-w- d visions, the 7th and ,8th. dc-: r,-(J primarily for the defence of j country against attack, was pushed. Two-Corps Army The midsummer arrival of the 4h ai.norcd division in the United Kingdom all but completed the rai j overseas army program for nc creation of a two-corps army a hrcc infantry and two armored ..Liu . i io, pius piua two bYvt n army k n j tank v. on . . 1 I TTi4 . 8k operation between forces of Canada and the United States reached new marks of perfection In service of Canadian soldiers with American forces defending Alaska, in construction of the Alaska highway by U. S. army engineers, In the placing of United States parachute tralnlnz facilities at the disposal of the Canadian army, and in formation of the combined special force which Is training at Helena, Montana, comprising equal numbers of Canadians and Americans, mm nrtlvp armv reached ww-w..0 strength - of more than 400,000 flur - . gadc3 Lt-.-aen. A. a. L. McNaugh- ing the year, and the leserve army, nrtrl tirltll in. i t AM..nn-iAnf oc actio army commanacr wnn garnering new chuVuiu. ..u t n, it i- r nwrar tfnninir nn Intensified training program. up from command of a division to worked steadily at the business of command of a corps. getting me man wuoauija a"" Other changes In commands dur- In a civilian job ready to fight off ir the year saw the return oi invasion Mai Oen. d. Yl. Pearkes from com mand of a division overseas to head ' ir Par ; fi,c command and withdrawal of MaJ.-Oen. C. B. Price of Montreal from command of a division to become overseas commissioner of the Canadian Hed Cross. New divisional commanders appointed overseas were MaJ.-Gen. II. L N Salmon of Toronto and MaJ.-Gen II. F. Li. Keller of Kelowna. II ' Thr August 19 attack on Dieppe marked the first malor United Na- '.wns thrust at the strongly-defended coast of enemy-occupied Europe and the Canadian army was chosen for the Job. Casualties were very heavy during the nine-hour attack, with more than 3,300 of the 5.000-odd Canadians who took part the raid subsequently reported Tho Militia Uansers. units form thp west coast at solated communities, represented an effort to put trappers, lumbermen ana miners into the service of the coun-trys defensive system. On the east coast also, reserve army unite were more closely Incorporated Into the defence system. N tr.iinlnc centres came into being in Canada as the army worked to keep pace with the demands of Its advancing formations of competent officers, non-commissioned officers and specialists. The overseas officers training scnooi was disbanded and all overseas soldiers 'recommended for commissioned rank now return to Canada for courses at the enlarged officers' training schools at Brockvillc, Gordon Head, B. C. Expansion - " of - .these two schools did oraa, wounaea or "- i .,h thp nped and SSonfcampsd,anS omUs ' at Camp Borden, cSXu. S. Co-operate were established and Three Rivers. Quebec. On this side of the Atlantic co- Ontario, TO THE ELECTORS OF PRINCE RUPERT We, the candidates of the Civic Labor Federation desire to express our sincere appreciation of the support accorded us at the polls. T II SORBNSON JL M. DAGGETT T KLLIOTT T. MORGAN RLACK W. II. BRETT J S. J. DEANE G. HILLS T. II. LANG RIDGE This picture was taken during the U.A.F bomb: r command's daylight attack on Milan. It shows a well established fire burning in an industrial area of the city soon after the attack. The picture was made from a height of about 4,000 feet. Observers are asking: Are the British softening up Italy for invasloa? Continued raids on Genoa, Milan, Turin, Naples and Sicily suggest this. WAU IN RUSSIA STALINGRAD AREA STILL UNDER FIRE German Air Force .Trying Desperately to Relieve Hard-rressed Nazi Army MOSCOW, Dec 19 ff Major air battles were fought on the Stalingrad front today as the German air force sought to relieve the hard-pressed Nazi army between the Don and Volga rivers with mass bombings while all along the bat tle line German troops were re- Dorted counter-attacking bitterly. . ! Near Velikie luki on tne central front the Russians were reported to have taken a strategic, height from which new operations could be launched. German aerial blows failed to dislodge the Red Army from posi tions and ground activity resulted in heavy losses to the Axis legions, the Russians claimed. Fiahtine has been -particularly heavy southwest of Moscow and soi',vwcst of Rzhev where a fierce Nazi .'ountcr attack was repulsed. There have been substantial gains for the Russians in the direction cf Smolensk and towards Latvia in the north. Smolensk, to within eighty-five miles of which the Red Army is now reported to have driven, ap pears likely to now become a key defence position for the Russians. Nlnetv-nine German planes, In cluding eight transports, were shot down in Russia yesterday. A maior air battle over the Stal ingrad front was reported In pro gress today. JEWS ARE DEGRADED f Further Anti-Hebrew I'ro'grani is Being Planned In France PARIS, Dec. 19 A million and a half Jews' in France will be Involved In a new program of Nazi degradation, it is stated ' there. Smolensk Is ObiectiveOf Russians Now t t- MOSCOW. Dec. 19 The. Red Army has now driven to within eighty-five miles of Smolensk which some v: f - vers believe may be definitely threatened with Russian re- capture. Smolensk ranks sec- ond only to Kiev In import- r ance as a point which the Nazis hold in occupied Russia. ' . SEVEN JAP SHIPS SUNK Further Heavy Blows Dealt In Pacific by American Submarines WASHINGTON, Dec. 19 0 American submarines have sent seven more enemy ships to the bottom of the racific, the Department of the Navy announced last night. They included a large tanker, a large cargo vessel, a medium-sized tanker, two medium-sized cargo vessels, one medium-sized transport and a trawler. This makes a total of 105 cargo carriers of the Japanese known definitely to have been sunk with the possibility that there were twenty-two others. French Admiral Not Co-operating Commander-ln-Clilef at Alexandria Refuses to Join With Allies, Paris Says PARIS, Dec. 19 The Nazi- controlled Paris radio says that the admiral of the French fleet at Alexandria has refused the proposal of Admiral Jean Darlan to co-operate with the British and Umted'states navies In the ranean. WARTIME SCOTCH LONDON, Dec. 19 Vf For a few months, at least. Scotch whiskey made In Britain, is going to have a snpr.ial wartime taste. Many distil lerles are using more peat than usual in drying barley and the "Dpntv" flrnor will not be' alto gether eliminated during 'blending. Tomorrow? s Tides Local Temperature ' (Standard Time) High 0:01 ajn. 18.3 feet ... 11:53 pjn. 21.0 feet Maximum ..k'W ts k 45 ill Low, 5:50 am. 8.6 feet M.nimum k 36 18:34 p.m. 3.9 feet NORTHERN AND CENTRAL BRITISH COLUMBU'S NEWSPAPER WW XXXI No. 295 0. PRINCE RUPERT, B.C., SATURDAY, DECEMBER 19, 1942 PRICE- FIVE CENTS British Are Moving Into Burma UrriiiNDivjc viuuk. utura CANUCKS HOME AND AFAR Vo-Corps Army Brought to Fighting Trim During 1912 With Dieppe Attack Symbolic of Its Strength By FRANK FLAHERTY Canadian Press Staff Writer OTTAWA, Dec. 19 (CP) The Canadian army went on the offensive in lv lz. I he bloody battle of Dieppe in when Canadian Soldiers came in crins with the German a nense, a symbol of the spread of the offensive spirit tVirnnp-h tho whole of the Canadian militarv historv at Ml " " V 1 1 ...WW. jioine 'tiiiu uvuiBt-iiB, T. - saL lt was in evidence In the ps (- training fcf the "offence' and iri the fonmation of new strlk- 1: z nrms. like parachute units-and V.:e Canada-U. S. special service far-- Onnortunltles for offensive ar'ion were still limited, however, xr.d 'he main contribution of the C .z.' an army to the maintenance r-.i niprovement of the fortunes , the United Nations was in de- - -c l ! Newfoundland Town Has Fire ST. JOHN'S. Newfoundland, Dec. 19 Oi- -Firemen from St.. John's sped to control a fire after it had destroyed a hotel T .v V.n TTnitnrl Iftntfrrlnm tVia armv i J. n. .... n t 4 K n Kitcl. fc ew m nuirtoers and from a corps ( ncss section of the town of b - c a two-corns armv. There It crrd ; key part of the defence f r :z which would deal with an r :r 7:y invasion attempt. I Canada, due to the entry of JLrii into the war at the end of lDi th" military defences of the we . roast were strengthened, c .plc ltion of the organization of v uaroonear, sixty mites irom t here. FIRE DESCENDS ON MILAN REPORTED PRISONERS Some 238 Men Reported Missing After Dieppe Are Alive OTTAWA, Dec. 19 O) In three .multaneously Issued casualty lists 'ia Canadian. Active Army last night announced that 238 men previously reported missing after Dieppe battle of last August were now reported prisoners of war. AIR FORCE RECRUITING Unit Now Here Seeking Girls and Air Crew Particularly A mobile recruiting unit of the Royal Canadian Air Force, seeking both men and women recruits, Is visiting the city. It arrived yes- iterday from Vancouver and is re-j turning south tonight. More par-1 tlcularly ale girls and air crew re- icruits desired at this time. Tne I recruiting sessions opened yester-' jday afternoon in the city .council chamber and will continue until tonight. The recruiting party consists of Flight Lieutenant J. C. Hackney; Flight Lieutenant Nell Stewart, medical officer; Flying Of ficer R. Williams,, administrative officer"; Section Officer L, E. Olenn, women's division officer. Aircraftsman One W. Harbord,. clerk, and uro. K. E. Ilamjay. weaieii s Jim- Good Response Exceptionally good response was received yesterday by the recruit-.ng parly, according to a statement this morning .by Flight Lieutenant Hackney. Twenty-five appli-n- 've e :u'bmltted on Friday afternoon, with eighteen local lad.3 offering their services for flying duties and seven applying for ground crew. No approaches for enlistment in the women's division had been re ceived up to Friday night but It. Is hoped that a considerable number of local girls will offer their services before the recruiting unit returns to Vancouver tonight. The unit is prepared to accept applica tions and administer most oi tne tests prior to enlistment. 4 4- . Kiska Island Bombed Again By U.S. Army 4- 19 WASHINGTON. D.C., Dec Oi Heavy United States Army bombers splattered Jap- an's base on Kiska island in t the Aleutlons with heavy ex- plosions on Thursday, the De partment of the Navy announ ced todaV, causing heavy ex plosions and starting fires. 4 PERFECT STEWARD LOMDON, Dec. '19 W Arthur Smith, a West Indian from Barba dos and a former dancer, is known throughout the Royal Navy as the "perfect steward." Officers say he has never spilled a drop of soup or tea, no matter how rougn tne weather. VICHY IS CUTOFF All of France is Out of Commu nication LONDON. Dec. 19 The whole of Vichy France has been cut off for two days from outside communication. There are many rumors, one that the Petaln government Is moving back to Paris. Japanese Withdraw as Forces Cross Border, Coming Out Of India Move Follows Recent Heavy Aerial Bombardment Initiative Changes Hands For First Time Since Last May NEW DELHI, Dec. 19 (CP) British troops, in a surprise blow, have crossed the Indian border and advanced some forty miles into "Japanese-occupied Burma to the Manugdaw-Buthidaung area about sixty miles northwest of -Akyab on the Bay of Bengal, the British command announced today. The advance started after . 'A 1.1- I 1 1 1 1 LL OUT BATTLE AFRICA WAR TEMPO NOW MOVING UP lltihan Cruiser Hit off Bizerte Afrika Korps Being Hit Hard ALLIED HEADQUARTERS IN NCRTH AFRICA, Dec. 19 O) Hy ing Fortresses, continuing dally at-taiks on Bizerte. one of the prin cipal Axis ports -in Tunisia, scored a direct hit and set fire to an en-emv warshiD believed to be a cruis er off the naval base In addition tn rntrlKfpriiTtr niimprrms ihits nn W:;Th?warshTp is believed- to have been an Italian vessel. With an all out struggle for ' nnis and Bizerte now appearing lmmlnfU. the tempo of land and air fighting in Tunisia Is rising rteadlly in every sector. Allied aircraft are steadily gam ing domination over the Tunisian war front. The Axis Is rushing In t:oops to north and south Tunisia , by sea and air. From the east there are still ln-llcaCions that Marshal Erwln Rommel Intends to move the remainder of his shattered Afrtka Korps from Libya through Trlpolitanla to Tunisia. Radio broadcasts from North Af-ilca say that one British column, pursuing one fleeing part of Rommel's army, has reached a point 158 mlleswest of El Aghella. 1 Another trapped portion of Rom- mil 5 irmv Is hflncr steadily Dound- ed by air and artillery and faces inmhUation or surrender. Chase Continues With heavy fightlngfc the British Eighth Army chase of Marshal Er- win Rommel s retreating army ni- d swiftly westward today and the Morocco radio repoited vanguards if pursuers were within eighteen iiles of-Sirte. 155 miles beyond El Aghella, starting point or tne cur- pnt rMv and only 249 miles from Tripoli. The crushing of the trap ed portion of Rommel's army con tinues. A B: ttish communique said only that Axis forces continued flight yesterday under day long ground ind Ar blows. lerruic aeiiai uumuaiuuicut . m Japanese positions between the In dian border and Akyab and was made without opposition. Japanese forces withdrew before the approaching troops, a communique said. CHECK UP ON RADIO Permanent Committee Is Asked Leader of C.C.F. by OTTAWA, Dec. 19 M. J. Cold-well, C.C.F. leader, has asked the Dominion government to re-ap-pcint the radio committee of 1943. He beliees there should be a standing committee otf radio. GENERAL GANONG HERE ntini. ricinprnl TTnrvpv Nelson avxujua v...m -- - J Canon, general officer command ing. Eighth Dvision, is paying a visit to the city In the course of one of hs periodical visits. He will be here for the next couple of days. While there was nothing to In dicate that the British thrust was part of a general Allied offensive, the action did put initiative Into the Allied hands at least temporarily for the first time since the Japanese occupied Akyab last May. The British forces, which have advanced thirty miles Into Burma on a thirty-mile troni, are unaer General Sir Archibald Wavell. BIG FIGHT . ONGUINEA Intensity of Battle .Mounts as Allies Close on Japanese ALLIED HEADQUARTERS IN AUSTRALIA, Dec. 19 ffi' Tighten-'ri; of Allied rings about trapped Japs on either side of Buna village erupted Into heavy fighting In nnrtVipncK Npw Dninpa tnriav. Allied planes kept up Incessant pounding of enemy ground positions. The JaDanese staged another air raid on Port Moresby.but with little serious effect. , Allied bombers meanwhile raided enemy installations on Portuguese Timor. Around Burta Mission there has Been particularly heavy fighting with artillery, machine guns and mortars under increased air acU- vity as the American forces steadily close In on the enemy. The heavy air rald3 on the area west of Buna have been almost continuous during the past week. Hogs Wanted On Vancouver Mart Watime Prices and Trade Board at Vancouver Asks Ottawa to Take Action VANCOUVER. Dec. 19 The local office of the Wartime Prices and Trade Board has-asked Ottawa to take action if possible to get hogs back on the market here with a iview to relieving the pressure on j other kinds of meats. t Tide Turned By becret Weapon NEW YORK, Dec. 19 A war corresnondent. returning home from Africa, says that a new secret weapon of the British turned the tide against Mar- shal Edwin Rommel in the Battle of Libya. It was a pow- erful self-propelling anti-tank gun mounted on a tank with armor-plerclng shells which ripped open even the most nnwprfnl tanks of the enemv. 4 1 4 1i M