TUESDAY, MAY 19, 1S4J, "Keeps 'em Fighting" Canadian farmer has one of the biggest jobs of this THE war on his hands: to feed his ftllow.cituens and to export the vast quantities of food required by our overseas forces, our kinsmen in the; United Kingdom and our Allies. In ever)' way, the job is larger than in the last war. More countries have been overrun by the enemy, many cargoes re being lost at sea. Demands on the farmer for increased production must be passed on by him to Canadian soil. Each acre must produce better crops. Hut soil can yield only as it is replenished and for this reason the Fertilizer Division of C-I-L is busy serving the Canadian farmer with its production of chemical fertilizers that maintain and increase soil fertility. Crops arc protected against blight and pest with GIL Insecticides and Fungicides and Seed Disinfectants. Live stoclc is brought to earlier and better marketability by C-I-L Mineral Food Supplements. rertiiitm, FingUUtt, Inticultt and SttJ DhinJr(Utt art MfritCt-L product! oj hJnrialcbtm'ntrj which art htlfwg Canada' t war tgort. CANADIAN INDUSTRIES LIMITED Norman Nelson of Nelson Bros. F hrrles Ltd. is sailing this afternoon on the Prlnceos IkmHs for Vr.-ouver. TILLIE THE TOILEU " ey nursetymen about this time of year. Real gardening results can ,be obtained In an amazingly short time. An informal wedding was sol emnized last Wednesday after noon at 5 o'clock in St. Paul's Anglican Church In Masrtt when Miss Esther Ombrack, fourth daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. Ombrack of Watun River, became the bride of William Wainwright.! eldest son of Mr. ad Mrs. O. W. Wainwright of Massett. The church was prettily decorated with blue bells and narcis sus. Mia Ombrak was attended In flowers, these plants are Just! by Miss Hetea Watrin and Oeorge abtfut ready to bloom when Wainwright, brother of the groom. bought. Indeed some of them mayw&c groomsman. have the odd bloom on them when In the evening a reception was Oil in the boxes. Experts, how- held in the Massett Community ever, advise against leaving this Hall where many friends of the ploom on at transplanting. It puts ocoular young couple came to a strain on the plant and U apt wish 'hem well. to delay growth. Pinched off, the The evening was spent in danc- plant soon recovers from the shock jng and refreshments were served of transplanting and will make.at 11 o'clock when the bride cut atoakler and larger growth. the cake. There is also a wide range of Mr. and Mrs. Wainwright left vegetables obtainable as started yjissett on the Camosun Friday riant and in some cases this is mornlne and arrived In Prince About the only safe way for the Rupert last night for a brief hon- araateur to nanaie. They should CTmoon after vihich the groom not be set out until all danger of nj go to Vernon for training for iron is over. .miHtn? serrire. Garden Freshness There is no substitute for the really fresh quality of vegetables grown at the door and picked wtren they reach Just the right ! stage of maturity. Such have a flavor all their own. But there are plenty of people with big gardens GIVING TO RED CROSS that do not enjoy as much of this Miss Pat Nteholls 5 . freshness as they should. With Miss Swanna Olafson 5 tnesn uivrr are a lew intra ia vi tsiiy in rruc rwuciv iw green peas, baby carrots and beets, D. J. Ma the son - 10 rrew potatoes and that is all. El- H. T. Lock 5 fcber the rows are finished or else.G. M. Christie 10 there Is nothlne left but Deas s. Masaev 5 and beans which should have been international Association of eaten days or weeks before. i Firefighters ' With a little planning, however, City Hall talf , additional 58 these people could have had really Mr. and Mrs. J as. McOlashan 5 frtah vegetables coming on all Prince Rupert Gyro Club 75 through the summer. There are James Donaldson two ways to achieve this. First, the Burns & Co. Ltd. actual planting season can be Edward Llpsett Ltd. spread over several weeks. Experts w. J. Thomas advise making at least three sow- Sergt O. L. Hall ings of practically all vegetables, Mrs. Robert Wilson first a week or so before the js. Peter Xakie .,,. (the regular time, the second at the re-. h. n. Brocklesby - gular time, and the third a week q. c. II. Collins or ten days later. A second way xirs. P. I. Palmer - to extend the season Is to usejMj. and Mrs. R. B. Morgan more different types. In practical-1 j,irs w. McLeod . - ly every line It Is now possible to get an early, medium and late-maturing sort. By sowing all three, one automatically extends the harvesting season. ) Grass Care I Moth-eaten, weedy lawns usual- ly mean that the soli below is poor. ,Good .grass needs food Just as any nr it N nroklbv saltad this I Tonight's train, due to arrivelothfr plant. A liberal application Tola ' from the Bast at 11 o'clock, was.nf hfmWl fprttlizer. nut nn care-l A PICTURE OF JEALOUSY 10 150 100 5 10 5 5 5 5 5 .. 5 S H. Letourneau 5 Mr. and Mr. Frank Vkkers 5 Mr. and Mrs. D. McD. Huister 5 green color and quick growth to choke most weeds. At this time of year the lawn will also benefit from one thorough weeding andj regular, close catting with a sharp' mower. In dry -weather a thor- ' for a trip to Vanewver on Ptah- reported this morning to be on' fully to avoid burning, will help , o"8h soaking once a week Is advls-eries Research Board buataw. time. wonderfully. It will bring out deep, able. HPtKTS A LETTER V W T-Jll I "iasiN-" " all. OVER BILL DARUM6J I KNOVOJ '.Q Pnrv vril LEAVE IT ON J UkT r,.r L lH-SW I LOOK SWEET, MARRIAGE 1 CM EM IS TRY ri1rPSTOWrft THE WAR AT MASSET 'i&,', A.- ' i Uvivi.w Viuii 71IHIP Mr. and Mrs. William Wainurlght Spending Honeymoon In Prince Rupeit SHORT CUT The quickest way to start a gar den, as anyone with experience knows, is to have a supply of well started plants, both of flowers and vegetables. These may either have been grown indoors in shallow boxes or purchased from seedsmen or The symbol of mercy in a war-torn world THE RED CROSS NEEDS YOUR HELP TODAY GIVE ALL YOU CAN CAMPAIGN MAY 17-23 The ROYAL BANK of Canada 4 30KHJ00OHW0KKHKKWH3OH CHUJOOO For Quick, Safe and Comfortable TAXI SERVICE Mi Special Price for LADIES' and GENTS' NEW SPUING CLOTHING $27.50 and up. B. LAMB, Tailor Phone Black "87 302 Third Ave. W. RETIRING FROM BUSINESS! Mrs. Smith is closing out the FLOWER SHOP In the Urooksbank S o Building owin? to ill health. SPECIAL REDUCTIONS IN ENGLISH CHINA, CANADIAN POTTERY, PLANTS, SEEDS, ONION SETS, LAWN SEEDS, FERTILIZER ETC. Fixtures, fittings, scales, show cases, cash register, shelves etc. BUY EARLY TO SECURE BARGAINS OOO0OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOCKKKKWCKlOCKlOOlOOOOOOOOOaOOOOa BY WESTOVEK HOW DO you LIKE MY j BILL'S PHOTO'S 30lNejT3CET tEM "SPR4fi ENSEMBLE O AWFUL . . JEALOUS IF YOU GO SH1M1U6 tars k a f ft i i UP TO MARTVS PICTURE jf THAT WAyi j mm . . ' -rn fvA.uv THAT THAT LOOKS V OH. DEAR. I'M I OPEN IT. MRS.(X CAMT tXLL HAvd NNTPPER'S VSAVI CAN'T LET YOU SEE, Bl LL AND M ART ARE 0y SO AFRAID VS . SCRO66S A TO OH DEAR 3 ARA6E THEM 6ET THE BEST rSlW BRoHlERS.MARTy'5lMTriEMAvyy. LIKE ATEIS vlpjVrrJ SNES you 1 OF BILL'S (SARAQE, 'f jj .no J. M. S. Loubser GHIROPRACTOR Wallace Block Phone CIO Specials 1 KITCHEN CABINET $17.50 30 GALLON WATER TANK Just like new, low price. 2 LOGGINO JACKS In first very reas- able price. 80 GALLON WATER TANK heavy duty at a snap price. 1 SINK with fittings, at low price. B. C. Furniture Co. PnONE BLACK 321 Third Avenue