I 1 1 it DAY DEC EMU EH 2, 1912 TIIE DAILY NEWS We siifiKCst thai Christmas Shoppers this year he patriotic and buy VICTORY BONDS OK WAR SAVING fKUTH'ICATES. If you insist on buying Men's Wear, sec W. F. STONE "Clothes of Distinction" Announcing the Opening of the V1UVKY CAFE 330 Third Avenue West S3 WARTIME mA Xmas '4 1? 9 11 So MMMMiMMXMiMi SHORT CUT TO VICTORY! , MAKii' here ts voir chance to try the latest 3-INCH ri.V.HEUBtm PERMANENT. All ends tapered with Frank r u u Shaper. Individual styling to suit your features. Sunrise Bcauly Salon VIOLLT MAII (r. (tit and l"ulton Above Sunrhe Store I'hMie Blue 911 for Appointments a.a 1 h; . :ifBaniBi-i-xiBiiCMmrnrii- ; ! FOR YOUR XMAS GIFTS- If We have a Fine New Stock of t 1 n Blouses, Dresses, Lingerie Specialiilng in Children's Wear Dry Goods and Novelty Shop 9woooooooaoooaooooooaoooooooaooioocHKMioooaaocHocH3oa Kor Quick, Safe and Comfortable TAXI SEK ICE PHONE 235 Pi RAH W 1 HAY AND N I (SI IT S Canadian Pacific Transcontinental Trans-Atlantic Transpacific KK(iULAll STEAMER SKKV1CK To Vancouver via Ocean Falls and Way 1'orts; also to Ketchikan, Wran-Bell, Juneau and SUajjway direct Comieclloiis at Vancouver with Canadian l'aclfic Service InformaUon, Tickets and ReservaUons from W. L. COATES, (leiirral Agent, Trlnce Kupert, B.C. BOWLING St Andrew's Day SCORING! Celebrated Here Individual Counts In Monday Night's Scheduled Play Individual scores in the Five Pin Bowling League Monday were as follows: Stone's l Phllllpson 160 Dominato 191 Haugan 104 Eastwood Irving Handicap Totals .Monarch? Davy Brass Anderson ... Handicap 118 188 111 911 1 161 112 149 Santerbane 197 Brooks . 178 Hand leap ... Totals Ordnance-Peterson Wilson Buster Burnett Wick Handicap ... Totals All Sta Downs Traxler Robertson . Stramdahl Carr Handicap Totals .... Siinals Larukatl .... Ollbert Graham Rutledge ... 9argtason 62 819 1 . 246 170 . 125 152 Totals 71C Boom Defence 1 Defaulted. Watts L Nicker&on 1 -hayto 184 TOO! l mlth 1 Stuart - 216 Woods 1S9 2 100 167 149 130 182 111 Handicap 33 Totals .. 890 D. I). Painters 1 - rence 139 Barbour 106 Mlioney 164 Falti - 144 Bayxand 99 Handicap : 96 I Totals ..-C737 1 Chinese Youth 1 114 149 145 173 106 02 687 2 160 124 111 99 156 156 40 40 3 23S 201 135 107 293 111 Delightful Dance Held Monday Night With Two Hundred Persons Attending The Oddfellows' Hall, with some two hundred persons In attend ance, was the scene Monday nigni of a delightful dance In celebra tion of St. Andrew's Day. splenaia musk was furnished by the Mid lands Orchestra and the affair was In full and happy swing from 9:30 pjn. until 1:30 ajn. ! im One of the features oi mi eve 2 3 nto wa tne drawing for a easn 139 raffle with prize-winners as roi t lows: wu I . 148 First, $20, Corp. BarkweU, ticket ik? Nc 495. Second, $15, Billy Smith, No. 953 62 Third, $10, Mrs. George Scott, 880 No. 1017. 3 Fourth, $5, S. W. Mclnnnes, No. 192:1111. 151 The committee In chareC con- 132 listed of Mrs. George Howe, Mrs 92 E. E. Yager. Mrs. C. Scharff, Mrs. 168 j. Murray, Mrs. S. Calder, Mrs. H. 40 Smith sr., Mrs. A. McNeil and 7H .Mrs. E. A. Evans. V 1 ntf 144 14S awgav - 33 33 Baeh - 197 194 177 7M 82A Kellett - 246 193 2U A Z 3 Handicap 27 267 27 t u as M 147 185 - " a 160 169 j Air Force 1 2 3 j 1067 131 Adrian - 211 242 161 1 4M rTrtr 151 124 143 rs 1 2 3 feS 186 196 183 "BILLY" FOR TEA 115 136 140 $ 103 163 167 A "Billy" Is a can for tea in aus- .. 266 y4 171 traltan slang. 216 163 271 tfv ff -ZZZ. 951 921 1012 B. Lee 245 164 144 1 2 3 J. Lee io v I c.tp' S-VlA 141 166 153 Lew 144 201 204 5 ST2'jk .Z.'. 1567 160 178 H. Lee - 213 162 24fc g mJsjflP 133 181 130 Handicap 16 16 16 WZzr J? LZZZ 114 106 102 Totals 1002 921 997 4g 136 229 252 Burns 1 2 ? & 66 66 66 KlMtor - 183 182 149 M VHk 908 881 Dorn 173 148 223 IV "ft 2 3 Moore .. "152 165 155 1 f Comadtna 157 203 18? fcxft, ' 2 3 Orant 158 221 185. ,g KW 13 M Handicap 21 21 21 ? S&tf 109 1W Totals : 879 910 916 & WC 148 224 Alger 126 189 163 Igf, 1S8 14 DeJong - 200 226 1761 iOO WO v 145 160 Laerolx 185 2'.8 213 TONY MACARONI 96 Johnston 207 188 215 787 936 Campbell . 154. .135 170 Macaroni, originahy peculiar to 2 3 Handicap 44 44 44 Italy, is named after the Italian i v . 036 211 214 Totals 952 1008 956 word meaning 10 cruise or cruau. ' " 5 ; 1 11 l I 5 Reddy Kilowatt s. 1 iv n - - h i 1 VSF if V. I lnnl - Never let the cord come in contact with hot , . 1. 11 Br. - rtli metal and always disconnect ai wan ... Don't let them overheat... j0 Keep them properly lubricated at all times . . . Avoid running vacuum -cleaner over pins, nails, coins or other metal objects. Defrost refrigerator when frost collects to about one-fourth of an inch . . . Protect rubber rollers on your washing machine wringer 5 m)' releasing the pressure when not in jjj use FIX THEM UP MAKE THEM LAST KEEP THEM WORKINC REVVYsays: "BuJitrt lor Tioocy put WAR SAVINGS CERTIFICATES t Iht top o( foul buy inf lut . crtrj eck.M ElEhMillM1i1l I MbI 1 1 I I Thoroughly clean them S Glove silk pantie and brassiere sets for those who prefer sleekly tailored underthings. Sev eral smart stylos choose from. Sets, $7.95 $1.98 Lace trimmed crepe or chiffon dance sets of brat and panties to match. The lace to a qnaWy jnost unusual at this special prtce. Set. $2.95 Negligees In luxurious rayon satin or rich crepe. Wonderfully full skirts and charming bodice details. Your choice of lovely colors. I ANNETTE LADIES' WEAR MIXED BOWLING LEAGUE CASHEW OIL 1 TVin rtfl nf oHm.' nuts tc fhw For Christmas GIFTS To mention a few of the well-known better creations in Perfume and Toilet Articles. Sets to suit all. PAGE THREE ntimate Gifts To learn how to please a lady, Just visit our collection of lovely lingerie and lounging apparel. Inspirations will then come like magic and rest assured they'll all be grand ones! For remember she 'simply can't have too many beautifnl unaer-things, or too many exquisite negligee. u mm e a e, e. e, a e, e, a a- a .a Thp -Mivri Rt-linp Leaeue will m be in action tonight with games j i scheduled as follows: Stones vs. 1 SavMor; Midgets vs. Pushovers. 1 j! Twerps vs. Chinese Youth Associa- J n tion, Toilers vs. People's Store. CORK OF ALGERIA m Thp hiirhlanda near the roast in M Algeria contain about one-fourth S of the cork forests of Surope and g fnca. f?wsBMiMgiaiiTiTSgars:i - y m ra - ' Don't let Xmas put you -In the lied!" Shop at THE I Variety Store l :st lubricant for certain plane- Where your dimes are Utile g notor parts because of its high dollars U neat-resisting qualities. ml Revlon Cutex Ashes of Roses Evening in Paris Lentheric Tweed Yardley's Old English Lavender Adrienne Jasmine Gardenia Otm.es ltd. CASH CHEMISTS THE UEXALL STOKE PHONES 81 AND 82 Open Dally from 9 a.m. tilt 9 p.m. Sundays and Holidays from 12-2 p.m. and 7-9 p.m. .i. . ... ' If.- 4 mm