THE DAILY NEWS. a — — ee | W. L. BARKER | “Tue Dany News FAMOUS TRAIL HUSKIES ARE aaee'® _Silversides Bros, THE LEADING NEWSPAPER IN NORTHERN BRITISH COLUMBIA |e different sizes of wood hoists, Published Daily and Weekly by Phone 89 The up-to-date House Deo, THE PRINCE RUPERT PUBLISHING CO. LTD., PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. | Alberts Block Second Ave. tors of Prince Rupor Ora~ H. Gordon Munro W. Nicholson Lailey sign Writing.. TRANSIENT DISPLAY ADVERTISING—50 cents per inch. Contract rates application. = sunucRIDPION RATES—To Canada, United States and Mexico--Dany, s0c| rious Suggestions Being Made for Higsevement on the System of Sledge Haul MUNRO & LAILEY Paper-Han ; per month, or $5.00 per year, in advance, WEEKLY, $2.00 per year, Ail ing by Dog Train in the Monee ener § wig Likely to Prove Popular los sniengaee eee ging Other Countries—Daily, $8.00 per year; Weekly, $2.50 per year, strictly : Sterk Building, se e Our Specialties in advance. ont een ©) i ,{reindeer, the matter will be ur- Box 285 h been found guilty of a gross libel on a private citizen, and sitting Saison Svat iGiBet: HUH RGATE bsinoe Rupert, - Bt These Money Orders are payable at par at any Li: down deliberately to pen another page or two calculated (o place abla bition. it takens de ds point. | ig sets Smee Ceactered not only one but several other citizens in the worst possiblej 4g out thai Lapland, Finland and PO. BOX 28 PRINCE RUPERT Catiede (Yakon Te r kia light in the eyes of their fellow townsmen and the outside world.| other countries whence came the excepted), in the pri hein i Yet this is what the Empire’s comment on Tuesday’s libel case} reindeer, long ago learned the JOHN E. DAVEY tition df the United ‘States does, economy of these animals over |——— — — — TEACHER OF SINGING and in London, Eng. Ths SPAT SA ST A — ae aet cand vavaly| G088- Enthusiastic over the|a vast share of the native cari-}or less. The men ate extensive-| pupra ov wa. FOXON, BSQ., A.ILA.M., LON., ENG The Empire while the case was still undecided bravely plan to raise- more reindeer in bou herds, ly of the meat, but by far CHO fas ne a ails eanmaaaecatl JPRINCE RUPERT BRANCH promised a full report of proceedings. After the decision, hOW-|jne yorth, Mr. I. R. Warn, -re- sroater share ‘was. "de ‘ad by F. S. LONG, Manager : neee tore et Rnreer meee ear eae “Many do not. understand how] sreater share was Gevour , ; ever, where is the Empire’s report? Can it be that the paper|turning from the Peel river dis- cea me cae the dogs. JOHN DYBHAVN eamemmameems : ; : ; be : : ’ costly the dogs are. They must : which makes a boast of being “always reliable,’ and which can|trict, said recently: ; = ’ “If the reindeer were used by Real Estate — Loans live, They will eat far morelindians and whites, the dogs ; 1 “Rei Pow ave ¢ ' and Insurance usually be counted upon to report every word of the mayoral Reindeer would haye a three utterances, has not courage enough to quote his evidence in the “gid: SOvamtaga: ayer wait we ee : could be done away with. Not) 319 grd Avenue Phone 384 : r ; +9 supply a dependable source of “T know of one party of three|only would the reindeer be avail-| : ne witness box on Tuesday? meat, would be a means of trans-|hunters in the Pee! mmtrylable for food, but far more cari-| es : a W mill Co Ltd With a whining headline to the effect that “Newfon’s bitter] portation and would dispiace the| whichkilled 125 caribou, ‘a the} bou would be availabie fer the | a opponents are seiected as judges,” this bold editor ‘downed for packs of dogs which new ges: number lasted only one season|use of man.” | HAYNER BROS. UNDERTAKERS ano EMBALMERS Lumber the first time in the history of the city’ throws contempt upo))—_——_—_—— —_—__— - $$ ik COME L MDE Ot aaa a Funeral Directors the high court of justice which tried his esse on Tuesday. He IN NEW ZEALAND, Too smashed by a terrific gale last 3rd Ave. near 6th St. Phone No. 86 and names each and severally the citizens called to serve on the i WINDSTORM LAYS night, but every person in the} : ea z Mouldings jury, and characterizes them generally as men so disreputabie Cost of Living Keeps on Increas- town, Which has a population of ; ; : ; ing in the Antipcdes. ‘ sscaped and , re| — that they would dare to take solemnly the jurymen’s oath to 9 ocnse 300, escaped and only two were] ips” Spurs ; ‘ : 5 een hurt, aceording to news advices} deal justly and impartially, and would yet deliberately perjure The government is considering! received here yesterday after-| themselves by bringing in a partial and unjust verdict. Thus] the setting up of a royal commis- noon. The message declared that! A large stoek of dry finish- ing lumber on hand. Boat E. L. FISHER does our mayor respect a group of his fellow citizens, amongst] sion to enquire into the decreas-|@ale Does Immense Damage;/!0)! a building in the village re- Funeral Director and Embalmer lumber a specialty. Delivery which may be read the names of several who have been his ing purchasing power of wages} Gauses Big Loss of Life in/mained standing, | rene AMEE Sci die 0 pau personal friends. ot ok Sere a, ee Kayloe, Okla.—Not a House eee C eet twenty _ Persons | GEENIDAY Lib Nines Our prices are as low as any. Thus fresh from his lost libel suit does the editar of the geet cost of living in New] Left Standing in the Town. pene heen killed throughout the| FEL chets odering, Evening Pmpire advertise to ine community that he cannot take Guthrie, ~ Okia.,. June 48. ad Be _———S_$.$s $$ — Bee his medicine like a man, but must whine and snarl like a whipped Take heme a quart of ice cream, Sixty or more lLouses in the vil- Launch Alice B., W. J. Thomas. cur biting at the heels of those who have justly chastised it. when you go. See Keceiey. ages of Kayloe, Okla., were| Phone Green 391. Govt. Wharf. CO OFFICE: EMPRESS THEATRE BLDG. Regarded professionally and in the light of the recent libel suit, ta eae ence eee aaa i et the Empire’s comments on the case show very plainly that the pwe citizens who fancied the press of Prince Rupert would be im- proved by the lesson. administered in libel law have been mis- taken at least as vegards one paper, and that one the very paper punished. Only an editor who could admit unblushingly in the witness box thet after twenty-five years’ experience he Cor. Gth St. and 2nd Ave. JAE) Prince Rupert at Lodge, LO.OF. ella — Meets in Fa Block Sixth Ave.--Best Buy in (i Every Tuesday Evening —————— Al! members of the order in the| Lots 7 and 8, Block 22, 5 city are requested to visit avenue, $700 each; ™% ca You Can Thank wrote without troubling to investigate facts or to consider ef- the lodge months, or #650 each cas fecls, could so astoundingly return to his old groove. There is A. DOUGLAS, N. G. H. DOUGLAS but one comment to make upon such conduct: “Can the W. G. BARRIE, See. 313 Fulton St. P. O. Box 60Gim ene of S.H. & E.F.| Prince Rupert Dairy Ethiopian change his skin, or the leopard his spots?” Advertising NESE time you step into the corner store, take a look around. Of all the articles on the shelves, how many were on your shopping list five years agoP Make it ten years, and you will find that most of the things you buy to-day—and could not do without—were not even made then. (SCANDINANIAN Sociery) | Meets every 2nd and 4th Tuesday at 8 FRESH MILK & CREAM DAILSS p.m. in the ball at 319 3rd Ave, Guaranteed Pur SONS OF NORWAY Meets 1st and 3rd Thursdays at 7 D; m:, at 319° 8rd: ave, All Nor.|3e???}" wegians are welcome, —THE HAND LAUNDRY Westholme Lumber Co No Shipped Stuff Phone 28 Peed PePeePPeeEP PEEP Peewee described in our tailoring rnagazine “FASHIONS FOR MEN” FREE (just published) a Free Copy of which, with full range of 1912 patterns and simple celf- measurement form, we will send you on application. The “Rego” Clothiers, Made to Ld. Measure Dept. O P.O. Box Montreal. Let us thank advertising for it. You men and women who buy them almost immediately after they B none ee and pressing. ° things, iet this sink in. You are are perfected = es ee Geert. Lumber and Mouldings better men and women because of ’ advertising. You eat more whole- J. J. Hill says this “high living” CS See: Seren some food. You wear better clothes. Costs. more. True for J. J.—but : All Kinds of Buitding Supplies Your home is better furnished. You it is worth more, And leaving the CARTAGE and 2°00 000 have cleaner and more sanitary cost aside, do you want to go back LINDSAY STORAGE Es > 18 Ss houses. You read betier books and to buying jam out of a pail, oatmeal First Aveune ee business men magazines. You seek more health- out of a barrel, raisins out of sticky G. T. P. Transfer Agents ————— fultamusements. boxes, or tea exposed in an open Orders promptly filled. Prices reasonable, —e—e--e—0—0 — o-0 + oo are now wearing chest? OFFICE—H, B. Rochester, Centre St. Phone 68, ’ “ te Your whole standard of living has —_——_ ae FRED. STORK sf Rego clothes been raiscd-—-and why? Because Do you regret the money you ‘pe HARDWARE RAT the men who make these better paid for a Player Piano? SMITH & MALLETT ? —_———_ d q The fact is significant ; it means that things are telling you that you will waren avin, ¢ vias Arrived: Heavy Stock of i, 20,000 men recognize that “Rego b fina baton d Would Plumbi : ; Wire Cable ‘ash laaiload they sank, nad.teak:’ Repo” ¢ more comfortable, happier an ould you forego the new style umbing, Heating, Steamfitting and || @ : ere ond wal Leal aoe healthier if you use these higher razor? Sheet Metal Work Fine Assortment of Ice (ream qu ty and value aie the right standar 0 F Fishing Tackle, Rego” Clothi Lonclon’s leadin rade goods. Phone ite *'™* noth Bee roe Pout tt 2 othiers are Lon g g g Phone 174 2nd Ave. bet. 7th and 8th Sts Poultry Netting, Tailors (with 23 shops in the Empire : oe Isn’t a Tungsten worth a thousand , Screen Wire Metropolis), and they offer you high-class It is advertising that makes it candles? grata? Fil ’ SECOND - AVENUE London tailoring at practically ready- possible for you to buy “the best” = NOW o-+—0-0-§ made prices—or less. right at your corner store. It is Would you now be enjoying these = rere arene = oo = 6s 9 } advertising that encourages the if enterprising manufacturers had That we have more front on 216 | i. REGO NEW YORK inventor to make new corrforts and not told you about them in their large iach of, beavtift “oak Turn @ American Model Lounge Suit, The new utilities and enables you to buy advertisements? curtaine drapery, ttc. "See out C O A L cut and fashion of this superb model wow windows at ' the Cle uraitues here hewn ender by experis nthe || SARE al Maatth AEE oN New Wellington Coal, Best o* 0 $s! ian style . i$ n je on ie eal. aegis a nh eg gee Isn’t life brighter because we have new 2nd avenue. Entrance’ front, me Ceset “New York” is only one of the F ‘an Phon Rogers & Blac many sinart styles illustrated and fully and higher standards of living? esiiin ate ere AND 2ND AVE. aus ' tising agency or the Secretary Lumsden Building, Toronto so write if interested. PRINCE E RUPERT RT FEED 0. For Kitsumkaium or Lakelse Advice regarding your crear) of problems is available through any qn eae a e the Canadian Press Association, Room Big stock of all kinds of be nguiry involves no obligation on your m es Garden Seeds, Timothy, ul Clover and Grain Seeds, Mail Orava Prompily Attondet Wo write or call on the ———_ |Terrace Land (0 jez |: Agents Interational Stock Food: | TERRACE, B. ©. e~ALL KINDS OF FEED~~