nr SATURDAY, DECEMBER 19, 1943 11 Wj$ sfZQ JgrS-r- 0,ove sllk "pantle le and and B 't"x-rf brassiere sets for those those wJirT1' who prefer sleekly till- Rg ' VOjW ored underthlngs. Sev- p S cral smart styles to K? tSSX choose from. Sets, , $198 Jim v., jm. ruon;i lor tombstones CAIRO. Dee 19 0- Whrn the 8fn Jny took Fuka. one of tlv Ax's rfields behind the El Alamein E I! I Lace trimmed crepe or chiffon dance sets of bras and panties to match. The lace is a quality most unusual at this special price. Set, Bp JIRf $ Negligees in luxurious rayon satin or rich crepe. Wonderfully full skirts and charming bodice details. Your choice of lovely colors. III MS $7.95 ANNETTE LADIES' WEAR THE DAILY NEWS PAGE THREB King Edward CHURCH NOTICES 2 School Concert School Xmas Intimate Gifts & Delightful Concerts in Prettily Dec. FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH & Teachers and Pupils of Booth orated Music Room 15th Avenue and Young Street) School "At Home" To learn how to please a lady, just visit our collection of lovely lingerie and lounging apparel. Inspirations will then come like magic and rest assured thoy'll all be grand ones! For remember she simply can't have too many beautiful under- linn, they found a desert burial '--round of Axis airmen. Twisted and broken propellors flanked by shells were the headstones to the graves. Announcement Restrictions placed upon us by the Wartime Prices & Trade Board compel us to announce we shall be unable to put on our "Christmas Special" this year. Tliis practice of sending a small box of smoked fish, typical of the dominant industry of Prince Rupert, has become increasingly popular, and we are very sorry we shall have to disappoint our many customers this year. After the war, we hope we shall again be able to make this special Christmas offer available to our many friends. Canadian Fish & Co d Storage Trlnce Rupert Co. Ltd. riUsh Columbia The News For 'Xmas g Once more the Daily News is pleased m to offer as a Christmas Gift Sugges- m tion a Year's Subscription to this m paper. g Can you think of a gift that would be more appreciated by any person who k has recently moved away or an old g friend who has been away for a long fa time? f Special price, on gift subscriptions by jg mail-$2:00 per year. 2 This special is good only between now k and Christmas. M Wc will send an announcement of your m gift to the person who is to receive it. g thlngs, or too many exquisite negligees. Terrace & 25 29 29 29 29 29 29 29 29 29 29 29 29 29 29 29 Vltl S ' 29 29 29 9 'Ml The municipal election, which takes place annually In December resulted in the re-election of W. E. Smith. The list of voters has increased to more than double tho number of citizens since a year .igo. Mr. Smith has lived in Terrac vith h's family for many years ant is well known and popular with all :lasses. W. O. Fulton paid Terrace a visii on Wednesday of this week in connection with a prosecution under the rent control arrangements. The early winter which set In during November gave place tr spring-like conditions. There were heayy showers with bright sunnv intervals. The unbroken mantle of snow which covered all the earth was reduced to streaks and patche4 where the drifts had piled up. The Catholic ladles held a bazn;v Thursday night in the Oddfellows Hall. A big crowd showed up to en joy the games and social diversions which were provided and "the re freshments provided by the ladles thc church consregatlon- toasmsasfflti in y No Special Deliveries Will Be No Change From Once a Day Service Durln; Christmas VANCOUVER, Dec. 19 Christmas shoppers who may think that the order limiting retail deliveries will be relaxed this season are due fcr disappointment. James Stewart, services administrator for the Wartimes Prices and Trade Board, states that the order setting deliveries to one a day will be enforced during the Christmas shopping period. "This Christmas will not be like the' old peaceful holiday of prewar days," says Mr. Stewart. "Labor, gasoline, rubber and vehicles are vitally needed for the armed services and war Industries and must be conserved." The board advjses Christmas shoppers to carry as many parcels as they can In order to avoid overtaxing the bne-a-day delivery, facilities permitted under the regulations. Tiriv Christmas shopping, of 15 ursenUy adVcated' F>O The teachers and pupils ofBdr den Street School on Thursday af ternoon held an "At Home" to a 'arge number of parents and vlsl .ors at the school Christmas clos mg exercises. There wde carols and other singing in the music oom after which the opportunity was given of visiting the various ilassrooms where class concerts and Christmas trees were being teld. The pupils had attractively lecorated their rooms. In addition there was a large display of manual arts work. The musical program of the grouped grades, conducted by Mrs :i. Seamen, was as follows: Qrades I and n "O Canada," Baa Baa Black Sheep," "Sleep Baby Sleep," solo, "Pretty Maid,' sung by Ba.bara Carter, '"Did You Ever See a Lassie?" "Away in Manger." Grades III and IV "Good King Wenesclas," "Strawberry Fair," "O Christmas Tree- "Where's the Old Gray Goose?," "In a' Manger." Grades V and VI "O Come All Ye Faithful," "Joy To the World," "A Curious Tale," "Good Christian Men, Rejoice," "Silent Night," sng by a quartette, "Bring a Torch, Jeanette," "God Save the King." Enlistments In Army From Prince Rupert Further enlistments In the Cana- I dlan Army active services this week include the following: Wilbrod Plouffe, aged 35, Winnl-oeg. truck driver. John Wilbur Cremetfns, 18, Port Arthur, logger. L. Wilson Reid, 22, Kenora, logger. T-imes Hart. 25. Kamloops. mech- Fioutie. cemc.cns.anqateia wm. bfl leaving for Vancouver tonight. ' and Hart will get away next we,ek, Order Only Wlml You iVl BUY ROBINTEX QUALITY FABRICS FOR ECONOMY lrell-Kiwtcn A Clotlu Of Distinction And Durability ask rout tauos ran "OOVKIINMENT I.IO.IOK ACT" (Spot Ion 28) NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that on the 29th day of December 1942 next the undersigned Intends to apply to the Liquor Control Board lor consent to transfer of Eoer Licence No. 8836 Issued in respect of p rem. lees being part of a building known as Knox Hotel situate on First Avenue upon Uie lands described as Lota 13 and 14 of Block 2, Section 1, Map 923. CUT of frlivoe Rupert, prince Rupert Land Registration District In Uie Province if Brttlstv Columbia, from Oeorg L Rorlc, Trustee of the property of Knox Hotel Company Limited, Authorized Assignor, of Prince Rapert, British Columbia, to Knox Hotel Co. Ltd. of Prince Rupert. British Columbia, the transferee DATED at Prinze Rupert. Brttl! Columbia, this 28th day of 1942. KNOX HOTEL CO. LTD. by Martin LaBelle. director. Date of first Insertion, November 28. 1942. PRINCE RUPERT DRY DOCK AND SHIPYARD SHIPBUILDERS AND ENGINEERS Iron and Brass Castings Electric and Acetylene Welding SPECIALISTS ON SAWMIU. AND MINING MACHINERY- All Types of Oas Engines Repaired and Overhauled EOS Christmas programs were carried out by the pupils of: King Edward School in their prettily decorated nuslc room on Wednesday after noon for the senior divisions and )n Thursday morning for the jun lor divisions. The principal, Miss E. A. Mercer, in her opening remarks, referred to the meaning and.otl.gin of Christ mas and to Christmas celebrations in wartime. The items included in the pro gram were two songs and dances, "A Christmas Tree" and "What do you want for Christmas?" by Grade I, Miss Mary Hartin's class; three little Christmas songs by Grade II Miss' Tekla Fulton's division; stocking drill and recitation' by Miss Moxley's class, Grade III recitations and song "Santa Claus Is Coming to Town" by Grade IV, Miss Margaret Dodlmead's class; a folk dance, "Ace of Diamonds" by Grade IV, Miss Mary Sim's room; and three plays, "A Christmas Surprise," by Mrs, B. Walker's room, "Santa Claus. Strikes a Blow For Freedom" by Bruce Mickleburgh's class, Grade VI, and "Christmas Presents" by Miss Mercer's Division. The" tuneful music, graceful dances, capable dramatization and appropriate costumes made a veryrpleas-ing and enjoyable concert. At intervals during the Rrogram Christmas Carols were sung by all the pupils. On Thursday afternoon a school broadcast of carols by CER was en joyed by the pupils and on Friday morning parties were held in the . classrooms gay with lighted trees i and decorations made by the pupils. To the Electors of Prince Rupert Thank you for your generous vote. I shall do my best. KATHLEEN 31. HILL SAVOY HOTEL Carl ZareIJi Prop. Phone 37 P.O. Km 544 PKASKK STREET PRINPF KI'PKKl NEW ROYAL HOTEL 4, ZARELL1, PROP "A Home Away From Home" Rates 75c up M) Rooms Hot gi Cold Water Prince Rupert, B.C. rimnf 281 . P.O. Bo 1S8 SERVICES TO Vancouver, Victoria and Way-points, Stewart and North. Queen Charlotte Islands. full Information, Ticket and Reservation FRANK J. SKINNEK Prince Rupert Agent Third Ave. Phone 56 SHRIMPS BOAT W.S.L. Fresh every day, 5:00 p.m. First Float West of Imperial Oil Co. Christmas Message in Morning Pageant in Evening Morning Worship, 11:00 a.m. "Where is He That is Born King of the Jews?" Sunday School, 12:15. Evening Service, 7:30 p.m. Pageant, "Little Town of Bethlehem." Song Service and Social Fellowship Hour' following the Evening Service; Welcome! Fear not . . for unto you is born . . a Saviour which is Christ the Lord.' REV. C. A. WRIGHT Pastor V ST. PAUL'S LUTHERAN CHURCH 5th and McBrlde Magnus B. Anderson Pastor 11:00 a.m. "The Expectation of His Coming." . Mr. T. C. Anderson will preach. Special' Music. 7:30 p.m. Evening Worship and Song Service . Dec. 25, 11 'a.m. SPECIAL CHRISTMAS DAY SERVICE. Music by Church Choir. CFPR 3:00 to 3:30 Christmas Day A cordial welcome to all I First Presbyterian Church Fourth Avenue East Rev. A. F. MacSween, B.A. Minister Mrs. E. J. Smith Choir Leader I 1 CHRISTMAS SUNDAY, 1942 ;(," 10:30 a.m. Church School Roll Call. . . 11:00 a.m. Morning Worship. The Church School will worship with the congregation. . : '.. Anthems by Junior Choir: "Joy to the World," "Stars of December," 7:30 p.m. Carol Service and Sacred Cantata Senior Choir. Anthems: "At Chrlstmastlde," "A Quiet Chamber," "Sing O Sing.'? Cantata: "The King of Peace Soloists: Mfs. Wm. Martin, LAC. J. O. Leggatt, Mr. J. A. Teng. : The Minister will preach at the morning service. ; : Strangers and Men In the Services are cordially welcome. : BRIGADIER DIES LONDON, Dec. 19 0) Brig. Richard Maule Birkett, who served with the Royal Sussex regiment for 32 years and was in command of the.' second battalion when he retired in 1934, is dead. He had been re-employed by the War Office since 1939. FOR YOUR XMAS GIFTS- We have a Fine New Stock of Blouses, Dresses, . Lingerie Specializing in Children's Wear !! Dry Goods and Novelty Shop KM iiJi)J.J-A5.S.53iii.3.3S.2i.)iii19iS)i5i5iil?iiiiii ;). i I A NOVEL SUGGESTION GIVE HIM pr HER a Portable Typewriter This Christmas We have a new stock of Remettes at $42.50 $J Don't forget to order your 1943 kCalendar Pads while stock is complete. ttWe have a good, stock to choose from. Ml m GOLD STAMPING ON GIFT LEATHER Dibb Printinq Co Third Street. i Besner Block $S Ml 1 mi m