P it)- - ( m NIC re i Pi : 14 PAGE FOUR , SATURDAY, PC? - t SPORT CHAT The Fort Erie vnior softball league has something to boast about when it, canta u recording. enlLstment achievements. Already ! 31 mr.nbers of this league haVej Joined the armed forces of Canada and the Unitod State. This split enlistment Hup Is a feature es peclally applicable to a Ernie Mundey, former. Montreal and Washington Eagles hockey ace, who holds the rank of sergeant in the Canadian army, is now sports director at Huntingdon, Quebec, Basic Training Centre. Mundey Is very interested in the centre's entry in the Quebec Rug by Football Union and he's quoted as saying hell have the best conditioned team in the league. It seems the team is never, too tired to dress for evening football drills even after regular dally military training periods. Among the lads' turning out for the team Is Johnny Rlnddy who formerly played for Ottawa St. Pats. Tommy Osboihe, a newcomer to the game of foot ball, but no newcomer to boxln? fans In Montreal, is nother one of the soldiers trying for a place on the team. Bob Rand and Eddie Dyson, well - known Vancouver basketball players, both are In the R.C.A.F. T1VAS NOT THE GERMANS The first recorded use of suffocating gases in warfare was about 431 B.C. between the Athenians and Spartans, sulphur fumes being used. 1G O L !D I S E A T Li THE SEAL OF QUALITY la, Sockeye Salmon Fancy Red Herring in Tomato Sauce Sandwich Spreads Spiced Salmon Smoked Salmon Bloater HE CARRY Everything For THE WORKING MAN It will pay you to come In and look over our large stock of Woollen Goods, B.C. Clothiers PHONE BLACK 324 Third Avenue NAVY VERY IMPORTANT It's Increasing Says African High Commissioner illghllshls of News From the Cape iji J port now come under price eon-1 Gen. deVUHcn, officer In 6om ,trol regulations as well. msnd of the Union's coastal de- j Importation of goods by parcel : fences, and Tce-Admlral Talt, post for trade purposes has been) commander of the SouthAtlantic banned as from Oct 1. Delivery of ; Fleet, were among those attend-jsuch parcels is forbidden unless ing. the sender declares on the pack- Lord Harlech. Hih Commission- age that contents are not for trade 'purposes or uhless the addressee 'makes a similar declaration. The Social Security Congrats at- CAPE TOWN, Oct 17 W The tended by 1,000 delegates at Dur Union of South Africa, like Can-!bar said by authorities to in- border'ada, has established extensive price 'dlcat the mood of Union cltttens. community like fort Brie which control regulations, and Important Proceedings revealed that the gov- has a lar.se American resident changes were made in the set-Xipiernment paying serious atten-populatlon. Latest enlistees In the recently. (Hon to the desirability of including American forces are: Bob and Bill i Purchaser and seller have been a social security code In the con-Marshall, Don Zyers, Willie Wilcox ; made responsible for observance 'stitution. Certain cabinet minls- er In South Africa for the United Kingdom, stated recently that the strategic importance of . the Union from the naval viewpoint is steadily increasing, and that the .strength of the navy In South Africa is growing from week to week. Durban and Simons town are Increasingly becoming key bases of the Allied Nations, he said. Lord Harlech spoke in Johannesburg at the unfurling of the ensign flown and Bill Casey. of the maximum price, and if , tefs of the Union were approached j by H-MS. Ilarham at the battle i goods are sold above the legal price or a ruling on the legality ef'0f Matapan. The north zone section of the 'limit the vendor may be ordered South African soldiers on active uamp uorden DasKetoau league 1 10 refund twice the amount of the got under way the other nUht and j excess price Irrespective of court a star of the evening's perform-1 penalties; goods displayed for sale ance was Trooper D. Abrahams of ,must ar Ucket stating the max- Truro, N5. He was the pace-sette: in a cage contest whkh saw the 23rd Army Tank Battalion defeat the 2nd Canadian Army Tank Brigade 32-2. Twenty-year old Lou Melnar, one of Brantford's leading young golfers jind champion of the Arrowy dale municipal club In that Western Ontario city's precincts, has enlisted in the Royal Canadian Air Force. imum price. Commodities for ex- service standing for parliament, South Africa's Defences An Important conference on South African defence has Just! Lay Up Cars The Union government has sanctioned the building program proposed by the Johannesburg city council. One scheme Involves an been concluded in Durban. Maj.-'outlay of 160,000 ($715,200) for the construction of 200 houses for Europeans; the other to a housing project for colored peoples cost ing 150,000 ($670,500), Natal motorists who have been forced to lay up their cars may obtain a rebate on their licence fees if the cars are sealed by In pec tors. The price of gasoline has been Increased one penny a gallon, and lubricating oil one penny a pint The cost of gasoline on the Rand Is two and nlnepence (60 cents) a gallon. The St. Andrews Building Society is loaning 340,000 ($1,130,000) to the government's new drive which will be used to purchase 30 tanks. WAlt-TIMK HIGH Sweden's business trend index maintained by the Swedish Jinan - call Journal rose 12 point during July to a total of 111.9, a wartime high. Timely Recipes sijrAsu rin 2i cups cooked squash 1 egf Vt cup granulated sugar Vt teaspoon each ground ginger. cinnamon, and nutmeg 1 3-4 cups milk 1 teaspoon salt Mix sugar, salt, spices with the squash. Beat egg, add milk and combine mixtures. Pour Into a deep, eight inch pie plate lined with pastry. Bake in a hot oven 400 degrees for 10 minutes. Reduce the heat to 30 degrees and con tlnue baking till filling is set. SNAKES' PROTECTION Snakes have a protective "storm- window" over their eyes, a transparent membrane which saves the organ from injuries. ICTORY LOAN DRIVE FOR $750,000,000 MoKgoliax heroes nhd the studio of thf v,1 (ovlet) Kino have mad. Jf4?" about the heroes J8 of th ine people. PRINCE RUPERT DRY DOCK AND SHIPYARD SHIPBUILDERS AND ENGINEERS Iron and Bran Cutlnn Electrle and Acetylene SPECIALISTS ON BAWinil AND MINING MACHlSt All Types of Gai Earing Hepalred and Omhiu OPENS MONDAY F IMKe d mill tii.li nit - ' m w Mil ... . rTpSf pwiJll -MJ HOW TO iUY NOTHING MATTERS NOW BUT VICTORY LOCAL VICTORY LOAN HEADQUARTERS Local Recruiting Office, I'hone 301 Cit yonr order 10 (Kt Victory Loan It tin an tioallioyo. Or pttct it In iht ksfidi ol inf branch of nf btfik, or it it to any iraM comoinf. Or inj h 10 your foul Vinery Loan Haiilqiiirifril Or ton on tmhorirt tor tmployti 10 nsfi rulr aroll'tlnt plan for yon. Bondi may ht bitli In 4 nomi nation of Kftrt. fj 10OO and larger Maiman, bank, irnii company or TOiif f.. il V lory toan MaaJquantra !' tIad w if yon unit tn ntfc,-i zi: ftwr i:dti Unm WHEN FRANCE FELL, and Britiih heart! groped in black) despair, one strong jaw jutted out, and the grip of one clencliej , fist shook the Empire. It was Churchill hurling Britain's decision across the channel. Qiill?. . . Stt trf. . . light , , Ytt, through the hill mU trftlj till victory is won. " 5 ' Today Canadians face challenge after challenge with the same unconquerable spirit. Today wc are asked to do without so that our fighting men will have everything they need when they smash straight into the heart of enemy defences. Canada's ringing answer to this latest challenge will bet "Yes, we'll fight with the last ounce of our strength, and the last dollar we can earn and save." Canada's Victory Loan drive opens Monday. Canadiri Victory Loan representative will ask (at jour answer soon. Will it be "No, I do not choose to do my part' Or will it be "Yes! Yes!! Yeslll I u7buy Victoryv Bonds! I will lend my support to help make victory sure." MM UCf THE NEW VICTORY BOND 9 V'w u ill it U)!l p for fount lit ttil tfull lut-tilmtttt VICTORY l()HM mt hithj ty nit tin itimnn tf lit lUmiit CmhJ, Ibtf yitlJ fair fit ixlrrtil yn nit ttrttur iml llim, tm J I hi) tit mJilj tttllt uti0 fH HttJ lit Hit. i. NAIldMAl WAJI MANil 44MM1"" 1