SATURDAY. OCTODER 17, 1942 gubM-riptlon Month. We; I ..i.s.sifled OAILT ELTTiON ! .ft' It' 1 L. rrrc SI r f THE DAILY NEWS frince nurntT, British Columbia published Every Afternoon Except Sunday by Prince Rupert Dally News Limited. Third Avenue SUBSCKIITION IIATLS Rates In Clty-Per Year. $5.00; Hall Year, $2.50; One Week. lte. Out-of-Town Subscribers by Mall, a Year. ADVERTISING KATES 4 . mav lit, A mjm tomri inn EDITORIAL Third Victory Loan... . . II 1 Pf,Mnn 4V... T). W.00 i Advertisements, per word, per insertion . .02 member or Tin: Canadian press at news cespawnes crnuicu mi u or mj vac Awociaiea frees in wis r..per and also the local news published therein. ' ... 1 1 1 M . 1 . ,1 . 1 t . AH ngnis oi rrpuuiw;uuii ui special ucapatciies iiiernn arc suu reserved. Ci'tnin Plummy, vjumiuiiii iiihl iiiiiic ivujvii, jjuv- mnnriate the vital necessity of this loan beine a - r ;rca.::'. and convinced that this is a most easy way to (tipi l ; 'lie war eiion miu at ui- shiui- nine juuiCwi, unco n Tflttflri', we unhesitatingly forecast that this cam- it l it. i i. ...:n i. : . . t mcreaseu mougn int? quota may u, wm uc jut t a success as the two previous ones have been. We in not believe it is necessary for us to try to.per-ir readers of the desirability in every way of buy-r.ry Bonds, even if we have to go without some- r:-v ui (io so, uui, on uic eve ui tin; winiiaiu, Mffer a few appropriate thoughts on the matter. n an individual, either as an enemy agent or as t person who believes what he says Victory VICUirV Ixan 1AJHI1 bonds UUIHlh will V III not IIUl foe in; cashed ia?llwU alter "- . m rrt 1 A X 1 , v.iuM cancel out the value of Victory Bondsl8! ,. ..!! 4Ui UrJand ACTIVITIES OF Y.M.C.A. AND Y.W.C.A. By DOROTHY GARBUTT, Hostess Poor "old Dutch 'now practically a 'the pinch of war. 2 ha been given a our Y kitten, cat, is feeling Until now he diet of apodal cat food, interspersed with what odd bits and nleeea of tnnA th The Canadian Press is exclusively entitled to use for publication kind - hearted garrison cook brought him. But now there is no cat food to be had and he is struggling along on a patent dag food which is made, the legend on the carton runs, so that your doc Saturday. October 17. 1942 may have a well balanced food takes to barking well know the lood is all it's cracked up to be. ' Hector Mackenzie, who is YM. C.A. sports organiser for the Prince Rupert area, tells me that basketball will make its debut at the Armory next Wednesday and, by the number of teams In the , , . , league, basketball fans will be In The sail of Canada Third Victory Loan commences 'for a bang-up season. Here is the line-up: Midlands, Navy, OreflSv diers. Co-op, High School, Dry Dock, Yanks, Headquarters and the Yanks transport. Olad to see Telegraphist CWf Humford back with us again. He was so glad to get away bet I understand, someone told me, I heard, in feet I have it on nod authority, that he "volunteered" to come back to Prime Repert. The old town has its charms or in his ease I wonder if It's charmer? Petty Officer Allan Bird, who was with us almost all last win vViUnprs!ter- i .ult u1 m Iuimalt. We I. 'all n-tmV, - ..w4.. ..., I 'l.lfKlS Hum', o ru VMM m.n nut I t- W not go far enough. To In? consistent, andjm Terrace. Arnold Ducklln is his .-. .1 ...nWl aAA tKt anv futnrp rnndition in this COUn-'name. Remember what I said them setting handsomer handsomer? Well, you just; Clay, arranging i . . m 1 IT . ; 1 . Yla flfUrV IISBTI I'lUUVI 1 1 D I.I1P . - ,r kind of currency. mc uoinK stiver l-'l 1 he just something " to toss into the asn can. u conner- nasi a decision of the people of Canada not 7, . t I. . At f Honns cannot be ft aside as someininp sop- a nrst-rate program iu view. ;i,:iri from other obligations of this. OUr C0lin-l Here is the program of YMCA- ;.vf. iut. mk Morpcl a "uroiTiise to nay" as the we MP carrv CHrrV in in UUI our pockets. irvv;nv. - ?m5t is ot of order in Canada. The assets . of this country which back uu these loans 1n MWonR and billions of dollars in ex- l .an toUk Even with all the borrowing that' . l " ..AxoMJ oi Ve he trt of the war m VJM, tne "fi dollars a year. r-inian can and will meet indebtedness of that r vearg from now our children and our chii- , , i,i , M ....!4l.. nl tin cmnll fllinn. c Mren will HKeiv smiie uiewy ui -m.- DnflnnnnAnAMnAjinAAAKnnnAnnnflDDODUllUUVVVVVu ww w v O "I VUlll, OillU ttllli v Miiiuiii""- - PHONE 235 OAY AND NIGHT . ... io ... lef' H0e .. -r.. . U -.llV - 11' IX ( . . w ..vrnvi'"- ,.i.a .A V ' C1W ..... Utt1"' lot. KtS 1. V - H imw ssrs BUY TIIK NEW VICTORY BONDS S.E. PARKER LTD. THE DAILY NEWS PAGE THREE LIFE INSURANCE IS THE PEOPLE'S BUSINESS ,,, ... maKe ail Hie insurance wuiiihot. should see Arnold. My Lands! Theipi l n ,!;'in that savinss accounts would be wiped outu-u in Tense have ail the luck. LnurCn ulipper . . . t a 11 1 11 I'll, :.. ,1nlln itlllc? ' 0.U. Carton m who Is ! nlna I IMIini OUl UlSU Mil UOIIHT UIIIB. live iiuiirti um.-!, '" J. ' T F1 11 is Lnjoyaoie Happy Affair for Conjresation i and Friends of First YWCA activities at the hut for l'rcsb lerian Church ine weeK 01 ucvoocr icji: i S I a.Itulav Tinmkr Paira's mn. ' ..... ... , )h are hl bv the people of Canada And ot vletory'1 con- v tnroiwn wn'cn uivy tuuiu i-- ivjui...ii , . 'recatlon and mends of nrs: iuesoay y s T 7 nigni at me cnurcn jrioi- !IT ta the form, of a supper followed Wednesday Dance. . happy program of music and wives club In Thursday-Service The. af f was under the family lounge (afternoon!. jTnerai convenershlp of Mrs. music and movies evening!, uren- ful en- unpson and was y aaiers company oance jimi v.- n nrno.(i ji iHti Women's Red Crow " rr ... - - . ,., - me nope UUX It wouia oiuy ue mc of Canada's total . debt to this , , date, , is only, corps and cambrai chapter . i. o. (urtner evenU. Mrs. Brass and Mrs. Smith. Friday Bingo. Saturday Movie. Ituy Victory Bonds M. T. LEE, Merchant Tailor BUY VICTORY BONDS pi If only for selfish considerations, Victory Bonds help you save for a rainy day and, good pay interest The good citizen, however, will buy them to help speed Victory. DEJONG'S Cash and Carry Fifth and Mcllrlde I A S V ws rf I one. the blessing for which was asked by the pastor, Rev. A. F. MacSween, who acted as chairman for the evening. Rev. C. A. Wright, pastor of Fi:st Baptist Church, and Rev. J. A. Donnell, pastor of First United Church, both spoke aumorcusly In bringing the greetings of their churches. The program Included selections by the choir with J. A. Teng and .Miss Betty Wood as soloists, vocal I duet by Mrs. William Martin and IBert MarUn; vocal solos by Miss Barbara Teng, and a vocal quar tette by the Merry Matelots of the Navy consisting of Telegrapnist Maintenance Gordon Wilson, Sig naller Allan lUnks and Able Sea men Don Kenn ana isorman Hodge. Community singing, under the leadership of James Bremner. was also enjoyed. ! The committee assisting Mrs.' Simpson as general convener consisted of Mrs. James Hadden, Mrs. Harry Calderwood, Mrs. J. B. Mac-Kay. Mrs. M. M. Lamb, Mrs. R. Rcoerts. Mrs. M. McLeod, Mrs. John Bremner and Mrs. J. A. Feng vvii.. nu ' of managers Harry larrv Calderwood. Calderwood, J. A. Teng, E. J. Smith and Jame:. Bremner assisting in serving. MARKS THEM JITTERY KWONG SANG HING HOP KEE Chop Suey House Next to Kins Tal 612 7th AVE. WEST S All your patronage welcome Open 5 p.m. to 2 a.m. Outside Orders from 2 p.m. to 2 a.m. rhone Red 24? !) Ill IX II Life! I BIB IBlBa Third Victory Loan VICTORY S2V ' oii DEFEAT: r. Freedom or fl I Slavery. l VI I These are the only I j r alternatives now. Jh VICTORY M kklkV XVNUS XJ 'Grotto ' Cigar 0 Store. B tBJLB iB IE rBiBXBXB L1IB.I'BXBIXlBtB tWM ZU IB-.BZU -E.B I'M IB ! HOTHING MAimS NOW BUT VICTORY! I Mussallem's Economy Store 1 is PROTECTION ...for flte people m m m by the people IN pedce time, peace of mind goes deep. Yet you can often see it in a face. You can usually tell when a man or woman has a sense of security. You can see it in the springy step of a doctor in Vancouver You c&a see it in the calm eyes of a farmer on the Prairies. You can feel it in the firm grip of a miner in Sudbury. You can hear it in the unruffled voice of a school teacher in Quebec You can sense it in the quiet heartiness cf a store clerk in Halifax. Hen and women who enjoy the financial security of life insurance are. typical Canadians ... if you can call four million people typical. Some are young, some are middle-aged, some are old. Most of them are wage-earners and people of moderate means. life insurance came into existence because these people needed protection, and its assets in Canada . . . now over two billion dollars . . . are owned by the people it serves. Each one of you protects the other, and as you protect each other, so you protect yourselves and the nation. Right now, peace of mind and protection depend on victory. That is why you should work, save and lend to the limit of your ability. Put every dollar youcan into War Savings is the advice of your life. insurance companies who nave mvesieu minions 01 Qur,premium savings in war loans to buy the tools ; fvictory." IT IS GOOD CITIZENSHIP TO OWN LIFE INSURANCE This message is sponsored by Life Insurance Companies operating in Canada ARE WE AN EASY Our way of living. rr.EY? our ideals than they? They are willing to " 1 fight in order to take from us the 2 j things we cherish. Are we equally 2; willing to bear the full burden of " war tn retain the things we hold? Insure your and security future when want to buy 9 T s. GLIMPSING THE FUTURE In the comradeship and common leiescopes wiui a augiiujuit ana our aemocracy eccoramg vi ouna ui niuwuu uuici, ui " used because of the trembling of 'easy prey to their envy and their of sacrifice for war. there has the earth's atmosphere. 'greed. Our enemies want our arisen a growing realization that ' 1 Unds, our resources, our homes, we are a full-grown and free BtiiBrciBroTCiurarBrirBlBl M m,. tw anv iP. people proud of our Canadian heritage, unshaken in our belief for Its future. Out of this war, as we rebuild on sorely-tried foundations, there can arise on this continent a clvilisaUon second-to-none in all the world. Support the forthcoming VICTORY LOAN to the utmost of your capacity. A. MacKENZIE FURNITURE Ltd. A GOOD TLACE TO BUY UlHSHHHHHHHA comfort for the you will EHHHHm For Victory BUY VICTORY BONDS NOW KCA Victor Radios Easy Washers Sinner Sewing Machines Kelvinator RefriKerators UHBHHEHHHBHHHEHtt