FAQfl TWO u M till Alwyi Mitfor Uphm'i imsltUaf- Ttaam Empire Tta tbal'l -fit t skint". - uv Muscat 1 RATIONING fjSJQ THE SOUP SNSATION Of THf NATION' SHE NEEDN'T WORRY IF SHE USES UPTON'S, IT'S ALWAYS RICH AND fUU'FlAVOURED BBBBBBBBBnM-jaBBBBBBBBBBBBBBa Even with rationing there's no need to drink insipid, wishy-washy tea. For Upton's ;..a blend which includes select "small leaf" teas grown exclusively in Upton's own gardens in Ceylon ... is so rich and satisfying ... so fine in flavour ... that it not only makes every cup of tea more sat. isfying but gives you mart cups per coupon. LI PTOITS Also Packers of UPTON'S NOODLE SOUP MIX ayarasra i Bra rai ars? a:.a r'ara-rBTBraranr ararar BTBTBtaTB i s s M SOW IS THE TIME TO BUY A FUR COAT I We received a Xew Shipment of .50 Coats yesterday, all styles. Big Discount M or Cash G0LDBL00M The Old Reliable Your Credit Is Good M'i UBS B3BSB1B7TB BIB' B'" MZ KH BIB3TBIBTB2 B1BIB1B3 BIB'! USUI U CHURCH NOTICES FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH (5th Avenue and Young Street) Morning Service 11:00 a.m. Sunday School 12:15. Evening Service 7:30 pjn. A Spng Service and Social Hour will follow the evening service in the Church Parlor. Everybody Welcome! REV. JOHN SCOTT. President of the Convention of Baptist Churches ! of B.Cwlll be the speaker at both services. ; "Com? and let us go up to the House of God." : Rev. C. A. WRIGHT Pastor. ST. PAUL'S LUTHERAN CHURCH 5th and McP.ride Magnus B. Anderson Pastor 10 ajn-Norse Worship. 11 a.m, English Worship "A SCENE OF JUDGMENT j"And so shall it be in the end of the world: the Angels shall come tforth, and sever the wicked from the righteous." 7:3(J p.m, Evening Worship and Song Service. A cordial welcome to all! First Presbyterian Church It Canada at War ;25 Years Ago Fourth Avenue East ill 1 Rev. A. F. MacSween, BJV. Minister v Mrs. E. J. Smith Choir Leader SUNDAY nrrrrmFi? ia iqj-j ll:COrt.mPubllc Worship. To the Gglory of God and in Memory of the late Sgt.-Pilot Mike Hudema. The Oddfellows Lodge and a detachment of the R.CJV.F. will attend. Anthem "Crossing the Bar." Senior Choir. 12:15 p.m. Church School. 7:30 pjn. Evening Worship. 8:30. p.m. The Sunday Evening Hour. i Strangers and Men in the Services cordially welcome. Oct. 17, 1917: Russian fleet bottled up at Moon Sound in the entrance to the Gulf of Riga; Germans sank Russian battleship Slavi and occupied Moon Island. Nine-neutral vessels and two escorting British destroyers sunk by Oernian cruisers in the North Sea. Professors in the early European universities were hired by the OUR RIGHTS. NOT THEIRS Freedom, for which we fight, is simply the right to call ourselves Canadians in a greater, finer Canada than yet has been. Since the beginning of this war we have been prouder than ever of the dignity of that title "Canadian." Our enemies regard us as a na tiona nation they would destroy in order to seize our heritage, our janas, out resources ana our homes. Should we regard ourselves as lesa? FOR QUICK RESULTS TRY A NEWS WANT ADD. National MESSENGER SERVICE Call it . . Wc Haul it . . Wc never close PROMPT SERVICE PHONE RED 392 i A Will Pay Cash For Furniture, Stoves, Tools, Musical Instruments, Write or Phone Ello Furniture, ; Store, Prince Rupert. tf j Charles Goldstein, prominent I pioneer business man of Juneau, was here yesterday returning to the Alaska capital after a trip to the United States. Miss Beatrice Berner R.N. and Miss Jeanette Foster R.N.. formerly of the Prince Rupert General Hospital staff, are now identified with the surgical staff of St. Paul's Hospital at Vancouver. They left here a few months ago. A Notice to all Oddfellows and Re-bekahs In the city: Please meet at Oddfellows' Hall. 4th Ave. at 10:30 ajn. Sunday Oct. 18 to attend the First Presbyterian Church to participate in a memorial service for our late Brother Sergeant PUol Mike Hudema, who was killed in action overseas, while in the service of his country L. G. Hllder. Noble Grand; N. Moorehouse, Secretary, I.O.O.F. Lodge No. 63. Olof Hanson, M. P. for Skeena. after a brief business visit to the city, left by Friday's train on his return to Smlthers. Mr. Hanson has been very busy of late in connection with the log drive down the Skeena River Shop. 245) FOR SALE 3 piece Chesterfield suite, rugs, linoleum, tables, i jphalrs, three double complete jjbeds, chest of drawers, curtains Imperial vllion. Numerous other articles. Selling at low price. Apply 1484.6th Ave. E. Anytime. 241 1 FOR quick sale, slxteen-stool lunch counter business. Cash only. Reason ill health. Box 371 pally News. (245) FOR SALE At Dodge Cove, seven room house. Apply P.O. Box 547. City. (242) FOR SALE Lot, on Ambrose Av enue. Phone Red 953. 241) FOR SALE Dining room table and chairs. Phone Black 213, (240) FOR SALE Coal Heater. 233 11th Street. W. (245) PERSONAL GET "JET" HOT STOVE POLISH Cleans, polishes, "cooking-hot" steel stoves. Won't blacken. Stores sell "Jet." WOULD like one lonely soldier for dinner and to enjoy home comforts once' a week. Apply .Box 374. Daily .News?:' (243) YOU CAN RUN A HOME KINDER-garten with our help. Canadian Kindergarten Institute, care M. C. C. Schools, Winnipeg, Man. STENOGRAPHERS and TYPISTS NEEDED badly by Government for war work. You can train at home for Job as Stenographer, Typist, Office Clerk, Letter Carrier, Mall clerk. Customs Exam-lnr, etc. Free advice and record of appointment of our students from M.C.C Civil Service School Ltd., Winnipeg, The oldest In Canada, No Agents. THE UKILY NHV73 SATURDAY, OCTOBER r LOCAL NEWS NOTES !Norah Pstul Jatk Joy is leaving tonight for A Cash for old gold, Bulger's, a trip to Vancouver. i - Miss M. Seymour left last night foj Vancouver. A AU Truck Drivers specially Invited to open meetfhg', Carpenters Hail, Piaser S'L, Monday 8 pjn. Timothy Derrick, Indian, was fined $5 in city police court this morning for drunkenness. J. J. UtUe left on yesterday morning's train ror a business trip to Vancouver. Tonight's train, due to arrive ! from the East at 7 o'clock, was re-j ported this morning to be on time. i Miss Margaret MeLachlan and iMlss Marion MeLachlan are leaving tonight for a trip to New Officers Of Union Here: James XiroM is Secre lary-Treas-urrr of rioilermakrrs In 1'lare I Of George Henderson Called Up James Nlcoll has ben elected eeretlirj'-treMirer of the Boilermakers' and Iron Shipbuilders' Union .of Prince Rupert In succession to George Henderson who has been called up for military service and will be leaving shortly for Vancouver. H. A- Ponder has been elected recording secretary In succession to Ronald Tubb and George Dunka replaces Neil Lang as warden. WARNINGS Look for this WANTED cross on overy Aspirin tablet. If you don't see It, It Isn't Aspirin. General Accountants Association Incorporated 1913 Ky Dominion Charter INTERMEDIATE, and Final Examinations 'of the Association will be held in Vancouver (and other centres by arrangement i commencing Nov. 12. 1942. Applications from candidates mt be In the hands of the General sVtretary, Montreal, not later than October 31. 1942. BRANCH SECRETARY. 4215 West 13th Avenue, Vancouver. B.C. Classified Ads. FOR SALE FOR SALE 12 h.p. Standard Gas Engine from boat "Drott." Engine In excellent condition. Cylinders 4 years old, heads l1'. years old. Clutch in good condl-tldn. Apply Standard Machine WANTED Large room or small rooms, furnished or unfurnished. Apply Box 366 Dally News. Itf) Y.W.CA. Rooms Registry. Rooms urgently needed. Mrs. Garbutt. WANTED TO RENT Two or three rooms, immediate possession. Family coming from East, des-j perate circumstances. Apply Box 372 Dally News. i245i WANTED TO RENT Furnished house, suite or rooms by reliable couple. Apply Box 373, Dally News. 1 245 1 WANTED To buy small cottage, modern, immediate tenancy. Harbor view preferable. P. O.' Box 487. (241' WANTED Truck driver at once. Apply Unemployment Insurance! Commission. No. AM 7. (tf) WANTED Pole saw and engine or secondhand car engine. Apply Box 370 Dally News, (243) WANTED Will take workmen's washing in. Call and deliver. 500 ; Ninth West. Phone Black 142. i (241) i t - ! WANTED Housework being looked for by girl. Phone 543. (245) WANTED urgently, room in quiet home, centrally located, for .single gentleman, steady posi tion. Phone 553. (241) ROOM AND faoAKrk hoOMandtB lng. 718 Fraser Street. (195? LOST LOST Around Mud Bay. roW boat, light green, name "Jolly Roger" Reward. Communicate Oeo. Col-11ns, Port Essington, B.C. (243) Paseengers leaving for Vancouver Included Mrs. Ferguson, William Huston, J. Joreenson. D. Shalbeko, T Karpento, Peter Han on, W R Stevens, W Richard son and R, J Childs, Pretty Bride United in Marriace to Goodwin .Stromdahl Thursday Night First Baptist Church was the i scene of a pretty wedding on Thursday evening when Nora i daughter of Ml. James Postulu j nnd the late Mr. postulu of thiV city, was united in mar:iae '.o , Ooodwin Stromdahl. son of Mr , nd Mrs. Ous Stromdahl also of his city. Rev. C. A. Wright off: -la ted. The bride was attended by MK-Emily Christopher, daughter of Mr. and Mn. N. Christopher of AUln Avenue. The groomsman i-1 Alllstei Rosa. Immediately following the cm ' nony a reception was held ut th" Mm of the bride's parents at the Etigene ApartinenU. Firs! Avenue where a large number of relative and friends drank: to the hcaJt j and happiness of the bride and wished the youthful and popular couple the happiness of wedded life. Mrs. Poatulo and M.s Strom Jahl, mothers of the bride and i groom, received the guests as they arrived. Dainty refreshmenU were ?rved with Miss Kausman and Mrs. Harry Nelson as servlteuri while Mr. Martin and Mrs. Angus MacPhee poured. Mr. and Mrs. Stromdahl left for the south and, on their return to 'his city, will reside on the corner of sixth Avenue and Fulton Street. Edward MeLean left but nlht for Victoria. KlltGIII.IAXS, TOO Besides Russians there are many Kazakhs. Kirghixians and Okra-nlans serving with the famous Panfllov Soviets Ouards Division. Imtcuhcemeh tJ All advertisements in this column will be charged for s full month at 25c a word. Lutheran Hoar, Monday, 6:45 CFPR I.O.O F. No. 83 every Tueaday. 8 pjn.. Oddfellows' Hall. Sojourning members invited. Can. Legion Fat! Basaar, Oct. 21 Lutheran Baaaar, Oct. 24, Odd-lellows" Hall. Help Norway Invitation Dance, Oddfellows' Hall, October 30. Anglican Fall Basaar. Nov. 5. Nurses' Invitation Dance, Oddfellows' Hall November 6. St Peter s Fall Bathar. Nov 12 aiBTnaiirBiBiEsa-iuTHiaTW m a - w I'M rf a m Here's a reminder-Christmas 8 2 is only 2 months away. Send m that overseas parcel or card a now m 2 Z at the u at i m VARIETY STORE Where your dimes are little f5 mi dollars " B a:? n ii wxu iiaii ax ; y. m t an SERVICES TO Vancouver, Victoria and Way points, Stewart and North, (Juren Charlotte 'islands. Full Information, Tickets and Reservation FRANK J. SKINNER Prince Rupert Ar.ent Third Ave. Phone 5(8 r I ST V SPOBT rtff likdk auc()iicJiiAAm rxn tt. M an was r-oeawoiM sv rpwaoi i A 1CI 611. If PHONE 657 I IT'S A . . . when you have to try a dozen different shops for just what you want, Try Watts & NIckcrsorTs, and youH find cverytliinc in ( convenient department, fi A ibsITsMbbbsB li'irfl mf" iirimi HARMONICA ltl.BEU.101 Fresh Local Raw nnd fiisti'iirred MILK German auth.: VALENTIN DAIRY Berwen. Norway playing the ki.,: nnd "gave them Please Take Notice With the exception of agencies, the Ideal Cleaners wish to announce (hat, on account of labor shortage, they arc (llscontlniiinjr their pick-up and delivery service effective October 20. All customers arc ashed to please co-operate by bringing in and picking up anr cleaning. This will enable us to give liettcr service than ever. IDEAL CLEANERS HOUSEHOLD NEEDS TINCTURE OK IODINE OIL OK EUCALYPTUS AROMATIC CASTOll OIL ..... AROMATIC C.'..,JAI..V W.. CAMPHORATED OIL HYDROGEN PBROSlDE EPSOM SALTS, Uns ZTJia Pioneer Druq&ists 1 13c 2 o; 23c 1 20c 2 oz 33c CASTOR OIL 4 o? 23c H 07 ft 3 : 23c 2 o 2.3c H o;- 00c 1 07 13c 2 07 23c K oz .Tc 1G oz 50c 4 oz 10c ir. tsr 23c RORACIC ACID, tins , 2 oz 15c 1 oz, 2.3c SEII)LITZ POWDERS, tins fc MJY YOUR DRUCS FROM fill DRl'; STORE THE ItKXAM, STORK I'llONKS l AN" M Open Dally from 8 a.m. till 10 p.m. Sundays and Holidays from 12 X p.m. and I ' P0, VA . . ; mczl i'b rm ibib i a rn ran i tran bh b y nt a t b i a fi THE PACIFIC CAFE Third Avenue and Sixth Street Wishes to Announce that it will be nprv i;ni ihtcimhqc: H after being closed for renovation, on THUR8DAY OCTOBER 5 nf i n m m.IIU i..a .1... rUlnm9 CtltM, Sprclally fhlnrc Dhhrs The Manacrment Invites the Public to try Hid' ,Spff ui t:,a t a :a cm :. a z a : a : a ::: a ra :: :a :ia :,a sa a :.b lb init-'9' i