I 5 PAGE SEC Expert OPTICAL SERVICE And v hen v c speak of Purses we include all those necessary "fall musts" in a complete matching ensemble: CI loves, Millinery, . Jewellery, Flovers. Hosier y, Collar and Cuff Sets, Scarves . . yes, even down to the Handkerchief for just the right finishing touch. Chas. Dodimcad Optometrist in Charce Watch, Clock, Jewelry Krpairinc, Hand Engravinf VISIT OUK HASK.MLNT STOKE (or Fine China, Dinnerware, Glasses, Uacgace and Novelties. MAX HEILBRONER Jeweler Diamond .Merchant Fall Handbags BREAK .OUT 9 In Brilliant New Fabrics Trappers and Buyers Hilns your furs down to doldbloom and do your bidding here. Positive buyers will pay more while I'm here. We have big order for everything Your Credit Is Oood W. G0LDBL00M The Old Reliable Announcement Restrictions placed upon us by the Wartime Prices & Trade Board compel us to announce, we shO'l he unable to put on our "Christmas Special" this year. This practice of sending a small box of smoked fish, typical of the dominant industry of Prince Rupert, has become Increasingly popular and we are very wrry we shall have to disappoint our many customers this year. After the war, we hope we shall again be able to make this special Christmas offer available to our many friends, i .anadian Fish & Co' d Storage Prince Rupert Co. Ltd. lirltlsh Columbia m s i f RUPERT PEOP! E STORE h MAIL ORDERS PROMPTLY FILLED J ' In the Heart of Prince Rupert" '. THIRD AVENUE (Next to HeUbroner's) rione BLUE 907 AV.VMV.VViVViV.ViVAViVViV.V.V.VtV.ViV.ViV.V VALENTINE MARTIN'S Arch Support Work Boots , MEN'S WORK BOOTS Solid Leather Lines AKCH KING in S" and 10" STERLING in Leather and Panco Soles TILSONttUIlG, Solid Leathers throughout Family shoe store ltD, "The Home of Good Shoes' i (.:' iMxminin tut u tu ia ?si b i tu tuiuikxuru r u in tutu i ' 2 y IW B 9 it sayi ! s m RED CROSS OVERSEAS Valuable Woik Reported On To Local Executive The regular monthly meeting o the Prince Rupert lied Cross exe-utive held last evening with Presl- dent W. R. .McAfee in the chair. .urther amended information re- ardlng prisoner - of . war Danrpl and this lnformauon la available from the secretary. Over 400.000 .cknowledgment carua have been eceived to November 4 from par- els sent to prisoners-of-war bv th Canadian Red Crow. The following letter was read from the Provincial Commissioner regarding Canadian Red Crtws hos pital visitors overseas. "Bach Canadian hospital has' its quota of hos pital visitors who work in under a convenor, also handicraft worker, and librarians. Every man in :h hospital is visited several times : S t week and those on the seriously j, , lists are seen every day. Lettrr written for the men and any slvv pmg that they may wish to do always gladly undertaken by V.v visitors. Cigarettes, chewing gum and papers are given to every ma each week. Invalid delicacies nr supplied to men dangerously o: seriously ill. "After the Dieppe raid, when cas ualties were brought in dtrln? th night, hospital ytftjtors remained ;, duty for twenty-four noun, seelnt? oerp a I Choire assortment of accessories. Upwards from 50c to SI THE DAILY NEWS that these men got Canadian Red Cross comforts. "We have visitors also in every British hospital where there are Canadian patients. These are most-ly.R.OA.F. men. They get the same supplies as the men in the Cana dian hospitals. "The matrons of all outlying hospitals received franked Dostcards. one of which is completed for each Canadian admitted to that hospital and returned to us. A parcel Is despatched to him on receipt of this notification. As, on an average, there are 7000 Canadian patients in hospital at any given time, it U obviously imposslbie to send a report on each man. ' Reports on the condition of patients which aie sent back to Canada by visitors are alwavs first an. proved by the hospital authorities. BSSSBk ' ' A ASK tOUH COAL OLALER ! fOt MAKE VQtlB HKHAT now a mi bookut on HOW TO SAVE COAL Leather gloves, unlined. lined and 51.95 10 S3.50 .,' Wide assortment of j In silk and wool. All arc gift boxed .... Rcttcr. quality and business. In gift boxes fancy BUILDING IS LIGHT Not Many Permits in November Hut Year to Date Much Heavier Than Last Building permit issued in Prince Rupert during November numbered but four and totalled only $1,300 In value. However, due to the heavy start earlier In the year, the bulldlnc value in Prince Ruoert for 1942 to date stands at $195,300 as compared with $172,188 in the first eleven months of 1941. Chris Berg. Ambrose Avenue. outside porch, $90. Roy Scherk, Seal Cove Circle, addition, $500. TTls NHnm ialAnai vMiKui Ik.i I mm 9 wtiiuiMviviivi luyiCM WISH fftgC, $50 Jiis information be given as wide j. a. Jackson, Ninth Avenue, publicity in this area as possible, move building, $400. SAVE COAL BY USING IT WISELY EVERY SHOVELFUL COUNTS! gift SI Dili nnrlSnrr nifl - 1 ! r . "-"v""""'"ft BUKKvMlUIIS iur int'll Z are pictured here. There are literally dozens of others awaiting your selec- lion in the store. Vou'H find every one $j a value from cverv miflp fvlv mn. fa - ' " J " t j v ticahility and economy. Ftae quality leather belts In variety of new Q-j rn shades Ql.OU Domestic and imported wool mufflers. Oay patterns Fringed ends. From Sl,oS3.50 Item's pure wool dress hose, assorted shades and patterns. 50c1" S1.50 m r,WT handkerchiefs 50c 10 FRASER and PAYNE dm for dress S2.50 TONKillT "(ilRL TIlOLItLi:" ONLY Complete Shows: 7:06, a 08 01 VK Til KM rim vi.0 Drslgiied to fill Hie need of a Clulslma. v. . . 4' , ... I CWBIES Bom f :-:'t HENRY FONDA GWGfff S0GHs CompI'K- Shows 1 00 2 M 5 n.; 7 14. 9 '22 nun tine . nti uiclmii1 ttlitl tuiiii.itait (dim SftZfO ON TH! iUMl riOCIAM CAPITOL in BOWLING WlrelMs U oat on lop In Um Unding of the Air Pore Howtlikg Leftgue with twnty wins and two tosses. Maintenance is socotid eJoac behind with nlntn wtns and eight losses while Anaammt to third, eighteen wins and nine loas-es. and Instruments fourth with wventeen wins and ton losses. Ac counts have now climbed out of the cellar, now having ten wins and seventeen losses, while Sharks and No. 4 Group I) bring up she rar with nliu tutn t. i t ; . MY P W Si Ik4tt Larix 8eabiom Campbrl, Season's rc; . Individual Individual t. .. Team sink f' Team tou, i -Recent high v,'. Stmpwxi 1. Lawrte Hegerat Weattk Walton Olson D'Arey I4eattjr . Of recent wrs defeat i?'!'' WIN) OVWUI1K II-.. leading averages to date are as standing thi 1'Iow,: teams coniliu; Iverach mo as ever. Xmas Gift Books C: No Liiiln up at Uox Office. No Purchase of t, T1 Necewary You can also buy them to send friends eLwi ... also relatives and friends in Armed s . , , J in Canada where Famous Players Thou;,, RIIASONAHLY PltlCLD FROM fl.oo To p..' iieoins tiiuks., rem i u.m i tt n sni t A1K1V11 ADDRESS IN NORWEGIAN f TAnd Motion Pictures Lieut.-Surgeon 0. A. Weisener Of Lilllc Norway, Toronto EAGLES HALL (Cor. ftth and Mcllndc) TONKillT at 8 p.m. Admissions 75c li ' f if! sr..WBsesi M z&a 2"" Oenuin' the smoklni; rum nappy here, at the Grotto Cigar awu M piP' If he's a smoker, you can find Just the Riff ,f) , ;3r cf MUilkCl j headquarters. Choose a gift, at any price you 11 ' our line of fine tobaccos, pipes, humidors, and snw" accessories GROTTO CIGAR STORE Wholesale and Retail TobarronM c