"SFEPNTCflnAY, DECEMBER 2, 4&4g( TnZ DAILY NLVJ B if y w av S 8 3 JOHN BEGG ? 8 IMPORTED OLD SCOTCH WHISKY 2 Hin This advertisement Is not published or displayed by f ne Liquor Control Board or by the Government of British Columbia Red Cross News Kits fur Survivors Wii'n you read Another hlp , rtocd off the West Coast" you c w ttut the unseen enemy U no. remote On each rescue ship .. '.. hastens to tilt scene of dls-are Red Cross survivor kits ..i-- bugs of stout material, eon-.ii,: 16 essential articles inclns-,- of oulflts of warm cloth In jt. T Provincial Red Crass has disputed 500 or these kits and an-,cr 250 are being assembled. Diamond Pendant Mr Chapman, winner of the dts r 4 pendant, recently donated U Mr- C E Tryon to the Patto-:e Red Cross unit, has returned ..' the proceeds of the sale of It the unit, thus adding 38 to the f.ntd and bringing up the total to 113270 (tire I'arm Products T Swanton and his sisters, who u fruit farm at RawMgh. IS from Kam loops, donate fruit 'MANHATTAN TALES' FINE OuMandlnic Cast Features Picture Coming Here For Three Day Run This Week-end A screen play which cuts the very heart out of old New York and lays It before the moviegoers to behold, "Tales of Manhattan," rick. Roland Young. Elsa Lanches- tables and flowers regularly to' ator 8B.nd?? "I Jam" "ie Red Crow this being sold at ie Kam loop Superfluity shop. Catering for Panres R ! Cross members in the new bury little village of Dawson Creek 'at Alaska Highway raise money 'f ring for the weekly dances One Hundred Knltkrrs Mr- Frank Becker. United C vh Red Cross Unit. Vernon. . ust completed her one hund-rfl h pair of boys knlrkers. Oleason, all of which Is an Im postac enough array to be sure. The action moves from a tenement to a penthouse, from Park AvesHie to Hell's Kitchen. Even Walter Wine hell has described It as "one of the greatest films I have ever seen." NOT BOBBY PEEL Australians rail a poMeeman John Hop" CONVENTION OF NATIVES is secretary and WUUasa Jeffrey as treasurer with Alfceft Wesley as recordins seoretanr. And Paul of Squamish as general orgaokr and business agent and Ambrose ReJd -H business agent for the nortn replete with adventure, humor and district. palpitating romance, comes to the screen of the Capitol Theatre here for a three-day engagement com-nwooing tomorrow. The story is an unusual one and In order to carry it In the Mm theroy an outstanding east whieh Include such stars as Charles Boyer. Rita Hayworth, Olngw Rogers, Henry Fonda. Charles Laughton. Edward O. Robinson, Paul Robeson, Ethel Waters. Roeh-eatef. Thomas Mitchell, Eugene Pallette, Cesar Romero, Call Pat- Continued from page 1) The reprewn Utton y delegate included coast aod interior from the United States border on the south to Alaska In the North. In keeping with the expansion ?f the organisation, the province vas divided into three districts for executive attention, namely, nar- Jiern coast from Alaska boundary to Skeena River, central district rom Skfna River to Rivers Inlet, 'he southern district from Smith's rnlet to the Washington border Vice-presidents to act as presiding officers for the districts were chosen as follows: north coast. Toshua McKay. Port Simpson: central coast. Ouy R. Williams Klttmaat: south coast. Daniel W. Assu. Cape Mudge. Alfred Adams of Maaaett was reelected president for his thirteenth term. II. D. Bailey was returned The Brotherhood retained in of fice the older chiefs who haw been the Inspiration behind the efforts of the Indians and additional Ufe members were added from the In terior as well as aasn King of Bella Coola. H. S. Clifton of Hartley Bay Is honorary president and Moody Karachi tte of Bella Bella is hon orary vice-president with other honorary officers as follows: Harry Brooks. Port Simpson; Edward Gamble. Kitkatla; Peter Calder. Greenville; Sam King, Bella Coola; Albert Mc Dames. Skeena Crossing, and Robert Wilson, KIs-Pjc. Delegates from coastal' points north and south have been passing through the city during the past day or so en route to their homes from Skeena Crossing. All reported having been shown fine hospitality while there, many social func tions being Interspersed with the business sessions of the conven tlon. HERE THEY ARE! All That's New, Gay, Bright, Clever, Amusing for Christmas Utile tots vflll.laujh, shout and ctap thlr pudcy hands with tire over Ihese jolly and amusing toys that Santa has left in truckloads at Ihis popular Christmas toy shop. Toys that move, sqwaurk, talk and what not are all here In grand array. And, parents, you'll be mlsht trre tlues PUI.L TOYS variety. at PLUS'JI PANDA B1LRS Blark and while with ejrs that move. S2.45 $4.95 of a wide and up 4 B2J 5? happy over DOLLS' of every- sire - M type. .Many Beauties. 39c t0 S8.25 and TOY DRUMS Big, bright and noisy. Drum QQp UUX' stirk Incloded . VARIETY STORE TILLIE THE TOILER i $ 1 I it & HAW RECRUITS y piU MANY AXIS SUBS (Continued from Page Five) then settle back beneath the sur face, followed by air bubbles and a large oil sHck. The aircraft remained In that area for 30 min utes before darkness fell. When it departed an oil slick 100 by 300 yards in size was clearly discernible on the ocean's surface. In addition to the depth charges, thirty rounds of ammunition were fired, but there is some doubt as to whether they found their mark. The crew participating in this B1 atuick r.duded: Flying Officer D. P. Rayii.,.,, l jror.t-, -attain; p nt Officer J. Leigh, To into, .;;' nd pilot; Flying Oi i- ei k h. M r Toronto, navigator; Pi.ot Officer J. S. Johnston. Ottawa, wireL s operator-air gunner; and Sergeants J. J. GllfaUan and F. II. Bebec, wireless operator-air gunners. - Another Hit Two days later, another aircraft from an R. C. A. F. East Coast base, while 220 miles at sea, picked up the wake of a submarine which was apparently stalking BY WESTOVER a convoy. In the attack which foi- ;ciaft or. pri.ier 1 1, ; .'miner L. Ir.wwi i. dpi cr.a. g: seci tj IT. Ross of Assinniboin Sask. and explode dlrtnliy ahetd of tiie Serge ws M (. Buchanan of com.i ; jwr. Following trie blfcst, the auuitaiiAe was seen to roll over to port and to subsequently slide under the water without forward speed. The aircraft remained 85 minutes before turning for Its base. A "kiU" in not claimed In this instance, but Air Force officials have good reason to believe the sub was damaged sufficiently t i make further operations difficult. The crew of the attacking air- A STATEMENT about F mil M. ML M -J M.W, Peterborough, x. a. Butler of Aylsham. Sasfe.. and L. A. Hol-Unger o; Pembroke. Out In spite of the fact tliat in some Canadian cities butter supplies recently have not sullictent to meet the greatly increased demands, the situation does not ennttitute an emergency; nor is it as serious as some people seem to think. There arte tWB main causes for these temorary and local shortages: For the pat year we have heen coiiMslently uinp . 10 to 15 more holler than in normal limes . with consequent diMnrhance to the dilrihutiou of our holler supplier. . i a Many people have heen buying more butler llian they currently need. Hie lintited nature of the present shortage is shown by the fact that if every home would reduce its consumption of butter by only one ounce per person per week (for the average lnMne this means a quarter of a jwund a Meek) or if we reduced our national consumption to the peacetime rati? the shortage woidd soon disappear. There is no Reason for Panic Buying It is unpatriotic and unnecessary for housewives to rusk out to beat their neighljoiirs to the nearest grocery store. Hotter will not le rationed to meet the present situation, llutter production is actually above normal' for this time of HOW TO SAVE BUTTER AT MEAL-TIME 1. Ue ImiUrr only for cprHufias on brad. i. Nrvrr ux bitltfr act not of the irfriscntar. Wait until it in aoft enough to upmrf f lib-. 3 AM mmN mmmbI of milk Vs rrraaiac hutlvr for afrirlw. IN" COOKING . Do not or butter in Wkiag mm! rook ins. wbrn Uni abort niing or mrat dripping ran lie uwil. i. krd MtMnminb of Uullrr. vbite iiawr, n- orihwitniauay tf. buttrr statnl in rr-i. 4. ptt? wrappinss from buttrr to grvaae Ixtkinx dtahn. i. lKi nnt it butter for re-warmini vrseUUn. 0. ?We mast gravy to avoitl tbe ue of rltra btitltr on potatnn. 7. VilwH aStMg bqttrr to vtKUe iUm, H H.parinirly. Do not mrlt it nl then inr on. year. The Hoard itself- is taking special action which it is believed will speedily restore normal supplies in retail stores. These supplies will however be adequate for' normal consumption, if housewives in all parts of Canada co-operate. Von can help in these ways: Scrupulously avoid waste and extravagance. Waste is wrong at all limes. In time of war it is sabotage. Duller Dy at least one ounce per person per week (for the average home this means a quarter of a pound a week.) Do not liny more than is needed for immediate use. WW? 4 A. MacKenzie Furniture Ltd. A GOOD PLACE TO BUY A eood selection of Christmas Gifts hate arrived a!thouh not so numerous as former years such as Coffee Tables, End Tables, Tea Wagons, Tables used for smokers, Secretaire, Tablelette, Jardlnere Stands, Tea Tables, Dinette Tables with flip leaf. Phone 775 327 3rd Avenue n i It's interesting to know when reading the Daily News that the people of the whole district are doing the. saiat 11