TUESDAY JUNE 23, 1542. I Expert OPTICAL SERVICE Chas. Dodimead irV-- f -w fty. yjf.' I Optometrist in Charre 1 J p V J Watch. Clock. Jewelry y , Repairing, Hand Entravinr. VISIT OUK BASEMENT STOKE for fine China. Dinnerware, Glan, Baggage and Novelties. MAX HEILBRONER Jeweler Diamond Merchant "I'M m A PLAYBOY" vv AND MV 3IOM GETS ALL MY CLOTHES AT The Rupert Men's and Boys' Store BOYS' SWEATERS UNDERWEAR BOYS CAPS SHORT PAXT SUITS LONG PANT SUITS SPORT JACKETS P-OYS' PANTS BOYS' OVERALLS Mothers, you've been patient a long time. You've asked us to secure a boys' department comparable with the large city stores. We now feel with pride that you'll find a stock in our store that is just that. Try us! I Rupert Men's & Boys' Store 217 SIXTH ST Across From Helgerson Real Estate THE STORE FOR DAD AND LAD Canadian National Railways Changes in Train Services Effective June 8th, 1912 TRAINS FOR THE EAST WILL LEAVE PRINCE RUPERT: MONDAY. WEDNESDAY and FRIDAY. 6 p.m., stopping at all local stations, arriving JASPER Wednesday, Friday and Sunday, 7 ajn. WEDNESDAY and FRIDAY, 10:30 .ajn.. stopping at Terrace, Pacific, Hazelton, New Hazelton, Smithers, Burns Lake. Van-derhoof. Prince George, Glscome and McBride only. Arrive JASPER Thursday aqd Saturday 12:25 pjn. INCOMING TRAINS WILL ARRIVE PRINCE RUPERT: TUESDAY, FRIDAY and SUNDAY, 11 pjn. THURSDAY and SATURDAY, 6:30 pjn. For Full Information. Reservations, etc., call or write R. S. GREIG, CITY PASSENGER AGENT 528 Third Avenue Phone 260 Prince Rupert Agents for Trans-Canada Air Lines JUST ARRIVED A shipment of Luggage:., Trunks, Suit Cases of all sizes, Twin Sets, Folding Carriages, Congoleum Rugs, Bedroom Suites, Com vertible Lounges, Unpainted Chairs, Chests of Drawers, Medicine Cabinets, Unpainted Dressers, Iron Boards, Tea Wagons, Baby High Chairs, Baby Swings, Baby Harness. Elio's Furniture Store ' Third Avenue, nest to Daily News. Green 916 BUY ... RUPERT BRAND Sole Fillets ... at Your Local Butchers. NO WASTE READY TO COOK Canadian Fish & Cold Storage PRINCE RUPERT (). Ltd BK.TISII COLUMBIA I British Typists Have Hard Tests Have To Hare What It Takes To I Get Proficiency Bonuses ' LONDON. June 23 OTwenty-one thousand government typists lost 5250 about $13.623 araom them because they (ailed to pass a typing test. Only 4.000 of 35.000 entrants passed the test, qualifying them for fire shillings a week proficiency pay. Those who failed forfeited a five-shilling entrance fee. Baseball Standings J Brooklyn . St. Louis ... Cincinnati J New York . S Pittsburg . 5 Chicago Boston e New York Boston Cleveland . Detroit St. Louis ... National League W. Philadelphia 43 35 35 32 29 31 26 .43 ?3 34 36 32 27 Chicago 24 w asiuugwn a L. Pet 17 .717 24 .593 27 365 32 300 32 .475 35 39 .470 : .41S Philadelphia 18 45 .286' 5i i American League L. Pet. 18 .705 25 359 29 340 32 329 33 .492 40 .493 36 .400 39 381 THE DAILY NEWS Hut WAR SAVINGS STAMPS . MOM ianks rott orricis CirillMINT JI0III DtUOOISTS OlOCItl lOIACCONIttf SOOK STOCK 4 irui ttoc$M Timely Recipes PLAIN' OMELET FOr each egg add one tablespoon top milk, 4 teaspoon salt and pep per if dstred. Beat ens slightly Jeat in milk and seasoning. Heat ne tablespoon dripping in frying pan. Add eggs and cook slowly. Run spatula around edge lifting to allow uncooked portion to flow underneath. When set increase "ieat to brown if desired. Loosen omelet from pan and fold one half over. Serve on a warm platter COLORFUL FILM HERE "Song of Islands" in Technicolor With Betty Grable and Victor Mature Heading Cast Song of the Islands," a nvjsVal adventure amid the latcy, carr-free ;;fe of the South Seas, with blonde lissom Betty Grabfe and handmr Victor Mature n the leading roles is the feature picture at the Capitol Theatre this Wednesday and Thursday. Under the speO of the tropical moon and m a setting of breathtaking beauty. Betty and Victor fail in love at a small nutnost of the Pacific where the girl and her father. Thomas Mitchell, are striving to keep the island unspoiled from the encroachments of civilization. Mature is the son of Oeorge Barbier. a tycoon, who is sent to take care of a cattle ranch. Jack Oakie is Mature's companion on this mission and provides plenty of comedy. The musical score Is featured by a number of song hits Including "Down on Ami. Ami. Onl. Onl Isle," ''O'Brien has Oone Hawaiian. "Sing Me a Song of the Islands." "Maluna. Malolo." "Mawaena," "Blue Shadows and White Gardenias," and "What's Bunin' Cousin." The songs, interrupted by Harry Owens and His Royal Hawaalans," serve as background for colorful production numbers. The picture APPLICATION CARDS FOR COUPON RATION ING OF SUGAR are being mailed this week to every Household in Canada Canadians will be required to register so that ration cards, good for the 10' week period, commencing July 1st, may be issued immediately. At the end of that period a coupon ration book, good for six months, will be issued. HOW TO REGISTER Residents in Urban Areas not served by letter Carrier, and Residents in Rural Areas Application cards will be distributed to all householders through the post office on or before Tuesday, June 23rd. Additional cards will alio be delivered for every person resident m the household, who bears a different last name from the head ot the household. If needed, extra cards may be secured from local post offices. You will fill in a card complete in every detail. A pamphlet giving complete instructions will be delivered with each card. During the evening of June 25th, an authorized representative of The Wartime Price and Trade Board will call at your home and collect the card. As soon as your name is duly registered at headquarters, ration cards good for a ten-week period, will be mailed to you-one ration card for each person inl your home. These will be for sugar only. If there are any details of the application card you do not quite understand, the rep-icsentative of this Board will help you to fill it in on June 25th, when he) or she calls to pick it up. COUPON RATIONING FOR SUGAR BECOMES EFFECTIVE JULY 1st Beginning-July 1st, no one will be permitted to buy sugar for regular domestic use without a ration coupon. Prompt co-operation on the part of the public in filling out and returning their ap- u .waijr ensure return oi me ration coupon can n t me to . purchase .. sugar on or after the above date. HnMrbni!!7tiir0UntMf lugar a,l0WC(! cach individual under the now coupon returning plan will be exactly the allowed same as" at present-J pound per person per imU"rlf0fLafViti0nal 8Ugar fof VrvinR, etc., will be continued. Special voucher forms for this purpose are being supplied to all retailers. nS" mrC thim tW Wcck8' of ""Mj " ' DO NOT SURRENDER YOUR APPLICATION CARD TO ANY UNAUTHORIZED PERSON THE WARTIME PRICES AND TRADE BOARD u-niis iumiiiu-complete shom. . . NOW HE'S HAPPY LONDON. England. June 23 in German-occupied Prance. Antes Marie, a master cook, arranged to be "token prisoner" in the British commando raid at SL Nfc-aarine and works now as a kltch-enhand in a Mayfalr restaurant. WAR KILLED FAIR AMBRSHAM. England. Junr 22 0 fJeven hundred years of iocs l tradition ended when the Bu, k Ingham town did not hold its an-nt" fair the charter granted by King John ordering that the t . lapse if not held on the due date. .. . . a no njscr in i uiiauiu At 7 21, f At 1 41 3 41 5 41 7 41 fTcT. and 9 41 - Is in technicolor. Billy Gilbert and Hllo Hatu. with clever comedy characterisations, are also included in the cast. ANDY CLYDE k "SAPPY nutiini New and Sport' i V Wee Tots' Shoppc A Store SpecU! : Polks Now Open for b Drop In and look ! stock for Otrls am E Located In Rrooksbank R!d( 1SI 3rd Ave SLK VICES TO Vancouver. Victoria and Wa; points, Stewart and North, (ueen ChaiMte IUnd-. lull Information. Ti eti and lttMliJtn IKANK J. SKINMR Princo Rupert Arrnt Third Ave. rhont SSI AMH.AM.TI.D BUILDING WOKkEKS OP CANADA Prince Rupert, it-C METROrOLE HALL Meetings every four':. in the month .( -Unit No 1 ShlpwrtKt IV t HitUders and t a : Unit Na 1: Paintrr-- r. hangers and D 1 Secretary: Phone Bl" HJ, r.O. Boi 1115 Hi Porch 'EI 1 MJ t.ptti.lly for cwtlJt ttpnitt, . i t ocft rii ami s . ' I eMp, ctuti, pttl or klltltf i tkt wtVly Kibblj ovtr i r '. Spoeify ,BM, fe B' J"J I .'men. 0 qusrt C0r ' ISO tqvtit (!. GORDON'S HARDWARE riione 311 McBride Street sAVoy HOTEL Carl Zarclli. Prop. Phone 3t P.O. Hoi Ml ERASER STREET PRINCE UUrERT