PAGE TWO THE DAILY NEWS ' rnixcE nurEUT, nnrnsii columiha Published Every Afternoon Except Sunday by Prince Rupert Dally News Limited, Third Avenue O. A. HUNTER, MANAGING EDITOR SUBSCRIPTION RATES Subscription Rates in City Per Year, $5.00; Half Year, $2.50; One Month, 50c; One Week, 12c. Out-of-Town Subscribers by Mall, $3.00 a Year. DAILY EDITION EE Wednesday, December 2, 1942 EDITORIAL Social Security Planning . . . Sir William Beveridge's social planning commission has presented to the British government the most elaborate plan fdr social legislation that has ever been put forward in any country, dispatches from London say. It is not indicated what the government may favor doing about it or how soon it may be implemented if at all. Social security, it is becoming increasingly admitted, is one thing that must be made certain if the morale of a contented people is to be maintained. It is pretty safe to concede that people as a whole will not be satisfied to go back to the old way where it was a constant struggle to merely exist, where the great majority of the people faced the spectre of charity or starvation in their old age and where it was always a case of survival of the fittest and the devil take the hindmost; It is interesting to see what Britain will do about social legislation since Canada in a measure at least may be expected, in the normal course of things, to follow suit in such a way as may be adaptable to her particular needs. Federal By-elections ... Monday's federal by-elections, in which a minimum of interest m was taken this far away in view of the more important world news, had results of little significance in the general political picture in Canada. No issues of importance were involved unless it might have been in Montreal-Outremont where the. new minister of national war services, Major General LaFleche, sought and wron a seat against an opponent who professed to represent the French-Canadian draftees. The principle of conscription, in which Canadians some time ago expressed themselves clearly enough, may have entered into this contest but the new minister, a conscription supporter personally if not actively, was safely elected. Of course, he had a great advantage even in anti-conscription Quebec. In Charlevoix-Saguenay, another Quebec riding, it was a mix up between candidates professing various conditions of independence. Mrs. Pierre Casgrain, who had made certain statements in regard to the war to which exception was generally taken, was defeated. No change was expected in the Winnipeg North Centre seat and none took place, another Socialist clergy-man.succeeding the late J. S. Woodsworth. Today is the Day . . . There are two davs in p.verv wppV nhmir. vhirh wr should not worry . . . two days which should be kept free from fear and apprehension. One of these days is yesterday with its mistakes and cares, its faults and blunders. All the money in the world cannot bring back yesterday. j The other day we should nqtnvorry about is tomorrow with its possible adversities; itslninlens, its large promise and poor performance. Tomorrow also is beyond our immediate control. Tomorrow's sun will rise either in splendor or behind a mask of clouds but it will rise. Until it does, we have no stake in tomorrow, for it is ag yet unborn. That leaves only one day . . . today. Any man can fight the battles of just one day. It is only when you and i auu me nuruens oi mose two awiul eternities . . . yesterday and tomorrow . . . that we break down. It is not the experience of today that drives man mad ... it is remorse or bitterness for something which happened yesterday and the dread of what tomorrow may bring. Let us, therefore, journey but one day at a time, doing today's work well, profiting by experience and building for the future. Don't Get Left Behind ... Without current publicity, the best known people and the best known business names fade quickly from the public mind. The business that hopes to use its good name after the war must keep it alive with current publicity . . . with advertising. Many businesses died during the last war and during the depression because they failed to recognize the need for advertising in an oversold market. Today, with new methods, new materials, new names and products ready to pop up the minute the war is over, an established, living name will be about the surest asset that any business can carry over into the post-war period. While you neglect to advertise, your competitor may capitalize on the opportunity to start intensive cultivation of customers you thought were yours. If he doesn't, it is the opportunity to capitalize upon his negligence. In wartime and all the time it pays to advertise. ' ' THE IVJTY ITHnS -5TT- ACTIVITIES OF Y.M.C.A. AND Y.W.C.A. By DOROTHY fiAIUJnTT, Hostess I Mid yesterday that I would quote from a letter Martin Van Cooten wrote to his mother, Mrs. Brass, from England where he is stationed with an artiUeo unit. Mrs. Brass's second son. Bill Brass, is also overseas while her youngest boy, Peter Brass, leaven -far the south this month to Join his "unit in the R. C. A. F. Martin says: "Dear Mother and Dad: "We haw finally moved Into In Canada Elsewhere billets and (lad of It We are only .six mile away from our previous camp but right in the centre of a small village. The home of our house ts The Cjd Priory' and I believe "the brains' must have searched all over England to find such, ancient quarters as these. .. "It is a small place. The walls are about three feet thick and are made of stone and the original stone floors have been covered. over with a wooden floor but are very uneven. The qamtest part of the place in the doorways. The highest are five foot nine and a really low one just about four foot six which leads into our bedroom. Smithy, our equipment repairer, can go in and out without dueklng except into our bedroom and he is 5 ft. two. Baldwin, our teennwm storrraan. b six foot two and lias banged his dome about four times the first PROFIT and LOSS ACCOUNT Ftafctfertherttrervfai Sin October, 1941, tfter malinx irpfopriitkmi to CentMtrnt Rtttrve FunJ, out f which-Fun J full provision for iiJ tod Doobtfol Debts has been nude, nj after drJuctmR DmmnMn CkHtamnt Taies amoiMtinx to J2.5J9.874.12 (ef hMrl72,C0.97 rtMe under tttepmriMAns The Eitess Profa Tax Art) . DividtftJt paid r payable to Shareholders . . . RTCOXMiM Aperfktkw fsr Bank Premises MftjdOOto 'ijHsAftfiunr, Jtv9cter, I94t . ... . . fiilince- f Profit anj Ixms rrris.t fenri f J " IIUNTLY R. DR UMWOND, htilJinl li day at he always forptts to datfe There is a fireplace in every tmm so we should keep warm this winter, that is if we are allowed enough coke or weed. The place was built about 1200 and has beams and uprights four foot square. They mutt have all been carved by hand and are very solid. There has been a I little lean-to added which houser. all the plumbing. "We have our other t-reon in a big mansion across the street. TUto place Is also very old and is called St. Mary's Rest House.' It is quite historical too and has old hand-oarved stalreases and all the doors are covered with leather and stud ded with brass. One of fee reentt In this place has a sliding panel and. of course, is supposed to be 'haunted' by some old friar. But so far BANK OF MONTREAL Established 1817 rx presentation, in easily understandable form, of the Hank's ANNUAL STATEMENT 31st October, 1942 St KESOURCES Cash in its Vaults and Money on Deposit with Hank of Canada -'4 . . , . , , Notes of and Cheques on Other Dinks . , ftytoie in tail on frtittUHon. Money on Deposit with Other Banks a i a AvmlaUt on J nun J or t imorl uHiir. Government and Other Bonds and Debentures . Sol rxtroJrmt nsrktt Tit grturr pottion fault cf Dominion Gmmntol snJ hiti-vle fioiimiJ onj Mnnitipj utonuei trieri moittt 4i toety Jxti. Stocks ......... i Imdutthol fd otier Unit. N tuttJint motltt toloi. Call Loans . . . , , . . , InCansik 1,920,338.28 . ElseVhere . . . . . 1-1,289,715.55 ,f 1 f . " mtm4 J h lJi. Mitt nttotlMt titlMttoT grfnitr J,e linn tit loonl. TOTAL Ol- QUICKLY AVAILABLE RESOURCES . ( equal td tiUfirc "H Liabilities to the Public) Loans to Provincial and Municipal Governments including School Districts , . , , Commercial and OlherToans: . . In Canada ,. . . . M3,232,37.17 r, Elsewhere ." . . . . 1121,8.5!) To maaafaclMttrl. Isrntri, nrrttmHi 41 ttitrl, ttnJhiont Bank Premises , Tuo properties only art tatrM n tit nnnti of boUitg nm , paaiti; lit itock sod tonji of lint tonponitl ort tnlhttf bmJJy lit Bk 4 dffejr in 4if tt I DO in tmh fit. All Atr 4 llf Bnk'i frtmiti, tie rJne uhith Uttlj excli. I fc00,oeu.OO rt ifduJtJ Jrr iti, l,jJint. Real Erarey andMorrgigei on 'Real- Estatr Soldibyr the Bank .. , ', ' . ' '. . . . " . ActmirtJ in lit tttrit fj tit Bnnl'i Intintsi tnd in ftHtU oj iting ttiliitd upon. Customers' Liability under Acceptances and Letters of Credit Re pr tint i lisiXiliti of tniltrim t dctonnl Ltttrrt CreJh iimul U Drtjli stttpttJ iy tit Btnk pt liter ttttntt. Other Assets not included in the Foregoing (but including refundable portion of Dominion Government tarn) . . . , v . . . , Making Total Resources of , . . , , LIABILITIES DuetotbeViiblic V Denotits .x . 9J0,996VU7.33 . . . 133.649.029.18 PjoUe on dtmtna. Acceptances and Letters of Credit Outstanding . , Fimucidl teipomiiilititi unJttUitn on liM) o tnnomrrl (itt og-tefrint einonnl in "Rttourttf). Other Liabilities . . . . . , , , lltmi mot MtluJeJ nnJet lit iottftint ttnJintl, Total Liabilities to the Public , , To mitt wbifh the Bank bat jtwirtel at imJnaltJ atrot t Amounting to . . , . Ltating an txtttt oj Rttourctt over Liabililiti, uh'ttti repreientt the ihartboUm' inltrtit ovtr which Liabililiti to the Public lake frtctdtnet. CaptHl .... 36,000,000.00 Reserve Fund,' Profit & Loss Account and Reserves for Dividends . . 40,793,014.20 $ti2,7io,mr;t 38,8U,fWr5.U 683,813390,38 16V21u;233JJt J896935,228.59 23,569,694.65 231,354,236.76 13,900,000.00 808,33038 16,184,995-02 2566,745.60 Hil75l951.a) Jl,06f,6(5,439.71 2340,875.07 1 1,098,526,2 16.M) S 1,173,319,2,31.00 J 76,793,014.20 t 8valt9 (1. X'. SPINNEY, Gtnrrnl Mnrrr The slrenglh of a hank is itelcrmhml by in history, its pnlie in in una vent cm aim me extern ni itt runurcn i-nr lis ti ' iiuii nit . Hank of Montreal , has , been , in the forefront of Canadian finance, 3 1 none of the 007 have tietn drne it)'" The remainder of the letter Is devoted to family nutters, what tales the boys Ui hstve to toll when they return and what a better uu'ii-r.naitdlng this should make! Perhaps our boys overseas may turn a kinder feelliiK towards the "lims)is than they had befor they went over and wca- w certain of their ready-made itae. and dls-IMtes Uke Judy COrady and the Oolonel's Lady, we are all sisters-and brothers under thp skin NEW ROYAL HOTEL 3. ZAKELLI. PHOr "A Home Away 1'rom Home" Itatw "Sc up M Itooms Hot it Cold Wrsier rrlnce Itupert, It C. Phone SSI .u. not (iirantiaatniiticuianiTiiva I Our Delivery s I Schedule Z S HKMVKMIKS Wr.KKI.V Z as 2 TiiriinAV.'TiiimsnAY, 3 m m MUSSALLEM'S 5 2 Economy Store M "Where Dollars Have More 5 5 Cent'" J I'Iiwm 18-10 i.o. futx 57$ taiafBtatitstoiaiaraiatBisi It 7ION THubrr natal TSXWP will bp oMM tor kt m "Hib las Auettrm. ml noon tf.i U 21rxl Drr " teej m taw otTtfr f av Dun ; VarwMr Isarstw au htv Vjv- umt n c. Mm uewic atasisi nv 7aasea t. b tn ! upru (-i4r i rmnamk mm trrrmnnfpf Ttmtirr tse" 11091 srws i teesf otwar-VeM Own an) ituatd i uv tmniy nd storaaabv laeuaa. Quaati omsom taassdi bind Dtwrin Tm isi yomn vstl bt aaaowM far r-SSOWSJ ea tSmtaar "rnvil aaumas unasa to Ow to s ifiatf wt tawTour or MtrtMrt aM OBf bid " veas s raw wtommi Viotors BC or h Dtatrtr: rtjcnn. Pnnr Rtirr or yfmnmuno'r . BC LMImi Tan lfS t am- in ih at name mi kt or hkiilii ros.rMHit mmiin: la Ike MaaSvr or ta rveaatMMii sHaMaf la Mar Hotton r star a4 tihoi Uaat b order of Ma Aadar- aiMwr lorml judtw af Marat Omjr of BrttMi tVtaaabM. I aa on Uw 3?Ui dor of NnvMMbw ad lata aapotaMaai Atttainaasraator of Uw aaaaw of KrrtH UBaan Omiru ft raw els Of BtSta WMtm. Brtwti rhanabM. t ad. wlao daari on or abmn ths ISU day of Atrtl IMS All pmm. iiwaaaMs to ttto aaud BMt- vr rrqulmt ao pa Mia aatMan of Marir tndtrtsnw in mr taaaiwaUi aaati aU pernor Iwtui3 claitn aaaltot Mr mhl aMM au mimrM '" nte Maaaa mtfll star pe-jwrix trrtM ot M IbJS 4H DfcmiW AD faJitoC vftket'd' ' "" wl!: br basnat laajsuit or It t. i . i j ' Of vtiarh 1 rfaail hnrr b. KM ItATB mlprirv Rav o. BC tiu Tllh dV Of Korrmbrr IMJ KOmtA A W ATT OTISraal AdrntiiMlrBtor ,i PTInr. Rttprn. lit" Ul,:',..:-7.Z2- Of DKrmtjr- t4 notx Irauauli utUr to sasa laqwor CMXrol laaani ' rorwwmt to twundii of Rir Irannr N aarawd an fOfssaaH of ptvan pan of feuUdim known m Kjtex Hoal tumir on r-nn Anmn tajaori Ma aandu drwmtwri Ix n and 14. Of Block 1 s-f-unt l Uini aS. City of frsaer- Kupon. Ptmu- nut Uaatd aaatlaSialliiii raaatnnt m raw Pratt atcr af Brttaan ColumtMA from rwirt I Roaa. Tnaaaao of tax- pmbrrty of Knox OaaatMaay LamiMai MiUwrlnt . of Print Baawm Brttvah Ool- tambta. to Knox Howl t l.ui of frtneo RisaarvantMi Cohambia. tip iraaMfrm ltto a rrtnrr Rjri. Brtw OoaumbU thin taui tiny of Itovwitbrr 143. KNOX HOTOj Cp. LTD by Maantn hatsatlo. dtrwttor Daae of ftnat tmnmtan. WowaslVr as ma. iv Tin: NiininMi; km iit nriiiiiTMii roi.t'MiHA in niDiiATi: In (he Matter nf tho ,,.flinliilMrallon Art" ami In Uio Matter t tlir i:lalr of l-onlr l4xk M TAKB WOTT Oat Mtat by orrtrr of lit Uonour Judaw FTahrr. lotwl dQt of Mm atspraan Ooun of Brttaah (Mtam-Ma. I wan on SOUi &tj of Ootobcr A I) 18 aMXamnd AdaslnaawUjr of taw BMatr- of taxil link, arng formerly of Orran Pslk. Brtttafi oaissaWMn, 1-waaral. who dtod on or atlnaat MM Ittft da? of Aiigivst IBM Ail tR-rntm Mi drbtad to ht aaid Haiu r re-mslml to pay aav otnoiant of tflr ta-a'tVpn to ttva roruiwstri aral 4t prrsona haTlnst rUitmn aaairwit tt aM fbaatlii are rrquirad ti nir Uxtn atUi as rr(rsiv vmifkl on or tafore h laUi etay nf rxvmtMv All r-sa faltlna wftssta ditrtbuii..n will sm uwt haying rrpi'i "iilv to ataeh cbi'nu of l I Kh.iii ikh-.' irn ssoUftcd DATBD - i' m liisvert. ll.C. thU f ' O irr 4i KUbMAn A. WATT Official AomlnlHtnaUr frl&ca Kuvrt, DO. FEEL LIKE' A MILLION! hrtpinj yz-j v nVka(,.;i. . Mot bt tf fc atMtad. MUftli, 40 na, talk, u Hll)f ruw R i A I TA rtw, . I li I I I II It A 1 l ane r Rte oockeje 5 s k Salmon : and 5 SS" , Htsia w rww iwjiiie sy plaelni 1?, aamd ymrrMearl, posai- 5lS iS S be To e.nture delivery, or- r Z oert must be in by 4 p m the day preeedlns delivery - 5 H are bath nn .. : but u ill k y,c . - ... H. v rm m irofer i shelf tc3 ti tj H anions permit m. ItRKT r il r Eiverymins ror THE WORKING MAN It Wlti p.. and look - Of Woo;i; L: B.C. Clothiers I'HONE HLACK Third Asm! KWONf. SANf. HIVu HOr KFE CHOP SUE! House Next to KIJ T: 6H Tlh AVE WEST All vour palronat? c:s' Opens 5 p.m. to" a.m. 0' " tB Orders from P. Phone Ited Jl? to sr-rtviCES Vancouver, Victoria points. Stewart ..I t,aren Charlotte Tnira FHANK I SKINNJ Prince Kuprri