ADVERTISING RATES Local Readers, per line, per insertion Classified Advertisements, pe' word, per insertion DAILY EDITION Public Health Unit... .25 .02 TUESDAY, MAY 19, 1942. EDITORIAL The Red Cross Drive . . . The national Red Cross drive is now on its second week'. Prince Rupert is very close to going over the top on its S 10.000 objective. The local ramnaien mmimttAA ro. It is gratifying to see that the public health, unit, i ... . ..iuvuilum uao ivriuc LU caVaLUlsill and operate, is now coming into actual being here. This is! iiue 01 service mac nas oeen mucn neglected in Prince , iiuwciv ir years aue 10 maoiillV Or unwil incme tn fin. I aace it That is not saying that good work has not been done along the limited basis that has been permitted. xaoweer, me community' win be glad to have the new service on the wider and more comprehensive scale and Dr. Macdonald and his staff will be justified in as- fuming that there will be a full measure of co-operation' . uir. wiu oe 01 general oenelit, particu lany under the present expanding conditions. REST AMID TITE RUINS OF BATH asWsBS Pi Tak'np time out from ;lvacc and rescue work amid the rams of Bath, a Br i. b Tommy er:ioys a cup of tea served from a tea car sent to B)Mf.a n by the students of Vassar College through the British War Relief Society Loss of life was heavy when the azis staged their repnsa) raid" on the defenceless resort city thronged with refugees and evacuees. Engineers 1 Jeastraan 146 Redfern 151 Rickets im Johnston .. 299 Taylor 244 Handicap 135 Totals 9 Anti-Aircraft No. 2 Gair 212 Hughes 157 FWkea 145 Chkwiek 304 Garter 207 Sutherland Qtniicijujta , 1 o - ports having encountered a splendid attitude on the part. Handicap of tne people towards the camDaitrn. There has heen -H Totals . 91 minimum of questioning or quibbling. Everybody seems to have been agreed on the desirability of giving as generously as possible. Evidently, the very' great work that the Red Cross is doing is acknowledged and appreciated by all 'While the cause is. of course, the thine we feel that . , f O? " " " -w- lor the .success af the. local campaign, a great measure of credit and cottrratlation are due the Red fw ov. Ct , ecutive personnel here, under the leadership of W. R. Mc- Buckley mtx, wmi aas personauy given so greatly of his energy and enthusiasm. Unfortunately, there are too few of the calibre of Mr. McAfee and others of his assistants, not forgetting the hard working body of canvassers whose job is a thankless one, who are either willing or able to rise to the occasion and put over successfully such vita! undertakings as the Red Cross drive. , Navy Cymbal Speed Regular Kinator Handicap Totals Medicals Feidman Low Seerj Learn Handicap Totals Dry Docks 1 186 172 195 340 33 Robinson - 1 GiCespy I 156 226 Weston 185 Glaklo . 207 Handicap 150 293 . 149 . 67 1123 1 Kins lor 211 resides. 157 209 160 181 275 m 5 1097 1 2 258 21 214 245 19? 22 115? 1128 : 3 233 227 193 182 33 Totals 1101 1087 Seal Cove No. 21 2 BeaUy 273 Steven 219 Benton 210 245 172 144 292 187 41 995 2 186 3 156 110) 136! 190 1 126 135 837 3 186 326 243 298 143 22 25 176 23 583 33 1126 1104 1118 1 195 13i 244 213 148 150 157 172 168 104 150 891 3 V1CT0R1A,'B.C. AntlAlrcraft No. Dry Dock 145 Seal Cove.No,2 ...JL... 170 Seal Cove No. J .JL. 142 Medicals its Navy 1 ft PAQE TWO ?KE DAILY NEW3 I'UEsDAY You can't let them down 0 jirnoJ TO RELIEVE HUHAH SUFFERING NOW You've supported the Red Cross in the past. It has done a marvellous job for the sick and suffering, for the comfort of Canadians away from home. The. need becomes greater every month for the great human itarian work the Red Cross is doinj. It must be kept up. Your dollars are nerGed for this colossal task. The Red Cross needs $9,000,000 Give Generously This Space Donated by Family shoe store lt "The Home of Good Shoes" t ACK-ACKS IN LEAD ' Dry Dock and T-o Seal Ore ' Teams Tied For Runnrr-1'p i Position Anti-aircraft No. 2 has taken over ejchwtTT rat!efship of the Inter- iBervtws Bowling League as a result of regular fixture play at the ! week-end. The AekAeks defeated Engmeers two games to one while :Dry Dock, which had been tied :wttb them for first place, lost to ; Seal Cove No. 2. The Dockers and jthe Seal Cove teams. No. 1 and No. 2. are now tied lor ntnner-un position. I The individual scoring was as follows: The league standing to date: Baseball Scores SATURDAY American League New York 6-2. Detroit 1-1. Washington 4-7. Cleveland 6-1. Philadelphia 3. Chtoag 4. Boston 4. St. Louis 2. National League PiUebsrg 1, Brooklyn 3. St. Louis 7, Boston 4. Cincinnati 2. New York 7. Chicago at PhlkideJprtta. postponed. SUNDAY National League Pittsburg 7-4. Philadelphia 2-4. St. Loins 1-8. New York 7-6. Chicago 2-3TBrooklyn 8-4. Cincinnati 9. Boston 3 second garae postponed American League Washington, 1;3. Chicago 7-4. New Yorkj23. St. Louis 4-2. Philadelphia 1-3. Cleveland 4-9. Boston 3, Detroit 4. MONDAY American League Philadelphia 4. Cleveland 7. Boston 4. Detroit 2. AVashfntton 5, Chicago "7. New York at St. Louis postponed. 'National League St. Louis 16, New York 4. Chicago 1. Brooklyn 4. Cincinnati at Boston postponed, i Stremdahl Thomson . Lew Bach Handles; TcUls Copp waV . Seal Ov as Cote Learn Tut--. Handlcap r V .1 Handicap N. 1 149 191 188 185 54 973 1 206 233 185 209 245 60; 0 158 175 163 167 54 264 172 175 254 54 903 1119 2 213 196 150 209 170 60 CO Totals 11M M43 w 19 19 ,18 18 16 15 14 221 'AntlAlrcraft No. I 10 41 lArea Headquarters 7 897 Fusiliers No. 7 2 3 Fusiliers No. 1 1 200 Fusiliers No. 3 0 3 120 178 137 f67 71 CO 853 L Pts S 19 6 6 6 V 10 11 17 19 20 21 SPORT CHAT Edmonton Fusiliers, so far unbeaten, are leading in the standing for the Ollhuly Cup In senior football They have won three games. Signals are running up tth two victories and no losses. Area Headquarters and Air Force are tied for second place while Nary and Midlands, having not yet won f garne, are bringing up the rear. The detaHed standing Is as fol low: Edmonton R.O.OS 2 R.OA.F. 1 Area Hadqsart"s 1 Navy 0 Midlands Red 0 WLD F A Pts Fusil's 3 0 0 13 2 0 0 CHINESE YOUTH AllE STRIKERS TotaU wmmASk with C. B.iPETERSOX, Commissioner of lncomc Tax. 0 3 3 5 15 5 10 1 3 Mr. and Mra. W. Wrtaht of Sec ond Avenue have received & hand some bronre medal won by their ion. AC2 Austin Wright, for the heavyweight boxing cha mpkKWh tp at St. Thomas tntlawig' centre of the Royal Canadian Ah Force. Au stin, whose father and three bro thers are working at the local dry 1 dock, la training as a construction ' mechanic. WINNFJIS IN BOWLING. Defeated Strikers by Score of Two Games to One In a poor night of bowling the challenging Strikers faljed to topple the Chinese Youth Association. Led on by Frank Fong's high s-ore of 336. the Chinese Youth swamped the Strikers by a , margin of 324 pins on two gamea'to one The results were as follows; Norm Kinsler P. Stegavtg Roy Sparks Dan Wick Bill Bach Totals .. ' C.!Y. A H. Lee J. Lee K. Lee F. Fong ..... B. Lew ' ... 127 191 202 128 220 218 146 198 231 140 183 169 203 219 277 868 933 1051 98 197 221 156 207 103! 259 ?40 J 3 1 ... 338 348.371 J 222 156 2!J 1171 1048. 57 DROP PEP TALICS LONDON, May 19 : O Pep uki and spurt nroducUon neriod in BritUh war Industry are being ab- wsnea, uw La Dor iCnlttr)- and the Information Ministry having agreed they upset rather than id steady production. REFUNDS OF l0 WAGE m DEDUCTIONS The attention of the public is rdirectcd again to t!c fact that forms are available :at;any Provincial Govern, men! Office or Chartered iBank in the Province on which-to make application for;Tcfund of 1 waRC deduction.? made by employers frfemhe wages of their icmployccs during the six months'friod ifrom Januan- 1 ,to aime 30, 1911. tx In order to obtaip? cation Je.maAggj mecessarylthat tipplll incial Assessor for the District in which the applicant , frit, rdAmmm Right now try the blades that arc giving millions of men the jhekew, smoothest shaves of their lives. You don't rik a penny! Act today oq free oircrneiow. LnoyrcTtcrshivcs and more of them, from Dlue GILLETTE Made. mm 2 I Doi mi Itm htoi ' I fmrTrtTff 7T r- a SIV. WW . SV - mm m m W m I fJ.J rr vnu 1 flj WITH Out HAOtffM XXH.m, IWm, Mi i,. W. WO SUSf! H I 1 mrrtmww.tai, I11T -1 1 lit r Si m. a His II r,,c Prince Rupert Red Cross ohicriivc of $10,000 is not yet reached There will be no general Canadian V. Services Appeal in 1&I2, at this is i , mot from Government Fundi. The Canadinn Rel Cwsg, however, not derive its fundi from this sourc jnustmake its own appeal. This leaves ,you Free to donate liberal! . the Red Cross Drive. KIVR NOW TIIK .MOST YOU C N Ormes Zfi Pioneer Dru-qpists Till: It EX ALL STOItE rilONES i am v Open Dally from 8 a.m. till 10 p.m. Sundays and Holidays from X - 2 p.m. and 7 J a i Saturday, 11 15 p.m.. calling at Ocean Falls only Prince Rupert U'Keteh4Mn--Wednesday. II pm : Frtdr To BtcwarW-Frlday, 3 p.m. Trains Iavc Prince Rupert For the Iast Monday, Wmday and Friday at pm. AirOondHlem'd Sleeping and Dining Oars 'A .For full information, reservations, etc, eal or write ( p rr. n. S. GREIG, CITY' rAssi-vc.nt Aor-vr 528 Third Avenue rhne 2C0 Vtinct Kulrl Agents for Trans-Canada Air Lines w Canadian National Railways Steamers Ix?ave Prince Rupert For Vancouver: Thursday, 11:15 p.m. calling at Ocean Falls and po' 1; v,r lfelshlpS'Lt!- 'VlWblCwBEK-END CRUISE TO NAAS RIVER AND STHVAKT S. S. -CATALA- 21th, 10 :99 P"- leaves C-N.R. Dock Sunday May Retnrns Tue-wlay May 2th 7;00 a.m. l-VCUUSION l AKE $15.00 (Plus Tas) 'Including an meals and berth accommodati"' 1 Accommodation Comfortably Limited ... iiiniiiiMtiuii, i itmris iiu i." FRANK J. SKINNER, Prince Rupert AgentThird Arc- Fhonc Tf von Yvn cnmii.i 4 it n Onccified advertie" ment in this paper will soon let you know it there uuycr 111 ine cuy. 5CS