u is if I I I I PAGE TWO Your Credit Is Good EDITORIAL Congratulations, Ratepayers! . . . The Prince Rupert .Ratepayers' Association presents a full slate of candidates for the offices of mavor, aldermen and school trustees at the forthcoming civic election. The risk of any of the offices gqjng vacant bv (lefault is eliminated. After all, there is an encouraging interest displayed in civic affairs although th nomination committee of the Ratepayers' Association did have a rather difficult time obtaining suitable material. The effort was, however, worthwhile and the committee is to be congratulated on the quality of the candidates who have been indncpd to stand. Tho rvmrlirlntes tViomcnlvnc - -. - uv.aB -m. m m ,Yal kVl' VIIV.1IUA.1 1 V- are entitled to appreciation oh finally giving way,to their sense of civic responsibility and duty by agreeing to assume the duties of civic office which in the cases of most of them, no doubt, is tyeing done at the expense of their own personal time and business which might well have full claim upon them. Interesf in any civjc ejection always, of course, centres upon the mayoralty and for this office the Ratepayers' Association has made a fortunate choice in person of William M. Watts, prominent and successful young local business man. For some years now Mr. Watts has taken a keen and leading interest in civic affairs and. since he has served with success as president of the Prince Rupert Chamber of Commerce and the Prince Rupert Ratepayers' Association, it cannot be said he is without modern experience and knowledge of. the current political situation. He will not be deluded abqut the responsibilities he will be called upon to accept and the problems he will have to face if elected to the chief magistracy Among the candidates for the aldermanic and school terial. boards is also to be found competent and versatile ma-There is no official intimation as yet of other candidates who may enter the field. Now that the first move has been made, it is to be expected that others mav be expected. In any case, it is gratifying to be assured through the action of the Ratepayers' Association last night that there is now worthy talent definitely available to take charge of affairs when Prince Rupert, after nearly ten years of commissionership, returns to the position of municipal autonomy. Wanted -- Raw Furs JV. GOLDBLOOM HIGHEST MARKET PRICES PAID Representing HUDSON'S BAY COMPANY Ship to J. e. ORMIIEIM. Cow Bay, Prince' Rupert, II.C. ;- i i mm tut mrm n ma i i i ro ta u i ( . FUR COATS TRAPPERS! Will pay more for Furs this year than ever before. Received Larjfe tock in Sizes from 12 to 22 We have large order for Raw Furs. Don't sell before you see me The Old Reliable iwiinniiuiiiniuiiiinnuuu.,,.,..... 8? a? B r jr.-c-i iv" j-v rTssf,"' sir. jrxv ACTIVITIES . OF Y.M.C.A. . AND Y.W.C.A. By DOROTHY (? Alt BUTT. Hostess Well, well, and what did you think of our "Dutch's initial literacy efforts? I was very proud of him. He has a style that is whimsical and full of feline lancy. We mus: have more anon. Tnank you. Dntch Another well attended me tin nr the Service Wives' CSub on Ttfcrs- day afternoon saw 'several new memlyers enrolling. The work on me sags ror tne hospital patients was finished and now they have to be filled. lAnri tho har or v-. Paris Maid SLIPPERS IN ALL THEIR SPLENDOR HERE THEY ARE! .47 TAaf's New, Gay, Bright, Clever, Amusing for Christmas PLUSH PANDA REARS Black and white with eyes that move. CO Iff and PULL TOYS variety. at 4.95 of a wide 65c and up VARIETY lr i 4 Little tots will laugh, shout and clap thir pudgy hands with glee over these jolly and amusing toys that Santa has left in truckloads at this popular .Christmas toy shop. Toys that move, sqwauck, talk and what not are all here In grand array. And, parents, you'll be mighty happy over the values! DOLLS of every size and type. Many Beauties. 39c 10 88.25 TOY DRUMS Big, bright and noisy. Drum flftn Rtick Included STORE ill so I 5 8 & Is fid "ifi it fa a Mm fa f. THE DAIIA NEWS SATURDAY, DKckmefd ChruSnff nlheldSS- jPoSt-Nliptlcll i mv at war . bti f ilt i liildxen V ten and under who.' narat axn't in had better see that Mummy attends to It right away. ilt's awf'Uy important! j There will be two concerts at the ipltol Toeatre on Sunday afternoon and evening. Tickets are needed tor the evening stoMr only. Ml tickets are to be got from unit W30qgftfters. fbrdfe (Island Porta Wilkinson 1H tHr following apart ",rf6rt with n: .' tt Wednesday evening Decembe 2. a three-hour volley ball struggle was played at Jfrt F.trl(. jVe i rams were entered comprising .Rr-nrt No. 1. ftecrulU No I Serg-eanta. Mchlight Section and tjrenadri. The .f.nai game wa Played oeWeen Searchlights Ser- tttti Wfl and aa Sergeants B"nts with with the the generous , In size so iw they will take rS?1lrchUint$ " 1 comw 0Mt m to v some fill no i Th lnt.t.l.il, r.n. . T" ?:ize wb, brought by Mr Mac 1? VSTS jK Onr Sead n I41"1 0nr- WooUe " lhw ,s a tram reedy to take on thesejri xt Thursday thore will be a 'Prrrierlrt ch bridge-whist, the proceeds of which ; Wilk.ion of th- "Y ' know about it A. MacKenzie Furniture Ltd. A COM) PLACE TO BUY A sood selection of Christmas fiifts have arrive.1 althouh not so numerous as former years uch as Coffee Tables, Knd Tables, Tea Wasons, Tables used for smokers. Secretaire, Tablclrttc, Jardinere Stands. Tea Tables Dinette Tables with flip leaf. Phonc 775 327 3rd Atenue ARRIVED - Men's Hard a.jd Soft sole', Ladies' Satins, .Leathqrette ,.1nd quilted in a myriad of coloi-s. Make your purchase early while sizes are complete. ... Family shoe store ltD. ! "The Home of Good Shoes" PARALYSIS INCUBATION' The average lncnbation period of infantile paralysis is 12 days. laxsUEfaiirafsuiiiniiMis - Fresh Local Rav and g Pasletirjzcd MILK 2 VALENTIN DAIRY a CB-B PHONE G37 MUSSALLEM'S Economy Store "Where Dollars Have Wore 1 Cent" j Phones 18-19 P.O. Box 575 ki s Our Delivery Schedule 3 DELIVERIES WEEKLY fi TUESDAY, THURSDAY, M SATURDAY Please co-operate by placing q your order as early as possl- y ble.. To ensure delivery, or- 'gj ders must be In by 4 p.m. the h day preceding delivery. ajBi-Bra SAvoy HOTEL Carl Zarclli, Prop. Phone 37 p.o. j0I 341 FRASKR STREET PRINCE RUPERT ShowerHeld Last Evenincr ? I M A very delightful post-nuptial u shower was held at the home of m Mrs. W. S. Hammond. IUbV ptxth - Avenue Sast. on F.iday evening in - honor m Mr J. Alexander, th S Vnr 'ldls XUMan Dgirfc.v wh was recedtfy manrttri in Victoria ' The evening waS pefli phytiu a contest prbewlxmers b-inj M-s 11. M. Foote and Mrs J Lamble Atlit refreshments wore served by tfte hostess, thr bride was presented wtth a sliver a'w'jle froti the irtvited ipests. Thos present were: Mrs. W. B Hammond. Mrs J Alexander. Uts. J.'Lambie. Mrs I) McKensie. Urs B. Love. M s a Smith. Mrs 8 L Pearhey. Mrs D Owens. Mrs II M Tixu U- F IAit'aKV X. BL u tK Bl tK O ' 1G Colorful greqtipjp If 12 qjiatrainK Cunls: Old S? touch .... m 16 CaixJg. m the Friendly Hox Ki in "V. Vkekers. Mrs. O. Scott. Mm. Dow. goer, and the Misses M Owens. H Hampton. M. Sharp. E Watson 1 IT Lr ' " in Don i let Xma put )ou "In the Urd'" Shor at Tin: Variety Store f Where jour dime are little ? dollar taenia .sr e a Say It With Cards' BOXED ASSORTiMENTS m I n B m m CI U vi ty. v j S 21 Assorts! Crtli, nr fc j attractive dufignt e) C '8 75e Tymt" 75 c appiopnate verf V.vjU T k A I 1.35 X 21 Greetiagp . . . $1.00 4 2 l'UJe Epgraved Card uUC g rj -16 Cards in an q j op S!- 5 unusual awortmont v'JL.iiD S! mtm - f 2f i5 ",,,mb, U each different . . T . . . . 55C 5 i hat rim- SI s; H i? Fv INDIVIDUAL CARDS 2 for 5c. 5c. 3 fr 19c. 10c. 2 for ISc. 15c and 25e wide and attractive rang for selection. (lift Wrapping Paper. Enclosure Cards, Tags, Seal, etc Popular Price. OnW Your 1313 Calendar Pads Now! Iileal and Jumbo Calendar Pad and Stands flOLD STAMPINO on OUT LEATHER Dibb Printing Co. Third Street. ,snrr nWk SWSi , ''"'f'fflBlfiUMiM A WARTIME X mas ,Ve Kt Jlial Christmas Shoppers this ;ear . . lie patriotic and July VIC- rt k '. : ' ' ' UW liUNDS QR AVAR SAVINC (M-IRTIIUCWTES. If you insist on .buying Men's Wear, see W, F. STONE "(-lollies of Distinction mi I f t m ' xt tit 1 & fid I 1 g , IM1 I IN 7 in: i rntM, lit rr ' ' t i Mint i t i: I I In lh lllrr -t 1 ' In tttr MM lei .I (.. I : ' TAKE worn r : Honor Juctar K Ckmr BrM of : of tMUs RMH !' who rt ' T Afrtl u Ui mm r. tht wnount n( -forth!) ui.i .; Mld Utr ini': rnV thMB wt . or Mofv tto i : mMi lwvtn r- DTBD f 27th fey of MORMON Of' l Tin: l ria Ml it l(T or r (OIOIIIH In Ih Mllr An In Hi Miller mi " Imik lnt TAKE NOTI' T Honour Juavr ' th ftuprrmr bto, I " " ' AD. t4I M!"' Uu IMste of ! of Ocn rn f erunt who I'f (Ujr uf Atwiix-detXcri to qiuml to pV " nTKiryi hvii n prv(ny vr.- iaui ojr oi " ' ' wttlch HlJitrth'i' wbloh I t" !; DATED SOlft dT of " ' , or' r : - You'll be jripprd fc. n.,. m when oa enter "i Irlendly hop. T,f j... erTlre. ant kn:.r.-.' "( fashions for mm low price, Kt rotne atsin and i Mens and IV . WATTS and NICKERSON &il Third Are The NEW ROYAL HOTEL J ZAHEir . r -A Home Awt) fr, uca. iUtrt ?5 ip Prfnre It a pert, Br Phonf Ml T O. IUi I onn w n ' asstt iti , ' tjounr r ri of i t,,, 1tat artujr 4 I"Hik ufr ! TwiiSii 'V Mik. at P; v. W.Kout H i rnnr.ur KWOXO SANf. IHN" nor Kn: CHOP Openi a p.m (Irders from 2 P SUEY House to Kln Tl CM 7th avi: All ynr lafna,r In! " i-tn - WIST to : . siH I'lione K'" " ;:iNi r urlcon"