THE DAILY NEWS, weekly nes pegulal passel & Pe jgency for all OAL NOTICES GT. BRITAIN intend to apply fi coal and petro! TWIN SCREW STEAMERS UPERT” AND “PRINCE GEORGE” ror Vancouver, Victoria and Seattie MONDAYS AND FRIDAYS ®@ a.m. “PRINCE JOHN” ‘ort Simpson, Naas, a Charlotte Islands “PRINCE ALBERT” ror Skeena River Canneries, prince Rupert apd Vancouver skeena Crossing from Prince Rupert Mondays, Wednesdays and Saturdays at 11 a. m GRAND TRUNK RAILWAY SYSTEM (The Double Track Route) ‘ snd all points East, connecting with all roads perween sy ; rot us prepare itinerary for your trip EAST this summer f For all information apply to t planted two mile London Money Market Anticipates * oO pros ‘ if u pros-/exchange has passed without corner of Coal Lease Atiantio Steamship Lines. chains, thence | A. E, MoMASTER, Jenera) WILLIAM WATSON TT nae Pe Ls LINE §, S. —for— AND SEATTLE Every Sunday, 9 p. ™. im jental Limited }— SOLID TRAINS --——3| daily from Vancouver yr Seattle [pp round {trip rates to all »points in (eada and the United States, pe let us tell you about it . Rogers’ Steamship Agency PHONE 116 AND “Camosun ” lure Prince Rupert for Vancouver aa follows: Tahsin” . Wednesdays at 7 p.m. “amesen” - Saturdays at 10 a.m. driving at Vancouver Friday evening td Monday morning, respectively P None safer on the LHLROGERS, Avent Phone 116. AT DAVIS’ RM. DAVIS sais General Machin Shop and Ship's ntering, A] o agents for Fair- ‘-Morse and Knox Gasoline nes, Gasoline Engines and Ac- tessories carried in stock, Nimes and Boats for Hire N.E. end of Wharf Tics Sis p Rowe 30) PONY EXPRESS PMewaric wen: henge, Storage Wies or Motor Car dayor sights feventh Ave. and Fulton : TOBACCOS Charlotte Islands r coal and petroleum on PRINCE RUPERT INN SAFETY SPEED SERVICE ouble or talk of it, which is a distinct relief, as at one time ;Pumors were very busy regarding eh sé All seems to have been satisfactorily arranged how er, The labor troubles seem to be at an end, but the publie appar- lly is inclined to wait for posi- ve action under the new rules. \ fixed seale of commissions is iso) 6ohbeing § =©6onsidered, Many rokers are closing out their bus ness, saying that there will be ANNEX no revival of activity until the | present scale is drastically amended, American stocks have peen inactive with signs of weak S PRINCESS ROYAL skeena Land Distriet—Disirict of Queen| ! harlotte Islands ess wailing political deyelop- notice that 1 William Watson, Of! nents in Chicago. VANCOUVER, VICTORIA 1. @, MNAB, General Agent Grand Trunk Pacific Railway on the American and European plan. corner of Coal Lease unchanged, Gonditions in the money market are eomfortable odav, owing to the payment of $10,000,000 of India sterling bill, but a tightening in the near future is anticipated, steam heat, electric light, and all modern conveniences, being abso- : ; of April, lutely first-class in every respect. WILLIAM WATSON EASTERN The appointments and service are equal to any iio William Watson, of — —_—_—_-——_—_—_—_ FINANCIALLY a Tightening in the Near Future — The Situation Sum- marized by a Correspondent London, June 17—The fort- lightly settlement on the stock Discounts remain firm and Delicious ice cream at Keeley’s.! coal and petroleum on and under wing described lands on the 'Corner 5th Avenue, Sec. 6 mmencing at @ post plauted two Rates: $1 to $3.50 per day. pri, WILLIAM WATSON 9 G. A. Sweet, Manager. SNAP... Price $9,500, Cash £3,000. HORSE BROUGHT ive Manner. trail. by a high bank. stirrups and hung his be-shap- side of the pony. The cars {slowed down and then stopved Each party watched the other for several seconds, The cow- puncher kneéwing that he had the law on his side stood firm. In the end the motorisis making the best of a bad business, one after another climbéd the high bank Balance three months after} the transcontinental service is] opened to Prinee Rupert on the! T. P. Coliart & Reynoids etroleum on and under | Cor, Fraser and 5th. Choice Wines and Cigars [RUPERT'S ,PALACE OF COMFORT | cS | P WON SS, COMPANY OF B.C, Lid The new stee! Passenger Steamers “Chelohsin ” China Imports Large Quantities William Watson, ing at a post planted one from the report by H.M, consul at Newcehwang (Mr. W. J, Cien- nell) on the trade of that district in 1914, which will shortly be is- ued ‘In the customs statistics of Newehwang for 19141, there ap- pears as a separate item under the the heading of paper an im- portation of 37,606 ewts, of old newspapers, valued at £14,618 BESNER & BESNER, The New Knox Hotel is run on the First-class service t f PRINCE RUPER! FIRST AVENUE, + Hotel Central European and American plan, steam heated, modern cenveniences, Rats $1.00 to $2.50 per day. 3 pounds. This is a new feature. These old newspapers, which ap- pear to be mostly British, are in extensive demand in the New- chwang disivici for wall paper for native houses and cottages, Apart from this new develop-| ment, the importation of foreign pape was somewhat less in coast than these two | fine passenger steamers ed lands on the west} value, though more in bulk, than i in more than balanced by a largely increased importation of paper of native manufacture, The local Chinese newspapers have enor- mously increased their circula- .Grand Hotel.. Workingman's Home Free Labor Bureau in Connection LAND LEASES. Skeena Land District-——Disirice of Coast, igustus W. Agnew, tion during the year; this is doubtless the reason for a greatly enhaneed demand for printing saper, both of native and of for- ‘ign make, of cheap quality. GEO, BRODERIUS, Proprietor: porpeise Harbour Lan CANADA SENDS ly for’ permission to lease the point on Porpoise Harbour Coast district, thence ua-distant between Lot P.O, BOX 804 | | Dominion - Baths ANTS’ DELIVERY SeRVICR ‘The Most Modern Barber Shop of Prince Rupert cu the bigh Water mark of Lot the high water mark of Watson Growing Business in Canadian tson Island on Lake WASHINGTON BLK. mark to point of com LAND COMPANY, }iowing high water THE IROQUOIS Dated April bth, 1012, New Zealand. In a recent trade report the commissioner gave some particulars with respect to the importations of a cheap car for the years 1969 and 1910, made i lite’s NEWS Age Vague gustus W. Agnew, :: FRUITS f English and American Billiards melow Kalen Island Club) twelve Tables s agent for Porpoise ‘ly for permission to lease the : by number imported was 19, and in 1910 the number was 95, As an| at & post planted on the _ at the mouth of The Fine ane —— evidence of the expansion of trade as exemplified by the ex. periences of Uns tirm, they have landed in New Zealand during the year ended Mareh $4, 1912, mark, thence northerly and “FROM HOME TO HOME.” HOTEL ELYSIUM Sid. Sykes, Manager ‘t, Newest and Most Up-o-date Hotel in Vancouve! Moderate Prices. int due north of the high water mark, sence commencement. LAND COMPANY, W. Agnew, Agent. ho 1019, Karamet hoard 58 cars, and the Waimate, Ra next to arrive, has on board 55 ' , Ww, Excellent Cafe, tus W. Agne 142 Pender Street West cars, from Montreal on May 15th, has| 8i cars for New Zealand of this make alone, These ears retail in B.C oise Harbour Lane Vancouver, B.C- at a post planted on the Porpoise Harbour, mark, thence westerl low water mar Canadian General Electric Company, Limited Hange 6, Coast district, | commencement, I Motors, Mining and Contracting Machinery ] | P HARBOUR LAND COMPANY, Electrical Apparatus of every description b Augustus W. Agnew, Agent, — Graham Kearney, Mgr. = TS of Old Newspapers for Wall Paper — Fancy Having Your Wallis Adorned with Some Sorts. The following information is 1910, but the difference is far CARS TO SOUTE Automobiles in New Zealand—- Demand ts Great and Steamers Are Laden with Them, Canadian ears are popular in a Canadian firm, In 1909 the less than 336 cars, The a, just arrived, had on The Whakatane, sailing i for £230 (81,150 New Zealand for delivered, so that this shipment alone represents a yalue approxl- mating $100,000, The modern, high class place for billiards and pool, Seale's, Third ayenue, tf and took the rough trail past the unwashed,” After the last had got out of the way, the cowboy found his ; stirrups and started the pinto again on his way to the city. QUEER USE FOR GRAND LODGE OLD NEWS SH OF I. 0. 0. F. W. A, Johnston of Vancouver Elected Grand Master—Next Session to Be Held at Nanaimo. Victoria, June 17.—At the ses- sion of the Grand Lodge of Odd Fellows, just concluded here, the following officers were elected: Grand master, W. A, Johnston, Vancouver; deputy grand master, R, Dudley, Fernie; grand warden, H. White, Cranbrook; grand treasurer, P. W. Dempster, Vie- toria; grand secretary, Fred Davey, M. P. P.. Victoria, who was re-elected for the 29th time, and grand representative, A, M. Russell, Vancouver. The meeting of the Rebekahs, which followed skortly afterward in the same hall, was for the pur- pose of conferring Rebekah de- grees and initiating new members, This morning the grand lodge, which met as usual at 9 o'clock in the TI. O. O, F. Hall, considered the reports of the various com- mittees on the subject matter brought before the grand lodge during its present session. It decided that the next session of the lodge woulda be held on June 11, 1913, at Nanaimo. Best meal in town at Savoy. LAND PURCHASE NOTICES, Skeena Land Distriet—District of Coast Take notice that John M. Buchanan, of Atlin, B. C., occupation teamster, intends to apply for permission to purchase the following described lands: Commencing &t a post planted at the southeast corner of Lot 4450, Range V, Coast District, thence 40 chains north along east line of Lot 4450, thence east 4G chains more er less to northwest post of Lot 597, thence south along west line of Lot 597 40 chains more or less to shore line, thence west 40 chains more or less to place of commencement and containing 160 acres more or less, 3, M, BUCHANAN, George M. Shirley, Agent, Dated May 380th, 1@12, Pub, June 13, 1912, Skeena Land District—District of Coast, Range 5. Take notice that William Agnew of Mon- treal, occupation capitalist, intends to apply for permission to purchase the fol- lowing described lands; Commencing at a post planted on the west bank of the Hocsall River, about one mile above Browns Falls, thence west 20 chains, thence north 20 chains, thence east #0 chains, more or less to bank of Hocsall iver, thence southerly following river bank to point of commencement, to con- tain 40 acres more cr less. WILLIAM AGNEW, Locator, Augustus W. Agnew, Agent, Datel May 25th, 1912. Pub, June 3, 10142. WATER NOTICE. For a License to Take and Use Water, N..OTICE ts hereby given that James A, Brown, of Port Essington, B, C, will apply for a license to take and use Two Thou- sand (2,000) inches of water out of Browns Creek, whick flows in @ north- easierly direction through Lot 1214, and empties ipto Hocsall River, noar Grassy island, ‘The water will be diverted at Browns Lake, and will be used for in- dustrial par oses on the land described as Lot 121, Range 5, Coast District, This notlee was posted on the ground rlivation will be fled in the oMee of U ater Recorder, at Prine Rupert, B, on the gnd day of May, 1912, The $p- e Cc Objections may be Gled with the said Water Recorder or with the Comptroller of Water Rights, Parliament Bu idings, Victoria, B, C, JAMES A, BROWN, Applicant, Pub, May 4th, 1042, AUTO T0 HEEL Cowboy Knew Rules of Road and Forced Car to Climb High Hill —Old Timer on a Gray Pinto Put Enemy to Route in Decis- Riding an old pinto cayuse and looking as though he had nat felt water for many days, a cow- boy of the old stamp, yesterday afternoon foreed six automob- iles to climb a steep bank and se get onto their proper side of the The incident occurred about 3 o'clock in the afternoon on the Bowness road near Calgary. At a point about two miles from Calgary two trails run parallel, each wide enough for traflie one ;way, The lower trail i8 good, the other little more than a bri- dle path. The twe are separate The cowboy keeping to the rule of the road, chose the tower path. The automobiles ap- proaching from the opposite direction, chose the same one, on account of their tyres, The re- sull was that someone had to move, The cowboy pulled up his pinto, took his feet out of the ped legs straight down by the BUYERS ATTENTION Lot 9, Block 24, Section 5, Double Frontage, Lotbiniere Street and Seventh Avenue, with two-storey frame house, $1575; terms $875 cash; Balance easy. THIS IS AWAY BELOW MARKET. See our Window for SNAPS WANTED Tot, with small house, on easy terms, for client. Bainter : & Sloan Second Ave. Phone 387 KAIEN HARDWARE COMPANY THIRD ANENUE P.O. DRAWER 1524 PHONE No, 3 Builders’ Supplies Sheet and Plate Glass Plumbers’ suppli:s Plate Glass Mirrors Paints HARDWARE Stoves, Ranges Oils Tinware Varnishes Graniteware MONARCH MALLEABLE ™ ““, See SeRSRESRES RSE EES : aH THE BRD OF NC = ees Will appreciate every gift, no matter how 3 to them from HENRY small, that ¢ : BIRKS & SONS. LIMITED. This is be- ° ES cause BIRKS* insist on quality in every Henry Birks & Sons —Limited— elated. line of goods with which they are asso- Jewellery Mail Order House IN OUR ILLUSTRATED CATALOGUE sarees. Tracer Which will be sent to any address upon Vancouver ole B.C. request will be found suggestions for all 4 7 zi e y eos Res Res aw ’ SHERSETE kinds and classes of WEDDING GIFTS— GIFTS FOR THE BRIDE, GIFTS FOR THE BRIDEGROOM, GIFTS FOR THE BRIDES- MAIDS AND OTHER ATTENDANTS. We offer the most select and fashion- able stocks on the market, SEND FOR 3% OUR CATALOGUE, ee) 3555 G35659€ 96 NESEEDEEIRESEEDEEDEERD ERED NEARED EREESRENODY LAND} PURCHASE NOTICES LAND PURCHASE NOTICE Skeena Land District—District of Coast Range 5. Skeena Land District—District of Coast, TAKE NOTICE that I, Henry Louis Range 5. Massey, of Vancouver, 8B.C., occupation Take notice that I, Sorei D, Bacile, of broker, intends to apply for permission) victoria, B. C., occupation laborer, intend to purchase the following described lands:| (9 apply for permission to purchase the Commencing at a post planted on the following described lands: south bank of Skeena iiver, above Kayex Commencing at a@ post planted about and about thre miles distant, thence south] nye ehains in a northerly direction from 20 ~hains, thence west 40 chains, thence! :n¢ porth end of Hermon Lake, thence north 20 chains, thence following the riv-/jorth 80 chains, thence west 40 ¢ er bank in an easterly direction to point! ihnce south 80’ chains, thence east 46 of commencement, containing 60 acreS/¢hains to point of commmencemeni, con- move or less, : : taining 320 acres more or less. HENRY LOUIS MASSEY, SORE] DEMETROFF BACILE. Ingrace Massey, Agent T. L. Elliott, A t Dated 15th April, 1912. Dated April 90, 1912. » Agent. Pub, May 8th, 1912. Pub. May 23, 1912. Skeena Lanu District—District of Coast Range TAKE NOTICE that I, Hector Francig| Notice is hereby given that I, J. E. McRae, of Prince Rupert, broker, intends; Stark, of Naas Harbor, occupation pros- to apply for permission to purchase the] pector, Intend, sixty (60) days from date, rollowing described jands: io make application to the Deputy Com- Commencing at & post planted 5 chains| missioner of Lands and Works at Prince east of the south east corner of Lot] ltupert, B. C., for permission to purchase 1723, thence east 20 chains, thence south] the following described land, situated at 40 chains, thence west 20 chains more or| the head of Alice Arm, B, €.:; less to the easterly boundary of Lot 2702, Commencing at &@ post planted alongside thence north along the eagterly boundary} the northeast corner post of the River- of Lot 2702, 40 chains more or less to| mouth mineral claim, thence south along point of commencement, containing 8U/ the east boundary of the Rivermouth imin- acres more or 1e8s. eral claim 2,272 links, thence east 358 HECTOR FRANCIS MacRAE.| plus links to west boundary of Indian Re- Dated April 21st, 1912. serve, thence north 2,272 plus links along Pub. May 8th, 1912. said boundary line, thence west 141 plus Sin tat aes) hive ‘ ~ unks to point of Commencement, contain- Skens Land rites Patties Of Coast! ing about five (5) acres more or’ less. TAKE NOTICE that M. J. McNeil, of ; : J. BE. STARK. Prince Rupert, B.C., occupation contrac- sn aOR DEED cs C., May 11th, 1912. tor, intends to apply for permission to - May , : purehase the following described lands; _ commencing at @ post planted at the S./ skeena Land District—District of Coast. E. corner of premption 767, thence south Take notice that Lottie McTavish, of 40 chains, thence east 20 chains, thencé| vancouver, occupation married woman, north 40 chains, thence west 20 chains,/ intends to apply for permission to pur- to point of SORIRENOOD ENS, containing 80C/ chase the rollowing described anaas acres more or le-s. q i Commencing at & post planted 40 chains MICHAEL J, MeNEIL, north and 40 chains’ east’ from the north- _. John Kirkaldy, Agent.| east corner of Lot 1116, Harvey’s Survey, Dated April 26th, i912 Coast District, Range V, thence 80 chains Pub, Mey 7th, 1912. east, thence 60 chains north, thence 80 Skena Land ‘District—District of Coast} chains west, thence 60 chains south to Range 5 post of commencement, and containing TAKE NOTICE that M. J. McNeil, of} 430 acres, more or less. Prince Rupert, ».C€., occupation contrac- LOTTIE M’TAVISH, tor, intends to apply for ermission to fe F. W. Bobler, Agent, purchase the following described lands; ated April 16, 1042. Commencing at @ post planted at the 8. Pub, April 20, 1912. Ek. corner of premption 767, thence south 40 chains, thence east 20 chains, thence north 40 chains, thence west 20 chains,/ skeena Land District—District of Coast, to point of commencement, containing 80 Ran 5. acres more or less. 7 y Tere notice that I, Hilda King, of Mon- MICHAEL J. MCNEIL, treal, occupation spinster, intend to apply John Kirkaldy, Agent./for permission to purchase the following Dated Aprii Qoih, 1912 described jands; Pub. May 7th, 1912. pe mMANCINS at A. post planted 3 Skee strict—District of Coast} chains west of southeast corner o oO Skeena Land aig 4 vw f 5148, thence west 48 chains more or less TAKE NOTICE uffat I, Dora L, Wright,} tO east by Lat 4131, thence south 20 of Prinee Rupert, married woman, intend| hains more or less to southeast corner of io apply for permission to purchase the| Lot 4131, thence east 10 chains to north- following described lands: east corner of Lot 2658, thence south 20 Commencing at the north east corner| Chains thence east 35 chains more or less of Lot 5127, thence east 20 chains; thence| 'O West by Lot 5149, thence north 40 south 20 chains more or less to the nor-| Chains to place of commencement, con- th boundary of Lot 2285, thence west 20| ‘alning 160 acres more or less. chains more or less to the east boundary _ , HILDA KING. of Lot 5127; thence north 20 chains more W. Ri. wei Agent. or less va the point of commencement, and} Dated Lakelse Valley, April 10th, 1012. containing 40 acres more or less, Pub. May 15, 1042, DORA L. WRIGHT, Alfred E, Wright, Agent, Dated April 22nd, 19ix. Skeena Land District—-District of Coasi, Pub, April 24. Range 5. Skecua Land District—District of Co.\t,| Take notice that Alfred BE, Wright, of Range 5. Prince Rupert, occupation surveyor, in- Take notice that Ethel King, of Montreal,| tends to i ay permission to pur- ow occupation spinster, intends to apply for} chase the fo. ng deseribed lands: permission to purchase the following de- Columencing at @ post planied at the seribed lands: northeast corner of Lot 4%1, thence east Commencing at a post planted at the| 25 chains, thence south 10 chains more or southwest corner of Lot 3006, thence north| less to Lakelse Lake, thence along lake 55 chains more or tess to south by Lot} shore to southeast Lot 421, thence north 3067, thence west 7 chains more of less} 20 chains to place of commencement, con- to east by Lot 4135, thence south 55] taining 35 acres more or leas, chains, thence east 7 chains more or less ALFRED E. WRIGHT. to place of commencement, containing 40 W. R. Flewin, Agent. oy ee Set eins Dated Lakelse Lake, April 18th, 1912, ETHEL KING, Pub, May 15, 1912, W. R. Flewin, Agent. Dated Lakelse Valley, April 20th, 1912. Pub, May 16, 19 Skeena Land District—Disirict of Coast, Skeena Land District-——-District of Coast, ange 5. Range 5, Take notice that John MeVicar, of Take notice that Madge Kohl, of Mon-|tilasgow, occupation railway si . weal, occupation spinster, intends to ap-| intends to app y for permission to pur- piy for permission to purchase the follow-| chase the following described lands: ing described lands; Commencing at @ post planted #2 chains vommencing a¢ @ post plantea at the| north and about 30 chains east of the southeast corner vf Lot 994, thence west} southeast corner cf Lot 2656, thence north 40 chains more or Jess to east boundary} 20 chains, thence west 30 chains more vf Lot 4477, theneéd south 15,7 chains to] or less to east by Lot 2655, thence seth .j north by Lot 4120, taence east 40 chains,| 20 chains to north by Lot 4134, thence thenee north 15,7 chains to point of com-| east 30 chains more or less to place of prencement, containing 60 acres more Of} commencement, containing 60 acres more 33. or less. MADGE KOHL. JOHN M’VICAR, . Flewin, Agent. D, J, MeVicar, Agent, Dated Lakewse Valley, April 18th, 1912.] Dated Lakeisc Kiver, April SOth, 1912, * ‘ Pub, May 4 Pub, May: 15, 1912, atec vele- nent Jon- aveli pro- son- -or- In _ the Soli- iotel orn so tl sid e al Heri igail ~ cor ser y we mig mss} 3 W nse pub Lo e T iber mi st is ‘act, # it sonte imitt Evei lusi sted om WwW y thr . exis leade ild s in di eanel Lio: . of ane ; ing i hana 2t iS DI the D rugia: tarter ising Mini red sa te cha his r opera 1g ma rove t fon née wol Hills a ange, a nrerees ‘DATE 21.— t the or at mtion said haster oor 2