TUDAY. OCTOBER 17 !C42 TntJ DTuLY HlTvTS othiris Matters But Victory yy Bonds To Get It rr - .:v.:iitwAUM; "ns Q the Victory Loan 17 VICTORY BONDS Yf The men who died n ihe beaches at 'V Dieppe did a Job r couldn't do. They I 1 f I florlrd in their achievement but, when I 1 g V thotf 'who llrrd return, let nolle of them If t meet mlii who if fused to do his duty rfV William F. Stone Clothes of Distinction" S II TKt- y&i 1 smj' BUY BONDS FOR VICTORY We Iad r ntin B! nljt n iasoe In this war Victory, or Defeat If it lote aJL 9fa Ute Victory by backing our armed ur dollar. Without elvtUan aid our troops couH GORDON'S HARDWARE f' ? crc paying the cost of victory in blood, sweat, toil H you are nut puv.lcgcd to be a combatant your ' Work and LEND for Victory ANNETTE'S LADIES' WEAR Others Follow HKL1 TO BOOST The National War Finance Committee, public rela--section, has provided the Dally News with a num-fc" of attractive Illustrations for use in connection with ,:onsorcd newspaier advertising for the Third Victory Lan campaign. The co-opcratlon of all business people In support's the Victory Loan campaign by using newspaper Puce for sponsored advertisements Is being enlisted. The Dally News is also in possession of suitable texts for .such advertising In case business people desirous of taking part have no particular ideas of their own. We arc ready to assist In suggesting both Illustrations and messages but would suggest quick action. Al-rady we have liad several orders for space during the campaign. Telephone or call at the Dally News Office. WOWING MAmR5tiW BUT VI 0 WRY! OVERWAiTEA LTD. Iff THRIFT Cash anJ Carry 2 : jrSAs iKviGTOBY i : nnNns Dibb Printing Co. I'KIXTEUS & STATIONEHS Another Opportunity For People In Home Front lo riav rsrt W 1.8 FOR QUICK RESULTS TRY A NEWS WANT ADD. il n ilflKjaaBMjS Ideal Cleaners I a)' Honor Certificates for Windows of Cdrlada While" I Machine Guns Point From Those of Stalingrad' In the last Victory Loan campaign, manv tho,'?anr' of citizens took pride in the fact that they had Honor Certifica es in theii' windows, indicating that these 1 households? had bought a Victory Bond. They were en- Mtled to the satisfaction thus attached because, in manv ':ases. the bonds vere bought at the cost of self-denial, . . 1 111 11 M t rc NTcrtheiew. it n rot amisi p-ve an dlnrest in Vlcfory Bflsud.' compare contfttion her? with limgrad .where neariy evety Vat Shipping Pro?ram ome naa sometning in ine win- , Fyetv few days a 10,55-ton . v . 1 rt I , .. ' cargo tessei slides down tne nip- I ate however. It was a machine- . - I 'an. and of ten. manned by women. of Canadn shipyard. The 1' the men were flghttnc hand- program calls for 172 Teasels at ah, I I In the United States, certifi- since the war began, more than! i om nmlM In 4h ttlnrtnnrn nf . a .li i i i . II i W comoas sntps wtc unru muu- IT homes. These "V" Ihomes are .ng war bonds and stamps. o o o o o o o o o O' s o a o o a a o a This war is not ye won. Some of- iriaix sat It Is still bein? lost. rt every citizen on the home front. Bonds. ched. Work is proceeding on 100' lhn nhrvpH- i ,ir roM naval untU. Destroyers are being i lions made; 2, systematic economy built Combined orders for mer- .naintalned In food, travel, goods; chant tonnage and naval vessels j salvaging easenttal war materl- u more than $560 million and uls; 4, squelching rumors; 3. bay- ., ,. .m D,nnA. ed for victory must be won. Each individual on the home front must share In the task. Buy Victory Victory. Bonds are not a tax, BUDGET 1101 a iii.1L UU1, 11 lu VilllilUU backedvby allthe. -resources of Canada. Wbn Vou invest in Victory Bonds you are laying up for yourself the best of all The Exclusive Ladies' Ready-to-Wear .1 dollar bill is worth one hundred cents no more. Each dollar bill in a Victory Bond will return you MORE than a dollar and, mean time, will help de- fi feat the foe. Mrs. II. S. Parker. GORDON & ANDERSON 0 9 ! ." iirrr r o o' tu i va i oi Bni vraxi j i vutrnxm r n reraro raw vsts f b -! J A ' HARDWARE AND FURNITURE i ran lavata'ta tnmtu t a ca va ra rata fb ra i:a rmim sat a-ra ra t kt a LILIsllKI XLIsliKar r If you have not been asked to break home ties, to go to a far country, to face the shock of battle and to risk your life, the least that you can do is to LEND your money to' equip those who do the fighting for us. SMITH & ELKINS Ltd. Plumbing and Heating raexr. save -z ead r CHRIS MILL BAKERY BJBiflifliBiBMra ail b : ; m.; i ::: i.i ia k 1 Ji :iriti.Eiei.E;imci.ci.tMi!ii;B . rs ebu : cm n. Hitler and Hirohito have Great Plans for Canada Yes. all Canada's great resources . . . her wheat fields, her forests, her factories . . . could be put to wonderful use by the ruthless bully-boys from Germany, by the polite little savages from Japan. And Canada's boundless acres would provide plenty of living room ... for the Germans and the Japs. But what of the Canadians? The answer Is simple when you think what happened and is still happening to the Poles, the. Greeks, the Yugo-Slavs and all the othett ... In terms of slow starvation, slave labor, mass executions. Every time a hard-working Canadian man or woman buys a Victory Bond, the plansof Hitler and Hirohito receive a set-back. The more you save and lend . . . the more certain you help make it that our enemies shall never put their greedy claws on Canada. NOTHING MATteRS NOW Buy Victory Bonds 6ut- 1 J ST r ,1 jasasasasasasaM Watts & Nickerson WORK SAVE LEND KA1EN HARDWARE . .-. ..!J' A stamp's a bullet, a bond's a gun, Buy them both till the war is won. H. S. WALLACE LTD. ICT0RY BONDS Every Bond you buy. every dollar you lend to your country, is a dagger thrust at the enemy's throat. JONES FAMILY MARKET Hlch Class Butchers I l-.J i 1 t11