ft ; ft rirrrMnim. 5 1042 T". V !'- ... - - - THE DAILY NEWS PAGE TKSEfi LOCAL NEWS NOTES y I! I I (i ,I!1H Mill 0( CUV lex in a iarii on me . II wax taken to f avor Of i Hiuhl Bp and There will be no Christmas de---atn of the sUeets by the Junior Section of the prince Rupert Chamber of Commerce it was decided at the meeting of the Junior Chamber last night. hrislmas With an Old Q'ffs Fashioned .FJavor quality and to date in Uilortng for men's fjfta". iisiKi:ucHii:rs . ...t- linen, plain or ::. inlUaled. DOJt-,, -ix tn a box. 50c,o S2.25 . TIKS Heavy rich sflks in luxurious colors and patterns in gift boxes. SI and S1.50 IIOSi: Choice ,i.id Mlk and and fancy Hosiery Vfc:it is more tjogant h&n fine T..ie',ry. We're ready with lovely New Lingerie to make chrfetmas dreams come ' " ;me, 5 ''' Dr es for gala evenings. L s for a nicer gift. of all wool wool. Plain 50c ,0 $1.00 Fraser and Payne Oil" I lUtA.D 8 Boxed Hankcrchicfs Sportswear Gloves Men1 A, Cash for eld gold, Bulger'. Cedar Chests, Tea Wagons, Cof- fee Tables, Comforters, Axminster Harold Ivarson was the winner of i rarn.tl pt.to-r Prirw nunrt ur savings siamp rauie ai ine meeting last night of the Junior Section of the Prince Rupert Chamber of Commerce. Ri'llflous services for natives at Salvation Army Citadel Sunday 4 p.m. All natives Invited to attend. (It) Prince Rupert Dry Dock Employees' Association. Employees' DANCE to be held in the Staff House Dining Hall. Saturday 9 to 12. Admission 50c. Ladies Free. All men must show their Red or Green Passes. (233) Notice The regular meeting of Local 180 UA.. PJiS., and Marine Pipe Fitters will be held Sunday at 1:00 p.m. In the Longshoremen's Hall, 8th and 2nd Street instead of the usual time and place. All members are urged to attend as business of! importance will be discussed. By order of the executive board. (Signed) R. WILSON, Secretary. JHHpuHcepiehtJ All advertisements in this column wjll be charged for a full month at 25c a word. Help Norway Invitation Dance, Oddfellows' Hall, Dec.. Rebekah Dance, Hall, Wednesday, Dec. tatlon. Women Christmas lows' HaU ments. If you know she has a Milt, hLOUSeS love a.Bio&e or two.cd and rilr"u which IvcrVi choosci Could LOU anyone If you'd like a hew Housecoat, a hint to Santa uid a trip 'to bur complete selection and you ' choose It today. more Nothlnjr makes a lovelier gift than a Purse. iletries v Lingerie Dresses Satin Houwcgats por your more collegiate friends, you31 find our lovely il)pnfpr Sweater collection thin than mmnlei.iv complete. UlvvWl , WALLACE'S THIItl) AVI.NUH Oddfellows' 9. By lnvl- of Moose Invitational dancing party. Odd f el-December 16. Reiresjh- TIMItt.K tli: JI!tl ald aaajairi SU to recelred by the District FWiMr, Prtoor Rupert, not later than atam an the 1SU day at Decarabeo for tb purrtiane of lic ence XSlVSf omr mottrh oi Chlmde- Crerfc to cut I.44O.0O0 et 01 Hemlock. Cedar and Spruce Tbrw 131 year MO lie aUod for removal of tlujfw. Further paitttulara of tt Ctllef POr- eater. Vlrtcrla. BC. trie Dkrtrfc rrrei- trr Prince Rupert. B.C. Ranger 8. Ci Oorper Terrace. BC Ke l.MI KKIISTKV ,nuiki: For a really nice gift a Sweater, Jacket, Skirt or Suit ACT (rrtlllrale nf No. 1M"-1 I.C Tarnll-llirre ). lUork lit (3), un.Uii: ir sti; akt. ijpi i . i . i i i will be Just the ticket tlU year. She't proud of her hands, he11 appreciate Gloves and they'll add a dashing note to her costume. rp. If you're In doubt about gilts, sec pur election, boxed 1 ICS and dlaplayed to help you buy. Accessories WHERKAB lynctm PK 9 kM of Uit above OeritnoMe at litie lawetl In Uie name gf Ctertw V PtXienau. has bren HM In thte otfU. notloe U brreby glvec tlat I ataU tt the expiration at ocve maatti from the date ot the nnt piihHntlnri hrreof. Iue a ProTfckxnl OerUftcM oX TtOe la lieu of Mid lost certlRoafte. unless In the meantime valid objection be made to me In rtttnr DATED at the tand Rittry OtOce. Prlnre Rtspert. BC . thu 1SU day of November. 1942 Andrew Thompmn. DSPUTY RBC118TRAR OF TTTLE8 There is no daintier gift than Handkerchiefs. With only a limited number oi snopping aajs unUl qhrUtmas, be wise, choose your "Just right" acceswrle now. Hosiery will be much more appreciated this year than ever before. shell shell surely dressy A A cash offer of $50 has been made for the model yacht now being raffled by the local Rotary Club It the winner wishes to dispose of same. '& S 8 & 5s 8 & Handbags i I WWW ST. PAUL'S LUTHERAN CHURCH Magnus B. Anderson. Pastor 11 am. "Where is the Kingdom of God?" Music by Junior Choir. 7:30 "The Saviour is Coming!" The first n a series of three lectures in preparation for Christmas. Vocal solo The Stranger of Gali lee" Harold Normann. A fellowship Hour will follow the evening service. A cordial welcome to all. FlltST PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Fourth Avenue East 1 Rev. A. F. MacSween, B.A.. Minister Mrs. E J. Smith, Choir Leader Sunday, December 6, 1912 11:00 a.m. Morning Worship Anthem "All Things Bright and Beautiful" Junior phoir. 12:15 p.m. Church School. 7:30 pjn. Evening Worship. Anthem "Silent Xlght, Sacred Night" Senior Choir. 8:30 pjn. The Sunday Evening Hour. The minister will preach at both services. Strangers and men in the Services cordially welcome. ft 8 nilST BAPTIST CHURCH ' TFifth and Young Morning Worship 11.00 a. m. iUiTs Jeed of the '.Most High.' " .kt.l.nnl Kit. y y y y y y y i 1 WANTED Housekeeping room for soldiers' wife, will do part time housework if necessary. Phone Pte. G. E. Hutchinson, Ordnance Workshop. (284) HELP WANTED Meat cutter, good block man, also part time deliv ery drlfer, male or female, fof meat market. Apply Unemployment Irrturance Commission AF 24. (283) 9 WANTED One or two rooms or small house. Box 399 Daily News. ' (289) 9 9 y y y y y y y y y y Pveriihg Worship 7:M pjn. "Cal- 2 vary and Miracles." j" Song service and social fellow- sjj snip nuur iuiiuwiiik uir -cnmx worship. Welcome! "In everything give thanks unto WANTED Gentleman wants room or board and room. No objection to city outskirts. Box 400 Daily News. Y.W.C.A. Rooms Registry, itooms urgently needed. Mrs. aarmut. WANTED Truck driver, male or female. Apply Unemployment Insurance Commission AM 15. Uf) PERSONAL DRESSMAKING AlteraUons. 737 Second Avenue. Apartment 2. (291) FOR delivery service of the Van couver Dally Province Phone Green 877. (285) YOU CAN RUN A HOME KINDER-garten with our help. Canadian Kindergarten Institute, care M. C. C. Schools, Winnipeg. Man. STENOGRAPHERS and TYPISTS NEEDED badly by Government for war work. You can train at home for Job as Stenographer, Typist, Office Clerki Letter Car rlcr. Mall Clerk. Customs Exam- lnr, etc. Free advice and re cord of appointment of our stu dents from M.C.C. Civil Service School Ltd., Winnipeg. The old est In Canada. No Agents. Classified Ads. WANTED WANTED Married couple wants 3 or 4 room house, preferably near Dry Dock. Apply Box 401 Dally News. (285) WANTED Experienced girl or way to care for 3-year-old girl during day. Very good wages. Mr. Street. Phone 591 during day. (285) y Rev. C. A. Wright. Pastor 55 PERSONAL GOOD HOME in Vancouver wishes to corresoond with parents of High School girl -desirous of schooling In Vancouver. Room, board and small allowance. In exchange for light sen-ices as mother's help. Write Mrs. .Howard, 6908 Cypre St.. Vancouver. B.C. FO 3A.l FOR SALE Newstand, Tobacco, ConfecUonery, Magazine, and Novelty Store. Exceptionally good sales record. Reply Mrs. R, E. Gunderson. Box 73, Prince George. B.C. (283) FOR SALE One 6 horse power Marine Boiler, pressure 65 lbs. One Upright Boiler 2.9. Pressure 100 lbs. (285) FOR QUICK SALE Black seal cbat. dress length, size 46. 1422 Piggot Avenue. (284) PIANO FOR SALE good condition. Phone Green 920 after 6 pin. 1284) FOR SALE Solid oak dining room suite, phone Green 789. (283 i C ; FOR SALE Modern bungalow. near Dry Dock. Phone Green 715. (283) FOR SALE Heater, double bed hardwood). 960 First Ave. West. (283) FOR SALE Electric Stove. 8Ub Borden Street. Black 187. (288) ROOM NL .BOARD ROOM and Board for man sharing. 718 Fraser Street. LOST 8.1 LOST Pair of brown military Oxfords. Finder please return to Dally News'. (283) LOST Gold cross and chain in box between Prince Rupert Hotel and train. Finder please leave at Police station. (283) FOR RENT ' a y ' FOR RENT Furnished room, gen tleman preferred. Apply Box 402 nallv News. 283 Y0' THEM. NEVER WAS A BETTER YEAR FOR PRACTICAL GIFTS this fir year. ,Chrislmas, 19,12, is no time to buy . " v ' silly gadget-gifts for men get them what they need and .really want something to wear. It's the ' m. sensible and patriotic thing ,to do Our stock, though not as complete as in former years, affords plenty of selection and, if you're not just sure what's needed most, you'll find one of our gift certificates a grand solution. Naught Can Compare With Gifts to Wear SHORT CUT TO VICTORY! LADIES! Rere Is yotr chance to try the latest 3-INCH FEATHERBOB PERMANENT. All ends tapered with Frank Baird's Hair Shaper. Individual styling to suit your features. Sunrise Beautu Salon VIOLET MAII Cot. 6th and Fulton AVe Sunrise Store Phone Blue 943 ,for appointments Your Christmas Toys are here TANKS ... GAME OF QUOITS 'GAME OF ELSIE BOWL-PIN PLASTICINE and MODELLING CLAY ' BLITZ, Air Raid Game - BLITZKRIEG - - BLACKBOARDS , - MODEL CRAFT MODELS Santa is doing a good job despite restrictions Here are some of the new items: JIG-A-UIC three dimension Jig Saw $1.15 NEW TLAST1C DISHES 65c, $1.25 CHINA DISHES, from England CUT OUT and EMBROIDERY SETS 5-piece TRAIN SET ............. - $1.85 3-piece HOBBY TRAIN SET $1.95 irnnii WOOD liniTC BOATS, tIlit.trIVF: SUBMARINES. 1 .... 35c, 60c and up ; 35c and 75c $U0 60c and 95c 20c to 95c r $1.75 $1.95 . 30c to $1.95 5c, 50c, up to $2.50 SAMBO, Target Game - $2.10 BOXED BOOK SETS, Nursery Rhyme. Stories, Coloring, Cut-Outs. Magic Paints, etc. Set 50c RELIABLE CANADIAN MADE DOLLS, more beautiful than ever 35c to $5.75 RESERVE TOYS NOW! If you lose anything, advertise for it - i i t a ! 1'. 1 1 1 .... 95c, $1.15, $1.95, $2.65 U M L 45c, 65c, $1.00 S P ft