PAOB Ktm WATCH THIS RED CROSS -THERyOMETER!'- QHJ'CTIYK $10,000 TO MAY 18 O $5,105 WATTS AND NICKERSON Men's Clothing Prince Rupert FOR SALE Complete with Furniture 1 small Rooming House 1 modern 4 room living house 1 three rpim semi-modern living house. All in good condition. This choice property lcr LOCAL NEWS NOTES .j Frank Pelcher sailed hy the Ca,- The Caledonia D feces JnJWjard of i'aia 'this afternoon for Vancouver. Woman's Auxiliary wllfbegln their j thirty-first annual meetings to-. ADqnt forget Presbyterian Choir morrow. There will be a reception Tea, phurch Hall tomorow. (116), by Dem and s j B Gibson. (The closing session will take place Louis Cromp sailed this after-, Thursday afternoon. Due to war- noon on the Catala for a trip to;tlme condiu0ns It U not expected Vancouver and Victoria. Elizabeth Brown was fined $15 (n city police court at the end of the week for drunkenness. ALlttle Norway Knitting Club Tea Mrs. J. Munthe's 431 4th West. Thursday, May 21, 3 to 0. Everybody welcome. (117) BLACKHEADS Cet (wo ouVMi of twrpilo powd.r (rota your druntiit. Sprftikl on hot. w.t elotfc iJ ppl to lb ftcf gtoUj. Emit blackhead will b dlaaolvtd. Hi on aaft, tura 4 mpl wj to ttmoy. bUckbMdm. The weekly whist parties of the local Youth Committee at the Commercial Hotel have been Louis Felsenthal was a passenger ' leaving on last night's train for a business trip as far east as Miss Y. E. Handford arrived In the city pn the Catala Sunday night from Vlctprla to Join the staff pf the military .auxiliary services pf flee here as stenographer. Mrs. Mike Montesano, after a ; visit here, sailed by the Prince Ru-j pert Saturday' night for Vancou ver enroute to vernon to rejoin her husband who is in military training there. Hying Officer Robert Coote, Flight Lieutenant J. W. Green, medical officer, and Corp. M. W. Howden, after haying spent a cou ple of days here as a recruiting board for the Royal Canadian Air cated at Prince George, B.C., IV, Force, sailed by the Prince George blk. from shopping centre and ! Saturday night on their return to theatre. 90' front and about 30O'( Vancouver. They had come north from R. R. Station. Ideal place i Frjday morning. A number of re-for hotel. Undersigned selling outfcrults were enlisted here, owing to death breaking up home. - - Terras Cash. Phone Creep 438. Write: MR. R. HOLDEN, c-o P. O. Box 60G, Prince Rupert, B.C. Little Norway Tea and Sale of Home Cooking, May 21. Mrs. Mun-1 the, 4th Ave.. West. Fresh Local Raw and Pasteurized MILK VALENTIN DAIRY PHONE 637 that there wlH be many out town delegates this year. of For selling UJuor, A. Murray was fined $300 In city police court yesterday. Other cases yesterday' included Leslie Sweet, fined $50 for having lljuor in a public place; Henry Moore, $50 or fourteen days for third offence drunkenness; Jeffrey Wale, Indian. $20, drunkenness, and Joseph Flamand, for drunkenness. Violet Morrison, Indian, charged with vagrancy, was remanded until today. A Time Now! House Spring Cleaning! For Years you have been throning everything Into the basement; articles for which you have no use. We know hundreds of people who will buy what you dispose of. Stoves, beds, table, chairs, doors, windows, tools and hundreds of articles to numerous to mention. We give you our best cash offers, or In trade for home requirements. It is Important to you. It Is to us. Our phone number Green 916. FJlo Furniture Store Third Avenue. jm Canadian Legion Ladies' Auxiliary Bridge Is Enjoyed With thirteen tables in play, the Women' Auxiliary of the Canadian Legion held a bridge party on Saturday evening at the Legion Rooms under the general direction of Mrs. William Rothwell, the president. The affair was convened by Un. A. J. Croxford and assist in.; were Mrs. M. M. Lamb. Mrs. Gartfck. Mrs. Hanley, Mrs. Shrubsall and Mrs. Keays. Refreshments were served at the conclusion of play. Prize winners were: ladled' first, Mrs. W. Reid; second, Mrs. A. Dickens Sr.; men's first, C. Dow ney; second, W. Bell; chulr nrlae, Joe Howe. Prizes were donated by Mrs. Jack Preece. IMPORTANT AIR FORCE RECRUITING ANNOUNCEMENT Attention is drawn to the new regulations whereby transfer to the Air Force is not possible after recruits have reported to an army training centre. All those within the age groups subject to call under the National Resources Mobilization Act who wish to apply for air crew duties, R. C. A. F. pre-enlistment observer or pilot academic courses, technical aeronautical courses, or who feel that their qualifications would be more useful to the air force than the army, should apply to the nearest R.C.A.F. recruiting centre. candidates cannot be accepted immediately in the R. C. A. F, those qualifying in certain categories may enlist and be posted on leave without pay until required to report. "'I ! ' ,:vt?;; THIS NOTICE ISSUED BY DEPARTMENT of NATIONAL DEFENCE FOR AIR ert. .FOR' 'SALE" FORJSALE-EWtrolux cleaner and attachments. Good condition. Apply Box 276. Daily News. 118) FOR SALE at $1000. Lot 1009, Range 5. Situate on Lakelse Road about 3 miles from Terrace and containing 160 acres, of which approximately " acres cleared, with good barn, plow, harrow and cultivator. Official Administrator, Prince Rupert. (134) FOR SALE House, four rooms, bathroom, full basement. Five minutes from Drydock. Reasonable' for cash. Green 394. (123) FOR 8 ALE -One 4 to 5 horsepower Basthope stump puller with blocks and lines. New. $300. Box 275, Daily News. (121) FOR SALE 8 room house. Ideql for nurses or nursing home. Write to J. J.. Box 554, City. (116) FOR SALE General store business In northern B. C. town, mainly grocery and hardware, terms reasonable. For particulars apply the News office. (116) FOR SALE Farm In Bulkley Valley, Evelyn District, near Lake Kathlyn. 150 acres. 22 acres cultivated, most necessary farm machinery. Fairly good log buildings, all necessary farm buildings Creek running close to the living house and the stable. 5 head of cattle, 1 horse, about 50 chicken Dam under construction for electric purpose. Cash $12M. Apply John P. Hed, Box 143, Stnithera, B.C. (116) FOR SALE Good 4 by 6 spring mattress. Phone Black 506. (116) FOR SALE Good paying business, confectionery and restaurant A Beaudln, Terrace, B.C. (118) FOR SALE 3 Sisters Cafe. If In terested call or write H. A. Nelson; P. O. Box 947. Prince Rup- WANTED WANTED Chamber maid for part time work. 7:30 to 10:30 pm. Rupert Hotel. (118) WANTED Bell-boy between the ages of 16 and . 17 years. Rupert Hotel. (181 WANTKD Man or woman. 2nd cook. Apply Central Hotel. (121) WANTED Olrl for dry goods store. Experienced preferred. Box 274, Daily News. (tf i WANTED Furnished light house keeping rooms, suite or small house. Phone Pilot Officer HJil. Carter, St. Elmo Hotel. (120) Y. W. C. A. ROOMS REGISTRY Accomodation urgently wanted for service Men and Families Mrs. Oarbutt, 231. LOST LOST Key of Important ring.? with Great West Life identlflea tion disk. Finder "please return to Daily News. LOST Key case containing fouri keys. Finder would oblige by re- .VOwnlng'' U or;,, iidyislng Dally LLOF Parcel containing 'men's -4 t- trousers between Oyprwaltea and Bmerprisef Findcrpieose return to Daily News. Reward. LOST Pocketbook containing $10, Clxydock pass, driver' license and papers. Return to Ben weed, Dally News. (110) FOUND FOUND Man's wallet. Owner may have same by calling at Daily News and paying for this advertisement. Steamship Sailings j'or Vancouver Tuesday iSH. Catal Thursday S.S. Prince 1:30 p.rrl Rupert 11:15 p.m. Friday S.S. Princess 6.3. Cardena 10:30 pjn.l M;iy 8 and 18 a.m. S.s Princess Louise .From Vancouver i Bunday 8B. Catala pjn Wednesday BB. Prince rfupert 10:00 a.m ! Friday .8, Prince 1 Gcoi-Re 10:00 ajn. r Princes Adelaide pxn ffi t ujdcna p.m 22. no SANK rOtl OMICIt DirAIIMINI STOIfS DIUOGUTI OlOCIIf 10IACCONIIII tOOK ilOit! 04 irtAH JtOltl tfhhouHceineHtJ All advertisements In this column will be charged for a full month at 25c a- word. Presbyterian Choir Tea. May 20. I. O. O. F. Victoria Day Ball. May Little Norway Tea May 21. Mrs. Munthe, 4th Av Wait. . Auxiliary May 28. Tea, Nursea" Home,' Dance, St. Peter's Hall, May 29. Red Cros Tea. June 3. Parent Teach exs Tea. Oddfellows' Hall. June 5. . Tea, Lutheran Church June 6. H( Presbytartan Missionary Mrs. Bremner. June 10. Anglican Tea, Mrs. J. W. oils, June 11. IH11 60 Tea June 17. United Strawberry Tea, James Clark. June 24, Tea, Nkh- St. Peter's Tea. Mrs. J. W. Moore- house, June 18. Mrs. Anglican Fall Baxaar. Nor. 5. , HOWS YOU It SPANISH. Nevada Is a Spanish word "snow clad." PEACHES Choice Quality. 28 oz. tin APRICOTS 28 oz tin Choi. GRAPEFRUIT JUICE Unsweetened 48 oz tin COFFEE Blue Ribbon, lib. tin 27c quality 27c PEARS Choice 9 T Quality 16 oz 3 tins fltft GOLDEN BANTAM Country KUt 16 oz . 2 tins PEAS Country Klst . 10 oz tin READY DINNER Foods. 16 oz. tin CORN- 25c 12c Favorite 14c 25c 52c CARNATION MILK Hear the 'Carnation Bouqm".' program every Tus and Thur. 10 30 a m over CFPR TALUS each PER DOZ 10c $1.15 NEW ROYAL HOTEL' J. ZARELLI. PROr "A Home Aay From Home" Rates 75c up 50 Rooms Hot ti Cold Water Prince Rupert, B.C. Phone 21 P.O. Box 1W ILK; Thrift Cash and Cam ram.) Avrsi-E SPECIALS Ql AUTV GROCERIES al LOWEST I'IMi F FRIENDLY SERVICE BUTTER 1st grade, 3 lbs. $1.17 KRAFT n n i Vs. pkK LIBBY'S M, 8TRIP8t LIBBYH H PICKLES IS OS jut JAM HOLK Red Plum 4 PUREX TVwur 2 NT, DELIVER m 29c 22c ALL BRAN : Re, sin q BRAN nK: An Kello(s - WHEAT HI! Mellow (.: jQ. large i 0C OXYDOi larg. IVORY Ki i .j a large bar XUC BLEAC H 4 m Dynarr.!1.'- lUt PORK KAf. York. H 401 15c nt i.kli:y valley bittii . Arrlm l'rr-.h ticnr Witt and !:; ' . farmers T: . i I eel aurf . v m other It h ' quall'.y u ;r We a:. ; .! VBOETAH! - v atl . slble :": MUSSALLEM'S I; Economy Store l Whrr t ? Hi- p.n. not s:i Tbonfi 1H .v.v.v.v.v.'.v.v.v.v.v.v SAVE CANADA SavQ something regularly, because: You strengthen Canada's might for war. YouhelpfinancopurchasesInCanada for our Allies. You form tho habit of thrift that safeguards your fufuo. You open for yourself tho door to opportunity. And you smooth tho path for post-war readjustments. Monoy In tho bank gives you a comforting senso of security. o