for selling. Price very reasonable. Apply P. O. Box 554. (108) FOR SALE Good business dry ' goods; growrlcsrConcrete build ing, low rental. Owner selling owing to 111 health. Snap for Cash. Apply Box 265 Dally News. (108) FOR SALE Range with oil burner $20. Phone Red 890, 724 7th Avenue West. (110) FOR SALE 6 room house at Dodge Cove. $400 Cash. Apply 1042 Ninth East or Phone Red 509. (1081 FOR SALE C.C.M. (Rambler) bicycle, double bar and fork. Good condition. $20.00. 1307 Overlook Street. (110) nELP WANTED WANTED Truck driver immediately, must be military exempt. Apply Prince Rupert Fishermen's Co-op. (Ill) HELP WANTED Labourers and 1 mill workers wanted, at Ocean Falls. Apply office M. T. Lee, Tailor, 303 Vi Third Avenue. LOST LOST Pair of Glasses. Name and address Inside case. Please Phone Green 934 or apply 516 6th West Reward. Green 916 When You Want a Reliable, Comfortable, Dependable TAXI Service PHONE 13 24-Honr Service at Regular Rates WANTED- GIRL WANTED for grocery store. Phone 237. (109) WANTED One or two Houskeep- ing Rooms or Suite by sailor's wife. Phone Blue 347. (110) WANTED To rent, furnished, one or two housekeeping rooms by reliable couple. Phone Red 878, (110) Y. W. C. A. ROOMS REGISTRY Accomodation urgently wanted for service Men and Families Mrs. Garbutt, 231. WANTED 34 to 38-foot troller In good condition, with gear. Must be reasonable for cash. Full particulars to Box 264 Dally News.. (Ill) WANTED Small house or three room unfurnished suite by young couple. Write P.O. Box 1461. (113) FOR RENT FOR RENT 4 room suite, renter to purchase stove and bed. Apply El O.'Bqx 340. (uo; ROOM for two young gentlemen,' willing to share, in private home. Phone Blue 983. (109) FORRENT Heated Space suitable for offices. Dybhavn & Han son, Ltd. (108) LOST LOST Brown leather brlet caso containing price books. Finder return to Prince Rupert HoteL Reward. (103) PERSONAL JOBBERS, MERCHANTS "ARE you having trouble getting merchandise? We have stock of dry goods, smallwares, novelties, notions, available for Immediate delivery. Write for Illustrated lists. Taf Distributing Agency, 455 Craig West, Montreal." (11) (110) YOU CAN RUN A HOME KINDER-garten with our help. Canadian Kindergarten Institute, care M. C. C. Schools, Winnipeg, Man. STENOGRAPHERS and TYPISTS NEEDED badly by Government for war work. You can train at home for Job as Stenographer, Typist, Office Clerk, Letter Carrier, Mall Clerk, Customs Examiner, etc. Free advice and record of appointment of our students from M.C.C. Civil Service School Ltd.. Winnipeg. The oldest in Canada. No Agents