i PAGE SIX Expert OPTICAL SERVICE jj For Men's, Women's, and Children's jj House Slippers I j! For Men's and Boys' Personal I Gifts And the Quickest j way to a $ Woman's Heart To mention a few of the well-known better creations in Perfume and Toilet Articles. Sets to suit all. Chas. I) od i mead Optometrist in Charge Watch, Clock, Jewelry Repairing, Hand Engraving VISIT OUR BASEMENT STORE for l ine China, Dinnerware, Glasses,' Baggage and Novelties. MAX HEILBRONER Jeweler Diamond Merchant Take My Tip, says Santa "I DO MY SHOPPING AT THE A Beauty Parade . , . In any beauty parade, we'll bet on our Christmas Wishes for your happiness and good health to win the" trophy as the most I beautiful of all sentiments. it SUNRISE BEAUTY -SALON ; Violet Man Cor. 6th and Fulton J Phone Blue 943 for Appointments Revlon - Cutex Ashes of Roses - Evening in Paris Lentheric Tweed Yardley's Old English Lavender Adrienne Jasmine Gardenia Ormes ltd. "Jim Pioneer Druggists CASH CHEMISTS THE REXALL STORE PHONES 81 AND 82 Open Daily from 9 a.m. till 9 p.m. Sundays and Holidays from 12-2 p.m. and 7 - 9 p.m. 3 3 1S5 5 3 PEOPLES STORES I They Have Everything" For Christmas GIFTS THE CUT RATE SHOE STORE RUPERT MEN'S AND BOYS' STORE RUPERT PEOPLES ' STORE 37 I For Quick, Safe and Comfortable TAXI SERVICE - I PHONE 235 f OAY AND NIGHT -if V nooMOflmooooooooaooootwooooooooooocHHHHJOouoOfl CFPR SCHEDULE (Affiliated with CBC) PROGRAM HIGHLIGHTS Saturday. 10:30 pjn. Saturday Dance Party. A program continuing till midnight for swing fans music for dancing or listening heard weekly. 1 SATURDAY F.M. 1:00 Afternoon Concert 4:30 Shall We Dance? 5:00 Saturday Silhouettes 5:30 The Music of Johann Strauss 6:00-CBC News , 6:05 Dinner Music 6:30 H.M. Coldstream Guards 6:45 Lee Sweetland 7:00 Chuck Foster's Orchestra 7:30 Ivan Ditmars and Anita Boyer 8:00 Top-flight Tunes of Yester-. day 8:30 Let's All Sing Together 9:00 CFPR Concert Hour 10:00 CBC news Rebroadcast 10:05 Jessie Crawford. Organist 10:30 Saturday Dance Party 12:00 Silent SUNDAY'S HIGHLIGHTS 4:30 pjn. Mart Kenny and his Western Gentlemen, with songs by Judy Richards, Art Hallman and the Quartette Music that is sweet and low. 9:00 pan. Classics for Today. The 17-piece string orchestra, directed by the Canadian violinist Jean de Rimanoczy presents another concert of Music by the composers of today. 9:30 p.m Vesper Hour. Program in quiet mood with a choir directed by Dalton Baker, and reading by E. V. Young. Organist on this program is Sydney Kelland. SUNDAY A-M. . 10:00 Hymns for Sunday 10:15 Down South 10:30 bodies of '42 11:00 Musical Interlude 11:05 CBC News 11:10 The CFPR Sunday Morning Concert 12:00 Fiedler Conducts P-M. 12:30 Old Country Mail 12:45 Well Known Marches 1:00 Music of the British Isles 1:30 Shall we Romance? 1:45 Novelette 2:00 Symphony Hour 3:00 Piano Time 3:15 Interlude in Rythm 3:30 Afternoon Cocktails 4:00 The Cavaliers 4:30 Mart Kenny's Western Gentlemen 5:C0 Just Mary 5:15 Songs for You 5:30 CBC Discussion Club 6:00 CBC News 6:05 Evening Concert 6:30 Dick Mclntyre's Hawailans 7:00 The Esquires 7:30 Stirling Young and his Orchestra 8:00 Memory Lane 8:30 Music In Three-quarter Time 9:00ciasslcs for Today 9:30 Vesper Hour 10:00 CBC News Rebroadcast 10:05 Organ Rambllngs 10:30 Silent MONDAY A-M. 7:30 Strictly Informal 7:45 CBC News 7:50 Strictly Informal 8:00 Musical Minutes 8:30 Morning Meditations 8:45 Composers' Corner 9:00 Songs by Lanny Ross 9:15 Mirror for Women 9:30 Freddy Martin's Orchestra 10:00 Morning Visit 10:15 Musical Americans .10:30 Artie Shaw and his ! Clarinet ,10:45 They Tell Me 11:00 Olahe Musette 11:15 Broadcast of Messages 'l:17Rkitch Henderson '1:30 Let's Go Modern 12:00 Midday Mtelodles F-U j 12:50 CBC News 12:55 Today's Program Highlights 1:00 One o'clock Musicale 1:30 B.C. School Broadcast 2:00-Sllent PUBLISHER DIES BFSKSWEIL. Eng., Dec. 19 O PJr "Iwles Hvde. 66. proprietor of the Birmingham Po'st. the Birmlng-ham-MU and Rirmlnsham Weekly Post, died suddenly at his Warwickshire home. THE DAILY NEWS SATURDAY, DECEMBER 'J 53 Waterfront Whiffs B.C. Fisheries Helping to Feed Britain-Fisheries Experimental Station in New Home at Vancouver A MERRY CHRISTMAS Another Christmas will have come and pone in this busy wartime port before the Waterfront Whiffs appear again. Therefore, this institution of the Daily News takes occasion at this time to extend the compliments of the season to its readers. These are busy days, indeed, for all of us. We are, however, blessed in still being able to observe the festive season to a large extent in the old time-honored way in spite of restrictions here and there. That our Christmases may be no less merry than the impending one gives promise of being, is our hearty wish to all. Cfnt!r.i.'r. C 1 T I A. T-'t 1? ouuijui-s ui liiu ueiiarLinenL in r isnprins lnrnonin rnf vnn 7:00, 9 n 10 in large quantities of canned salmon and horrinrr thnt. nrr !.. fil . . . . O ' ' M I.I.M.IIIIK IN going overseas to helD feed wartime Rntnin shmvinrr. Tur .,,r-,,o.. . i j - " - nib nui niLJ wny, in spue 01 tne heavy production on the British Columbia coast, it is difficult to obtain these varieties 1. - ""i. i t nere. canned salmon to the amount of 80,000,000 pounds has been shipped to Great Britain , this year" and canned hprHn ! ' amounting, to 50.000.000 rounds. , Large quanUties of other varieties (also have been sent overseas. Brit-lishers always have been great fish- eaters, and the fact that Canadian fishermen are helping to maintain them on a normal healthful diet in times of stress, shows the important part the Canadian fishing Industry is playing In the prosecution of the war. The Pacific Fisheries Experimental Station, which was formerly located at Prince Rupert and which was recently moved to Vancouver, has now taken possession of the premises formerly occupied by the Coca Cola Co. on Richards Street, Vancouver. A contract has been placed with the Dominion Construction Co. Ltd. for the carrying out of extensive changes to the plant. The work will involve an expenditure of approximately Itfsrwi na i-t , , ' is Dcmg carnea out for the federal government. It will consist of considerable alterations to each of the two floors of the structure to provide work space, chemicals rooms, laboratories, offices, storage and factory quarters. The job is to be fLnish-ed by the end of the year. ' Herring fishing boat tendermen have approved the offer of opera tors on this coast to pay the same scale as last year plus $1.00 per ton of fish handled. LETTERBOX ANSWER TO COLLART Editor. Dally News: I have been handed a clipping of the Dally News of a letter signed by Theo Collart relaUng to "The wolf with a sheepskin" and the C. C. F. It is deeply regrettable that any citizen should so grievously abuse freedom or sow dissension in these grave times,, as to apply the epithet "wolf' or "wolves" to organized May I inform the gentleman that the fate of world freedom Is now more dependent upon the "army" of organized labor than upon any other single factor. No other class of people on eaith rate as high In honesty, loyalty and sacrifice. Labor creates the most wealth and gets the smallest share. On what grounds then does he Issue the false warning? Does he leny the right of honest labor to '"ek honest and sane administration b- s'inrtlne the C. C. F? Certainly all reason and logic condemn the Dositlon The C. C. F. motive will meet and solve the problems of unemployment, relief, starvation, and the wholesale destruction of food Whit's wrong with that? The rferenfe to th Jap question" verv shallow indeed. Who brought the Japs here? Why were they brought here? It was not done by the C. C. F. It was not done in the interests of labor. Would he violate Canada's honor by denying the protection of Its laws to any grouo. clan, or individual? A majority of Canadian citizens established our laws. The C. C. F. supports the sanc-f un, n th orotectlon of all without fear or favor. CHAS. HARRIS. COMEDY AND DRAMA TOO I "Larceny Inc.," with Edward Robinson and Jane Wyman In Leading Roles G. A delightful comedy blending drama with humor, "Larceny Inc.," rtth Edward G. Robinson and Jane Wyman in the leading roles, comes as the feature picture to the Capitol Theatre here next Monday and Tuesday. The picture tells the story of a Tanwy - who finds hlmaelf kept so busy in an honest enterprise that he has not time to rob a bank. The girl tries her best to see that her father goes straight and, much to his chagrin, she succeeds. Robinson's partner, both in larceny and honesty. Is Broderick Crawford, who sticks by his partner even when he doubts that "honesty is the best policy." Jack Carson is not a villain this time but a bright, affable leathergoods salesman. The picture opens with Robinson and Crawford being released from prison with plans already under way to rrfc a bank. However the girl and the young salesman put on a series of sales promotion stunts that bring In a great volume of business, all of which keeps Robinson so busy that he cannot ge ahead with the bank Job. everything ending up very successfully and happily. MAA AAA AA x t mr.ivc BEGINS MONDAY MONDAY 1 - FOR FOR 2 2 DAYS DAYS ft fWr fi There's a laugh for every line and a thrill for every scene . and they all come with machine-gun speed! fin Technicolor At 7 21, 9 37 it m rl.t MM an BMJ. ENDS TONIGHT Comptct Shjwi 'jfsf- EDWARD C Boss of B I rue: I ! ML WYMAN-CRAWFORD-GARSGH OfKMkfUOYO BACON Leon Errol in "When Wifie's Awaj" Cartoon "Hold the Lion, Please" Complete Show 1:00, 2:36, 4 44, 0 1 Feature a' 1:00 3 08. 5 16 c A2 CAPITOL THE IDEAL XMAS OR NEW YEAR GIFT' Booklets of Theatre Tickets in Gay Holiday Envelopes For Children or Adults Priced $1.00 to $2.25 SUNDAY MIDNITE "ADVENTURE IN WASHINGTON" With Ilerbeit Marshall DUBLIN. Dec. 19 The Eire ANOTHER POLISH SI B Ministry of Supplies has issued an ! LONDON rw to r . t r order under which shirts made tn Navy, which has tv-:. , . . ' in I a m cue wm De iv incnes snorter, with with the Itoytt. Nav. ' double cuffs, double front. rxxketvZsUrted. ha hern , sleeve guards or more than two1 collars lHegal. meantn "Bor." Genuine Meersctaua the aristocrat cf smoking pipes. If he's a smoker, you can find Just the gift to make him happy here, at the Grotto Cigar Store, smokers headquarters. Choose a gift, at any price you wish, front our line of fine tobaccos, pipes, humidors, and smokers accessories. GROTTO GIGAR STORE Wholesale and Retail Tobacconist si fc3 r 5f SI si 5? a SI SI SI SI SI SI SI SI SI SI SI S SI SI SI 8 HERE I THEY ARE! All That's New, Gay Bright, Clever, Amusing for Christmas TULL TOYS variety. at of a wide 65c and up Little tots will laugh, shout and clap thir pudgy hands with glee over these jolly and amusing toys that Santa has left in truckloads at this popular Christmas toy shop. Toys that move, sqwauck, talk and what not are all here in grand array. And, parents, youH be mighty happy over the values! PLUSH PANDA BEARS Black and white with eyes that move. S2.45and 4.95 DOLLS of every size and type. Many Beauties. 39c t0 8.25 TOY DRUMS Big, bright and noisy. 99 (J VARIETY STORE t 2 ft