PAGE FOUR Expert OPTICAL SERVICE Chas. Dodhncad r- srt n--1 (It 1 Optometrist in Charge ' J ' Watch, Clock, Jewelry X J ' , Rcpairinc, Hand Engraving VISIT OUR BASLMENT STORE for Fine China, Dinnerware, (ilaskcs, Kaggagc and Novelties. MAX HEILBRONER Jeweler Diamond Merchant RUPERT PEOPLES STORE rr- ti ...I. -M- When You Want a Reliable. Comfortable, Dependable TAXI Service PHONE 13 24-11. ,ur service at Regular Kates Spring Filled Mattresses Just received from the manufacturer-the famous Bautyrest opring-Mled Mattresses, all sizes. Pillows, Felt Mattresses, Beds, Slumber King Springs, Folding Cots and Converto Lounges. Also we have received Lion brand Luggage-Suitcases, Trunks, Gladstone Fortnight Cases, Overnight Cases, Sleeping Bags. Tents Pack Sacks. Packboards, Dunnage Bags, Blankets, Window Shades' Large stock of Floor Coverings. Inlaid Linoleums. Congoleum Rugs, Axminster Carpets, Mats of all sizes, for your home requirements . . . Chesterfield Suites, Bedroom Suites, Dinette. Enterprise Ranges for burning coal or wood. WE INVITE YOU TO VISIT OUR USED FURNITURE DEPT. Il.nd ma.ny Dleces 01 furniture for your home at creat money-saving prices. Beach all-enameled Range fitted iith nllnTkrh!is 0aH.theAa.rts 10 convert for coal ofwood iplece &SenSul fiS?Sod,?tother UmS 100 nouSVtoCUmUe"tloCneaTeave Elio's Furniture Store THIRD AVENUE PHONE GREEN UI9 BUY . . . RUPERT BRAND Sole Fillets PRINCE RUPERT at Your Local Ilutchers. Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Co. Ltd. BRITISH COLUMBIA 3 RUPERT PEOPLES STORE I i !4-4-4-44HC..K..(.,t,' THE DAILY NEWS l'LANTING OUDEUS, flowers and vegetables divide NATIONAL CAMPAIGN themselves into three general The Canadian Red Cra , Soi fety RrouD3 hardy, semi - hardy and will launch a national appeal for-tAruw Thi. nmvide th iW L. i9.000.b00 on May 11 t cntiiiw.piahUng Mmc ,n any parlor tity mrougn me succccanvj wccks "Dominion May 31. This money is needed ur- . Xhe flrgt group can 5,., put , gently to on the vas: under- carry JuU u sowv M lne u fU takings of the Red Cnus for the work. ttiIs mpan. when one ran I next year. Among these arc pro- get out and dUf w1thout raWnu viuu.B iuw lur ju.u pacKi.. iv, any mU(j t for worklne or parcels a week for British prison- pianUng crumble. not pack ers-of-war. At present this pro- lnto a ba thf expcrU polnt tut ject alone needs approximately Amon th vcr hardy a , the expansion of the war on the Pacific, there will likely be need K- grcai purpose pUll: 01 vi me v..c uec r . . r. among the vegetables, and most of the nonnip.v entmiM. Snehelnr of more food parcels from Canada. buttonj and SWCft a Other Canadian Red Cnxu work the f,owtri ute Mnn Jrost w, includes "blood banks" for wound- not these nurt Usually tne ed soldiers and civilians, providing toaatr the arc ,anted the of clothing, food, hospital supplies. ter quilts, blankets and ,-omforts "to In th,, i-hardy line, vege- allevlatc suffering caused by war; tob,N and nowers whlch u1R mC stand a Ufht frMt or twQ LTOSS- be carrots, beets, beans, potatowt . Scientists have been giving us'.; many Improvement!! in vegetables.! Miss Josephine Gay and Martin Their work haa been carried out "I Hansen Were Both Born in in two directions: fir.n. the inirr- ! Hansen, Fifth Avenue West. Both some late. Cobs have teen lcng-the bride and groom were born In thencd. kernels made bigger. One! rrmce nupert ana nave Jived here can enjoy the finest table corn for all their lives. over a month Instead of bat a The bride, whpse natural beauty week or two as In the old days, was enhanced by a charming cos- 1 i tume of light biege with Mexican tan trimmings and matching accessories with bouquet of yellow and pink sweetheart roses, was attended by Mrs. John Carpenter as matron of honor. Mrs. Carpenter wore an ensemble of wine colored velvet and carried a bouquet of pink carnations. Jbhn Carpenter was groomsman. Following the ceremony a quiet reception was held at the home of the bride's parents. Both bride and groom enjoy popularity and esteem amid a wide circle of friends and will have hearty congratulations and best wishes, Mr and Mrs. Hansen will reside in Prince Rupert, the groom being engaged Jn fishing out of here. 1 EAST DEREHAM, Eng., April 7: W Every male Inhabitant of this Norfolk town of 5,000 has been al lotted tasks in case of Invasion arid dart be mobilized for action within a few hours.' For Easter Cards and Novelties go to the VARIETY STOKE NEW ROYAL HOTEL J ZARELLI, PROr. "A Home Away from Home-Rates 73c up 50 Rooms Hot & Cold Water Prince Rupert, B.C. Phone 281 P.O. Box 19G Send Your Copy Early I Local news contributions should be In the Dally News office by 10 a.m. on the day following the event prefer- ably the night before, a let- terbox In the door 'beW there to receive toby. Local ' news not in Dy 10 a.m. runs the risk of not being published. We prefer to haVe news contributions -vv..,wu,V),g typewritten lCWULCI1 . i neatly and double spaced, If I possible. However, legible ? writing will do. TENSE TALE OF FAMILY "Adam Had Tour Week feature Son" I -1 Mld-At Capitol Drama of a family's fight ti survive, the ageless war uf wuuu-n for the n they love. "Adam Had j Four Sons" comes this Wednesday and Thursday to the CaplUil Theatre. It Is one of the mas' candid stories ever brought to the screen the heart-wanning story of five fascinating men and the women In their Uvea. "Adam Had Four Sons" is baaed upon the sensation novel "Legacy," by Charles Ikmner. and stars Intrid Bergman and Warner Baxter with a stellar supporting cast. Featured In the film are Susan Hayward. Fay Wray. Helen West- j ley. Richard Denning, Johnny Downs and Robert Shaw. Baxter Is seen as Adam Stoddard, proud father of four devil-may-care boys. He watches them Grow, helps them through their loves ' and wars and anuudng des- a smoldering -eyed girl Chilllwack branch reiwrt its : ."".V?" . .1 . r:" capture first one. then another of thirty-ninth shipment of Red thc jiowerS Cross supplies and fourteenth car Undfr pIanU are thoe of salvage to the Red Cross pro- whlch not stand fn)H at vlnclal warehouse and salvage de- all Tf nhnv rnimrt hn h. pot in Vancouver. Supplies sent since the war began now total 65.000. This branch presents all volunteers who have oeen working six months with Red Cross I BUSY BRANCH I Every month the Woortflbr Red : Cross branch remits 'o provincial I Red Cross headquarters $230 plus I the sum of $10 to $20 made at a regular monthly - raising event In addition a grout) of 16 women meet often to mak-.' Red Cross supplies. KLONDYKE NIGHT Burns Lake Red Cross branch reports Its second annual 'Klondike Night." popular anl Well Known Couple Wed night suddenly turns cold and the time nor Inclination there plenty of thrive almost on neglect, digging of the ground . able to the sum of $300. Feature California I were "Diamond ur leuing tor- tunes a "boy of claims" with mys-' tcry prize, a white elephant booth, i "Hit Hitler" and "Rap LV Jap" games, hamburgers, pie and coffee. OPENS BOOTH Oliver branch has re-opened the iRcd Cross booth on Main Street. At present there Is a fine stock of rose bushes, rock plants and hardy perennials for sale. Patrons are dahlias asjtea 10 oruig meir own his sons, sees her seek greedily for new victims, finally to reach after htm as well. Miss Bergman Is cast as Emllie, fiercely devoted to Adam and hi youn?iters. hauntinalv 'lovelv Mlisntlv Inml nnitarilnn. mercury falls below 31 threes w and couratwus. " then only a miracle will ve them Ai Uwteri lhe from blackening. In thW delicate OHara. Susan Hayward U amid to line there are the melons, cucum- a powerful performance. Miss bers. peppers, pumpkins aBiong.wray Is etlectlwly cast as Adam c .cUi. lu iuuiu.. U4HI- Stoddard's vounc Wlf whna las, cannas. in flowers. FLOWERS THAT I IT There are flower gardens that fit almost any situation. For those people who have neither the (death precipitates the drama and the disaster which faces the Stod drd for years. Helen WatUejr la raid to be of equal merit In her character performance as Cousin are phlUppa. the curar-smokina rata- annual flowers that tlve who aids Adam hrin. un hi. A little, four sons. spring Is about all that Is required. Take such things as alyssum dwarf marigolds, portulaci and ' popples for edging. These are little flowers ttiat almost seed themselves, crowd out weeds, do well In any location but prefer sun and light soil. Once started they will took afUr them- selves. I For the centre of beds or near' the back, larger flower., such as ' rali-ntfula, poppy and phlex will make a jyo6 showing. and for screen-, castor beans. cosmos aunflower. tall marigold are adviwi. For scent, especially in the eve- ; nlng. j few nlco'l-io. carnation, I mlgno.iettc or will perfume the w!h maiden. i1 AIODERN VEGETABLES In late Richard Dennlnc. Jonnnv Down and Robert Shaw are thraa of the four sons. BLACKHEADS C mum of rilM f" irmm -llf 4. TW M. mU ItUI.KI.EY VAI I.EY Itt TTER Arrltw Fresh Every Wrh ! We believe in featuring It and helping our up-river farmers Trv It once and we feel sure You will wan, no other. It's freshnm and quality is unsurpassed We alt) feature un river VEGETABLES whenrver pus-' slble. MUSSALLEM'S Economy Store 'Where Dollar Ilavr Mre I'm!.', Prince Rupert. ductian of vegetabiej unfamuuir '". .r,'. ff I 5.7.5 ,9. to most Canadians, and. second "v,v',v,v,w'v'",''V.,.,.v.v. a ocauuiui dui quiei wedding and probablv more lmiir(9n .t Itook place at 7:30 Saturday eve- Improvement in those varieties ntng at the residence of the of- that have been grown In this delating clergyman, Rev. Canon country for years. W. F. Rushbrook. Ahm Cottage, Corn is a good example At one Overlook Street, when Miss Jose- time it was possible to get only one phine Gwenette Gay. elder daugh- variety of Bantam. Cobs were ter of Mr. and Mrs. Josephine B. short and the season alio. Now Gay. Hays Cove .Avenue, became there are offered threo or f..- the bride of Martin Helmer Han- different Bantam types, some rx-' aen, son 01 Mr. ana Mrs. Hans tra early, some reeular J. IW. S. Loubser D C . It.A. CHIROPRACTOR Wallace Block Phone MO I'Vesh Local Raw and Pasteurized .MILK VALENTIN DAIRY PHONE C57 IN Tin; m iniMi.f (11 itroi inimmi oi.i.Mun in iidiimi; 1 in me Mailer .if ll.r MiIihIiiMmIIihi Art" Ami III Hip Mllrr i.f III .liilr l John II. a, )nriiril TAKK NOTICE thM toy order of 111. "ouor. W E Ptahw. mmU on Um 1611. toj of Mroh. A D Ittl. I wu aanint. ed EwoiMor of u tAr of John PIvh dnrtmxl mkI all lmHtm having clUiin ?'niH the Mikt wtat re htn re-qulrwt uj hirntatt mum. peofMrty wi rd, to me on or brUxY, Um nui tUy 1. i til-.' . t my " Prti1 JL ". fmme are requiml u, to nw rorUiwIUi. OLAP BV1ND6BN Knoutor AlUw Ann. n. O IN Till; M I'llI'Ml; ( III IIT III' lllll (Ol.t'MllIt IV 1.1... ...... .'inurr or Ihr ! 1U Hay of AprU. A D. 1842 NORMAN A. WATT UtU 'AiliiiliiMmtliiii 1.. . .. UHiierwi.r knoun a. Honor W. E. SI!'1' Partt twin uwobd to Uic eatate Me rfuimi to n. o, uit Offloui AdnUWalrator CAPITOL A MMOUl 12 riATiis tMiam 4. '.it i 19. 3 44 Coinpii "onichT 1 A I III ' '"e 1 Ageless Worm Women ForThe MenTt Jl ill in I! w Jtowtsons JUJIX HTWU0fAT WHY RICHMODDiMNS'llCKirSHJtW C Olu M II t ictu I 1 EXTRA ADDED , March of Time presents "The Argentine 0, . Cartoon: "WlinV 7m. ;.. iiik. i .., u' HOW GOOD IS... YOUR JUDGMENT?? The people f Canada Ju.ltr their radio n r AND X0 PERti:NT HAVE UIOSIN Your iot jutlcmrnt U ronfirmrrt nhj clir R( A Victor for jour home' Nq.t , to bu ! TABLE MODELS Little Nlier fUndard wave S tube .Master Nipper -standard wave ft tube The Masrol tandard wave I tube MiHlel AU all wave, overseas dtaL S tube Mmlei All all wave, overseas dial, Utbe .Mwltl Asa all wave, oversea 7 tabc CtlNSOLK MODELS. lt .S SJIJI-, fc SIIII.IMI . SIIM'.O S'MO.IMI TIRES GASOLINE t VICTROIA tONSOtr I lobe tube 7 tube 0 tube , li tub 1 .SOLD. SERVICED AND V.i ARAYTI I U firj ,rr- .a (M In roiilinuance of our iwliry of mtWii; c-jt cs the IwM advantare and modiht helping to convrve co needed to help l t,e nar, e M ctep order after Ifrt. for delivery on the day folio lnC rrcrlpt of order fclsto oiiIcm to l e .lelJrtreil .Monday unlrn It h rronomi jr " route them villi, other dellverie. PHILP0TT, EVITT & CO. LTD. 1 ooriiii.Ls phone or. I ALBERTA - COMOV HI I.LIM.W Bl I.KLEV VALI.EV L'OAI.S riioM KAU-WAy I Canadian Pacific Transcontiiu'iilal Trans-Atlantic Trans-I'icift TO VANCOUVER VIA I1' "' OCEAN FALLS AND WAY S8 "I'ltlNUESS ADraAIDtr' every ItWaj. i" 1; TO VANCOUVER DIRECT: April 6th, lOlh, 28th. May 8th. 10th, June Hut TO KCTCIIIKAN. WltANOIiLI,, JUNEAU AND SlCAuWAV wru ma, 12th. 23rd. iffi 3. ijth. Mtn nckm .111,11 cr wlth'Oni inaiiUi 1 1 ReservalioiM from 1 COATES, (ieneral Agrnl, Prince KuprHi i;c ,iict It's interesting to know when reading the Daily Tine, nupert. n. c. 'that the nonnlo nf tun ...ui nM An n? trie - t - i r mi; kviiuiu uisixiwt "w