==] THE DAILY NEWS x| Formerly The Prince Rupert Optimist - From UGRIOSUND os kad ad bo 8 JUN 25 Ian Prince oeatays be verte F re Princess May.... — - — = — -= LS ——— Ee a Se til, NO, 145 3 PRINCE Rupert, B.C., THURSDAY, JUNE 20, 1912. PRrIcE Five a ERUPERT TO MEET HA ON IN BALL GAME JULY PROTEST HAS BEEN ENTERED “=... NEED FOR A REAL BALL PARK AGAINST THE MONEY BYLAWS a letter From the Solicitor Acting for the Citizen’s Committee in Mm the Matter is Now in the Hands of the City Clerk, and Will be Read to the Mayor and Council on Monday Night Next---Announces That Application Will be Made to Have the Bylaws Quashed IS STRONGLY EMPHASISED Two Interesting Telegrams Received in Prince Rupert Showing How Keen is the Attention Paid Our Ball-Players by Neigh- boring Centres---Matches Offered by Ketchikan Team and Hazelton---Rupert’s Best Ball Twirlers Will Make a Bold Bid for Hazelton’s $100 Prize Rupert, B. ©, | Act In consequence of this, ofjmade to enforee them. Yours | Ketchikan, Alaska. | diately so we can arrange | norning and will play two June 19th, 1912. | course oe i — one ballot,| very truly, June 47th, 1912. our program. jmatches on the terms offered. ah ind City Coun- as provides reDY this ac L. W. PATMOR Hazelton has ¢ excelle : Rupert, B. C, I may also say with regard ee To the Manager the Prince | ea ee and has had ia aivat ena. of a sone Sna several of the bylaws that th Above: ee: Dak tain Gt thal “eere Hardware Co., The above telegrams show how| cellent grounds on which to prac- ' vote polled in fa h BOO pe iat wake ala a nee the meh cea Fr Sema Prince Rupert, B. C. on is the interest of neighbor_|i¢®, Dut that Prince Rupert will S Regarding the not amount to three-fifths of the|! é a oa ae 4 aa one tipaat aden i ihe ai i : Ketchikan baseball team pene towns in Prinee Rupert's ball] #!%¢€ @ 8eod account of itself as ie hea) Dae sci ty oe a pass | by vole of ‘the te ade J ord Strathodiin sO ar will “play: ab Erne “Rupers | PI ayers. The fact that the lever is certain. The boys are r 5 I pty Seen ae h be ri a f a : d ay bet ay ‘ped “burried by: thi ‘bears. Hea hasumtety baen award: fan ade have leit ae ; sporting offer of Ketchikan wilt Ne fine ore eee “ ae ty holders in A furth bjectios s that I nday night, Tijed the Albert Medal of the Roya Rukh ahebeG eee ary avait dese side Mika +! nnot ‘6 . “tl = beg oy i. Tee ae be se Aaci to act upon| Society éf Arts for the current usnh answer, if a suitable ball park in Prince! Rat 2 ogy ae oe a whe onantiiine hen sta hem as if all were in order, but|. ear by the council, with the ap FOURTH OF JULY COM- | Rupert brings out agaip the gre atl aah ed ne odie WATT Me reed,’ and ed TREE tai not be done| proval of the Duke of Connaught, MITTEE. jneed there is for energy and per-|W!! Meet Hazelton for that hun- Medan itis names of | ho had of the citizens} Who is president, This is the so mi | aistence on the part of all Inter, | ded Collar Dre. af ie bn & a inate « ae Tet as , tt fie facts set forth in} ciely’s recognition for the noble Hazelton, B. C. ts the gee out. BS Tiga c Toh CRMC ae them quaaied pert and wh . | wit 2 ah ae ie ; a A 2 i 3 ‘3 es ‘i via eune Tan, 1912. suitable - und on th grinds Roses Football Club. ( for ane can yo} Way communics ns, developing . Sry ¥ ee ease nds issessed own ind thie Phe sai i; " i , lnehouneds< at a: Sd nit Ath ; ist Manager Baseball Club, provided for recreation at econ-| A meeting of the English Roses : that at various pa ‘ ne booth may have| commerce and 4ndustry of Gane Prince Rupert, B. C. siderable cost (indireetly) to the} Football Club will be held in the adtintof. the These are me S!done so ignorantly, but. their do_|ada and other parts of the British Guarantee you two hun- /Cilizens al large. Maple Leaf Cafe on Friday even. ei Shea aT ae ghiahethia od i a everthelene Raniiate LETDINE, dred fifty expenses and put -——— ing at 8 o'clock, Subjects of in- compartinents | taking th i tha \ Mui | Clauses Act and} up one hundred dollars prize Will Meet Hazelton. terest affecting the club will be fa bi of j 1 rend the ba void LOCAL “JOTTINGS two games here thirtieth and Arrangements have been con- discussed and arrangements made ilso that certain Sata ifn isi On M d . | citi July First. Leave Saturday cluded by which Prince Rupert for forthcoming maiches, All one: wetloting Japp sed of the fact that an ap-|ter of protest will be read in| C. Van Arsdol, divisional en-| morning, be in Hazelton j}will send a crackerjack baseball|™@mbers and intending members ican ite Hilantind twill the shade th maaahti It would have been read| ineer of the G, T. P., is regis-| Saturday night, return Tues- |[(eam to Haezlton, as arranged in| i!Vited. Lo vole, co the bylaws, if they ave carried by} las Monday but the document] tered at the Grand Trunk Inn. day. Try and get excursion the telegrams quoted above. The pal El lthe enuneil and anv attemr it that e*peads — — rates. Kindly wire imme- feam will leave. on Saturday Warm, clean rooms at Savoy. | | John B. Albi, contractor, is inj. - — — . —~ - OR | SCHOOL MAY | me MAYMEAN “wm reoworem "FAR TRAVELED | | y ) . Je f IE HIGH HON Minihe: Ose Property Makes Fat cy Piqueeh: Saree: Sister Ship of “Old Reliable” Pulls NOT ACCEPTED HAVE GROUNDS: B. Bush, managing d rae f the Sa ‘ Bea hive | sto 1 rates wim i! NEW BUSINESS once one sen FROM RUPERT Following are the passengers open up ae dry goods | | : who went south by the Chelohsin —_—— re in the Arthur Smith build- H.L. Drayton, K. C., City Solicitor \ { pat Oo he| At Meeting of the Trustees Yes-| |. aj ‘Third avenue and Fifth inquiries Culled from ane Weekly | las st night. The Chelohsin lett:at) Ated vi Rin Fine. ae seen of Toronto, Has Declined Offer , Sea ; terday Plans for Improving the| .ireei. has arrived in. the. city, Report . oP Trade oreo? 7 o'clock, according to her new This Time in Wellington, N. Z. of Chairmanship of Dominion prope the Sa Playground Space Available) yy jjyehes has been established task: Tuli D anada, Whioh Af-' schedule, and it may be noted) —Wishes to Be Remembered Shes Comnsindie , nich Were Considered—Have $5,000.| 5. jhe dry goods business “in ect This District. {that mail closes now at 5 p. m. to Old Friends. Sedivasl for the “past: Ged eel _———— |for this boat on Wednesdays. sis va i o years rnc C: : McIntosh, J. G. Donnell, Mrs Fro far off We gt yew {R herd Dra | li He was forme y connected with I sae fanned ik ig h \ APaBIAAN, #5 ap Gietetnin, L. : 7 on ‘4 - ‘ ws get a at : ondon correspt der stat enk Jealand, ere Cé e > as é K 5 iad s ids|H. S. Wallace & Go. in the Koot- .0n rr mn i Knox, ae se apy H. D. ie meee bess eee ' ! i siderable} enay country ed to be in touch with the | Sewel rs Renworth, F. W to The Daily News office a letter aa re ‘ foal } ‘ Is a eading fish buyers in Spain, |} Holmes, T. Jabour, Miss Ida from Alfred J, Dann, formerly a 7 f Q 1/ a wide has é \s playvgrounus . 3 Geohbnniene, I Barrett, H. W. 3 i ‘ pa s : . eee | 1 uy thi lift f thes narshy sti rhe Prine May uthbound the West Indies and South |Geohnniene; Mrs. Suhr : longshoreman of Prinee Rupert, pene ip ee differs : M ire mal Hy ( ADESS MAS BOUL UE ‘ 1 pe lifford, €. W. D. Well T artermaster . i SE ine tin ah At the meeting! « call at this port on Saturday. America, seeks to get into Grohe aa aL ale now quartermaster on the BR. M. | i communication with British wiss, W. J Storey, W. J. 8, Arawa, on the mail run be- decision has|have } d out $500,000 wort! lay afte of the sehool | i Sa bane : tn --.| Beensan, 0, A: tween London, England, and New : f ! | the fa Altogether S < was deciged to look] Columbia canners open Sie Min Ce Ts It is 1 : i Tied 4o| 6s hin ‘ing very prom r the ‘sraynd. with $ne olay Be PREPARATION do Dusinass th those matkals. Sold in bulk by quart or pint,|4°@/and, and calling at many f } iT aeciine topes , i y UvVs ue S - wae ny . orts , nha ye TMhic 4 ead 607. Furs—A London delicious, refreshing hot weather|P0rls Of importance. This far x. os “ for family) ising | Ae: AUST , pnora en ; E : a ee i 2 a ye firm desires to get into touch necessity, ice cream at Keeley’s traveled Prince Rupert boy, whose Bog d Gana oi di haa ee Nee eae a a sacadlt FOR PANAMA with Canadian fur exporters. Rees) Ti eet eRe ‘Jlast letter reached here from Frank Gochrane,| though just al present th Reece Mek Sek ec ra hie : eer The names of the firms mak-| ‘The Princess Roya! is due from|“illingham, Kent, England, wishes - vays and canals,| rather ay ang - at Md G7 aa a iy . acer ae 5 RS ing these inquiries, with their ad-| the south tomorrow, to be remembered to his many ae C. Meredith, K. G.,;@0'ne In the stor sn || " hes for is the engaging! British Columbia Preparing for dresses, can be obtained only by Se friends on the waterfront, espe- r he position, ee ig nea tl hers, to take up Enlarged Trade Through Canal !hose especially interested in the ? oily to Jimny Neville; and sends 1) n of Toronto is a FLYING "BUS | ; , the be sumpt yn ot| —Montreal Daily Witness) "espective commodities upon ap- RUPERT S FIRST & message of remembrance from : y ‘ » G A. Drayton, man oe Poachers obliged to ve-| Compliments Western Cities.) P!ication to The Inquiries Braneh, Seaman Adams on the Arawa to ‘ the Vancouver Financial eta AMIRAR: tat oorarite Department of Trade and Com- George Stubbs on the Lillooet, “rporation, LL DOWN: : { locked and} British Columbia is already| meres, Ottawa, or the secretary PIERROT SHOW Like all who have ever lived in See eee net tea onoatad will| making preparatione’ tor. (he 4a.) G6 tie Roue Stitenms Cina Prince Rupert, he is quite a bit Warks’ Annual Drawing. fe fi od he he mabeléan of alereased prosperity which will] Calgary, Halifax, Montreal, Que- _ homesick for the plare and Y vare each year al Warks’ Jew Five Passengers in Big Airship] acher provided by the board.}come to her as the result of the bee, aN SO ee Coa Yan Sparkling Little Group of Merry gna ae gn Sel gets flty Sto held a contest of] tmperited by Collapse of the] yy onths’ salaries were passed} opening of the Panama Canal, btip , ai! Peer Sew Musica! Talent Gets Together peer: Vee eRe a ng description Big Machine—Cne Leg Broken; | ‘ he staf’ their holiday| The railroads of the province are ome au nS v shih rs we eS to Give a Jolly Entertainment This year will prove no exception} wjo One Killed }fund as usual beforehand. [busily building extensions and/ber when requesting address. in Aid of Rowing Club Shortly. Dominion Day. the rule and the aonidal. ell ° ; : | the G. 'T. P. and the G, N. R. are ~ eRe’ Ssiiinstaiiis The big rock drilling contest lein the shape of a drawink. Tha fea a Punndar.. Jun {8 | }pushing their lines forward with ET FEATHER In this issue you ‘will see a planned for one ot the features vend | Vill be a beautiful rhe second day of the Aero ¢ » CHURCH AND {all speed, : nee < novelty for. Prince Rupert de- of the ist of July celebration Mogany Hy Nizinan plano val-| j ‘ \ at Phone, ljnes, “ame eM _ as scribed by advertisement Prince Pane be 8 big evens. : Tho lal 8450. The tiekets for the|?! France's grand prix rac | ic, P. R., expect to benetit: very a i. place where the contest will he “awing will be from le upward| marked oy the ta ¥ ps " "| ORT argely by the tram which will Rupert is to have (indeed already! held will be decided this week "Tor each number drawn that} bus carry { \ jre sult by the fact that ocean has) a Pierrot troupe. Its mem-]|and that a great deal of interest Hivisible b live a special prize|The legs of one wi ' rt | 8beE amers: to . Paci will i ne Metropolis sas First Dry Day of bers are all well known to Prince] Will a ee i Ae ROE he give pa, Ne ena nn ed, Six-] lar callers a acifie nor s when eae ea ay yp. | number o 18 ominion ay #in value from #4 an ye vents | pol Social Evil Threatens| !)!!': er. companies esti- tribute Wet Weather to Vol- mel , “Twill be offered, one of $125 for 3 ae ae Hager revi ving they can carry emigrants] ecanic Activity in Alaska, Pheir perforaance will therefore/the first and $75 for the second Made from fresh sane rich M. Holland, repr i th to Get Out of Han from Great Britain to Vancouver be one of the most refreshing] prize, eam—ioe creani wakiae K nigebors Tewelry Co i 1} eget for little more than ta New York London, Shin {8.— Thursday| musical treats yet organized in There wiil be two men leams, Pharmacy OO10y 8) HOCNIS te to the interior | ito, dune 19.—The report] and it is expected a great number] jast was the first day of the pre-|the city, Bright, breezy music,}double hand, eight pound ham- > Sa We oily on rour fr the Laymen’s Association, re-|will take this unbroken water sent month on which no rain fell.| dashing pierrot costumes and|mers, Time of contest 10 min- : . ae ed 4 » Toronto| route and. settle on the Pacifie],. ; 2 , : 4; Song, chorus and dance on light-| utes, change every minute. En- Otero nny POPEEEEIEE ELIT ETS tly presenteney wn ah ‘ coast, The total rainfall to that date ed stage wilh all the verve and go|/trance fee for each team will be Methodist conference, stated that * reer te was two inches, nearly equal to} | : . f ; : RR ‘ Attention is already directed of a ‘ally spirited production] $+, which must accompany ap- PRINCE RUPERT TWENTY MINUTES ACO Pees sie the average fer the whole month!” , : : ; ; Vancouver toward the provid- : , ; ; which is a reminiscent medley of; plication for entry, to be in not of June, ~The betting in conse. i ea tions which gave them the grav-| ing of port facilities that will un- . ; ; many of the pretties musical}later than June 29th. Sixt . faa ih ech needed after. thatauence of this enormous rainfall hae fain. “iminbodhen® tan ee » wil nd calle ) ol ao ‘ e de , ’ , r a - mb its : : Bo { od men and true still wondering wlia and pms , doubtec * is four to one in favor of a dry| P'8)5 ee eee 40 about it five co-operation of the/completion of the canal, Runaway Girl will certainly In the case of Hall vs. MeDon- Citi 4 nad] ae na vuly.@nd thnoe $0 one that Auge form an entertainment well worth : ; ‘ Suggests that Third avenue is being P : and the layman, 8?) ————————— =lust and September will be dry. orm. ’ nell, relative to purchase price of i SS . ( ! seeing 7 k ' '" Richard may land af the Governny erease Of population, Some scientists are attribut- |5°°!"* cattle which were delivered to St up to the Journal ollicee on easy aire he s , oi RE YET. ing the unusual wet weather to Pete it te Coe McDonnell by the former in Proud of p ” etOS | oe lh a f alien birth, and gen- NO WI YET g eu al wi eathe ( Bottle License Case. ms ad h Wall Ushaven Prince Rupert” remarks that wi \ y and agressiveness of the, eruption of Katmai, Alaska, d Hazelton, came to an end in the “Ved boyhood indeed in our city when forms of social viee,” Ai the time of going to The eruptions of Krakatoa in Nhe case of BE, J, Maynard and) supreme Court at noon. Mr, : . . : . \ Vugwell Island to see the midnight su port all combine to} press no. telegraphic news {883 and Vesivuis were followed| J. Arthur Smith in the Supreme] Justice Morrison decided that { ) iil . : al boys may set the fashion. for lul , fask which challenges our had been received regarding by prolonged wet spells. }Court to compel a renewal of}each side should bear its own Bryan Mm but wee bank boys who gel into Ga + ardent optimism and ef the nomination at Chicago, Spereare~eaieann eitiommetion sparie bottic licenses is being concluded} share of costs and dismissed the YORE’ { mo ‘ 7 ’ hould be careful,’ says Merely Mab Subsoribe for the Daily News.| (his aflernoon, care, Mere... ennnnreret soooee | OF. IN yee A ST SP poe pece that des. also ries, inst yuld Va-. vere ight sion Bl. > to bli. be Caft r of jub- -of- ® it just tain ttee ary- Lt of { so was ree list- lers see dis- ers. at- PP, 22, in- lage Rt IN -Do- las), ered 9 of inis- sat- har- i re- trate nade ' the note forn, and fe, =—_